# oc get po NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE router-2-40fc3 1/1 Running 0 11d # oc rsh router-2-40fc3 cat haproxy-config.template > haproxy-config.template # oc rsh router-2-40fc3 cat haproxy.config > haproxy.config
The default HAProxy router is intended to satisfy the needs of most users. However, it does not expose all of the capability of HAProxy. Therefore, users may need to modify the router for their own needs.
You may need to implement new features within the application back-ends, or modify the current operation. The router plug-in provides all the facilities necessary to make this customization.
The router pod uses a template file to create the needed HAProxy configuration file. The template file is a golang template. When processing the template, the router has access to OpenShift Container Platform information, including the router’s deployment configuration, the set of admitted routes, and some helper functions.
When the router pod starts, and every time it reloads, it creates an HAProxy configuration file, and then it starts HAProxy. The HAProxy configuration manual describes all of the features of HAProxy and how to construct a valid configuration file.
A configMap can be used to add the new
template to the router pod. with this approach, the router deployment
configuration is modified to mount the configMap as a volume in the router
environment variable is set to the full path name of
the template file in the router pod.
Alternatively, you can build a custom router image and use it when deploying some or all of your routers. There is no need for all routers to run the same image. To do this, modify the haproxy-template.config file, and rebuild the router image. The new image is pushed to the cluster’s Docker repository, and the router’s deployment configuration image: field is updated with the new name. When the cluster is updated, the image needs to be rebuilt and pushed.
In either case, the router pod starts with the template file.
The HAProxy template file is fairly large and complex. For some changes, it may be easier to modify the existing template rather than writing a complete replacement. You can obtain a haproxy-config.template file from a running router by running this on master, referencing the router pod:
# oc get po NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE router-2-40fc3 1/1 Running 0 11d # oc rsh router-2-40fc3 cat haproxy-config.template > haproxy-config.template # oc rsh router-2-40fc3 cat haproxy.config > haproxy.config
Alternatively, you can log onto the node that is running the router:
# docker run --rm --interactive=true --tty --entrypoint=cat \ registry.access.redhat.com/openshift3/ose-haproxy-router:v3.7 haproxy-config.template
The image name is from docker images.
Save this content to a file for use as the basis of your customized template. The saved haproxy.config shows what is actually running.
The template is based on the golang template. It can reference any of the environment variables in the router’s deployment configuration, any configuration information that is described below, and router provided helper functions.
The structure of the template file mirrors the resulting HAProxy configuration file.
As the template is processed, anything not surrounded by {{" something "}}
is directly copied to the configuration file. Passages that are surrounded by {{"
something "}}
are evaluated. The resulting text, if any, is copied to the
configuration file.
The define action names the file that will contain the processed template.
{{define "/var/lib/haproxy/conf/haproxy.config"}}pipeline{{end}}
Function | Meaning |
Returns the list of valid endpoints. When action is "shuffle", the order of endpoints is randomized. |
Tries to get the named environment variable from the pod. If it is not defined or empty, it returns the optional second argument. Otherwise, it returns an empty string. |
The first argument is a string that contains the regular expression, the second argument is the variable to test. Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the regular expression provided as the first argument matches the string provided as the second argument. |
Determines if a given variable is an integer. |
Compares a given string to a list of allowed strings. Returns first match scanning left to right through the list. |
Compares a given string to a list of allowed strings. Returns "true" if the string is an allowed value, otherwise returns false. |
Generates a regular expression matching the route hosts (and paths). The first argument is the host name, the second is the path, and the third is a wildcard Boolean. |
Generates host name to use for serving/matching certificates. First argument is the host name and the second is the wildcard Boolean. |
Determines if a given variable contains "true". |
These functions are provided by the HAProxy template router plug-in.
This section reviews the OpenShift Container Platform information that the router makes available to the
template. The router configuration parameters are the set of data that the
HAProxy router plug-in is given. The fields are accessed by (dot) .Fieldname
The tables below the Router Configuration Parameters expand on the definitions of the various fields. In particular, .State has the set of admitted routes.
