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OpenShift <strong>gitops</strong> release notes - <strong>gitops</strong> | CI/CD | OpenShift Container Platform 4.9

Red Hat OpenShift gitops is a declarative way to implement continuous deployment for cloud native applications. Red Hat OpenShift gitops ensures consistency in applications when you deploy them to different clusters in different environments, such as: development, staging, and production. Red Hat OpenShift gitops helps you automate the following tasks:

  • Ensure that the clusters have similar states for configuration, monitoring, and storage

  • Recover or recreate clusters from a known state

  • Apply or revert configuration changes to multiple OpenShift Container Platform clusters

  • Associate templated configuration with different environments

  • Promote applications across clusters, from staging to production

For an overview of Red Hat OpenShift gitops, see Understanding OpenShift gitops.

Compatibility and support matrix

Some features in this release are currently in Technology Preview. These experimental features are not intended for production use.

In the table, features are marked with the following statuses:

  • TP: Technology Preview

  • GA: General Availability

  • NA: Not Applicable

OpenShift gitops Component Versions OpenShift Versions





Argo CD





0.0.46 TP

3.8.1 GA

4.4.1 GA

2.4.5 GA

GA and included in ArgoCD component

2.30.3 GA

7.5.1 GA



0.0.42 TP

3.8.0 GA

4.4.1 GA

2.3.3 GA

0.4.1 TP

2.30.3 GA

7.5.1 GA



0.0.41 TP

3.7.1 GA

4.2.0 GA

2.2.2 GA

0.2.0 TP

2.30.0 GA

7.4.0 GA



0.0.40 TP

3.6.0 GA

4.2.0 GA

2.1.2 GA

0.2.0 TP

2.28.0 GA

7.4.0 GA

4.7-4.9, 4.6 with limited GA support


0.0.38 TP

3.5.0 GA

3.9.4 GA

2.0.5 GA

0.1.0 TP


7.4.0 GA



0.0.32 TP

3.5.0 GA

3.9.4 GA

2.0.0 GA





  • "kam" is an abbreviation for Red Hat OpenShift gitops Application Manager (kam).

  • "RH SSO" is an abbreviation for Red Hat SSO.

Technology Preview features

The features mentioned in the following table are currently in Technology Preview (TP). These experimental features are not intended for production use.

Table 1. Technology Preview tracker
Feature TP in OCP versions GA in OCP versions

Argo CD applications in non-control plane namespaces

4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12


The Red Hat OpenShift gitops Environments page in the Developer perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console 

4.7, 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12


Argo CD Notifications controller

4.8, 4.9, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12


Making open source more inclusive

Red Hat is committed to replacing problematic language in our code, documentation, and web properties. We are beginning with these four terms: master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. Because of the enormity of this endeavor, these changes will be implemented gradually over several upcoming releases. For more details, see our CTO Chris Wright’s message.

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.7

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.7 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

Fixed issues

The following issue has been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, all versions of the Argo CD Operator, starting with v0.5.0 were vulnerable to an information disclosure flaw. As a result, unauthorized users could enumerate application names by inspecting API error messages and use the discovered application names as the starting point of another attack. For example, the attacker might use their knowledge of an application name to convince an administrator to grant higher privileges. This update fixes the CVE-2022-41354 error. gitops-2635, CVE-2022-41354

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.6

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.6 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

Fixed issues

The following issue has been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, all versions of the Argo CD Operator, starting with v0.5.0 were vulnerable to an information disclosure flaw. As a result, unauthorized users could enumerate application names by inspecting API error messages and use the discovered application names as the starting point of another attack. For example, the attacker might use their knowledge of an application name to convince an administrator to grant higher privileges. This update fixes the CVE-2022-41354 error. gitops-2635, CVE-2022-41354

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.4

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.4 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

Fixed issues

  • Before this update, all versions of Argo CD v1.8.2 and later were vulnerable to an improper authorization bug. As a result, Argo CD would accept tokens for audiences who might not be intended to access the cluster. This issue is now fixed. CVE-2023-22482

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.2

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.2 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10 and 4.11.

New features

  • This release removes the DISABLE_DEX environment variable from the openshift-gitops-operator CSV file. As a result, this environment variable is no longer set when you perform a fresh installation of Red Hat OpenShift gitops. gitops-2360

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, the subscription health check was marked degraded for missing InstallPlan when more than 5 Operators were installed in a project. This update fixes the issue. gitops-2018

  • Before this update, the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator would spam the cluster with a deprecation notice warning whenever it detected that an Argo CD instance used deprecated fields. This update fixes this issue and shows only one warning event for each instance that detects a field. gitops-2230

  • From OpenShift Container Platform 4.12, it is optional to install the console. This fix updates the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator to prevent errors with the Operator if the console is not installed. gitops-2352

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.1

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.1 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, the application controllers in a large set of applications were restarted multiple times due to the unresponsiveness of liveness probes. This update fixes the issue by removing the liveness probe in the application controller StatefulSet object. gitops-2153

  • Before this update, the RHSSO certificate could not be validated when it is set up with a certificate that was not signed by certificate authorities. This update fixes the issue and now you can provide a custom certificate that will be used in verifying the Keycloak’s TLS certificate when communicating with it. You can add the rootCA to the Argo CD custom resource .spec.keycloak.rootCA field. The Operator reconciles this change and updates the oidc.config field in the argocd-cm ConfigMap with the PEM-encoded root certificate. gitops-2214

    Restart the Argo CD server pod after updating the .spec.keycloak.rootCA field.

