requiredHSTSPolicies specifies HSTS policies that are required to be set on newly created or updated routes matching the domainPattern/s and namespaceSelector/s that are specified in the policy. each requiredHSTSPolicy must have at least a domainPattern and a maxAge to validate a route HSTS Policy route annotation, and affect route admission.
A candidate route is checked for HSTS Policies if it has the HSTS Policy route annotation: "" e.g. max-age=31536000;preload;includeSubDomains
- For each candidate route, if it matches a requiredHSTSPolicy domainPattern and optional namespaceSelector, then the maxAge, preloadPolicy, and includeSubdomainsPolicy must be valid to be admitted. Otherwise, the route is rejected. - The first match, by domainPattern and optional namespaceSelector, in the ordering of the RequiredHSTSPolicies determines the route’s admission status. - If the candidate route doesn’t match any requiredHSTSPolicy domainPattern and optional namespaceSelector, then it may use any HSTS Policy annotation.
The HSTS policy configuration may be changed after routes have already been created. An update to a previously admitted route may then fail if the updated route does not conform to the updated HSTS policy configuration. However, changing the HSTS policy configuration will not cause a route that is already admitted to stop working.
Note that if there are no RequiredHSTSPolicies, any HSTS Policy annotation on the route is valid.