$ oc edit configmap/webconsole-config -n openshift-web-console
Administrators can customize the web console using extensions, which let you run scripts and load custom stylesheets when the web console loads. Extension scripts allow you to override the default behavior of the web console and customize it for your needs.
For example, extension scripts can be used to add your own company’s branding or to add company-specific capabilities. A common use case for this is rebranding or white-labeling for different environments. You can use the same extension code, but provide settings that change the web console.
Take caution making extensive changes to the web console styles or behavior that are not documented below. While you add any scripts or stylesheets, significant customizations might need to be reworked on upgrades as the web console markup and behavior change in future versions. |
As of OpenShift Container Platform 3.9, extension scripts and stylesheets can be hosted at
any https://
URL as long as the URL is accessible from the browser. The files
might be hosted from a pod on the platform using a publicly accessible route,
or on another server outside of OpenShift Container Platform.
To add scripts and stylesheets, edit the webconsole-config
ConfigMap in the
namespace. The web console configuration is available
in the webconsole-config.yaml
key of the ConfigMap.
$ oc edit configmap/webconsole-config -n openshift-web-console
To add scripts, update the extensions.scriptURLs
property. The value is an
array of URLs.
To add stylesheets, update the extensions.stylesheetURLs
property. The value
is an array of URLs.
SettingapiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
webconsole-config.yaml: |
apiVersion: webconsole.config.openshift.io/v1
- https://example.com/scripts/menu-customization.js
- https://example.com/scripts/nav-customization.js
- https://example.com/styles/logo.css
- https://example.com/styles/custom-styles.css
After saving the ConfigMap, the web console containers will be updated automatically for the new extension files within a few minutes.
Scripts and stylesheets must be served with the correct content type or they
will not be run by the browser. Scripts must be served with
It is a best practice to wrap extension scripts in an Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE). This ensures that you do not create global variables that conflict with the names used by the web console or by other extensions. For example:
(function() {
// Put your extension code here...
The examples in the following sections show common ways you can customize the web console.
Additional extension examples are available in the OpenShift Origin repository on GitHub. |
If you have a specific extension, but want to use different text in it for each of the environments, you can define the environment in the web console configuration, and use the same extension script across environments.
To add extension properties, edit the webconsole-config
ConfigMap in the
namespace. The web console configuration is available
in the webconsole-config.yaml
key of the ConfigMap.
$ oc edit configmap/webconsole-config -n openshift-web-console
Update the extensions.properties
value, which is a map of key-value pairs.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
webconsole-config.yaml: |
apiVersion: webconsole.config.openshift.io/v1
doc_url: https://docs.openshift.com
key1: value1
key2: value2
This results in a global variable that can be accessed by the extension, as if the following code was executed:
doc_url: "https://docs.openshift.com",
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2"
As of OpenShift Container Platform 3.6, there is an extension option to link to external logging solutions instead of using OpenShift Container Platform’s EFK logging stack:
'use strict';
angular.module("mylinkextensions", ['openshiftConsole'])
.run(function(extensionRegistry) {
extensionRegistry.add('log-links', _.spread(function(resource, options) {
return {
type: 'dom',
node: '<span><a href="https://extension-point.example.com">' + resource.metadata.name + '</a><span class="action-divider">|</span></span>'
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
A guided tour will pop up the first time a user logs in on a particular browser.
You can enable the auto_launch
for new users:
window.OPENSHIFT_CONSTANTS.GUIDED_TOURS.landing_page_tour.auto_launch = true;
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
Documentation links on the landing page are customizable.
is an array of objects
containing a title and an href
. These will be turned into links. You can
completely override the array, push or pop additional links, or modify the
attributes of existing links. For example:
title: 'Blog',
href: 'https://blog.openshift.com'
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
The following style changes the logo in the web console header:
#header-logo {
background-image: url("https://www.example.com/images/logo.png");
width: 190px;
height: 20px;
Replace the example.com URL with a URL to an actual image, and adjust the width and height. The ideal height is 20px.
Add the stylesheet as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
The default whitelist in the membership page shows a subset of cluster roles, such as
, basic-user
, edit
, and so on. It also shows custom roles defined within a project.
