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Managing Projects | Cluster Administration | OKD 3.11


In OKD, projects are used to group and isolate related objects. As an administrator, you can give developers access to certain projects, allow them to create their own, and give them administrative rights within individual projects.

Self-provisioning Projects

You can allow developers to create their own projects. There is an endpoint that will provision a project according to a template. The web console and oc new-project command use this endpoint when a developer creates a new project.

Modifying the Template for New Projects

The API server automatically provisions projects based on the template that is identified by the projectRequestTemplate parameter of the master-config.yaml file. If the parameter is not defined, the API server creates a default template that creates a project with the requested name, and assigns the requesting user to the "admin" role for that project.

To create your own custom project template:

  1. Start with the current default project template:

    $ oc adm create-bootstrap-project-template -o yaml > template.yaml
  2. Use a text editor to modify the template.yaml file by adding objects or modifying existing objects.

  3. Load the template:

    $ oc create -f template.yaml -n default
  4. Modify the master-config.yaml file to reference the loaded template:

      projectRequestTemplate: "default/project-request"

When a project request is submitted, the API substitutes the following parameters into the template:

Parameter Description


The name of the project. Required.


The display name of the project. May be empty.


The description of the project. May be empty.


The username of the administrating user.


The username of the requesting user.

Access to the API is granted to developers with the self-provisioner role and the self-provisioners cluster role binding. This role is available to all authenticated developers by default.

Disabling Self-provisioning

You can prevent an authenticated user group from self-provisioning new projects.

  1. Log in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.

  2. Review the self-provisioners clusterrolebinding usage. Run the following command, then review the subjects in the self-provisioners section.

    $ oc  describe clusterrolebinding.rbac self-provisioners
    Name:		self-provisioners
    Labels:		<none>
      Kind:	ClusterRole
      Name:	self-provisioner
      Kind	Name				Namespace
      ----	----				---------
      Group	system:authenticated:oauth
  3. Remove the self-provisioner cluster role from the group system:authenticated:oauth.

    • If the self-provisioners cluster role binding binds only the self-provisioner role to the system:authenticated:oauth group, run the following command:

      $ oc patch clusterrolebinding.rbac self-provisioners -p '{"subjects": null}'
    • If the self-provisioners clusterrolebinding binds the self-provisioner role to more users, groups, or serviceaccounts than the system:authenticated:oauth group, run the following command:

      $ oc adm policy remove-cluster-role-from-group self-provisioner system:authenticated:oauth
  4. Set the projectRequestMessage parameter value in the master-config.yaml file to instruct developers how to request a new project. This parameter value is a string that will be presented to a user in the web console and command line when the user attempts to self-provision a project. You might use one of the following messages:

    • To request a project, contact your system administrator at

    • To request a new project, fill out the project request form located at

    Example YAML file
      ProjectRequestMessage: "message"
  5. Edit the self-provisioners cluster role binding to prevent automatic updates to the role. Automatic updates reset the cluster roles to the default state.

    • To update the role binding from the command line:

      1. Run the following command:

        $ oc edit clusterrolebinding.rbac self-provisioners
      2. In the displayed role binding, set the parameter value to false, as shown in the following example:

        kind: ClusterRoleBinding
    • To update the role binding by using a single command:

      $ oc patch clusterrolebinding.rbac self-provisioners -p '{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "": "false" } } }'

Using Node Selectors

Node selectors are used in conjunction with labeled nodes to control pod placement.

Setting the Cluster-wide Default Node Selector

As a cluster administrator, you can set the cluster-wide default node selector to restrict pod placement to specific nodes.

Edit the master configuration file at /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml and add a value for a default node selector. This is applied to the pods created in all projects without a specified nodeSelector value:

  defaultNodeSelector: "type=user-node,region=east"

Restart the OpenShift service for the changes to take effect:

# master-restart api
# master-restart controllers

Setting the Project-wide Node Selector

To create an individual project with a node selector, use the --node-selector option when creating a project. For example, if you have an OKD topology with multiple regions, you can use a node selector to restrict specific OKD projects to only deploy pods onto nodes in a specific region.

The following creates a new project named myproject and dictates that pods be deployed onto nodes labeled user-node and east:

$ oc adm new-project myproject \

Once this command is run, this becomes the administrator-set node selector for all pods contained in the specified project.