Field | Type | Description |
string |
The directory that files will be written to, defaults to /var/lib/containers/router |
The routes. |
The service lookup. |
string |
Full path name to the default certificate in pem format. |
Peers. |
string |
User name to expose stats with (if the template supports it). |
string |
Password to expose stats with (if the template supports it). |
int |
Port to expose stats with (if the template supports it). |
bool |
Whether the router should bind the default ports. |
Field | Type | Description |
string |
The user-specified name of the route. |
string |
The namespace of the route. |
string |
The host name. For example, |
string |
Optional path. For example, |
The termination policy for this back-end; drives the mapping files and router configuration. |
Certificates used for securing this back-end. Keyed by the certificate ID. |
Indicates the status of configuration that needs to be persisted. |
string |
Indicates the port the user wants to expose. If empty, a port will be selected for the service. |
Indicates desired behavior for insecure connections to an edge-terminated route: |
string |
Hash of the route + namespace name used to obscure the cookie ID. |
bool |
Indicates this service unit needing wildcard support. |
Annotations attached to this route. |
Collection of services that support this route, keyed by service name and valued on the weight attached to it with respect to other entries in the map. |
int |
Count of the |
The ServiceAliasConfig
is a route for a service. Uniquely identified by
host + path. The default template iterates over routes using {{range $cfgIdx, $cfg := .State }}
within such a {{range}}
block, the template can refer to any field of the
current ServiceAliasConfig
using $cfg.Field
Field | Type | Description |
string |
Name corresponds to a service name + namespace.
Uniquely identifies the |
Endpoints that back the service. This translates into a final back-end implementation for routers. |
is an encapsulation of a service, the endpoints that back
that service, and the routes that point to the service. This is the
data that drives the creation of the router configuration files
Field | Type |
string |
string |
string |
string |
string |
string |
bool |
is an internal representation of a Kubernetes endpoint.
Field | Type | Description |
string |
Represents a public/private key pair. It is
identified by an ID, which will become the file name. A CA certificate will
not have a |
string |
Indicates that the necessary files for this configuration have been persisted to disk. Valid values: "saved", "". |
Field | Type | Description |
ID |
string |
Contents |
string |
The certificate. |
PrivateKey |
string |
The private key. |
Field | Type | Description |
string |
Dictates where the secure communication will stop. |
string |
Indicates the desired behavior for insecure connections to a route. While each router may make its own decisions on which ports to expose, this is normally port 80. |
and InsecureEdgeTerminationPolicyType
dictate where the
secure communication will stop.
Constant | Value | Meaning |
Terminate encryption at the edge router. |
Terminate encryption at the destination, the destination is responsible for decrypting traffic. |
Terminate encryption at the edge router and re-encrypt it with a new certificate supplied by the destination. |
Type | Meaning |
Traffic is sent to the server on the insecure port (default). |
No traffic is allowed on the insecure port. |
Clients are redirected to the secure port. |
None (""
) is the same as Disable
Each route can have annotations attached. Each annotation is just a name and a value.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Route
haproxy.router.openshift.io/timeout: 5500ms
The name can be anything that does not conflict with existing
Annotations. The value is any string. The string can have multiple tokens
separated by a space. For example, aa bb cc
. The template uses {{index}}
extract the value of an annotation. For example:
{{$balanceAlgo := index $cfg.Annotations "haproxy.router.openshift.io/balance"}}
This is an example of how this could be used for mutual client authorization.
{{ with $cnList := index $cfg.Annotations "whiteListCertCommonName" }} {{ if ne $cnList "" }} acl test ssl_c_s_dn(CN) -m str {{ $cnList }} http-request deny if !test {{ end }} {{ end }}
Then, you can handle the white-listed CNs with this command.
$ oc annotate route <route-name> --overwrite whiteListCertCommonName="CN1 CN2 CN3"
See Route-specific Annotations for more information.
The template can use any environment variables that exist in the router pod. The environment variables can be set in the deployment configuration. New environment variables can be added.
They are referenced by the env
{{env "ROUTER_MAX_CONNECTIONS" "20000"}}
The first string is the variable, and the second string is the default
when the variable is missing or nil
is not
set or is nil
, 20000 is used. Environment variables are a map where the key
is the environment variable name and the content is the value of the variable.
See Route-specific Environment variables for more information.
Here is a simple template based on the HAProxy template file.