For example, to add your own set of custom cluster roles to the whitelist:
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
Links to external documentation are shown in various sections of the web console. The following example changes the URL for two given links to the documentation:
window.OPENSHIFT_CONSTANTS.HELP['get_started_cli'] = "https://example.com/doc1.html";
window.OPENSHIFT_CONSTANTS.HELP['basic_cli_operations'] = "https://example.com/doc2.html";
Alternatively, you can change the base URL for all documentation links.
This example would result in the default help URL https://example.com/docs/welcome/index.html
window.OPENSHIFT_CONSTANTS.HELP_BASE_URL = "https://example.com/docs/"; (1)
1 | The path must end in a / . |
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
The About page in the web console provides download links for the command line interface (CLI) tools. These links can be configured by providing both the link text and URL, so that you can choose to point them directly to file packages, or to an external page that points to the actual packages.
For example, to point directly to packages that can be downloaded, where the link text is the package platform:
"Linux (32 bits)": "https://<cdn>/openshift-client-tools-linux-32bit.tar.gz",
"Linux (64 bits)": "https://<cdn>/openshift-client-tools-linux-64bit.tar.gz",
"Windows": "https://<cdn>/openshift-client-tools-windows.zip",
"Mac OS X": "https://<cdn>/openshift-client-tools-mac.zip"
Alternatively, to point to a page that links the actual download packages, with the Latest Release link text:
"Latest Release": "https://<cdn>/openshift-client-tools/latest.html"
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
To provide a custom About page for the web console:
Write an extension that looks like:
.module('aboutPageExtension', ['openshiftConsole'])
.config(function($routeProvider) {
.when('/about', {
templateUrl: 'https://example.com/extensions/about/about.html',
controller: 'AboutController'
Write a customized template.
Start from the version of
from the OpenShift Container Platform
release you are
using. Within the template, there are two angular scope variables available:
and version.master.kubernetes
Host the template at a URL with the correct Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) response headers for the web console.
Set Access-Control-Allow-Origin
response to allow requests from the web console domain.
Set Access-Control-Allow-Methods
to include GET
Set Access-Control-Allow-Headers
to include Content-Type
Alternatively, you can include the template directly in your JavaScript using AngularJS $templateCache.
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
The top navigation bar of the web console contains the help icon and the user dropdown menus. You can add additional menu items to these using the angular-extension-registry.
The available extension points are:
- the help icon dropdown menu, visible at desktop screen widths
- the user dropdown menu, visible at desktop screen widths
- the single menu for top navigation items at mobile screen widths
The following example extends the nav-help-dropdown
menu, with a name of
.module('<myExtensionModule>', ['openshiftConsole'])
function(extensionRegistry) {
.add('nav-help-dropdown', function() {
return [
type: 'dom',
node: '<li><a href="http://www.example.com/report" target="_blank">Report a Bug</a></li>'
}, {
type: 'dom',
node: '<li class="divider"></li>' // If you want a horizontal divider to appear in the menu
}, {
type: 'dom',
node: '<li><a href="http://www.example.com/status" target="_blank">System Status</a></li>'
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
The top navigation bar also contains an optional application launcher for linking to other web applications. This dropdown menu is empty by default, but when links are added, appears to the left of the help menu in the masthead.
// Add items to the application launcher dropdown menu.
title: "Dashboard", // The text label
iconClass: "fa fa-dashboard", // The icon you want to appear
href: "http://example.com/dashboard", // Where to go when this item is clicked
tooltip: 'View dashboard' // Optional tooltip to display on hover
}, {
title: "Manage Account",
iconClass: "pficon pficon-user",
href: "http://example.com/account",
tooltip: "Update email address or password."
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
The top navigation bar can also include an optional system status badge in order to notify users of system-wide events such as maintenance windows. To make use of the existing styles using a yellow warning icon for the badge, follow the example below.
'use strict';
.module('mysystemstatusbadgeextension', ['openshiftConsole'])
function(extensionRegistry) {
// Replace http://status.example.com/ with your domain
var system_status_elem = $('<a href="http://status.example.com/"' +
'target="_blank" class="nav-item-iconic system-status"><span title="' +
'System Status" class="fa status-icon pficon-warning-triangle-o">' +
// Add the extension point to the registry so the badge appears
// To disable the badge, comment this block out
.add('nav-system-status', function() {
return [{
type: 'dom',
node: system_status_elem
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
When navigating within a project, a menu appears on the left with primary and secondary navigation. This menu structure is defined as a constant and can be overridden or modified.