    For example:

    kind: ArgoCD
      name: example-argocd
        example: basic
        provider: keycloak
         rootCA: |
           ---- BEGIN CERTIFICATE ----
           This is a dummy certificate
           Please place this section with appropriate rootCA
           ---- END CERTIFICATE ----
          enabled: true
  • Before this update, a terminating namespace that was managed by Argo CD would block the creation of roles and other configuration of other managed namespaces. This update fixes this issue. gitops-2277

  • Before this update, the Dex pods failed to start with CreateContainerConfigError when an SCC of anyuid was assigned to the Dex ServiceAccount resource. This update fixes this issue by assigning a default user id to the Dex container. gitops-2235

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.0

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.6.0 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

New features

The current release adds the following improvements:

  • Previously, the Argo CD ApplicationSet controller was a technology preview (TP) feature. With this update, it is a general availability (GA) feature. gitops-1958

  • With this update, the latest releases of the Red Hat OpenShift gitops are available in latest and version-based channels. To get these upgrades, update the channel parameter in the Subscription object YAML file: change its value from stable to latest or a version-based channel such as gitops-1.6. gitops-1791

  • With this update, the parameters of the spec.sso field that control the keycloak configurations are moved to .spec.sso.keycloak. The parameters of the .spec.dex field are added to .spec.sso.dex. Start using .spec.sso.provider to enable or disable Dex. The .spec.dex parameters are deprecated and planned to be removed in version 1.9, along with the DISABLE_DEX and .spec.sso fields for keycloak configuration. gitops-1983

  • With this update, the Argo CD Notifications controller is an optional workload that can be enabled or disabled by using the .spec.notifications.enabled parameter in the Argo CD custom resource definition. The Argo CD Notifications controller is a Technical Preview feature. gitops-1917

Argo CD Notifications controller is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

  • With this update, resource exclusions for Tekton pipeline runs and task runs are added by default. Argo CD prunes these resources by default. These resource exclusions are added to new Argo CD instances created in OpenShift Container Platform. If the instances are created from the CLI, the resources are not added. gitops-1876

  • With this update, you can select the tracking method that Argo CD uses by setting the resourceTrackingMethod parameter in the Argo CD Operand’s custom resource definition. gitops-1862

  • With this update, you can add entries to the argocd-cm configMap using the extraConfig field of Red Hat OpenShift gitops Argo CD custom resource. The specified entries are reconciled to the live config-cm configMap without validations. gitops-1964

  • With this update, on OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Environments page in the Developer perspective shows history of the successful deployments of the application environments, along with links to the revision for each deployment. gitops-1269

  • With this update, you can manage resources with Argo CD that are also being used as template resources or "source" by an Operator. gitops-982

  • With this update, the Operator configures Argo CD workloads with the correct permissions to satisfy Pod Security admission, which was enabled in Kubernetes 1.24. gitops-2026

  • With this update, Config Management Plugins 2.0 is supported. You can use the Argo CD custom resource to specify sidebar containers for the repo server. gitops-776

  • With this update, all communication between the Argo CD components and the Redis cache is secured using TLS encryption. gitops-720

  • This release of Red Hat OpenShift gitops adds support for IBM Z and IBM Power on OpenShift Container Platform 4.10. Installations in restricted environments are not supported on IBM Z and IBM Power.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, the system:serviceaccount:argocd:gitops-argocd-application-controller controller did not create a "prometheusrules" resource in the API group in the namespace webapps-dev. This update fixes this issue, and Red Hat OpenShift gitops can manage all resources from the API group. gitops-1638

  • Before this update, while reconciling cluster permissions, if a secret belonged to a cluster config instance it was deleted. This update fixes this issue. Now, the namespaces field from the secret is deleted instead of the secret. gitops-1777

  • Before this update, if you installed the HA variant of Argo CD through the Operator, the Operator created the Redis StatefulSet object with podAffinity rules instead of podAntiAffinity rules. This update fixes this issue. Now, the Operator creates the Redis StatefulSet with podAntiAffinity rules. gitops-1645

  • Before this update, Argo CD ApplicationSet had too many ssh zombie processes. This update fixes this issue: it adds tini, an init daemon that creates processes and reaps zombies processes, to the ApplicationSet controller. This ensures that a SIGTERM signal is correctly passed to the running process, preventing it from being a zombie process. gitops-2108

Known issues

  • Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator can make use of RHSSO (KeyCloak) through OIDC in addition to Dex. However, with a recent security fix applied, the certificate of RHSSO cannot be validated in some scenarios. gitops-2214

    As a workaround, disable TLS validation for the OIDC (Keycloak/RHSSO) endpoint in the ArgoCD specification.

    oidc.tls.insecure.skip.verify: "true"

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.9

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.9 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