Start with a comment:
{{/* Here is a small example of how to work with templates taken from the HAProxy template file. */}}
The template can create any number of output files. Use a define construct to create an output file. The file name is specified as an argument to define, and everything inside the define block up to the matching end is written as the contents of that file.
{{ define "/var/lib/haproxy/conf/haproxy.config" }} global {{ end }}
The above will copy global
to the /var/lib/haproxy/conf/haproxy.config file,
and then close the file.
Set up logging based on environment variables.
{{ with (env "ROUTER_SYSLOG_ADDRESS" "") }} log {{.}} {{env "ROUTER_LOG_FACILITY" "local1"}} {{env "ROUTER_LOG_LEVEL" "warning"}} {{ end }}
The env
function extracts the value for the environment variable. If the
environment variable is not defined or nil
, the second argument is returned.
The with construct sets the value of "." (dot) within the with block to whatever
value is provided as an argument to with. The with
action tests Dot for nil
If not nil
, the clause is processed up to the end
. In the above, assume
contains /var/log/msg, ROUTER_LOG_FACILITY
is not
defined, and ROUTER_LOG_LEVEL
contains info
. The following will be copied to
the output file:
log /var/log/msg local1 info
Each admitted route ends up generating lines in the configuration file. Use
to go through the admitted routes:
{{ range $cfgIdx, $cfg := .State }} backend be_http_{{$cfgIdx}} {{end}}
is a map of ServiceAliasConfig
, where the key is the route name.
steps through the map and, for each pass, it sets $cfgIdx
with the
, and sets `$cfg
to point to the ServiceAliasConfig
that describes the
route. If there are two routes named myroute
and hisroute
, the above will
copy the following to the output file:
backend be_http_myroute backend be_http_hisroute
Route Annotations, $cfg.Annotations
, is also a map with the annotation name as
the key and the content string as the value. The route can have as many
annotations as desired and the use is defined by the template author. The user
codes the annotation into the route and the template author customized the
HAProxy template to handle the annotation.
The common usage is to index the annotation to get the value.
{{$balanceAlgo := index $cfg.Annotations "haproxy.router.openshift.io/balance"}}
The index extracts the value for the given annotation, if any.
Therefore, `$balanceAlgo
will contain the string associated with the annotation or nil
As above, you can test for a non-nil
string and act on it with the with
{{ with $balanceAlgo }} balance $balanceAlgo {{ end }}
Here when $balanceAlgo
is not nil
, balance $balanceAlgo
is copied to the
output file.
In a second example, you want to set a server timeout based on a timeout value set in an annotation.
$value := index $cfg.Annotations "haproxy.router.openshift.io/timeout"
The $value
can now be evaluated to make sure it contains a properly constructed
string. The matchPattern
function accepts a regular expression and returns
if the argument satisfies the expression.
matchPattern "[1-9][0-9]*(us\|ms\|s\|m\|h\|d)?" $value
This would accept 5000ms
but not 7y
. The results can be used in a test.
{{if (matchPattern "[1-9][0-9]*(us\|ms\|s\|m\|h\|d)?" $value) }} timeout server {{$value}} {{ end }}
It can also be used to match tokens:
matchPattern "roundrobin|leastconn|source" $balanceAlgo
Alternatively matchValues
can be used to match tokens:
matchValues $balanceAlgo "roundrobin" "leastconn" "source"
You can use a ConfigMap to customize the router instance without rebuilding the router image. The haproxy-config.template, reload-haproxy, and other scripts can be modified as well as creating and modifying router environment variables.
Copy the haproxy-config.template that you want to modify as described above. Modify it as desired.
Create a ConfigMap:
$ oc create configmap customrouter --from-file=haproxy-config.template
The customrouter
ConfigMap now contains a copy of the modified
haproxy-config.template file.
Modify the router deployment configuration to mount the ConfigMap
as a file and point the TEMPLATE_FILE
environment variable to it.
