Use aggregated cluster roles for the Argo CD Application Controller component of a cluster-scoped instance. |
The metadata.label key name where Argo CD injects the app name as a tracking label. |
The ApplicationSet Controller configuration options. |
enabled - The flag to use to enable the ApplicationSet Controller during the Argo CD installation.
env - Specify the environment for ApplicationSet Controller pods.
extraCommandArgs - List of additional arguments added to the existing arguments set by the Operator for the ApplicationSet workload.
image - The container image for the ApplicationSet Controller. This property overrides the ARGOCD_APPLICATIONSET_IMAGE environment variable.
logLevel - The log level used by the Argo CD Application Controller component. Valid options are debug , info , error , and warn .
logFormat - The log format used by the Argo CD Application Controller component. Valid options are text and json .
parallelismLimit - The kubectl parallelism limit to set for the controller (the --kubectl-parallelism-limit flag).
resources - The container compute resources.
scmProviders - The URLs of the allowed Source Code Manager (SCM) providers.
scmRootCAConfigMap - The name of the config map that stores the Gitlab SCM Provider’s TLS certificate that will be mounted on the Application Set Controller at the "/app/tls/scm/cert" path.
sourceNamespaces - The list of non-control plane namespaces for creating and managing Argo CD ApplicationSet resources in target namespaces.
version - The tag to use with the applicationSet container image.
volumes - List of addition volumes configured for the Argo CD ApplicationSet Controller component. This field is optional.
volumeMounts - List of addition volume mounts configured for the Argo CD ApplicationSet Controller component. This field is optional.
webhookServer - Defines the available options for the ApplicationSet webhook server.
Adds a UI banner message. |
Adds a configuration management plugin. |
Argo CD Application Controller options. |
appSync - AppSync is used to control the sync frequency of Argo CD applications.
env - Environment to set for the application controller workloads.
extraCommandArgs - List of arguments added to the existing arguments set by the Operator.
initContainers - List of init containers for the ArgoCD Application Controller component. This field is optional.
logLevel - The log level used by the Argo CD Application Controller component. Valid options are debug , info , error , and warn .
processors.operation - The number of operation processors.
processors.status - The number of status processors.
resources - The container compute resources.
sidecarContainers - List of sidecar containers for the ArgoCD Application Controller component. This field is optional.
sharding.enabled - Enable sharding on the Argo CD Application Controller component. Use this property to manage a large number of clusters and relieve memory pressure on the controller component.
sharding.replicas - The number of replicas that are used to support sharding of the Argo CD Application Controller.
sharding.dynamicScalingEnabled - Enables the dynamic scaling of the Argo CD Application Controller component. Use this property if you want the Operator to scale the number of replicas based on the number of clusters the controller component is managing. If you set this property to true , it overrides the configuration of the sharding.enabled and sharding.replicas properties.
sharding.minShards - The minimum number of Argo CD Application Controller replicas.
sharding.maxShards - The maximum number of Argo CD Application Controller replicas.
sharding.clustersPerShard - The number of clusters that need to be managed by each shard. When the replica count reaches the maxShards , the shards manage more than one cluster.
volumes - List of addition volumes configured for the Argo CD Application Controller component. This field is optional.
volumeMounts - List of addition volume mounts configured for the Argo CD Application Controller component. This field is optional.
Disables the built-in admin user. |
Disables the creation of default cluster roles for a cluster-scoped instance. |
Add any supplementary Argo CD settings to the argocd-cm config map that cannot be configured directly within the Argo CD custom resource. |
Use a Google Analytics tracking ID. |
Enable hashed usernames sent to Google Analytics. |
High-availability options. |
enabled - Toggle high-availability support globally for Argo CD.
redisProxyImage - The Redis HAProxy container image. This property overrides the ARGOCD_REDIS_HA_PROXY_IMAGE environment variable.
redisProxyVersion - The tag to use for the Redis HAProxy container image.
URL for getting chat help (this is typically your Slack channel for support). |
The text that appears in a text box for getting chat help. |
Chat now!
The container image for all Argo CD components. This overrides the ARGOCD_IMAGE environment variable. |
Import configuration options for Argo CD. |
name - The name of an ArgoCDExport resource from which data can be imported.
namespace - The namespace for the ArgoCDExport resource referenced by name field. If this field is not set, the namespace of ArgoCDExport resource is set to the same namespace as Argo CD by default.
ingress configuration options. |
Initial Git repositories to configure Argo CD to use upon creation of the cluster. |
Defines the initial SSH Known Hosts data for Argo CD to use at cluster creation to connect to Git repositories through SSH. |
excludedefaulthosts - Indicates whether you want to add the default list of SSH Known Hosts provided by Argo CD.
keys - Describes a custom set of SSH Known Hosts that you want to incorporate into your Argo CD server.
