$ tkn pac bootstrap github-app
After installing Pipelines as Code, cluster administrators can configure a Git repository hosting service provider. Currently, the following services are supported:
GitHub App
GitHub Webhook
Bitbucket Server
Bitbucket Cloud
GitHub App is the recommended service for using with Pipelines as Code. |
GitHub Apps act as a point of integration with Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines and bring the advantage of Git-based workflows to OpenShift Pipelines. Cluster administrators can configure a single GitHub App for all cluster users. For GitHub Apps to work with Pipelines as Code, ensure that the webhook of the GitHub App points to the Pipelines as Code event listener route (or ingress endpoint) that listens for GitHub events.
When importing an application using Import from Git and the Git repository has a |
Cluster administrators can create a GitHub App by running the following command:
$ tkn pac bootstrap github-app
If the tkn pac
CLI plugin is not installed, you can create the GitHub App manually.
To create and configure a GitHub App manually for Pipelines as Code, perform the following steps:
Sign in to your GitHub account.
Go to Settings → Developer settings → GitHub Apps, and click New GitHub App.
Provide the following information in the GitHub App form:
GitHub Application Name: OpenShift Pipelines
Homepage URL: OpenShift Console URL
Webhook URL: The Pipelines as Code route or ingress URL. You can find it by running the following command:
$ echo https://$(oc get route -n openshift-pipelines pipelines-as-code-controller -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')
Webhook secret: An arbitrary secret. You can generate a secret by running the following command:
$ openssl rand -hex 20
Select the following Repository permissions:
Checks: Read & Write
Contents: Read & Write
Issues: Read & Write
Metadata: Read-only
Pull request: Read & Write
Select the following Organization permissions:
Members: Readonly
Plan: Readonly
Select the following User permissions:
Check run
Issue comment
Pull request
Click Create GitHub App.
On the Details page of the newly created GitHub App, note the App ID displayed at the top.
In the Private keys section, click Generate Private key to automatically generate and download a private key for the GitHub app. Securely store the private key for future reference and usage.
Install the created App on a repository that you want to use with Pipelines as Code.
To configure Pipelines as Code to access the newly created GitHub App, execute the following command:
$ oc -n openshift-pipelines create secret generic pipelines-as-code-secret \
--from-literal github-private-key="$(cat <PATH_PRIVATE_KEY>)" \ (1)
--from-literal github-application-id="<APP_ID>" \ (2)
--from-literal webhook.secret="<WEBHOOK_SECRET>" (3)
1 | The path to the private key you downloaded while configuring the GitHub App. |
2 | The App ID of the GitHub App. |
3 | The webhook secret provided when you created the GitHub App. |
Pipelines as Code works automatically with GitHub Enterprise by detecting the header set from GitHub Enterprise and using it for the GitHub Enterprise API authorization URL. |
As a cluster administrator, you can configure your GitHub App with the OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use Pipelines as Code. This configuration allows you to execute a set of tasks required for build deployment.
You have installed the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines pipelines-1.13
operator from the Operator Hub.
In the administrator perspective, navigate to Pipelines using the navigation pane.
Click Setup GitHub App on the Pipelines page.
Enter your GitHub App name. For example, pipelines-ci-clustername-testui
Click Setup.
Enter your Git password when prompted in the browser.
Click Create GitHub App for <username>, where <username>
is your GitHub user name.
After successful creation of the GitHub App, the OpenShift Container Platform web console opens and displays the details about the application.
The details of the GitHub App are saved as a secret in the openShift-pipelines
To view details such as name, link, and secret associated with the GitHub applications, navigate to Pipelines and click View GitHub App.
Pipelines as Code uses the GitHub app to generate a GitHub access token. Pipelines as Code uses this token to retrieve the pipeline payload from the repository and to enable the CI/CD processes to interact with GitHub repositories.
