$ curl -O https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/rhacs/assets/3.70.2/bin/Linux/roxctl
Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes installs a set of services on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
This topic describes the installation procedure for installing Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster by using the roxctl
For production environments, Red Hat recommends Installing Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes by using Helm charts. Do not use the |
High-level installation flow:
Install the roxctl
Use the roxctl
CLI interactive installer to install the centralized components (Central and Scanner).
Install Sensor to monitor your cluster.
Before you install:
To install Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes you must install the roxctl
CLI by downloading the binary.
You can install roxctl
on Linux, Windows, or macOS.
You can install the roxctl
CLI binary on Linux by using the following procedure.
Download the latest version of the roxctl
$ curl -O https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/rhacs/assets/3.70.2/bin/Linux/roxctl
Make the roxctl
binary executable:
$ chmod +x roxctl
Place the roxctl
binary in a directory that is on your PATH
To check your PATH
, execute the following command:
$ echo $PATH
Verify the roxctl
version you have installed:
$ roxctl version
You can install the roxctl
CLI binary on macOS by using the following procedure.
Download the latest version of the roxctl
$ curl -O https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/rhacs/assets/3.70.2/bin/Darwin/roxctl
Remove all extended attributes from the binary:
$ xattr -c roxctl
Make the roxctl
binary executable:
$ chmod +x roxctl
Place the roxctl
binary in a directory that is on your PATH
To check your PATH
, execute the following command:
$ echo $PATH
Verify the roxctl
version you have installed:
$ roxctl version
You can install the roxctl
CLI binary on Windows by using the following procedure.
Download the latest version of the roxctl
$ curl -O https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/rhacs/assets/3.70.2/bin/Windows/roxctl.exe
Verify the roxctl
version you have installed:
$ roxctl version
The main component of Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes is called Central. You can install Central on OpenShift Container Platform by using the interactive installer. You deploy Central only once and you can monitor multiple separate clusters by using the same installation.
Use the interactive installer to generate the required secrets, deployment configurations, and deployment scripts for your environment.
Run the interactive install command:
$ roxctl central generate interactive
Press Enter to accept the default value for a prompt or enter custom values as required.
Enter path to the backup bundle from which to restore keys and certificates (optional):
Enter PEM cert bundle file (optional): (1)
Enter administrator password (default: autogenerated):
Enter orchestrator (k8s, openshift): openshift
Enter the directory to output the deployment bundle to (default: "central-bundle"):
Enter the OpenShift major version (3 or 4) to deploy on (default: "0"): 4
Enter Istio version when deploying into an Istio-enabled cluster (leave empty when not running Istio) (optional):
Enter the method of exposing Central (route, lb, np, none) (default: "none"): route (2)
Enter main image to use (default: "stackrox.io/main:"):
Enter whether to run StackRox in offline mode, which avoids reaching out to the Internet (default: "false"):
Enter whether to enable telemetry (default: "true"):
Enter the deployment tool to use (kubectl, helm, helm-values) (default: "kubectl"):
Enter Scanner DB image to use (default: "stackrox.io/scanner-db:2.15.2"):
Enter Scanner image to use (default: "stackrox.io/scanner:2.15.2"):
Enter Central volume type (hostpath, pvc): pvc (3)
Enter external volume name (default: "stackrox-db"):
Enter external volume size in Gi (default: "100"):
Enter storage class name (optional if you have a default StorageClass configured):
1 | If you want to add a custom TLS certificate, provide the file path for the PEM-encoded certificate. When you specify a custom certificate the interactive installer also prompts you to provide a PEM private key for the custom certificate you are using. |
2 | To use the RHACS portal, you must expose Central by using a route, a load balancer or a node port. |
3 | If you plan to install Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes on OpenShift Container Platform with a hostPath volume, you must modify the SELinux policy. |
On OpenShift Container Platform, for using a hostPath volume, you must modify the SELinux policy to allow access to the directory, which the host and the container share. It is because SELinux blocks directory sharing by default. To modify the SELinux policy, run the following command:
However, Red Hat does not recommend modifying the SELinux policy, instead use PVC when installing on OpenShift Container Platform. |
On completion, the installer creates a folder named central-bundle, which contains the necessary YAML manifests and scripts to deploy Central. In addition, it shows on-screen instructions for the scripts you need to run to deploy additional trusted certificate authorities, Central and Scanner, and the authentication instructions for logging into the RHACS portal along with the autogenerated password if you did not provide one when answering the prompts.
