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odo <strong>cli</strong> reference - Developer <strong>cli</strong> (odo) | <strong>cli</strong> tools | OpenShift Container Platform 4.5

Basic odo cli commands


Perform application operations related to your OpenShift Container Platform project.

Example using app
  # Delete the application
  odo app delete myapp

  # Describe 'webapp' application,
  odo app describe webapp

  # List all applications in the current project
  odo app list

  # List all applications in the specified project
  odo app list --project myproject


Perform catalog-related operations.

Example using catalog
  # Get the supported components
  odo catalog list components

  # Get the supported services from service catalog
  odo catalog list services

  # Search for a component
  odo catalog search component python

  # Search for a service
  odo catalog search service mysql

  # Describe a service
  odo catalog describe service mysql-persistent


Manage components of an application.

Example using component
# Create a new component
odo component create

# Create a local configuration and create all objects on the cluster
odo component create --now


Modify odo specific settings within the config file.

Example using config

  # For viewing the current local configuration
  odo config view

  # Set a configuration value in the local configuration
  odo config set Type java
  odo config set Name test
  odo config set MinMemory 50M
  odo config set MaxMemory 500M
  odo config set Memory 250M
  odo config set Ignore false
  odo config set MinCPU 0.5
  odo config set MaxCPU 2
  odo config set CPU 1

  # Set an environment variable in the local configuration
  odo config set --env KAFKA_HOST=kafka --env KAFKA_PORT=6639

  # Create a local configuration and apply the changes to the cluster immediately
  odo config set --now

  # Unset a configuration value in the local config
  odo config unset Type
  odo config unset Name
  odo config unset MinMemory
  odo config unset MaxMemory
  odo config unset Memory
  odo config unset Ignore
  odo config unset MinCPU
  odo config unset MaxCPU
  odo config unset CPU

  # Unset an env variable in the local config
  odo config unset --env KAFKA_HOST --env KAFKA_PORT


Application is the name of application the component needs to be part of


The minimum and maximum CPU a component can consume


Consider the .odoignore file for push and watch

Table 1. Available Local Parameters:


The name of application that the component needs to be part of


The minimum and maximum CPU a component can consume


Whether to consider the .odoignore file for push and watch


The maximum CPU a component can consume


The maximum memory a component can consume


The minimum and maximum memory a component can consume


The minimum CPU a component can consume


The minimum memory a component is provided


The name of the component


Ports to be opened in the component


The name of the project that the component is part of


Git ref to use for creating component from git source


The path indicates the location of binary file or git source


Type of component source - git/binary/local


Storage of the component


The type of component


The URL to access the component


Create a configuration describing a component to be deployed on OpenShift Container Platform. If a component name is not provided, it is autogenerated.

By default, builder images are used from the current namespace. To explicitly supply a namespace, use: odo create namespace/name:version. If a version is not specified, the version defaults to latest.

Use odo catalog list to see a full list of component types that can be deployed.

Example using create
  # Create new Node.js component with the source in current directory.
  odo create nodejs

  # Create new Node.js component and push it to the cluster immediately.
  odo create nodejs --now

  # A specific image version may also be specified
  odo create nodejs:latest

  # Create new Node.js component named 'frontend' with the source in './frontend' directory
  odo create nodejs frontend --context ./frontend

  # Create a new Node.js component of version 6 from the 'openshift' namespace
  odo create openshift/nodejs:6 --context /nodejs-ex

  # Create new Wildfly component with binary named sample.war in './downloads' directory
  odo create wildfly wildfly --binary ./downloads/sample.war

  # Create new Node.js component with source from remote git repository
  odo create nodejs --git

  # Create new Node.js git component while specifying a branch, tag or commit ref
  odo create nodejs --git --ref master

  # Create new Node.js git component while specifying a tag
  odo create nodejs --git --ref v1.0.1

  # Create new Node.js component with the source in current directory and ports 8080-tcp,8100-tcp and 9100-udp exposed
  odo create nodejs --port 8080,8100/tcp,9100/udp

  # Create new Node.js component with the source in current directory and env variables key=value and key1=value1 exposed
  odo create nodejs --env key=value,key1=value1

  # Create a new Python component with the source in a Git repository
  odo create python --git

  # Passing memory limits
  odo create nodejs --memory 150Mi
  odo create nodejs --min-memory 150Mi --max-memory 300 Mi

  # Passing cpu limits
  odo create nodejs --cpu 2
  odo create nodejs --min-cpu 200m --max-cpu 2


Debug a component.

Example using debug
# Displaying information about the state of debugging
odo debug info

# Starting the port forwarding for a component to debug the application
odo debug port-forward

# Setting a local port to port forward
odo debug port-forward --local-port 9292


Delete an existing component.

Example using delete
  # Delete component named 'frontend'.
  odo delete frontend
  odo delete frontend --all-apps


Describe the given component.

Example using describe
  # Describe nodejs component
  odo describe nodejs

Link a component to a service or component.

Example using link
  # Link the current component to the 'my-postgresql' service
  odo link my-postgresql

  # Link component 'nodejs' to the 'my-postgresql' service
  odo link my-postgresql --component nodejs

  # Link current component to the 'backend' component (backend must have a single exposed port)
  odo link backend

  # Link component 'nodejs' to the 'backend' component
  odo link backend --component nodejs

  # Link current component to port 8080 of the 'backend' component (backend must have port 8080 exposed)
  odo link backend --port 8080

Link adds the appropriate secret to the environment of the source component. The source component can then consume the entries of the secret as environment variables. If the source component is not provided, the current active component is assumed.


List all the components in the current application and the states of the components.

The states of the components

A component is pushed to the cluster.

Not Pushed

A component is not pushed to the cluster.


odo is disconnected from the cluster.

