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About log storage - <strong>logging</strong> | Observability | OpenShift Dedicated

You can use an internal Loki or Elasticsearch log store on your cluster for storing logs, or you can use a ClusterLogForwarder custom resource (CR) to forward logs to an external store.

Log storage types

Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system offered as a GA log store for logging for Red Hat OpenShift that can be visualized with the OpenShift Observability UI. The Loki configuration provided by OpenShift logging is a short-term log store designed to enable users to perform fast troubleshooting with the collected logs. For that purpose, the logging for Red Hat OpenShift configuration of Loki has short-term storage, and is optimized for very recent queries. For long-term storage or queries over a long time period, users should look to log stores external to their cluster.

Elasticsearch indexes incoming log records completely during ingestion. Loki indexes only a few fixed labels during ingestion and defers more complex parsing until after the logs have been stored. This means Loki can collect logs more quickly.

About the Elasticsearch log store

The logging Elasticsearch instance is optimized and tested for short term storage, approximately seven days. If you want to retain your logs over a longer term, it is recommended you move the data to a third-party storage system.

Elasticsearch organizes the log data from Fluentd into datastores, or indices, then subdivides each index into multiple pieces called shards, which it spreads across a set of Elasticsearch nodes in an Elasticsearch cluster. You can configure Elasticsearch to make copies of the shards, called replicas, which Elasticsearch also spreads across the Elasticsearch nodes. The Clusterlogging custom resource (CR) allows you to specify how the shards are replicated to provide data redundancy and resilience to failure. You can also specify how long the different types of logs are retained using a retention policy in the Clusterlogging CR.

The number of primary shards for the index templates is equal to the number of Elasticsearch data nodes.

The Red Hat OpenShift logging Operator and companion OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator ensure that each Elasticsearch node is deployed using a unique deployment that includes its own storage volume. You can use a Clusterlogging custom resource (CR) to increase the number of Elasticsearch nodes, as needed. See the Elasticsearch documentation for considerations involved in configuring storage.

A highly-available Elasticsearch environment requires at least three Elasticsearch nodes, each on a different host.

Role-based access control (RBAC) applied on the Elasticsearch indices enables the controlled access of the logs to the developers. Administrators can access all logs and developers can access only the logs in their projects.

Querying log stores

You can query Loki by using the LogQL log query language.