Selects projects to run. This must be a project file (for example, csproj or
fsproj) or a folder containing a single project file.
Selects the assembly to run. This must not include the .dll extension. Set
this to the output assembly name specified in csproj
(PropertyGroup /AssemblyName ).
The name of the csproj file.
Specifies the space-separated list of NuGet package sources used during the
restore operation. This overrides all of the sources specified in the
NuGet.config file.
Specifies a list of .NET tools to install before building the application. To
install a specific version, add @<version> to the end of the package name.
Specifies a list of NPM packages to install before building the application.
Specifies the list of test projects to test. This must be project files or
folders containing a single project file. dotnet test is invoked for each
Runs the application in Debug or Release mode. This value should be either
Release or Debug .
Specifies the verbosity of the dotnet build commands. When set, the
environment variables are printed at the start of the build. This variable can
be set to one of the msbuild verbosity values (q[uiet] , m[inimal] ,
n[ormal] , d[etailed] , and diag[nostic] ).
Configures the HTTP/HTTPS proxy used when building and running the application.
Uses a custom NPM registry mirror to download packages during the build process.
This variable is set to http://*:8080 to configure ASP.NET Core to use the
port exposed by the image. Changing this is not recommended.
When set to true , the source code is not included in the image.
Used to specify a list of folders and files with additional SSL certificates to
trust. The certificates are trusted by each process that runs during the build
and all processes that run in the image after the build, including the
application that was built. The items can be absolute paths starting with / or
paths in the source repository (for example, certificates).
When set to true , disables restoring multiple projects in parallel. This reduces
restore timeout errors when the build container is running with low CPU limits.
When set to true , the NuGet packages are kept so they can be re-used for an
incremental build.
When set to true , creates a tar.gz file at /opt/app-root/app.tar.gz
that contains the published application.