Significant customizations to the project navigation may affect the user experience and should be done with careful consideration. You may need to update this customization in future upgrades if you modify existing navigation items. |
// Append a new primary nav item. This is a simple direct navigation item
// with no secondary menu.
label: "Dashboard", // The text label
iconClass: "fa fa-dashboard", // The icon you want to appear
href: "/dashboard" // Where to go when this nav item is clicked.
// Relative URLs are pre-pended with the path
// '/project/<project-name>'
// Splice a primary nav item to a specific spot in the list. This primary item has
// a secondary menu.
window.OPENSHIFT_CONSTANTS.PROJECT_NAVIGATION.splice(2, 0, { // Insert at the third spot
label: "Git",
iconClass: "fa fa-code",
secondaryNavSections: [ // Instead of an href, a sub-menu can be defined
items: [
label: "Branches",
href: "/git/branches",
prefixes: [
"/git/branches/" // Defines prefix URL patterns that will cause
// this nav item to show the active state, so
// tertiary or lower pages show the right context
header: "Collaboration", // Sections within a sub-menu can have an optional header
items: [
label: "Pull Requests",
href: "/git/pull-requests",
prefixes: [
// Add a primary item to the top of the list. This primary item is shown conditionally.
label: "Getting Started",
iconClass: "pficon pficon-screen",
href: "/getting-started",
prefixes: [ // Primary nav items can also specify prefixes to trigger
"/getting-started/" // active state
isValid: function() { // Primary or secondary items can define an isValid
return isNewUser; // function. If present it will be called to test whether
// the item should be shown, it should return a boolean
// Modify an existing menu item
var applicationsMenu = _.find(window.OPENSHIFT_CONSTANTS.PROJECT_NAVIGATION, { label: 'Applications' });
applicationsMenu.secondaryNavSections.push({ // Add a new secondary nav section to the Applications menu
// my secondary nav section
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
The web console has an optional list of featured application links in its landing page catalog. These appear near the top of the page and can have an icon, a title, a short description, and a link.
// Add featured applications to the top of the catalog.
title: "Dashboard", // The text label
icon: "fa fa-dashboard", // The icon you want to appear
url: "http://example.com/dashboard", // Where to go when this item is clicked
description: "Open application dashboard." // Short description
}, {
title: "System Status",
icon: "fa fa-heartbeat",
url: "http://example.com/status",
description: "View system alerts and outages."
}, {
title: "Manage Account",
icon: "pficon pficon-user",
url: "http://example.com/account",
description: "Update email address or password."
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
Catalog categories organize the display of items in the web console catalog landing page. Each category has one or more subcategories. A builder image, template, or service is grouped in a subcategory if it includes a tag listed in the matching subcategory tags, and an item can appear in more than one subcategory. Categories and subcategories only display if they contain at least one item.
Significant customizations to the catalog categories may affect the user experience and should be done with careful consideration. You may need to update this customization in future upgrades if you modify existing category items. |
// Find the Languages category.
{ id: 'languages' });
// Add Go as a new subcategory under Languages.
category.subCategories.splice(2,0,{ // Insert at the third spot.
// Required. Must be unique.
id: "go",
// Required.
label: "Go",
// Optional. If specified, defines a unique icon for this item.
icon: "icon-go-gopher",
// Required. Items matching any tag will appear in this subcategory.
tags: [
// Add a Featured category as the first category tab.
// Required. Must be unique.
id: "featured",
// Required
label: "Featured",
subCategories: [
// Required. Must be unique.
id: "go",
// Required.
label: "Go",
// Optional. If specified, defines a unique icon for this item.
icon: "icon-go-gopher",
// Required. Items matching any tag will appear in this subcategory.
tags: [
// Required. Must be unique.
id: "jenkins",
// Required.
label: "Jenkins",
// Optional. If specified, defines a unique icon for this item.
icon: "icon-jenkins",
// Required. Items matching any tag will appear in this subcategory.
tags: [
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
Whenever a user reaches a quota, a quota notification is put into the notification drawer. A custom quota notification message, per quota resource type, can be added to the notification. For example:
Your project is over quota. It is using 200% of 2 cores CPU (Limit). Upgrade
to <a href='https://www.openshift.com'>OpenShift Online Pro</a> if you need
additional resources.
The "Upgrade to…" part of the notification is the custom message and may contain HTML such as links to additional resources.
