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Configuring endpoints | Configuring | Red Hat Advanced <strong>cluster</strong> Security for Kubernetes 4.0

Learn how to configure endpoints for Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes (RHACS) by using a YAML configuration file.

You can use a YAML configuration file to configure exposed endpoints. You can use this configuration file to define one or more endpoints for Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes and customize the TLS settings for each endpoint, or disable the TLS for specific endpoints. You can also define if client authentication is required, and which client certificates to accept.

Custom YAML configuration

Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes uses the YAML configuration as a ConfigMap, making configurations easier to change and manage.

When you use the custom YAML configuration file, you can configure the following for each endpoint:

  • The protocols to use, such as HTTP, gRPC, or both.

  • Enable or disable TLS.

  • Specify server certificates.

  • Client Certificate Authorities (CA) to trust for client authentication.

  • Specify if client certificate authentication (mTLS) is required.

You can use the configuration file to specify endpoints either during the installation or on an existing instance of Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes. However, if you expose any additional ports other than the default port 8443, you must create network policies that allow traffic on those additional ports.

The following is a sample endpoints.yaml configuration file for Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes:

# Sample endpoints.yaml configuration for Central.
# # CAREFUL: If the following line is uncommented, do not expose the default endpoint on port 8443 by default.
# #          This will break normal operation.
# disableDefault: true # if true, do not serve on :8443 (1)
endpoints: (2)
  # Serve plaintext HTTP only on port 8080
  - listen: ":8080" (3)
    # Backend protocols, possible values are 'http' and 'grpc'. If unset or empty, assume both.
    protocols: (4)
      - http
    tls: (5)
      # Disable TLS. If this is not specified, assume TLS is enabled.
      disable: true (6)
  # Serve HTTP and  gRPC for sensors only on port 8444
  - listen: ":8444" (3)
    tls: (5)
      # Which TLS certificates to serve, possible values are 'service' (For  service certificates that Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes generates)
      # and 'default' (user-configured default TLS certificate). If unset or empty, assume both.
      serverCerts: (7)
        - default
        - service
      # Client authentication settings.
      clientAuth: (8)
        # Enforce TLS client authentication. If unset, do not enforce, only request certificates
        # opportunistically.
        required: true (9)
        # Which TLS client CAs to serve, possible values are 'service' (CA for service
        # certificates that Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes generates) and 'user' (CAs for PKI auth providers). If unset or empty, assume both.
        certAuthorities: (10)
        # if not set, assume ["user", "service"]
          - service
1 Use true to disable exposure on the default port number 8443. The default value is false; changing it to true might break existing functionality.
2 A list of additional endpoints for exposing Central.
3 The address and port number on which to listen. You must specify this value if you are using endpoints. You can use the format port, :port, or address:port to specify values. For example,
  • 8080 or :8080 - listen on port 8080 on all interfaces.

  • - listen on port 8080 on all IPv4 (not IPv6) interfaces.

  • - listen on port 8080 on the local loopback device only.

4 Protocols to use for the specified endpoint. Acceptable values are http and grpc. If you do not specify a value, Central listens to both HTTP and gRPC traffic on the specified port. If you want to expose an endpoint exclusively for the RHACS portal, use http. However, you will not be able to use the endpoint for service-to-service communication or for the roxctl CLI, because these clients require both gRPC and HTTP. Red Hat recommends that you do not specify a value of this key, to enable both HTTP and gRPC protocols for the endpoint. If you want to restrict an endpoint to Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes services only, use the clientAuth option.
5 Use it to specify the TLS settings for the endpoint. If you do not specify a value, Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes enables TLS with the default settings for all the following nested keys.
6 Use true to disable TLS on the specified endpoint. The default value is false. When you set it to true, you cannot specify values for serverCerts and clientAuth.
7 Specify a list of sources from which to configure server TLS certificates. The serverCerts list is order-dependent, it means that the first item in the list determines the certificate that Central uses by default, when there is no matching SNI (Server Name Indication). You can use this to specify multiple certificates and Central automatically selects the right certificate based on SNI. Acceptable values are:
  • default: use the already configured custom TLS certificate if it exists.

  • service: use the internal service certificate that Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes generates.

8 Use it to configure the behavior of the TLS-enabled endpoint’s client certificate authentication.
9 Use true to only allow clients with a valid client certificate. The default value is false. You can use true in conjunction with a the certAuthorities setting of service to only allow Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes services to connect to this endpoint.
10 A list of CA to verify client certificates. The default value is ["service", "user"]. The certAuthorities list is order-independent, it means that the position of the items in this list does not matter. Also, setting it as empty list [] disables client certificate authentication for the endpoint, which is different from leaving this value unset. Acceptable values are:
  • service: CA for service certificates that Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes generates.

  • user: CAs configured by PKI authentication providers.

Configuring endpoints during a new installation

When you install Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes by using the roxctl CLI, it creates a folder named central-bundle, which contains the necessary YAML manifests and scripts to deploy Central.

  1. After you generate the central-bundle, open the ./central-bundle/central/02-endpoints-config.yaml file.

  2. In this file, add your custom YAML configuration under the data: section of the key endpoints.yaml. Make sure that you maintain a 4 space indentation for the YAML configuration.

  3. Continue the installation instructions as usual. Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes uses the specified configuration.

If you expose any additional ports other than the default port 8443, you must create network policies that allow traffic on those additional ports.

Configuring endpoints for an existing instance

You can configure endpoints for an existing instance of Red Hat Advanced cluster Security for Kubernetes.

  1. Download the existing config map:

    $ oc -n stackrox get cm/central-endpoints -o go-template='{{index .data "endpoints.yaml"}}'  > <directory_path>/central_endpoints.yaml
  2. In the downloaded central_endpoints.yaml file, specify your custom YAML configuration.

  3. Upload and apply the modified central_endpoints.yaml configuration file:

    $ oc -n stackrox create cm central-endpoints --from-file=endpoints.yaml=<directory-path>/central-endpoints.yaml -o yaml --dry-run | \
    oc label -f - --local -o yaml | \
    oc apply -f -
  4. Restart Central.

If you expose any additional ports other than the default port 8443, you must create network policies that allow traffic on those additional ports.

Restarting the Central container

You can restart the Central container by killing the Central container or by deleting the Central pod.

  • Run the following command to kill the Central container:

    You must wait for at least 1 minute, until OpenShift Container Platform propagates your changes and restarts the Central container.

    $ oc -n stackrox exec deploy/central -c central -- kill 1
  • Or, run the following command to delete the Central pod:

    $ oc -n stackrox delete pod -lapp=central

Enabling traffic flow through custom ports

If you are exposing a port to another service running in the same cluster or to an ingress controller, you must only allow traffic from the services in your cluster or from the proxy of the ingress controller. Otherwise, if you are exposing a port by using a load balancer service, you might want to allow traffic from all sources, including external sources. Use the procedure listed in this section to allow traffic from all sources.

  1. Clone the allow-ext-to-central Kubernetes network policy:

    $ oc -n stackrox get -o yaml > <directory_path>/allow-ext-to-central-custom-port.yaml
  2. Use it as a reference to create your network policy, and in that policy, specify the port number you want to expose. Make sure to change the name of your network policy in the metadata section of the YAML file, so that it does not interfere with the built-in allow-ext-to-central policy.