By default, the access token is scoped only to the repository from which Pipelines as Code retrieves the pipeline definition. In some cases, you might want the token to have access to additional repositories. For example, there might be a CI repository where the .tekton/pr.yaml
file and source payload are located, but the build process defined in pr.yaml
fetches tasks from a separate private CD repository.
You can extend the scope of the GitHub token in two ways:
Global configuration: You can extend the GitHub token to a list of repositories in different namespaces. You must have administrative permissions to set this configuration.
Repository level configuration: You can extend the GitHub token to a list of repositories that exist in the same namespace as the original repository. You do not need administrative permissions to set this configuration.
In the TektonConfig
custom resource (CR), in the pipelinesAsCode.settings
spec, set the secret-github-app-token-scoped
parameter to false
. This setting enables scoping the GitHub token to private and public repositories listed in the global and repository level configuration.
To set global configuration for scoping the GitHub token, in the TektonConfig
CR, in the pipelinesAsCode.settings
spec, specify the additional repositories in the secret-github-app-scope-extra-repos
parameter, as in the following example:
apiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TektonConfig
name: config
enable: true
secret-github-app-token-scoped: false
secret-github-app-scope-extra-repos: "owner2/project2, owner3/project3"
To set repository level configuration for scoping the GitHub token, specify the additional repositories in the github_app_token_scope_repos
parameter of the Repository
CR, as in the following example:
apiVersion: "pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/v1alpha1"
kind: Repository
name: test
namespace: test-repo
url: "https://github.com/linda/project"
- "owner/project"
- "owner1/project1"
In this example, the Repository
custom resource is associated with the linda/project
repository in the test-repo
namespace. The scope of the generated GitHub token is extended to the owner/project
and owner1/project1
repositories, as well as the linda/project
repository. These repositories must exist under the test-repo
The additional repositories can be public or private, but must reside in the same namespace as the repository with which the If any of the repositories do not exist in the namespace, the scoping of the GitHub token fails with an error message:
The generated GitHub token enables access to the additional repositories that you configured in the global and repository level configuration, as well as the original repository where the Pipelines as Code payload files are located.
If you provide both global configuration and repository level configuration, the token is scoped to all the repositories from both configurations, as in the following example.
custom resourceapiVersion: operator.tekton.dev/v1alpha1
kind: TektonConfig
name: config
enable: true
secret-github-app-token-scoped: false
secret-github-app-scope-extra-repos: "owner2/project2, owner3/project3"
custom resourceapiVersion: "pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/v1alpha1"
kind: Repository
name: test
namespace: test-repo
url: "https://github.com/linda/project"
- "owner/project"
- "owner1/project1"
The GitHub token is scoped to the owner/project
, owner1/project1
, owner2/project2
, owner3/project3
, and linda/project
Use Pipelines as Code with GitHub Webhook on your repository if you cannot create a GitHub App. However, using Pipelines as Code with GitHub Webhook does not give you access to the GitHub Check Runs API. The status of the tasks is added as comments on the pull request and is unavailable under the Checks tab.
Pipelines as Code with GitHub Webhook does not support GitOps comments such as
Ensure that Pipelines as Code is installed on the cluster.
For authorization, create a personal access token on GitHub.
To generate a secure and fine-grained token, restrict its scope to a specific repository and grant the following permissions:
Name | Access |
Administration |
Read-only |
Metadata |
Read-only |
Content |
Read-only |
Commit statuses |
Read and Write |
Pull request |
Read and Write |
Webhooks |
Read and Write |
To use classic tokens, set the scope as public_repo
for public repositories and repo
for private repositories. In addition, provide a short token expiration period and note the token in an alternate location.
If you want to configure the webhook using the |
Configure the webhook and create a Repository
custom resource (CR).
