Next Tag: 8
GET /v2/compliance/scan/configurations/clusters/{clusterId}/profiles/collection
GetComplianceScanConfiguration retrieves the specified compliance scan configurations
Name | Description | Required | Default | Pattern |
query.query |
- |
null |
query.pagination.limit |
- |
null |
query.pagination.offset |
- |
null |
query.pagination.sortOption.field |
- |
null |
query.pagination.sortOption.reversed |
- |
null |
query.pagination.sortOption.aggregateBy.aggrFunc |
- |
query.pagination.sortOption.aggregateBy.distinct |
- |
null |
Code | Message | Datatype |
200 |
A successful response. |
0 |
An unexpected error response. |
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
code |
Integer |
int32 |
message |
String |
details |
List of ProtobufAny |
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
version |
String |
description |
String |
provider |
String |
shortName |
String |
Next Tag: 8
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
name |
String |
productType |
String |
description |
String |
title |
String |
ruleCount |
Integer |
int32 |
profileVersion |
String |
standards |
List of V2ComplianceBenchmark |
Field Name | Required | Nullable | Type | Description | Format |
clusterId |
String |
clusterName |
String |
profiles |
List of V2ComplianceProfileSummary |
totalCount |
Integer |
int32 |