Since the quota message is HTML markup, any special characters need to be properly escaped for HTML. |
property in an
extension script to customize the message for each resource.
// Set custom notification messages per quota type/key
'pods': 'Upgrade to <a href="https://www.openshift.com">OpenShift Online Pro</a> if you need additional resources.',
'limits.memory': 'Upgrade to <a href="https://www.openshift.com">OpenShift Online Pro</a> if you need additional resources.'
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
Create from URL
only works with image streams or templates from namespaces that have been
. To add
namespaces to the whitelist, follow these steps:
// Add a namespace containing the image streams and/or templates
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
The web console allows users to copy a login command, including the current access token, to the clipboard from the user menu and the Command Line Tools page. This function can be changed so that the user’s access token is not included in the copied command.
// Do not copy the user's access token in the copy login command.
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
If you enabled wildcard routes for a router, you can also enable wildcard
routes in the web console. This lets users enter hostnames starting with an
asterisk like *.example.com
when creating a route. To enable wildcard routes:
Add the script as described in Loading Extension Scripts and Stylesheets.
You can also change the login page, and the login provider selection page for the web console. Run the following commands to create templates you can modify:
$ oc adm create-login-template > login-template.html $ oc adm create-provider-selection-template > provider-selection-template.html
Edit the file to change the styles or add content, but be careful not to remove any required parameters inside the curly brackets.
To use your custom login page or provider selection page, set the following options in the master configuration file:
login: /path/to/login-template.html
providerSelection: /path/to/provider-selection-template.html
Relative paths are resolved relative to the master configuration file. You must restart the server after changing this configuration.
When there are multiple login providers configured or when the
option in the master-config.yaml file is set to true, each time a user’s
token to OpenShift Container Platform expires, the user is presented with this custom page
before they can proceed with other tasks.
When errors occur during authentication, you can change the page shown.
Run the following command to create a template you can modify:
$ oc adm create-error-template > error-template.html
Edit the file to change the styles or add content.
You can use the Error
and ErrorCode
variables in the template. To use
your custom error page, set the following option in the master configuration
error: /path/to/error-template.html
Relative paths are resolved relative to the master configuration file.
You must restart the server after changing this configuration.
You can change the location a console user is sent to when logging out of
the console by modifying the clusterInfo.logoutPublicURL
parameter in the
$ oc edit configmap/webconsole-config -n openshift-web-console
Here is an example that changes the logout URL to https://www.example.com/logout
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
webconsole-config.yaml: |
apiVersion: webconsole.config.openshift.io/v1
logoutPublicURL: "https://www.example.com/logout"
This can be useful when authenticating with Request Header and OAuth or OpenID identity providers, which require visiting an external URL to destroy single sign-on sessions.
During cluster installations, many modifications to the web console can be configured using the following parameters, which are configurable in the inventory file:
# Configure `clusterInfo.logoutPublicURL` in the web console configuration
# See: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/install_config/web_console_customization.html#changing-the-logout-url
# Configure extension scripts for web console customization
# See: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/install_config/web_console_customization.html#loading-custom-scripts-and-stylesheets
# Configure extension stylesheets for web console customization
# See: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/install_config/web_console_customization.html#loading-custom-scripts-and-stylesheets
# Configure a custom login template in the master config
# See: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/install_config/web_console_customization.html#customizing-the-login-page
#openshift_master_oauth_templates={'login': '/path/to/login-template.html'}
# Configure `clusterInfo.metricsPublicURL` in the web console configuration for cluster metrics. Ansible is also able to configure metrics for you.
# See: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/install_config/cluster_metrics.html
# Configure `clusterInfo.loggingPublicURL` in the web console configuration for aggregate logging. Ansible is also able to install logging for you.
# See: https://docs.openshift.com/enterprise/latest/install_config/aggregate_logging.html
To ensure your custom certificate is served when users access the web console
URL, add the certificate and URL to the namedcertificates
section of the
master-config.yaml file. See
Custom certificates for the Web Console or CLI for more information.
To set or modify the redirect URL for the web console, modify the
openshift-web-console oauthclient
$ oc edit oauthclient openshift-web-console
To ensure users are correctly redirected, update the PublicUrls
for the
openshift-web-console configmap
$ oc edit configmap/webconsole-config -n openshift-web-console
Then, update the value for consolePublicURL