Fixed issues

  • Before this update, all versions of Argo CD v1.8.2 and later were vulnerable to an improper authorization bug. As a result, Argo CD would accept tokens for users who might not be authorized to access the cluster. This issue is now fixed. CVE-2023-22482

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.7

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.7 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • From OpenShift Container Platform 4.12, it is optional to install the console. This fix updates the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator to prevent errors with the Operator if the console is not installed. gitops-2353

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.6

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.6 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, the application controllers in a large set of applications were restarted multiple times due to the unresponsiveness of liveness probes. This update fixes the issue by removing the liveness probe in the application controller StatefulSet object. gitops-2153

  • Before this update, the RHSSO certificate could not be validated when it was set up with a certificate that was not signed by certificate authorities. This update fixes the issue and now you can provide a custom certificate that will be used in verifying the Keycloak’s TLS certificate when communicating with it. You can add the rootCA to the Argo CD custom resource .spec.keycloak.rootCA field. The Operator reconciles this change and updates the oidc.config field in the argocd-cm ConfigMap with the PEM-encoded root certificate. gitops-2214

    Restart the Argo CD server pod after updating the .spec.keycloak.rootCA field.

    For example:

    kind: ArgoCD
      name: example-argocd
        example: basic
        provider: keycloak
         rootCA: |
           ---- BEGIN CERTIFICATE ----
           This is a dummy certificate
           Please place this section with appropriate rootCA
           ---- END CERTIFICATE ----
          enabled: true
  • Before this update, a terminating namespace that was managed by Argo CD would block the creation of roles and other configuration of other managed namespaces. This update fixes this issue. gitops-2278

  • Before this update, the Dex pods failed to start with CreateContainerConfigError when an SCC of anyuid was assigned to the Dex ServiceAccount resource. This update fixes this issue by assigning a default user id to the Dex container. gitops-2235

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.5

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.5 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

New features

The current release adds the following improvements:

  • With this update, the bundled Argo CD has been updated to version 2.3.7.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, the redis-ha-haproxy pods of an ArgoCD instance failed when more restrictive SCCs were present in the cluster. This update fixes the issue by updating the security context in workloads. gitops-2034

Known issues

  • Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator can use RHSSO (KeyCloak) with OIDC and Dex. However, with a recent security fix applied, the Operator cannot validate the RHSSO certificate in some scenarios. gitops-2214

    As a workaround, disable TLS validation for the OIDC (Keycloak/RHSSO) endpoint in the ArgoCD specification.

    kind: ArgoCD
      name: example-argocd
        "admin.enabled": "true"

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.4

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.4 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, the Red Hat OpenShift gitops was using an older version of the REDIS 5 image tag. This update fixes the issue and upgrades the rhel8/redis-5 image tag. gitops-2037

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.3

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.3 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, all unpatched versions of Argo CD v1.0.0 and later were vulnerable to a cross-site scripting bug. As a result, an unauthorized user was able to inject a javascript link in the UI. This issue is now fixed. CVE-2022-31035

  • Before this update, all versions of Argo CD v0.11.0 and later were vulnerable to multiple attacks when SSO login was initiated from the Argo CD CLI or the UI. This issue is now fixed. CVE-2022-31034

  • Before this update, all unpatched versions of Argo CD v1.0.0 and later were vulnerable to a cross-site scripting bug. As a result, an unauthorized users was able to inject JavaScript links in the UI. This issue is now fixed. CVE-2022-31016

  • Before this update, all unpatched versions of Argo CD v1.3.0 and later were vulnerable to a symlink-following bug. As a result, an unauthorized user with repository write access was able to leak sensitive YAML files from Argo CD’s repo-server. This issue is now fixed. CVE-2022-31036

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.2

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.2 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, images referenced by the redhat-operator-index were missing. This issue is now fixed. gitops-2036

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.1

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.1 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, if Argo CD’s anonymous access was enabled, an unauthenticated user was able to craft a JWT token and get full access to the Argo CD instance. This issue is now fixed . CVE-2022-29165

  • Before this update, an unauthenticated user was able to display error messages on the login screen while SSO was enabled. This issue is now fixed. CVE-2022-24905

  • Before this update, all unpatched versions of Argo CD v0.7.0 and later were vulnerable to a symlink-following bug. As a result, an unauthorized user with repository write access was able to leak sensitive files from Argo CD’s repo-server. This issue is now fixed. CVE-2022-24904

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.0

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.5.0 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8, 4.9, 4.10, and 4.11.

New features

The current release adds the following improvements:

  • This enhancement upgrades Argo CD to version 2.3.3. gitops-1708

  • This enhancement upgrades Dex to version 2.30.3. gitops-1850

  • This enhancement upgrades Helm to version 3.8.0. gitops-1709

  • This enhancement upgrades Kustomize to version 4.4.1. gitops-1710

  • This enhancement upgrades Application Set to version 0.4.1.

