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Installing the Template Service Broker - Service brokers | Applications | OpenShift Container Platform 4.4

You can install the Template Service Broker to gain access to the template applications that it provides.

The Template Service Broker is deprecated in OpenShift Container Platform 4. Equivalent and better functionality is present in the Operator Framework and Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

By default, the Samples Operator handles Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)-based OpenShift Container Platform imagestreams and OpenShift Container Platform templates. See Configuring the Samples Operator for details.

About the Template Service Broker

The Template Service Broker gives Service Catalog visibility into the default Instant App and Quickstart templates that have shipped with OpenShift Container Platform since its initial release. The Template Service Broker can also make available as a service anything for which an OpenShift Container Platform template has been written, whether provided by Red Hat, a cluster administrator or user, or a third-party vendor.

By default, the Template Service Broker shows objects that are globally available from the openshift project. It can also be configured to watch any other project that a cluster administrator chooses.

The Template Service Broker is not installed by default in OpenShift Container Platform 4.

Installing the Template Service Broker Operator

  • Service Catalog is installed.


The following procedure installs the Template Service Broker Operator using the web console.

  1. Create a namespace.

    1. Using the Administrator perspective, navigate in the web console to AdministrationNamespaces and click Create Namespace.

    2. Enter the following:

      • openshift-template-service-broker in the Name field

        The namespace must start with openshift-.

      • in the Labels field

    3. Click Create.

  2. Navigate to the OperatorsOperatorHub page. Verify that the openshift-template-service-broker project is selected.

  3. Select Template Service Broker Operator.

  4. Read the information about the Operator and click Install.

  5. Review the default selections and click Subscribe.

Next, you must start the Template Service Broker in order to access the template applications it provides.

Starting the Template Service Broker

After you have installed the Template Service Broker Operator, you can start the Template Service Broker using the following procedure.

  • Service Catalog is installed.

  • The Template Service Broker Operator is installed.

  1. Using the Administrator perspective, navigate in the web console to OperatorsInstalled Operators and select the openshift-template-service-broker project.

  2. Select the Template Service Broker Operator.

  3. Under Provided APIs, click Create Instance for Template Service Broker.

  4. Review the default YAML and click Create.

  5. Verify that the Template Service Broker starts correctly by checking that the template applications are available.

    • To check from the web console, navigate to Service CatalogBroker ManagementService Classes to view the list of template application service classes.

    • To check from the CLI:

      $ oc get ClusterServiceClasses -n openshift-template-service-broker

    It may take a few minutes for the Template Service Broker to start and the template applications to be available.

    If you do not yet see these service classes, you can check the status of the following items:

    • Template Service Broker pod status

      • From the Workloadspods page for the openshift-template-service-broker project, verify that the pod that starts with apiserver- has a status of Running and readiness of Ready.

    • Cluster service broker status

      • From the Service CatalogBroker ManagementService Brokers page, verify that the template-service-broker service broker has a status of Ready.

    • Service Catalog controller manager pod logs

      • From the Workloadspods page for the openshift-service-catalog-controller-manager project, review the logs for each of the pods and verify that you see a log entry with the message Successfully fetched catalog entries from broker.