While the new-project subcommand is available for both oc adm and oc, the cluster administrator and developer commands respectively, creating a new project with a node selector is only available with the oc adm command. The new-project subcommand is not available to project developers when self-provisioning projects.

Using the oc adm new-project command adds an annotation section to the project. You can edit a project, and change the value to override the default:

  annotations: type=user-node,region=east

You can also override the default value for an existing project namespace by using the following command:

# oc patch namespace myproject -p \

If is set to an empty string (oc adm new-project --node-selector=""), the project will not have an administrator-set node selector, even if the cluster-wide default has been set. This means that, as a cluster administrator, you can set a default to restrict developer projects to a subset of nodes and still enable infrastructure or other projects to schedule the entire cluster.

Developer-specified Node Selectors

OKD developers can set a node selector on their pod configuration if they wish to restrict nodes even further. This will be in addition to the project node selector, meaning that you can still dictate node selector values for all projects that have a node selector value.

For example, if a project has been created with the above annotation ( type=user-node,region=east) and a developer sets another node selector on a pod in that project, for example clearance=classified, the pod will only ever be scheduled on nodes that have all three labels (type=user-node, region=east, and clearance=classified). If they set region=west on a pod, their pods would be demanding nodes with labels region=east and region=west, which cannot work. The pods will never be scheduled, because labels can only be set to one value.

Limiting Number of Self-Provisioned Projects Per User

The number of self-provisioned projects requested by a given user can be limited with the ProjectRequestLimit admission control plug-in.

If your project request template was created in OKD 3.1 or earlier using the process described in Modifying the Template for New Projects, then the generated template does not include the annotation ${PROJECT_REQUESTING_USER}, which is used for the ProjectRequestLimitConfig. You must add the annotation.

In order to specify limits for users, a configuration must be specified for the plug-in within the master configuration file at /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml. The plug-in configuration takes a list of user label selectors and the associated maximum project requests.

Selectors are evaluated in order. The first one matching the current user will be used to determine the maximum number of projects. If a selector is not specified, a limit applies to all users. If a maximum number of projects is not specified, then an unlimited number of projects are allowed for a specific selector.

The following configuration sets a global limit of 2 projects per user while allowing 10 projects for users with a label of level=advanced and unlimited projects for users with a label of level=admin.

        apiVersion: v1
        kind: ProjectRequestLimitConfig
        - selector:
            level: admin (1)
        - selector:
            level: advanced (2)
          maxProjects: 10
        - maxProjects: 2 (3)
1 For selector level=admin, no maxProjects is specified. This means that users with this label will not have a maximum of project requests.
2 For selector level=advanced, a maximum number of 10 projects will be allowed.
3 For the third entry, no selector is specified. This means that it will be applied to any user that doesn’t satisfy the previous two rules. Because rules are evaluated in order, this rule should be specified last.

Managing User and Group Labels provides further guidance on how to add, remove, or show labels for users and groups.

Once your changes are made, restart OKD for the changes to take effect.

# master-restart api
# master-restart controllers

Enabling and Limiting Self-Provisioned Projects Per Service Account

By default, service accounts cannot create projects. However, administrators can enable this capability per service account, and the number of self-provisioned projects requested by any given service account can be limited with the ProjectRequestLimit admission control plug-in.

If service accounts are allowed to create projects, you cannot trust any labels placed on them because project editors can manipulate those labels.

  1. Create a service account in the project, if it is does not exist:

    $ oc create sa <sa_name>
  2. As a user with cluster-admin privileges, add the self-provisioner cluster role to the service account:

    $ oc adm policy \
        add-cluster-role-to-user self-provisioner \
  3. Edit the master configuration file at /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml and set the maxProjectsForServiceAccounts parameter value in the ProjectRequestLimit section to the maximum number of projects any given self-provisioner-enabled service account can create.

    For example, the following configuration sets a global limit of three projects per service account:

            apiVersion: v1
            kind: ProjectRequestLimitConfig
            maxProjectsForServiceAccounts: 3
  4. After you save the changes, restart OKD for the changes to take effect:

    # master-restart api
    # master-restart controllers
  5. Verify that your changes have been applied by logging in as the service account and creating a new project.

    1. Log in as the service account by using its token:

      $ oc login --token <token>
    2. Create a new project:

      $ oc new-project <project_name>