$ oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node \
-o json | jq '.items[0].spec.containers[] | .name,.readinessProbe'
OVN-Kubernetes has many sources of built-in health checks and logs. Follow the instructions in these sections to examine your cluster. If a support case is necessary, follow the support guide to collect additional information through a must-gather
. Only use the -- gather_network_logs
when instructed by support.
The ovnkube-control-plane
and ovnkube-node
pods have containers configured with readiness probes.
Access to the OpenShift CLI (oc
You have access to the cluster with cluster-admin
You have installed jq
Review the details of the ovnkube-node
readiness probe by running the following command:
$ oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node \
-o json | jq '.items[0].spec.containers[] | .name,.readinessProbe'
The readiness probe for the northbound and southbound database containers in the ovnkube-node
pod checks for the health of the databases and the ovnkube-controller
The ovnkube-controller
container in the ovnkube-node
pod has a readiness probe to verify the presence of the OVN-Kubernetes CNI configuration file, the absence of which would indicate that the pod is not running or is not ready to accept requests to configure pods.
Show all events including the probe failures, for the namespace by using the following command:
$ oc get events -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
Show the events for just a specific pod:
$ oc describe pod ovnkube-node-9lqfk -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
Show the messages and statuses from the cluster network operator:
$ oc get co/network -o json | jq '.status.conditions[]'
Show the ready
status of each container in ovnkube-node
pods by running the following script:
$ for p in $(oc get pods --selector app=ovnkube-node -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes \
-o jsonpath='{range.items[*]}{" "}{.metadata.name}'); do echo === $p ===; \
oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes $p -o json | jq '.status.containerStatuses[] | .name, .ready'; \
The expectation is all container statuses are reporting as |
The Alerting UI provides detailed information about alerts and their governing alerting rules and silences.
You have access to the cluster as a developer or as a user with view permissions for the project that you are viewing metrics for.
In the Administrator perspective, select Observe → Alerting. The three main pages in the Alerting UI in this perspective are the Alerts, Silences, and Alerting Rules pages.
View the rules for OVN-Kubernetes alerts by selecting Observe → Alerting → Alerting Rules.
You can get information about alerts and their governing alerting rules and silences from the command line.
Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin
The OpenShift CLI (oc
) installed.
You have installed jq
View active or firing alerts by running the following commands.
Set the alert manager route environment variable by running the following command:
$ ALERT_MANAGER=$(oc get route alertmanager-main -n openshift-monitoring \
-o jsonpath='{@.spec.host}')
Issue a curl
request to the alert manager route API by running the following command, replacing $ALERT_MANAGER
with the URL of your Alertmanager
$ curl -s -k -H "Authorization: Bearer $(oc create token prometheus-k8s -n openshift-monitoring)" https://$ALERT_MANAGER/api/v1/alerts | jq '.data[] | "\(.labels.severity) \(.labels.alertname) \(.labels.pod) \(.labels.container) \(.labels.endpoint) \(.labels.instance)"'
View alerting rules by running the following command:
$ oc -n openshift-monitoring exec -c prometheus prometheus-k8s-0 -- curl -s 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/rules' | jq '.data.groups[].rules[] | select(((.name|contains("ovn")) or (.name|contains("OVN")) or (.name|contains("Ovn")) or (.name|contains("North")) or (.name|contains("South"))) and .type=="alerting")'
You can view the logs for each of the pods in the ovnkube-master
and ovnkube-node
pods using the OpenShift CLI (oc
Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin
Access to the OpenShift CLI (oc
You have installed jq
View the log for a specific pod:
$ oc logs -f <pod_name> -c <container_name> -n <namespace>
Optional: Specifies that the output follows what is being written into the logs.
Specifies the name of the pod.
Optional: Specifies the name of a container. When a pod has more than one container, you must specify the container name.
Specify the namespace the pod is running in.
For example:
$ oc logs ovnkube-node-5dx44 -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
$ oc logs -f ovnkube-node-5dx44 -c ovnkube-controller -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
The contents of log files are printed out.