  • With this update, a new channel named latest is added. This channel provides the latest release of the Red Hat OpenShift gitops. For gitops v1.5.0, the Operator is pushed to gitops-1.5, latest channel, and the existing stable channel. From gitops v1.6, all of the latest releases will be pushed only to the latest channel and not the stable channel. gitops-1791

  • With this update, the new CSV adds the olm.skipRange: '>=1.0.0 <1.5.0' annotation. As a result, all of the previous release versions are skipped. The Operator upgrades to v1.5.0 directly. gitops-1787

  • With this update, the Operator updates the Red Hat Single Sign-On (RH-SSO) to version v7.5.1, including the following enhancements:

    • You can log in to Argo CD using the OpenShift Container Platform credentials including the kube:admin credential.

    • The RH-SSO supports and configures Argo CD instances for Role-based Access Control (RBAC) using OpenShift Container Platform groups.

    • The RH-SSO supports the HTTP_Proxy environment variables. You can use the RH-SSO as an SSO for Argo CD running behind a proxy.

  • With this update, a new .host URL field is added to the .status field of the Argo CD operand. When a route or ingress is enabled with the priority given to route, the new URL field displays the route. If no URL is provided from the route or ingress, the .host field is not displayed.

    When the route or ingress is configured, but the corresponding controller is not set up properly and is not in the Ready state or does not propagate its URL, the value of the field in the operand is indicated as Pending instead of displaying the URL. This affects the overall status of the operand by making it Pending instead of Available. gitops-654

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, RBAC rules specific to AppProjects would not allow the use of commas for the subject field of the role, thus preventing bindings to the LDAP account. This update fixes the issue and you can now specify complex role bindings in AppProject specific RBAC rules. gitops-1771

  • Before this update, when a DeploymentConfig resource was scaled to 0, Argo CD displayed it in a progressing state with a health status message as "replication controller is waiting for pods to run". This update fixes the edge case and the health check now reports the correct health status of the DeploymentConfig resource. gitops-1738

  • Before this update, the TLS certificate in the argocd-tls-certs-cm configuration map was deleted by the Red Hat OpenShift gitops unless the certificate was configured in the ArgoCD CR specification tls.initialCerts field. This issue is fixed now. gitops-1725

  • Before this update, when creating a namespace with the managed-by label, it created a lot of RoleBinding resources on the new namespace. This update fixes the issue and now Red Hat OpenShift gitops removes the irrelevant Role and RoleBinding resources created by the previous versions. gitops-1550

  • Before this update, when creating a namespace with the managed-by label, a lot of RoleBinding resources on the new namespace were created. This update fixes the issue and Red Hat OpenShift gitops removes the irrelevant Role and RoleBinding resources created by the previous versions. gitops-1548

Known issues

  • Argo CD field is not updated when an Ingress resource is in use instead of a Route resource on OpenShift Container Platform clusters. gitops-1920

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.13

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.13 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • From OpenShift Container Platform 4.12, it is optional to install the console. This fix updates the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator to prevent errors with the Operator if the console is not installed. gitops-2354

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.12

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.12 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, in a large set of applications the application controllers were restarted multiple times due to the unresponsiveness of liveness probes. This update fixes the issue by removing the liveness probe in the application controller StatefulSet object. gitops-2153

  • Before this update, the RHSSO certificate could not be validated when it was set up with a certificate that was not signed by certificate authorities. This update fixes the issue and now you can provide a custom certificate that will be used in verifying the Keycloak’s TLS certificate when communicating with it. You can add the rootCA to the Argo CD custom resource .spec.keycloak.rootCA field. The Operator reconciles this change and updates the oidc.config field in the argocd-cm ConfigMap with the PEM-encoded root certificate. gitops-2214

    Restart the Argo CD server pod after updating the .spec.keycloak.rootCA field.

    For example:

    kind: ArgoCD
      name: example-argocd
        example: basic
        provider: keycloak
         rootCA: |
           ---- BEGIN CERTIFICATE ----
           This is a dummy certificate
           Please place this section with appropriate rootCA
           ---- END CERTIFICATE ----
          enabled: true
  • Before this update, a terminating namespace that was managed by Argo CD would block the creation of roles and other configuration of other managed namespaces. This update fixes this issue. gitops-2276

  • Before this update, the Dex pods failed to start with CreateContainerConfigError when an SCC of anyuid was assigned to the Dex ServiceAccount resource. This update fixes this issue by assigning a default user id to the Dex container. gitops-2235

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.11

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.11 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10.

New features

The current release adds the following improvements:

  • With this update, the bundled Argo CD has been updated to version 2.2.12.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, the redis-ha-haproxy pods of an ArgoCD instance failed when more restrictive SCCs were present in the cluster. This update fixes the issue by updating the security context in workloads. gitops-2034

Known issues

  • Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator can use RHSSO (KeyCloak) with OIDC and Dex. However, with a recent security fix applied, the Operator cannot validate the RHSSO certificate in some scenarios. gitops-2214

    As a workaround, disable TLS validation for the OIDC (Keycloak/RHSSO) endpoint in the ArgoCD specification.

    kind: ArgoCD
      name: example-argocd
        "admin.enabled": "true"

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.6

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.6 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10.

Fixed issues

The following issue has been resolved in the current release:

  • The base images are updated to the latest version to avoid OpenSSL flaw link: (CVE-2022-0778).

To install the current release of Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4 and receive further updates during its product life cycle, switch to the gitops-1.4 channel.