To configure a webhook and create a Repository
CR automatically using the tkn pac
CLI tool, use the following command:
$ tkn pac create repo
? Enter the Git repository url (default: https://github.com/owner/repo):
? Please enter the namespace where the pipeline should run (default: repo-pipelines):
! Namespace repo-pipelines is not found
? Would you like me to create the namespace repo-pipelines? Yes
✓ Repository owner-repo has been created in repo-pipelines namespace
✓ Setting up GitHub Webhook for Repository https://github.com/owner/repo
👀 I have detected a controller url: https://pipelines-as-code-controller-openshift-pipelines.apps.example.com
? Do you want me to use it? Yes
? Please enter the secret to configure the webhook for payload validation (default: sJNwdmTifHTs): sJNwdmTifHTs
ℹ ️You now need to create a GitHub personal access token, please checkout the docs at https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token for the required scopes
? Please enter the GitHub access token: ****************************************
✓ Webhook has been created on repository owner/repo
🔑 Webhook Secret owner-repo has been created in the repo-pipelines namespace.
🔑 Repository CR owner-repo has been updated with webhook secret in the repo-pipelines namespace
ℹ Directory .tekton has been created.
✓ We have detected your repository using the programming language Go.
✓ A basic template has been created in /home/Go/src/github.com/owner/repo/.tekton/pipelinerun.yaml, feel free to customize it.
To configure a webhook and create a Repository
CR manually, perform the following steps:
On your OpenShift cluster, extract the public URL of the Pipelines as Code controller.
$ echo https://$(oc get route -n openshift-pipelines pipelines-as-code-controller -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')
On your GitHub repository or organization, perform the following steps:
Go to Settings –> Webhooks and click Add webhook.
Set the Payload URL to the Pipelines as Code controller public URL.
Select the content type as application/json.
Add a webhook secret and note it in an alternate location. With openssl
installed on your local machine, generate a random secret.
$ openssl rand -hex 20
Click Let me select individual events and select these events: Commit comments, Issue comments, Pull request, and Pushes.
Click Add webhook.
On your OpenShift cluster, create a Secret
object with the personal access token and webhook secret.
$ oc -n target-namespace create secret generic github-webhook-config \
--from-literal provider.token="<GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
--from-literal webhook.secret="<WEBHOOK_SECRET>"
Create a Repository
CRapiVersion: "pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/v1alpha1"
kind: Repository
name: my-repo
namespace: target-namespace
url: "https://github.com/owner/repo"
name: "github-webhook-config"
key: "provider.token" # Set this if you have a different key in your secret
name: "github-webhook-config"
key: "webhook.secret" # Set this if you have a different key for your secret
Pipelines as Code assumes that the OpenShift |
Optional: For an existing Repository
CR, add multiple GitHub Webhook secrets or provide a substitute for a deleted secret.
Add a webhook using the tkn pac
CLI tool.
tkn pac
CLI$ tkn pac webhook add -n repo-pipelines
✓ Setting up GitHub Webhook for Repository https://github.com/owner/repo
👀 I have detected a controller url: https://pipelines-as-code-controller-openshift-pipelines.apps.example.com
? Do you want me to use it? Yes
? Please enter the secret to configure the webhook for payload validation (default: AeHdHTJVfAeH): AeHdHTJVfAeH
✓ Webhook has been created on repository owner/repo
🔑 Secret owner-repo has been updated with webhook secert in the repo-pipelines namespace.
Update the webhook.secret
key in the existing OpenShift Secret
Optional: For an existing Repository
CR, update the personal access token.
Update the personal access token using the tkn pac
CLI tool.
tkn pac
CLI$ tkn pac webhook update-token -n repo-pipelines
? Please enter your personal access token: ****************************************
🔑 Secret owner-repo has been updated with new personal access token in the repo-pipelines namespace.
Alternatively, update the personal access token by modifying the Repository
Find the name of the secret in the Repository
apiVersion: "pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/v1alpha1"
kind: Repository
name: my-repo
namespace: target-namespace
# ...
name: "github-webhook-config"
# ...
Use the oc patch
command to update the values of the $NEW_TOKEN
in the $target_namespace
$ oc -n $target_namespace patch secret github-webhook-config -p "{\"data\": {\"provider.token\": \"$(echo -n $NEW_TOKEN|base64 -w0)\"}}"
If your organization or project uses GitLab as the preferred platform, you can use Pipelines as Code for your repository with a webhook on GitLab.