This can be done via oc set env
and oc volume
or alternatively by editing the router deployment configuration.
commands$ oc volume dc/router --add --overwrite \
--name=config-volume \
--mount-path=/var/lib/haproxy/conf/custom \
--source='{"configMap": { "name": "customrouter"}}'
$ oc set env dc/router \
Use oc edit dc router
to edit the router deployment configuration
with a text editor.
value: admin
- name: TEMPLATE_FILE (1)
value: /var/lib/haproxy/conf/custom/haproxy-config.template
image: openshift/origin-haproxy-routerp
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
volumeMounts: (2)
- mountPath: /var/lib/haproxy/conf/custom
name: config-volume
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
volumes: (3)
- configMap:
name: customrouter
name: config-volume
1 | In the spec.container.env field, add the TEMPLATE_FILE environment
variable to point to the mounted haproxy-config.template file. |
2 | Add the spec.container.volumeMounts field to create the mount point. |
3 | Add a new spec.volumes field to mention the ConfigMap. |
Save the changes and exit the editor. This restarts the router.
The following example customization can be used in a highly-available routing setup to use stick-tables that synchronize between peers.
Adding a Peer Section
In order to synchronize stick-tables amongst peers you must a define a peers
section in your HAProxy configuration. This section determines how HAProxy will
identify and connect to peers. The plug-in provides data to the template under
the .PeerEndpoints
variable to allow you to easily identify members of the
router service. You may add a peer section to the haproxy-config.template
file inside the router image by adding:
{{ if (len .PeerEndpoints) gt 0 }} peers openshift_peers {{ range $endpointID, $endpoint := .PeerEndpoints }} peer {{$endpoint.TargetName}} {{$endpoint.IP}}:1937 {{ end }} {{ end }}
Changing the Reload Script
When using stick-tables, you have the option of telling HAProxy what it should
consider the name of the local host in the peer section. When creating
endpoints, the plug-in attempts to set the TargetName
to the value of the
endpoint’s TargetRef.Name
. If TargetRef
is not set, it will set the
to the IP address. The TargetRef.Name
corresponds with the
Kubernetes host name, therefore you can add the -L
option to the
script to identify the local host in the peer section.
peer_name=$HOSTNAME (1) if [ -n "$old_pid" ]; then /usr/sbin/haproxy -f $config_file -p $pid_file -L $peer_name -sf $old_pid else /usr/sbin/haproxy -f $config_file -p $pid_file -L $peer_name fi
1 | Must match an endpoint target name that is used in the peer section. |
Modifying Back Ends
Finally, to use the stick-tables within back ends, you can modify the HAProxy configuration to use the stick-tables and peer set. The following is an example of changing the existing back end for TCP connections to use stick-tables:
{{ if eq $cfg.TLSTermination "passthrough" }} backend be_tcp_{{$cfgIdx}} balance leastconn timeout check 5000ms stick-table type ip size 1m expire 5m{{ if (len $.PeerEndpoints) gt 0 }} peers openshift_peers {{ end }} stick on src {{ range $endpointID, $endpoint := $serviceUnit.EndpointTable }} server {{$endpointID}} {{$endpoint.IP}}:{{$endpoint.Port}} check inter 5000ms {{ end }} {{ end }}
After this modification, you can rebuild your router.
In order to rebuild the router, you need copies of several files that are present on a running router. Make a work directory and copy the files from the router:
# mkdir - myrouter/conf # cd myrouter # oc get po NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE router-2-40fc3 1/1 Running 0 11d # oc rsh router-2-40fc3 cat haproxy-config.template > conf/haproxy-config.template # oc rsh router-2-40fc3 cat error-page-503.http > conf/error-page-503.http # oc rsh router-2-40fc3 cat default_pub_keys.pem > conf/default_pub_keys.pem # oc rsh router-2-40fc3 cat ../Dockerfile > Dockerfile # oc rsh router-2-40fc3 cat ../reload-haproxy > reload-haproxy
You can edit or replace any of these files. However, conf/haproxy-config.template and reload-haproxy are the most likely to be modified.
After updating the files:
# docker build -t openshift/origin-haproxy-router-myversion . # docker tag openshift/origin-haproxy-router-myversion (1) # docker push (2)
1 | Tag the version with the repository. In this case the repository is . |
2 | Push the tagged version to the repository. It may be necessary to docker
login to the repository first. |
To use the new router, edit the router deployment configuration either by
changing the image: string or by adding the --images=<repo>/<image>:<tag>
flag to the oc adm router
When debugging the changes, it is helpful to set imagePullPolicy: Always
in the deployment configuration to force an image pull on each pod creation. When
debugging is complete, you can change it back to imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
to avoid the pull on each pod start.