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.5

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.5 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10.

Fixed issues

You should directly upgrade to Red Hat OpenShift gitops v1.4.5 from Red Hat OpenShift gitops v1.4.3. Do not use Red Hat OpenShift gitops v1.4.4 in a production environment. Major issues that affected Red Hat OpenShift gitops v1.4.4 are fixed in Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.5.

The following issue has been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, Argo CD pods were stuck in the ErrImagePullBackOff state. The following error message was shown:

reason: ErrImagePull
          message: >-
            rpc error: code = Unknown desc = reading manifest
            in StatusCode:
            404, <HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Error</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>

This issue is now fixed. gitops-1848

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.3

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.3 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10.

Fixed issues

The following issue has been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, the TLS certificate in the argocd-tls-certs-cm configuration map was deleted by the Red Hat OpenShift gitops unless the certificate was configured in the ArgoCD CR specification tls.initialCerts field. This update fixes this issue. gitops-1725

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.2

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.2 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10.

Fixed issues

The following issue has been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, the Route resources got stuck in Progressing Health status if more than one Ingress were attached to the route. This update fixes the health check and reports the correct health status of the Route resources. gitops-1751

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.1

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.1 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10.

Fixed issues

The following issue has been resolved in the current release:

  • Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator v1.4.0 introduced a regression which removes the description fields from spec for the following CRDs:

    • argoproj.io_applications.yaml

    • argoproj.io_appprojects.yaml

    • argoproj.io_argocds.yaml

      Before this update, when you created an AppProject resource using the oc create command, the resource failed to synchronize due to the missing description fields. This update restores the missing description fields in the preceding CRDs. gitops-1721

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.0

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.4.0 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.10.

New features

The current release adds the following improvements.

  • This enhancement upgrades Red Hat OpenShift gitops Application Manager (kam) to version 0.0.41. gitops-1669

  • This enhancement upgrades Argo CD to version 2.2.2. gitops-1532

  • This enhancement upgrades Helm to version 3.7.1. gitops-1530

  • This enhancement adds the health status of the DeploymentConfig, Route, and OLM Operator items to the Argo CD Dashboard and OpenShift Container Platform web console. This information helps you monitor the overall health status of your application. gitops-655, gitops-915, gitops-916, gitops-1110

  • With this update, you can to specify the number of desired replicas for the argocd-server and argocd-repo-server components by setting the .spec.server.replicas and .spec.repo.replicas attributes in the Argo CD custom resource, respectively. If you configure the horizontal pod autoscaler (HPA) for the argocd-server components, it takes precedence over the Argo CD custom resource attributes. gitops-1245

  • As an administrative user, when you give Argo CD access to a namespace by using the label, it assumes namespace-admin privileges. These privileges are an issue for administrators who provide namespaces to non-administrators, such as development teams, because the privileges enable non-administrators to modify objects such as network policies.

    With this update, administrators can configure a common cluster role for all the managed namespaces. In role bindings for the Argo CD application controller, the Operator refers to the CONTROLLER_CLUSTER_ROLE environment variable. In role bindings for the Argo CD server, the Operator refers to the SERVER_CLUSTER_ROLE environment variable. If these environment variables contain custom roles, the Operator doesn’t create the default admin role. Instead, it uses the existing custom role for all managed namespaces. gitops-1290

  • With this update, the Environments page in the OpenShift Container Platform Developer perspective displays a broken heart icon to indicate degraded resources, excluding ones whose status is Progressing, Missing, and Unknown. The console displays a yellow yield sign icon to indicate out-of-sync resources. gitops-1307

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, when the Route to the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Application Manager (kam) was accessed without specifying a path in the URL, a default page without any helpful information was displayed to the user. This update fixes the issue so that the default page displays download links for kam. gitops-923

  • Before this update, setting a resource quota in the namespace of the Argo CD custom resource might cause the setup of the Red Hat SSO (RH SSO) instance to fail. This update fixes this issue by setting a minimum resource request for the RH SSO deployment pods. gitops-1297

  • Before this update, if you changed the log level for the argocd-repo-server workload, the Operator didn’t reconcile this setting. The workaround was to delete the deployment resource so that the Operator recreated it with the new log level. With this update, the log level is correctly reconciled for existing argocd-repo-server workloads. gitops-1387

  • Before this update, if the Operator managed an Argo CD instance that lacked the .data field in the argocd-secret Secret, the Operator on that instance crashed. This update fixes the issue so that the Operator doesn’t crash when the .data field is missing. Instead, the secret regenerates and the gitops-operator-controller-manager resource is redeployed. gitops-1402

  • Before this update, the gitopsservice service was annotated as an internal object. This update removes the annotation so you can update or delete the default Argo CD instance and run gitops workloads on infrastructure nodes by using the UI. gitops-1429

Known issues

These are the known issues in the current release:

  • If you migrate from the Dex authentication provider to the Keycloak provider, you might experience login issues with Keycloak.

    To prevent this issue, when migrating, uninstall Dex by removing the .spec.dex section from the Argo CD custom resource. Allow a few minutes for Dex to uninstall completely. Then, install Keycloak by adding .spec.sso.provider: keycloak to the Argo CD custom resource.