Example using list
  # List all components in the application
  odo list

  # List all the components in a given path
  odo list --path <path_to_your_component>


Retrieve the log for the given component.

Example using log
  # Get the logs for the nodejs component
  odo log nodejs


Log in to the cluster.

Example using login
  # Log in interactively
  odo login

  # Log in to the given server with the given certificate authority file
  odo login localhost:8443 --certificate-authority=/path/to/cert.crt

  # Log in to the given server with the given credentials (basic auth)
  odo login localhost:8443 --username=myuser --password=mypass

  # Log in to the given server with the given credentials (token)
  odo login localhost:8443 --token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Log out of the current OpenShift Container Platform session.

Example using logout
  # Log out
  odo logout


Modify odo specific configuration settings within the global preference file.

Example using preference

  # For viewing the current preferences
  odo preference view

  # Set a preference value in the global preference
  odo preference set UpdateNotification false
  odo preference set NamePrefix "app"
  odo preference set Timeout 20

  # Enable experimental mode
  odo preference set experimental true

  # Unset a preference value in the global preference
  odo preference unset  UpdateNotification
  odo preference unset  NamePrefix
  odo preference unset  Timeout

  # Disable experimental mode
  odo preference set experimental false

By default, the path to the global preference file is ~/.odo/preferece.yaml and it is stored in the environment variable GLOBALODOCONFIG. You can set up a custom path by setting the value of the environment variable to a new preference path, for example GLOBALODOCONFIG="new_path/preference.yaml"

Table 2. Available Parameters:


The default prefix is the current directory name. Use this value to set a default name prefix.


The timeout (in seconds) for OpenShift Container Platform server connection checks.


Controls whether an update notification is shown.


Perform project operations.

Example using project
  # Set the active project
  odo project set

  # Create a new project
  odo project create myproject

  # List all the projects
  odo project list

  # Delete a project
  odo project delete myproject

  # Get the active project
  odo project get


Push source code to a component.

Example using push
  # Push source code to the current component
  odo push

  # Push data to the current component from the original source.
  odo push

  # Push source code in ~/mycode to component called my-component
  odo push my-component --context ~/mycode

  # Push source code and display event notifications in JSON format.
  odo push -o json


Create and modify custom registries.

Example using registry
# Add a registry to the registry list
odo registry add <registry name> <registry URL>

# List a registry in the registry list
odo registry list

# Delete a registry from the registry list
odo registry delete <registry name>

# Update a registry in the registry list
odo registry update <registry name> <registry URL>

# List a component with a corresponding registry
odo catalog list components

# Create a component that is hosted by a specific registry
odo create <component type> --registry <registry name>


Perform service catalog operations.

Example using service
  # Create new postgresql service from service catalog using dev plan and name my-postgresql-db.
  odo service create dh-postgresql-apb my-postgresql-db --plan dev -p postgresql_user=luke -p postgresql_password=secret

  # Delete the service named 'mysql-persistent'
  odo service delete mysql-persistent

  # List all services in the application
  odo service list


Perform storage operations.

Example using storage
  # Create storage of size 1Gb to a component
  odo storage create mystorage --path=/opt/app-root/src/storage/ --size=1Gi

  # Delete storage mystorage from the currently active component
  odo storage delete mystorage

  # List all storage attached or mounted to the current component and
  # all unattached or unmounted storage in the current application
  odo storage list

  # Set the `-o json` flag to get a JSON formatted output
  odo storage list -o json

Unlink component or a service.

For this command to be successful, the service or component must have been linked prior to the invocation using odo link.

Example using unlink
  # Unlink the 'my-postgresql' service from the current component
  odo unlink my-postgresql

  # Unlink the 'my-postgresql' service  from the 'nodejs' component
  odo unlink my-postgresql --component nodejs

  # Unlink the 'backend' component from the current component (backend must have a single exposed port)
  odo unlink backend

  # Unlink the 'backend' service  from the 'nodejs' component
  odo unlink backend --component nodejs

  # Unlink the backend's 8080 port from the current component
  odo unlink backend --port 8080


Update the source code path of a component

Example using update
  # Change the source code path of a currently active component to local (use the current directory as a source)
  odo update --local

  # Change the source code path of the frontend component to local with source in ./frontend directory
  odo update frontend --local ./frontend

  # Change the source code path of a currently active component to git
  odo update --git

  # Change the source code path of the component named node-ex to git
  odo update node-ex --git

  # Change the source code path of the component named wildfly to a binary named sample.war in ./downloads directory
  odo update wildfly --binary ./downloads/sample.war


Expose a component to the outside world.

Example using url
  # Create a URL for the current component with a specific port
  odo url create --port 8080

  # Create a URL with a specific name and port
  odo url create example --port 8080

  # Create a URL with a specific name by automatic detection of port (only for components which expose only one service port)
  odo url create example

  # Create a URL with a specific name and port for component frontend
  odo url create example --port 8080 --component frontend

  # Delete a URL to a component
  odo url delete myurl

  # List the available URLs
  odo url list

  # Create a URL in the configuration and apply the changes to the cluster
  odo url create --now

  # Create an HTTPS URL
  odo url create --secure

The URLs that are generated using this command can be used to access the deployed components from outside the cluster.


Utilities for terminal commands and modifying odo configurations.

Example using utils
  # Bash terminal PS1 support
  source <(odo utils terminal bash)

  # Zsh terminal PS1 support
  source <(odo utils terminal zsh)


Print the client version information.

Example using version
  # Print the client version of odo
  odo version


odo starts watching for changes and updates the component upon a change automatically.

Example using watch
  # Watch for changes in directory for current component
  odo watch

  # Watch for changes in directory for component called frontend
  odo watch frontend