Examine the most recent entries in all the containers in the ovnkube-node
$ for p in $(oc get pods --selector app=ovnkube-node -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes \
-o jsonpath='{range.items[*]}{" "}{.metadata.name}'); \
do echo === $p ===; for container in $(oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes $p \
-o json | jq -r '.status.containerStatuses[] | .name');do echo ---$container---; \
oc logs -c $container $p -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes --tail=5; done; done
View the last 5 lines of every log in every container in an ovnkube-node
pod using the following command:
$ oc logs -l app=ovnkube-node -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes --all-containers --tail 5
You can view the logs for each of the pods in the ovnkube-master
and ovnkube-node
pods in the web console.
Access to the OpenShift CLI (oc
In the OpenShift Container Platform console, navigate to Workloads → pods or navigate to the pod through the resource you want to investigate.
Select the openshift-ovn-kubernetes
project from the drop-down menu.
Click the name of the pod you want to investigate.
Click Logs. By default for the ovnkube-master
the logs associated with the northd
container are displayed.
Use the down-down menu to select logs for each container in turn.
The default log level for OVN-Kubernetes is 4. To debug OVN-Kubernetes, set the log level to 5. Follow this procedure to increase the log level of the OVN-Kubernetes to help you debug an issue.
You have access to the cluster with cluster-admin
You have access to the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
Run the following command to get detailed information for all pods in the OVN-Kubernetes project:
$ oc get po -o wide -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
ovnkube-control-plane-65497d4548-9ptdr 2/2 Running 2 (128m ago) 147m ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-0 <none> <none>
ovnkube-control-plane-65497d4548-j6zfk 2/2 Running 0 147m ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-2 <none> <none>
ovnkube-node-5dx44 8/8 Running 0 146m ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-0 <none> <none>
ovnkube-node-dpfn4 8/8 Running 0 146m ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-1 <none> <none>
ovnkube-node-kwc9l 8/8 Running 0 134m ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-worker-a-2fjcj <none> <none>
ovnkube-node-mcrhl 8/8 Running 0 134m ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-worker-c-v9x5v <none> <none>
ovnkube-node-nsct4 8/8 Running 0 146m ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-2 <none> <none>
ovnkube-node-zrj9f 8/8 Running 0 134m ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-worker-b-v78h7 <none> <none>
Create a ConfigMap
file similar to the following example and use a filename such as env-overrides.yaml
filekind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
name: env-overrides
namespace: openshift-ovn-kubernetes
ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-0: | (1)
# This sets the log level for the ovn-kubernetes node process:
# You might also/instead want to enable debug logging for ovn-controller:
ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-2: |
# This sets the log level for the ovn-kubernetes node process:
# You might also/instead want to enable debug logging for ovn-controller:
_master: | (2)
# This sets the log level for the ovn-kubernetes master process as well as the ovn-dbchecker:
# You might also/instead want to enable debug logging for northd, nbdb and sbdb on all masters:
1 | Specify the name of the node you want to set the debug log level on. |
2 | Specify _master to set the log levels of ovnkube-master components. |
Apply the ConfigMap
file by using the following command:
$ oc apply -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -f env-overrides.yaml
configmap/env-overrides.yaml created
Restart the ovnkube
pods to apply the new log level by using the following commands:
$ oc delete pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes \
--field-selector spec.nodeName=ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-0 -l app=ovnkube-node
$ oc delete pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes \
--field-selector spec.nodeName=ci-ln-3njdr9b-72292-5nwkp-master-2 -l app=ovnkube-node
$ oc delete pod -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes -l app=ovnkube-node
To verify that the `ConfigMap`file has been applied to all nodes for a specific pod, run the following command:
$ oc logs -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes --all-containers --prefix ovnkube-node-<xxxx> | grep -E -m 10 '(Logging config:|vconsole|DBG)'
Specifies the random sequence of letters for a pod from the previous step.
[pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/sbdb] + exec /usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovn-ctl --no-monitor '--ovn-sb-log=-vconsole:info -vfile:off -vPATTERN:console:%D{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.###Z}|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m' run_sb_ovsdb
[pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovnkube-controller] I1012 14:39:59.984506 35767 config.go:2247] Logging config: {File: CNIFile:/var/log/ovn-kubernetes/ovn-k8s-cni-overlay.log LibovsdbFile:/var/log/ovnkube/libovsdb.log Level:5 LogFileMaxSize:100 LogFileMaxBackups:5 LogFileMaxAge:0 ACLLoggingRateLimit:20}
[pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/northd] + exec ovn-northd --no-chdir -vconsole:info -vfile:off '-vPATTERN:console:%D{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.###Z}|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m' --pidfile /var/run/ovn/ovn-northd.pid --n-threads=1
[pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/nbdb] + exec /usr/share/ovn/scripts/ovn-ctl --no-monitor '--ovn-nb-log=-vconsole:info -vfile:off -vPATTERN:console:%D{%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.###Z}|%05N|%c%T|%p|%m' run_nb_ovsdb
[pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.552Z|00002|hmap|DBG|lib/shash.c:114: 1 bucket with 6+ nodes, including 1 bucket with 6 nodes (32 nodes total across 32 buckets)
[pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.553Z|00003|hmap|DBG|lib/shash.c:114: 1 bucket with 6+ nodes, including 1 bucket with 6 nodes (64 nodes total across 64 buckets)
[pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.553Z|00004|hmap|DBG|lib/shash.c:114: 1 bucket with 6+ nodes, including 1 bucket with 7 nodes (32 nodes total across 32 buckets)
[pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.553Z|00005|reconnect|DBG|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: entering BACKOFF
[pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.553Z|00007|reconnect|DBG|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: entering CONNECTING
[pod/ovnkube-node-2cpjc/ovn-controller] 2023-10-12T14:39:54.553Z|00008|ovsdb_cs|DBG|unix:/var/run/openvswitch/db.sock: SERVER_SCHEMA_REQUESTED -> SERVER_SCHEMA_REQUESTED at lib/ovsdb-cs.c:423
Optional: Check the ConfigMap
file has been applied by running the following command:
for f in $(oc -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes get po -l 'app=ovnkube-node' --no-headers -o custom-columns=N:.metadata.name) ; do echo "---- $f ----" ; oc -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes exec -c ovnkube-controller $f -- pgrep -a -f init-ovnkube-controller | grep -P -o '^.*loglevel\s+\d' ; done
---- ovnkube-node-2dt57 ----
60981 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-worker-c-vmh5n.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-worker-c-vmh5n.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 4
---- ovnkube-node-4zznh ----
178034 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-master-2.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-master-2.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 4
---- ovnkube-node-548sx ----
77499 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-worker-a-fjtnb.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-worker-a-fjtnb.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 4
---- ovnkube-node-6btrf ----
73781 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-worker-b-p8rww.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-worker-b-p8rww.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 4
---- ovnkube-node-fkc9r ----
130707 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-master-0.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-master-0.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 5
---- ovnkube-node-tk9l4 ----
181328 /usr/bin/ovnkube --init-ovnkube-controller xpst8-master-1.c.openshift-qe.internal --init-node xpst8-master-1.c.openshift-qe.internal --config-file=/run/ovnkube-config/ovnkube.conf --ovn-empty-lb-events --loglevel 4
The connectivity check controller, in OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 and later, orchestrates connection verification checks in your cluster. These include Kubernetes API, OpenShift API and individual nodes. The results for the connection tests are stored in podNetworkConnectivity
objects in the openshift-network-diagnostics
namespace. Connection tests are performed every minute in parallel.
Access to the OpenShift CLI (oc
Access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin
You have installed jq
To list the current podNetworkConnectivityCheck
objects, enter the following command:
$ oc get podnetworkconnectivitychecks -n openshift-network-diagnostics
View the most recent success for each connection object by using the following command:
$ oc get podnetworkconnectivitychecks -n openshift-network-diagnostics \
-o json | jq '.items[]| .spec.targetEndpoint,.status.successes[0]'
View the most recent failures for each connection object by using the following command:
$ oc get podnetworkconnectivitychecks -n openshift-network-diagnostics \
-o json | jq '.items[]| .spec.targetEndpoint,.status.failures[0]'
View the most recent outages for each connection object by using the following command:
$ oc get podnetworkconnectivitychecks -n openshift-network-diagnostics \
-o json | jq '.items[]| .spec.targetEndpoint,.status.outages[0]'
The connectivity check controller also logs metrics from these checks into Prometheus.
View all the metrics by running the following command:
$ oc exec prometheus-k8s-0 -n openshift-monitoring -- \
promtool query instant http://localhost:9090 \
View the latency between the source pod and the openshift api service for the last 5 minutes:
$ oc exec prometheus-k8s-0 -n openshift-monitoring -- \
promtool query instant http://localhost:9090 \