    As a workaround, uninstall Keycloak by removing .spec.sso.provider: keycloak. Then, re-install it. gitops-1450, gitops-1331

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3.7

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3.7 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.6 with limited GA support.

Fixed issues

The following issue has been resolved in the current release:

  • Before this update, a flaw was found in OpenSSL. This update fixes the issue by updating the base images to the latest version to avoid the OpenSSL flaw. (CVE-2022-0778).

To install the current release of Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3 and receive further updates during its product life cycle, switch to the gitops-1.3 channel.

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3.6

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3.6 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.6 with limited GA support.

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • In Red Hat OpenShift gitops, improper access control allows admin privilege escalation (CVE-2022-1025). This update fixes the issue.

  • A path traversal flaw allows leaking of out-of-bound files (CVE-2022-24731). This update fixes the issue.

  • A path traversal flaw and improper access control allows leaking of out-of-bound files (CVE-2022-24730). This update fixes the issue.

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3.2

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3.2 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.6 with limited GA support.

New features

In addition to the fixes and stability improvements, the following sections highlight what is new in Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3.2:

  • Upgraded Argo CD to version 2.1.8

  • Upgraded Dex to version 2.30.0

Fixed issues

The following issues have been resolved in the current release:

  • Previously, in the OperatorHub UI under the Infrastructure Features section, when you filtered by Disconnected the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator did not show in the search results, as the Operator did not have the related annotation set in its CSV file. With this update, the Disconnected Cluster annotation has been added to the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator as an infrastructure feature. gitops-1539

  • When using an Namespace-scoped Argo CD instance, for example, an Argo CD instance that is not scoped to All Namepsaces in a cluster, Red Hat OpenShift gitops dynamically maintains a list of managed namespaces. These namespaces include the label. This list of namespaces is stored in a cache in Argo CD → Settings → Clusters → "in-cluster" → NAMESPACES. Before this update, if you deleted one of these namespaces, the Operator ignored that, and the namespace remained in the list. This behavior broke the CONNECTION STATE in that cluster configuration, and all sync attempts resulted in errors. For example:

    Argo service account does not have <random_verb> on <random_resource_type> in namespace <the_namespace_you_deleted>.

    This bug is fixed. gitops-1521

  • With this update, the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator has been annotated with the Deep Insights capability level. gitops-1519

  • Previously, the Argo CD Operator managed the resource.exclusion field by itself but ignored the resource.inclusion field. This prevented the resource.inclusion field configured in the Argo CD CR to generate in the argocd-cm configuration map. This bug is fixed. gitops-1518

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3.1

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3.1 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.6 with limited GA support.

Fixed issues

  • If you upgrade to v1.3.0, the Operator does not return an ordered slice of environment variables. As a result, the reconciler fails causing the frequent recreation of Argo CD pods in OpenShift Container Platform clusters running behind a proxy. This update fixes the issue so that Argo CD pods are not recreated. gitops-1489

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7, 4.8, 4.9, and 4.6 with limited GA support.

New features

In addition to the fixes and stability improvements, the following sections highlight what is new in Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.3.0:

  • For a fresh install of v1.3.0, Dex is automatically configured. You can log into the default Argo CD instance in the openshift-gitops namespace using the OpenShift or kubeadmin credentials. As an admin you can disable the Dex installation after the Operator is installed which will remove the Dex deployment from the openshift-gitops namespace.

  • The default Argo CD instance installed by the Operator as well as accompanying controllers can now run on the infrastructure nodes of the cluster by setting a simple configuration toggle.

  • Internal communications in Argo CD can now be secured using the TLS and the OpenShift cluster certificates. The Argo CD routes can now leverage the OpenShift cluster certificates in addition to using external certificate managers such as the cert-manager.

  • Use the improved Environments page in the Developer perspective of the console 4.9 to gain insights into the gitops environments.

  • You can now access custom health checks in Argo CD for DeploymentConfig resources, Route resources, and Operators installed using OLM.

  • The gitops Operator now conforms to the naming conventions recommended by the latest Operator-SDK:

    • The prefix gitops-operator- is added to all resources

    • Service account is renamed to gitops-operator-controller-manager

Fixed issues

The following issues were resolved in the current release:

  • Previously, if you set up a new namespace to be managed by a new instance of Argo CD, it would immediately be Out Of Sync due to the new roles and bindings that the Operator creates to manage that new namespace. This behavior is fixed. gitops-1384

Known issues

  • While migrating from the Dex authentication provider to the Keycloak provider, you may experience login issues with Keycloak. gitops-1450

    To prevent the above issue, when migrating, uninstall Dex by removing the .spec.dex section found in the Argo CD custom resource. Allow a few minutes for Dex to uninstall completely, and then proceed to install Keycloak by adding .spec.sso.provider: keycloak to the Argo CD custom resource.

    As a workaround, uninstall Keycloak by removing .spec.sso.provider: keycloak and then re-install.

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.2.2

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.2.2 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.