After you run the interactive installer, you can run the setup.sh
script to install Central.
Run the setup.sh
script to configure image registry access:
$ ./central-bundle/central/scripts/setup.sh
Create the necessary resources:
$ oc create -R -f central-bundle/central
Check the deployment progress:
$ oc get pod -n stackrox -w
After Central is running, find the RHACS portal IP address and open it in your browser. Depending on the exposure method you selected when answering the prompts, use one of the following methods to get the IP address.
Exposure method | Command | Address | Example |
Route |
The address under the |
Node Port |
IP or hostname of any node, on the port shown for the service |
Load Balancer |
EXTERNAL-IP or hostname shown for the service, on port 443 |
None |
If you have selected autogenerated password during the interactive install, you can run the following command to see it for logging into Central:
You can configure Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes to obtain image data from a variety of open-source and commercial image scanners.
However, Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes also provides an image vulnerability scanner component, called Scanner. It enriches deployments with image vulnerability information.
Red Hat recommends deploying Scanner so that it can scan all images, including the images from public registries, for vulnerabilities. You can deploy the Scanner in the same cluster with Central.
You must configure your image registry to allow Scanner to download and scan images. Usually, image registry integrations are created automatically by Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes.
Run the following command to configure image registry access:
$ ./central-bundle/scanner/scripts/setup.sh
After the script finishes, run the following command to create the scanner service:
$ oc create -R -f central-bundle/scanner
To monitor a cluster, you must deploy Sensor. You must deploy Sensor into each cluster that you want to monitor. The following steps describe adding Sensor by using the RHACS portal.
On the RHACS portal, navigate to Platform Configuration → clusters.
Select + New cluster.
Specify a name for the cluster.
Provide appropriate values for the fields based on where you are deploying the Sensor.
If you are deploying Sensor in the same cluster, accept the default values for all the fields.
If you are deploying into a different cluster, replace central.stackrox.svc:443
with a load balancer, node port, or other address, including the port number, that is accessible from the other cluster.
If you are using a non-gRPC capable load balancer, such as HAProxy, AWS Application Load Balancer (ALB), or AWS Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), use the WebSocket Secure (wss
) protocol. To use wss
Prefix the address with wss://
Add the port number after the address, for example, wss://stackrox-central.example.com:443
Click Next to continue with the Sensor setup.
Click Download YAML File and Keys to download the cluster bundle (zip archive).
The cluster bundle zip archive includes unique configurations and keys for each cluster. Do not reuse the same files in another cluster. |
From a system that has access to the monitored cluster, unzip and run the sensor
script from the cluster bundle:
$ unzip -d sensor sensor-<cluster_name>.zip
$ ./sensor/sensor.sh
If you get a warning that you do not have the required permissions to deploy Sensor, follow the on-screen instructions, or contact your cluster administrator for assistance.
After Sensor is deployed, it contacts Central and provides cluster information.
Return to the RHACS portal and check if the deployment is successful. If it is successful, a green checkmark appears under section #2. If you do not see a green checkmark, use the following command to check for problems:
On OpenShift Container Platform:
$ oc get pod -n stackrox -w
On Kubernetes:
$ kubectl get pod -n stackrox -w
Click Finish to close the window.
After installation, Sensor starts reporting security information to Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes and the RHACS portal dashboard begins showing deployments, images, and policy violations from the cluster on which you have installed the Sensor.
After you complete the installation, run a few vulnerable applications and navigate to the RHACS portal to evaluate the results of security assessments and policy violations.
The sample applications listed in the following section contain critical vulnerabilities and they are specifically designed to verify the build and deploy-time assessment features of Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes. |
To verify installation:
Find the address of the RHACS portal based on your exposure method:
For a route:
$ oc get route central -n stackrox
For a load balancer:
$ oc get service central-loadbalancer -n stackrox
For port forward:
Run the following command:
$ oc port-forward svc/central 18443:443 -n stackrox
Navigate to https://localhost:18443/
Using the OpenShift Container Platform CLI, create a new project:
$ oc new-project test
Start some applications with critical vulnerabilities:
$ oc run shell --labels=app=shellshock,team=test-team \
--image=vulnerables/cve-2014-6271 -n test
$ oc run samba --labels=app=rce \
--image=vulnerables/cve-2017-7494 -n test
Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes automatically scans these deployments for security risk and policy violations as soon as they are submitted to the cluster. Navigate to the RHACS portal to view the violations. You can log in to the RHACS portal by using the default username admin and the generated password.