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Optional - Configuring Central configuration options for RHACS using the Operator - Installing RHACS on Red Hat OpenShift | Installing | Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes 4.3

Central configuration options using the Operator

When you create a Central instance, the Operator lists the following configuration options for the Central custom resource.

The following table includes settings for an external PostgreSQL database (Technology Preview).

External PostgreSQL support is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

Central settings

Parameter Description


Specify a secret that contains the administrator password in the password data item. If omitted, the operator autogenerates a password and stores it in the password item in the central-htpasswd secret.


By default, Central only serves an internal TLS certificate, which means that you need to handle TLS termination at the ingress or load balancer level. If you want to terminate TLS in Central and serve a custom server certificate, you can specify a secret containing the certificate and private key.


Set this parameter to true to disable the automatic administrator password generation. Use this only after you perform the first-time setup of alternative authentication methods. Do not use this for initial installation. Otherwise, you must reinstall the custom resource to log back in.


If the node selector selects tainted nodes, use this parameter to specify a taint toleration key, value, and effect for Central. This parameter is mainly used for infrastructure nodes.


Set this to true to expose Central through a load balancer.


Use this parameter to specify a custom port for your load balancer.


Use this parameter to specify a static IP address reserved for your load balancer.


Set this to true to expose Central through an OpenShift route. The default value is false.

Specify a custom hostname to use for Central’s route. Leave this unset to accept the default value that OpenShift Container Platform provides.


Set this to true to expose Central through a node port. The default value is false.


Use this to specify an explicit node port.


Use Enabled to enable monitoring for Central. When you enable monitoring, RHACS creates a new monitoring service on port number 9090. The default value is Disabled.


If you want this component to only run on specific nodes, you can configure a node selector by using this parameter.


Specify a host path to store persistent data in a directory on the host. Red Hat does not recommend using this. If you need to use host path, you must use it with a node selector.


The name of the PVC to manage persistent data. If no PVC with the given name exists, it will be created. The default value is stackrox-db if not set. To prevent data losses the PVC is not removed automatically with Central`s deletion.


The size of the persistent volume when created through the claim. This is automatically generated by default.


The name of the storage class to use for the PVC. If your cluster is not configured with a default storage class, you must provide a value for this parameter.


Use this parameter to override the default resource limits for the Central.


Use this parameter to override the default resource requests for the Central.


Use this parameter to specify the image pull secrets for the Central image.

Specify a secret that has the database password in the password data item. Only use this parameter if you want to specify a connection string manually. If omitted, the operator auto-generates a password and stores it in the password item in the central-db-password secret.


(Technology Preview): Setting this parameter will not deploy Central DB, and Central will connect using the specified connection string. If you specify a value for this parameter, you must also specify a value for This parameter has the following constraints:

  • Connection string must be in keyword/value format as described in the PostgreSQL documentation. For more information, see the links in the Additional resources section.

  • Only PostgreSQL 13 is supported.

  • Connections through PGBouncer are not supported.

  • User must be a superuser who can create and delete databases.


If the node selector selects tainted nodes, use this parameter to specify a taint toleration key, value, and effect for Central DB. This parameter is mainly used for infrastructure nodes.


Specify a host path to store persistent data in a directory on the host. Red Hat does not recommend using this. If you need to use host path, you must use it with a node selector.


The name of the PVC to manage persistent data. If no PVC with the given name exists, it will be created. The default value is central-db if not set. To prevent data loss, the PVC is not removed automatically with Central DB’s deletion.


The size of the persistent volume when created through the claim. This is automatically generated by default.


The name of the storage class to use for the PVC. If your cluster is not configured with a default storage class, you must provide a value for this parameter.


Use this parameter to override the default resource limits for the Central DB.


Use this parameter to override the default resource requests for the Central DB.

Scanner settings

Parameter Description


If you want this scanner to only run on specific nodes, you can configure a node selector by using this parameter.


If the node selector selects tainted nodes, use this parameter to specify a taint toleration key, value, and effect for Scanner. This parameter is mainly used for infrastructure nodes.


Use this parameter to override the default resource limits for the scanner.


Use this parameter to override the default resource requests for the scanner.


When enabled, the number of analyzer replicas is managed dynamically based on the load, within the limits specified.


Specifies the maximum replicas to be used the analyzer autoscaling configuration


Specifies the minimum replicas to be used the analyzer autoscaling configuration


When autoscaling is disabled, the number of replicas will always be configured to match this value.


If you want this component to only run on specific nodes, you can configure a node selector by using this parameter.


If the node selector selects tainted nodes, use this parameter to specify a taint toleration key, value, and effect for Scanner DB. This parameter is mainly used for infrastructure nodes.


Use this parameter to override the default resource limits for the scanner.


Use this parameter to override the default resource requests for the scanner.