Fixed issues

The following issue was resolved in the current release:

  • All versions of Argo CD are vulnerable to a path traversal bug that allows to pass arbitrary values to be consumed by Helm charts. This update fixes the CVE-2022-24348 gitops error, path traversal and dereference of symlinks when passing Helm value files. gitops-1756

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.2.1

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.2.1 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.

Support matrix

Some features in this release are currently in Technology Preview. These experimental features are not intended for production use.

In the table below, features are marked with the following statuses:

  • TP: Technology Preview

  • GA: General Availability

Note the following scope of support on the Red Hat Customer Portal for these features:

Table 2. Support matrix
Feature Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.2.1

Argo CD


Argo CD ApplicationSet


Red Hat OpenShift gitops Application Manager (kam)


Fixed issues

The following issues were resolved in the current release:

  • Previously, huge memory spikes were observed on the application controller on startup. The flag --kubectl-parallelism-limit for the application controller is now set to 10 by default, however this value can be overridden by specifying a number for .spec.controller.kubeParallelismLimit in the Argo CD CR specification. gitops-1255

  • The latest Triggers APIs caused Kubernetes build failure due to duplicate entries in the kustomization.yaml when using the kam bootstrap command. The Pipelines and Tekton triggers components have now been updated to v0.24.2 and v0.14.2, respectively, to address this issue. gitops-1273

  • Persisting RBAC roles and bindings are now automatically removed from the target namespace when the Argo CD instance from the source namespace is deleted. gitops-1228

  • Previously, when deploying an Argo CD instance into a namespace, the Argo CD instance would change the "managed-by" label to be its own namespace. This fix would make namespaces unlabelled while also making sure the required RBAC roles and bindings are created and deleted for the namespace. gitops-1247

  • Previously, the default resource request limits on Argo CD workloads, specifically for the repo-server and application controller, were found to be very restrictive. The existing resource quota has now been removed and the default memory limit has been increased to 1024M in the repo server. Please note that this change will only affect new installations; existing Argo CD instance workloads will not be affected. gitops-1274

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.2

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.2 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.8.

Support matrix

Some features in this release are currently in Technology Preview. These experimental features are not intended for production use.

In the table below, features are marked with the following statuses:

  • TP: Technology Preview

  • GA: General Availability

Note the following scope of support on the Red Hat Customer Portal for these features:

Table 3. Support matrix
Feature Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.2

Argo CD


Argo CD ApplicationSet


Red Hat OpenShift gitops Application Manager (kam)


New features

In addition to the fixes and stability improvements, the following sections highlight what is new in Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.2:

  • If you do not have read or write access to the openshift-gitops namespace, you can now use the DISABLE_DEFAULT_ARGOCD_INSTANCE environment variable in the gitops Operator and set the value to TRUE to prevent the default Argo CD instance from starting in the openshift-gitops namespace.

  • Resource requests and limits are now configured in Argo CD workloads. Resource quota is enabled in the openshift-gitops namespace. As a result, out-of-band workloads deployed manually in the openshift-gitops namespace must be configured with resource requests and limits and the resource quota may need to be increased.

  • Argo CD authentication is now integrated with Red Hat SSO and it is automatically configured with OpenShift 4 Identity Provider on the cluster. This feature is disabled by default. To enable Red Hat SSO, add SSO configuration in ArgoCD CR as shown below. Currently,keycloak is the only supported provider.

    kind: ArgoCD
      name: example-argocd
        example: basic
        provider: keycloak
         enabled: true
  • You can now define hostnames using route labels to support router sharding. Support for setting labels on the server (argocd server), grafana, and prometheus routes is now available. To set labels on a route, add labels under the route configuration for a server in the ArgoCD CR.

    Example ArgoCD CR YAML to set labels on argocd server
    kind: ArgoCD
      name: example-argocd
        example: basic
         enabled: true
           key1: value1
           key2: value2
  • The gitops Operator now automatically grants permissions to Argo CD instances to manage resources in target namespaces by applying labels. Users can label the target namespace with the label <source-namespace>, where the source-namespace is the namespace where the argocd instance is deployed.

Fixed issues

The following issues were resolved in the current release:

  • Previously, if a user created additional instances of Argo CD managed by the default cluster instance in the openshift-gitops namespace, the application responsible for the new Argo CD instance would get stuck in an OutOfSync status. This issue has now been resolved by adding an owner reference to the cluster secret. gitops-1025

Known issues

These are the known issues in Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.2:

  • When an Argo CD instance is deleted from the source namespace, the labels in the target namespaces are not removed. gitops-1228

  • Resource quota has been enabled in the openshift-gitops namespace in Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.2. This can affect out-of-band workloads deployed manually and workloads deployed by the default Argo CD instance in the openshift-gitops namespace. When you upgrade from Red Hat OpenShift gitops v1.1.2 to v1.2 such workloads must be configured with resource requests and limits. If there are any additional workloads, the resource quota in the openshift-gitops namespace must be increased.

    Current Resource Quota for openshift-gitops namespace.

    Resource Requests Limits







    You can use the below command to update the CPU limits.

    $ oc patch resourcequota openshift-gitops-compute-resources -n openshift-gitops --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/hard/limits.cpu", "value":"9000m"}]'

    You can use the below command to update the CPU requests.