The build options and parameters to use with kustomize build . |
Defines a list of Kustomize versions that are configured in the Argo CD repo server container image. |
path - The path of the Kustomize version in the file system of the Argo CD repo server container image.
version - The Kustomize version in the vX.Y.Z format configured in the Argo CD repo server container image.
Defines the workload status monitoring configuration for your instance. |
Notifications Controller configuration options. |
enabled - The toggle to start the Notifications Controller.
env - The environment to set for the Notifications Controller workloads.
image - The container image for all Argo CD components. This property overrides the ARGOCD_IMAGE environment variable.
logLevel - The log level used by the Argo CD Application Controller component. Valid options are debug , info , error , and warn .
replicas - The number of replicas to be run for the Notifications Controller.
resources - The container compute resources.
version - The tag to use with the Notifications container image.
Defines NodeSelectors and Tolerations for Argo CD workloads. |
The OIDC configuration as an alternative to Dex. |
Prometheus configuration options. |
enabled - Toggle Prometheus support globally for Argo CD.
host - The hostname to use for ingress or Route resources.
ingress - Toggles ingress for Prometheus.
route - Route configuration options.
size - The replica count for the Prometheus StatefulSet .
RBAC configuration options. |
defaultPolicy - The policy.default property in the argocd-rbac-cm config map. The name of the default role that Argo CD falls back to when authorizing API requests.
policy - The policy.csv property in the argocd-rbac-cm config map. This property includes CSV data about user-defined RBAC policies and role definitions.
policyMatcher - The policy.matchMode property in the argocd-rbac-cm config map. This property has two options: 'glob' for glob matcher and 'regex' for regex matcher.
scopes - The scopes property in the argocd-rbac-cm config map. Controls which OIDC scopes to examine during RBAC enforcement, in addition to sub scope.
Redis configuration options. |
autotls - Use the provider to create the Redis server’s TLS certificate. Only the openshift value is currently available.
disableTLSVerification - Defines whether the Redis server should be accessed using strict TLS validation.
image - The container image for Redis. This overrides the ARGOCD_REDIS_IMAGE environment variable.
resources - The container compute resources.
version - The tag to use with the Redis container image.
Git repository credential templates to configure Argo CD to use at cluster creation. |
Customize resource action behavior. |
Completely ignore entire classes of resource group. |
The configuration to identify which resource group/kinds are applied. |
Customize resource health check behavior. |
Customize resource ignore difference behavior. |
The field used by Argo CD to monitor its managed resources. |
Argo CD Server configuration options. |
autoscale - Server autoscale configuration options.
env - Environment to set for the server workloads.
enabled - The flag to enable Argo CD server during the Argo CD installation.
enableRolloutsUI - When the parameter is set to true , the parameter enables the Argo Rollouts UI extension in Argo CD. The default value is set to false .
extraCommandArgs - List of arguments added to the existing arguments set by the Operator.
grpc - gRPC configuration options.
host - The hostname used for ingress or Route resources.
initContainers - List of init containers for the Argo CD Application Controller component. This field is optional.
ingress - ingress configuration for the Argo CD server component.
insecure - Toggles the insecure flag for Argo CD server.
logLevel - The log level to be used by the Argo CD server component. Valid options are debug , info , error , and warn .
logFormat - The log format used by the Argo CD server component. Valid options are text and json .
resources - The container compute resources.
replicas - The number of replicas for the Argo CD server. Must be greater than or equal to 0 . If autoscale is enabled, replicas is ignored.
route - Route configuration options.
service.Type - The serviceType used for the service resource.
sidecarContainers - List of sidecar containers for the Argo CD Application Controller component. This field is optional.
volumes - List of addition volumes configured for the Argo CD Application Controller component. This field is optional.
volumeMounts - List of addition volume mounts configured for the Argo CD Application Controller component. This field is optional.
Specifies the namespaces within which you can create application resources. |
Single Sign-on options. |
dex - Configuration options for Dex SSO provider.
keycloak - Configuration options for Keycloak SSO provider.
provider - The name of the provider used to configure Single Sign-on. Currently, the supported options are Dex and Keycloak.
Enable application status badge. |
TLS configuration options. |
ca.configMapName - The name of the ConfigMap which contains the CA certificate.
ca.secretName - The name of the secret which contains the CA certificate and key.
initialCerts - Initial set of certificates in the argocd-tls-certs-cm config map for connecting Git repositories through HTTPS.
Enables anonymous user access. |
The tag to use with the container image for all Argo CD components. |
Latest Argo CD version |