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Uninstalling OpenShift <strong>service</strong> Mesh | Uninstalling | Red Hat OpenShift <strong>service</strong> Mesh 3.0.0tp1

You can uninstall the Red Hat OpenShift service Mesh Operator from an existing OpenShift Container Platform instance and remove its resources either by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console, or through the command line interface (CLI). You can also delete Istio custom resource definitions (CRDs).

Uninstalling OpenShift service Mesh Operator 3 and the Istio control plane using the web console

Uninstalling Red Hat OpenShift service Mesh Operator 3 and the Istio control plane from an existing OpenShift Container Platform instance requires removing the following:

  • Istio resource

  • IstioCNI resource

  • Red Hat OpenShift service Mesh Operator 3

  • istio-system project

  • istio-cni project

Optionally, you can remove the Istio custom resource definitions (CRDs).

You can uninstall the Red Hat OpenShift service Mesh Operator 3 either by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

  1. Delete the Istio resource:

    1. In the OpenShift web console, click OperatorsInstalled Operators.

    2. Click Istio in the Provided APIs column.

    3. Click the Options menu → Delete Istio.

    4. At the prompt to confirm the action, click Delete.

  2. Delete the IstioCNI resource:

    1. In the OpenShift web console, click OperatorsInstalled Operators.

    2. Click IstioCNI in the Provided APIs column.

    3. Click the Options menu → Delete IstioCNI.

    4. At the prompt to confirm the action, click Delete.

  3. Uninstall Red Hat OpenShift service Mesh 3 Operator:

    1. In the OpenShift web console, click OperatorsInstalled Operators.

    2. Locate Red Hat OpenShift service Mesh 3 Operator.

    3. Click the Options menu → Uninstall Operator.

    4. At the prompt to confirm the action, click Uninstall.

  4. Delete the istio-system project:

    1. In the OpenShift web console, click HomeProjects.

    2. Locate the name of the istio-system project.

    3. Click the Options menu → Delete Project.

    4. At the prompt to confirm the action, enter the name of the project.

    5. Click Delete.

  5. Delete the istio-cni project:

    1. In the OpenShift web console, click HomeProjects.

    2. Locate the name of the istio-cni project.

    3. Click the Options menu → Delete Project.

    4. At the prompt to confirm the action, enter the name of the project.

    5. Click Delete.

Uninstall OpenShift service Mesh by using the CLI

Uninstalling Red Hat OpenShift service Mesh Operator 3 and the Istio control plane from an existing OpenShift Container Platform instance requires removing the following:

  • Istio resource

  • IstioCNI resource

  • Red Hat OpenShift service Mesh Operator 3

  • istio-system project

  • istio-cni project

Optionally, you can remove the Istio custom resource definitions (CRDs).

You can uninstall the Red Hat OpenShift service Mesh Operator 3 either by using the OpenShift Container Platform command line interface (CLI).

  1. Delete the Istio resource:

    1. Retrieve the Istio resource name by running the following command:

      $ oc get istio -n istio-system
    2. Replace <name_of_custom_resource> with the output from the previous command, and run the following command to remove the custom resource:

      $ oc delete istio/<name_of_custom_resource>
  2. Delete the IstioCNI resource:

    1. Retrieve the name of the IstioCNI resource by running the following command:

      $ oc get istioCNI -n istio-system
    2. Replace <name_of_custom_resource> with the output from the previous command, and run the following command to remove the custom resource:

      $ oc delete istioCNI/<name_of_custom_resource>
  3. Delete the istio-system and istio-cni projects:

    1. Delete the istio-system namespace by running the following command:

      $ oc delete ns istio-system
    2. Delete the istio-cni namespace by running the following command:

      $ oc delete ns istio-cni
  4. Uninstall OpenShift service Mesh Operator 3:

    1. Delete the servicemeshoperator3 subscription:

      $ oc delete subscription servicemeshoperator3 -n openshift-operators
      Example output
      output: "servicemeshoperator3" deleted
    2. Check the current version of the servicemeshoperator3 subscribed Operator in the currentCSV field by running the following command:

      $ oc get subscription servicemeshoperator3 -n openshift-operators -o yaml | grep currentCSV
      Example output
      output: currentCSV: servicemeshoperator3.v3.0.0-tp.1
    3. Delete the cluster service version (CSV) for the Operator in the target namespace using the currentCSV value from the previous step:

      $ oc delete clusterserviceversion servicemeshoperator3.v3.0.0-tp.1 -n openshift-operators
      Example output "servicemeshoperator3.v3.0.0-tp.1" deleted.

Delete Istio custom resource definitions

Deleting Istio custom resource definitions (CRDs) are optional.

  1. To delete the Istio CRDs, run the following command:

$ oc get crds -oname | grep -e -e | xargs kubectl delete
Additional resources