Use Enabled to enable monitoring for Scanner. When you enable monitoring, RHACS creates a new monitoring service on port number 9090. The default value is Disabled.


If you do not want to deploy Scanner, you can disable it by using this parameter. If you disable Scanner, all other settings in this section have no effect. Red Hat does not recommend disabling Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes Scanner.

General and miscellaneous settings

Parameter Description


Additional Trusted CA certificates for the secured cluster to trust. These certificates are typically used when integrating with services using a private certificate authority.


Specify true to create SecurityContextConstraints (SCCs) for Central. Setting to true might cause issues in some environments.


Allows specifying custom annotations for the Central deployment.


Advanced settings to configure environment variables.


Configures whether RHACS should run in online or offline mode. In offline mode, automatic updates of vulnerability definitions and kernel modules are disabled.


If you set this option to false, Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes will not set up Red Hat OpenShift monitoring. Defaults to true on Red Hat OpenShift 4.


See Customizing the installation using the operator with overlays

Customizing the installation using the Operator with overlays

Learn how to tailor the installation of RHACS using the Operator method with overlays.


When Central or SecuredCluster custom resources don’t expose certain low-level configuration options as parameters, you can use the .spec.overlays field for adjustments. Use this field to amend the Kubernetes resources generated by these custom resources.

The .spec.overlays field comprises a sequence of patches, applied in their listed order. These patches are processed by the Operator on the Kubernetes resources before deployment to the cluster.

The .spec.overlays field in both Central and SecuredCluster allows users to modify low-level Kubernetes resources in arbitrary ways. Use this feature only when the desired customization is not available through the SecuredCluster or Central custom resources.

Support for the .spec.overlays feature is limited primarily because it grants the ability to make intricate and highly specific modifications to Kubernetes resources, which can vary significantly from one implementation to another. This level of customization introduces a complexity that goes beyond standard usage scenarios, making it challenging to provide broad support. Each modification can be unique, potentially interacting with the Kubernetes system in unpredictable ways across different versions and configurations of the product. This variability means that troubleshooting and guaranteeing the stability of these customizations require a level of expertise and understanding specific to each individual’s setup. Consequently, while this feature empowers tailoring Kubernetes resources to meet precise needs, greater responsibility must also assumed to ensure the compatibility and stability of configurations, especially during upgrades or changes to the underlying product.

The following example shows the structure of an overlay:

- apiVersion: v1     (1)
  kind: ConfigMap    (2)
  name: my-configmap (3)
    - path: .data    (4)
      value: |       (5)
        key1: data2
        key2: data2
1 Targeted Kubernetes resource ApiVersion, for example apps/v1, v1,
2 Resource type (e.g., Deployment, ConfigMap, NetworkPolicy)
3 Name of the resource, for example my-configmap
4 JSONPath expression to the field, for example spec.template.spec.containers[name:central].env[-1]
5 YAML string for the new field value

Adding an overlay

For customizations, you can add overlays to Central or SecuredCluster custom resources. Use the OpenShift CLI (oc) or the OpenShift Container Platform web console for modifications.

If overlays do not take effect as expected, check the RHACS Operator logs for any syntax errors or issues logged.

Overlay examples

Specifying an EKS pod role ARN for the Central ServiceAccount

Add an Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) pod role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) annotation to the central ServiceAccount as shown in the following example:

kind: Central
  name: central
  # ...
  - apiVersion: v1
    kind: ServiceAccount
    name: central
      - path: metadata.annotations.eks\.amazonaws\.com/role-arn
        value: "\"arn:aws:iam:1234:role\""

Injecting an environment variable into the Central deployment

Inject an environment variable into the central deployment as shown in the following example:

kind: Central
  name: central
  # ...
  - apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: central
    - path: spec.template.spec.containers[name:central].env[-1]
      value: |
        name: MY_ENV_VAR
        value: value

Extending network policy with an ingress rule

Add an ingress rule to the allow-ext-to-central network policy for port 999 traffic as shown in the following example:

kind: Central
  name: central
    # ...
    - apiVersion:
      kind: NetworkPolicy
      name: allow-ext-to-central
        - path: spec.ingress[-1]
          value: |
            - port: 999
              protocol: TCP

Modifying ConfigMap data

Modify the central-endpoints ConfigMap data as shown in the following example:

kind: Central
  name: central
    # ...
    - apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
      name: central-endpoints
      - path: data
        value: |
          endpoints.yaml: |
            disableDefault: false

Adding a container to the Central deployment

Add a new container to the central deployment as shown in the following example:.

kind: Central
  name: central
    # ...
    - apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
      name: central
        - path: spec.template.spec.containers[-1]
      value: |
        name: nginx
        image: nginx
          - containerPort: 8000
            name: http
            protocol: TCP