    $ oc patch resourcequota openshift-gitops-compute-resources -n openshift-gitops --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/hard/cpu", "value":"7000m"}]

    You can replace the path in the above commands from cpu to memory to update the memory.

Release notes for Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.1

Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.1 is now available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.7.

Support matrix

Some features in this release are currently in Technology Preview. These experimental features are not intended for production use.

In the table below, features are marked with the following statuses:

  • TP: Technology Preview

  • GA: General Availability

Note the following scope of support on the Red Hat Customer Portal for these features:

Table 4. Support matrix
Feature Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.1

Argo CD


Argo CD ApplicationSet


Red Hat OpenShift gitops Application Manager (kam)


New features

In addition to the fixes and stability improvements, the following sections highlight what is new in Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.1:

  • The ApplicationSet feature is now added (Technology Preview). The ApplicationSet feature enables both automation and greater flexibility when managing Argo CD applications across a large number of clusters and within monorepos. It also makes self-service usage possible on multitenant Kubernetes clusters.

  • Argo CD is now integrated with cluster logging stack and with the OpenShift Container Platform Monitoring and Alerting features.

  • Argo CD auth is now integrated with OpenShift Container Platform.

  • Argo CD applications controller now supports horizontal scaling.

  • Argo CD Redis servers now support high availability (HA).

Fixed issues

The following issues were resolved in the current release:

  • Previously, Red Hat OpenShift gitops did not work as expected in a proxy server setup with active global proxy settings. This issue is fixed and now Argo CD is configured by the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator using fully qualified domain names (FQDN) for the pods to enable communication between components. gitops-703

  • The Red Hat OpenShift gitops backend relies on the ?ref= query parameter in the Red Hat OpenShift gitops URL to make API calls. Previously, this parameter was not read from the URL, causing the backend to always consider the default reference. This issue is fixed and the Red Hat OpenShift gitops backend now extracts the reference query parameter from the Red Hat OpenShift gitops URL and only uses the default reference when there is no input reference provided. gitops-817

  • Previously, the Red Hat OpenShift gitops backend failed to find the valid GitLab repository. This was because the Red Hat OpenShift gitops backend checked for main as the branch reference, instead of master in the GitLab repository. This issue is fixed now. gitops-768

  • The Environments page in the Developer perspective of the OpenShift Container Platform web console now shows the list of applications and the number of environments. This page also displays an Argo CD link that directs you to the Argo CD Applications page that lists all the applications. The Argo CD Applications page has LABELS (for example, that help you filter only the applications of your choice. gitops-544

Known issues

These are the known issues in Red Hat OpenShift gitops 1.1:

  • Red Hat OpenShift gitops does not support Helm v2 and ksonnet.

  • The Red Hat SSO (RH SSO) Operator is not supported in disconnected clusters. As a result, the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator and RH SSO integration is not supported in disconnected clusters.

  • When you delete an Argo CD application from the OpenShift Container Platform web console, the Argo CD application gets deleted in the user interface, but the deployments are still present in the cluster. As a workaround, delete the Argo CD application from the Argo CD console. gitops-830

Breaking Change

Upgrading from Red Hat OpenShift gitops v1.0.1

When you upgrade from Red Hat OpenShift gitops v1.0.1 to v1.1, the Red Hat OpenShift gitops Operator renames the default Argo CD instance created in the openshift-gitops namespace from argocd-cluster to openshift-gitops.

This is a breaking change and needs the following steps to be performed manually, before the upgrade:

  1. Go to the OpenShift Container Platform web console and copy the content of the argocd-cm.yml config map file in the openshift-gitops namespace to a local file. The content may look like the following example:

    Example argocd config map YAML
    kind: ConfigMap
    apiVersion: v1
    selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/openshift-gitops/configmaps/argocd-cm
    resourceVersion: '112532'
    name: argocd-cm
    uid: f5226fbc-883d-47db-8b53-b5e363f007af
    creationTimestamp: '2021-04-16T19:24:08Z'
    namespace: openshift-gitops
    labels: argocd-cluster argocd-cm argocd
    data: "" (1)
    admin.enabled: 'true'
    statusbadge.enabled: 'false'
    resource.exclusions: |
      - apiGroups:
        - '*'
        - TaskRun
        - PipelineRun
    ga.trackingid: ''
    repositories: |
      - type: git
    ga.anonymizeusers: 'false'
    help.chatUrl: ''
    url: >-   "" (2)
    help.chatText: ''
    kustomize.buildOptions: ''
    resource.inclusions: ''
    repository.credentials: ''
    users.anonymous.enabled: 'false'
    configManagementPlugins: ''
    application.instanceLabelKey: ''
    1 Restore only the data section of the content in the argocd-cm.yml config map file manually.
    2 Replace the URL value in the config map entry with the new instance name openshift-gitops.
  2. Delete the default argocd-cluster instance.

  3. Edit the new argocd-cm.yml config map file to restore the entire data section manually.

  4. Replace the URL value in the config map entry with the new instance name openshift-gitops. For example, in the preceding example, replace the URL value with the following URL value:

    url: >-
  5. Login to the Argo CD cluster and verify that the previous configurations are present.