$ openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in <cert_file_name>.pem
Certificate maintenance is required for continuous cluster authentication. As a cluster administrator, you must manually renew certain certificates, while others are automatically renewed by the cluster.
Learn about certificates in OKD and how to maintain them by using the following resources:
The following certificates must be renewed by a cluster administrator:
proxy certificates
User-provisioned certificates for the API server
proxy certificates allow users to specify one or more custom certificate authority (CA) certificates that are used by platform components when making egress connections.
Certain CAs set expiration dates and you might need to renew these certificates every two years. |
If you did not originally set the requested certificates, you can determine the certificate expiration in several ways.
Most Cloud-native Network Functions (CNFs) use certificates that are not specifically designed for browser-based connectivity.
Therefore, you need to pull the certificate from the ConfigMap
object of your deployment.
To get the expiration date, run the following command against the certificate file:
$ openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in <cert_file_name>.pem
For more information about determining how and when to renew your proxy certificates, see "proxy certificates" in Security and compliance.
The API server is accessible by clients that are external to the cluster at api.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>
You might want clients to access the API server at a different hostname or without the need to distribute the cluster-managed certificate authority (CA) certificates to the clients.
You must set a custom default certificate to be used by the API server when serving content.
For more information, see "User-provided certificates for the API server" in Security and compliance
You only need to check cluster-managed certificates if you detect an issue in the logs. The following certificates are automatically managed by the cluster:
Service CA certificates
Node certificates
Bootstrap certificates
etcd certificates
OLM certificates
Machine Config Operator certificates
Monitoring and cluster logging Operator component certificates
Control plane certificates
Ingress certificates
The etcd certificates are used for encrypted communication between etcd member peers as well as encrypted client traffic. The certificates are renewed automatically within the cluster provided that communication between all nodes and all services is current. Therefore, if your cluster might lose communication between components during a specific period of time, which is close to the end of the etcd certificate lifetime, it is recommended to renew the certificate in advance. For example, communication can be lost during an upgrade due to nodes rebooting at different times.
You can manually renew etcd certificates by running the following command:
$ for each in $(oc get secret -n openshift-etcd | grep "kubernetes.io/tls" | grep -e \
"etcd-peer\|etcd-serving" | awk '{print $1}'); do oc get secret $each -n openshift-etcd -o \
jsonpath="{.data.tls\.crt}" | base64 -d | openssl x509 -noout -enddate; done
For more information about updating etcd certificates, see Checking etcd certificate expiry in OpenShift 4. For more information about etcd certificates, see "etcd certificates" in Security and compliance.
Node certificates are self-signed certificates, which means that they are signed by the cluster and they originate from an internal certificate authority (CA) that is generated by the bootstrap process.
After the cluster is installed, the cluster automatically renews the node certificates.
For more information, see "Node certificates" in Security and compliance.
The service-ca
is an Operator that creates a self-signed certificate authority (CA) when an OKD cluster is deployed.
This allows user to add certificates to their deployments without manually creating them.
Service CA certificates are self-signed certificates.
For more information, see "Service CA certificates" in Security and compliance.