Ensure that Pipelines as Code is installed on the cluster.
For authorization, generate a personal access token as the manager of the project or organization on GitLab.
Configure the webhook and create a Repository
custom resource (CR).
To configure a webhook and create a Repository
CR automatically using the tkn pac
CLI tool, use the following command:
$ tkn pac create repo
? Enter the Git repository url (default: https://gitlab.com/owner/repo):
? Please enter the namespace where the pipeline should run (default: repo-pipelines):
! Namespace repo-pipelines is not found
? Would you like me to create the namespace repo-pipelines? Yes
✓ Repository repositories-project has been created in repo-pipelines namespace
✓ Setting up GitLab Webhook for Repository https://gitlab.com/owner/repo
? Please enter the project ID for the repository you want to be configured,
project ID refers to an unique ID (e.g. 34405323) shown at the top of your GitLab project : 17103
👀 I have detected a controller url: https://pipelines-as-code-controller-openshift-pipelines.apps.example.com
? Do you want me to use it? Yes
? Please enter the secret to configure the webhook for payload validation (default: lFjHIEcaGFlF): lFjHIEcaGFlF
ℹ ️You now need to create a GitLab personal access token with `api` scope
ℹ ️Go to this URL to generate one https://gitlab.com/-/profile/personal_access_tokens, see https://is.gd/rOEo9B for documentation
? Please enter the GitLab access token: **************************
? Please enter your GitLab API URL:: https://gitlab.com
✓ Webhook has been created on your repository
🔑 Webhook Secret repositories-project has been created in the repo-pipelines namespace.
🔑 Repository CR repositories-project has been updated with webhook secret in the repo-pipelines namespace
ℹ Directory .tekton has been created.
✓ A basic template has been created in /home/Go/src/gitlab.com/repositories/project/.tekton/pipelinerun.yaml, feel free to customize it.
To configure a webhook and create a Repository
CR manually, perform the following steps:
On your OpenShift cluster, extract the public URL of the Pipelines as Code controller.
$ echo https://$(oc get route -n openshift-pipelines pipelines-as-code-controller -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')
On your GitLab project, perform the following steps:
Use the left sidebar to go to Settings –> Webhooks.
Set the URL to the Pipelines as Code controller public URL.
Add a webhook secret and note it in an alternate location. With openssl
installed on your local machine, generate a random secret.
$ openssl rand -hex 20
Click Let me select individual events and select these events: Commit comments, Issue comments, Pull request, and Pushes.
Click Save changes.
On your OpenShift cluster, create a Secret
object with the personal access token and webhook secret.
$ oc -n target-namespace create secret generic gitlab-webhook-config \
--from-literal provider.token="<GITLAB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
--from-literal webhook.secret="<WEBHOOK_SECRET>"
Create a Repository
CRapiVersion: "pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/v1alpha1"
kind: Repository
name: my-repo
namespace: target-namespace
url: "https://gitlab.com/owner/repo" # The repository URL
#url: "https://gitlab.example.com/" (1)
name: "gitlab-webhook-config"
key: "provider.token" # Set this if you have a different key in your secret
name: "gitlab-webhook-config"
key: "webhook.secret" # Set this if you have a different key for your secret
1 | If you are using a private instance of GitLab and not GitLab.com, uncomment this field and set it to the URL of your GitLab API. The GitLab API is the same host as the repository. For example, if the repository is https://gitlab.example.com/owner/repo , the API URL is https://gitlab.example.com/ . |
Optional: For an existing Repository
CR, add multiple GitLab Webhook secrets or provide a substitute for a deleted secret.
Add a webhook using the tkn pac
CLI tool.
tkn pac
CLI$ tkn pac webhook add -n repo-pipelines
✓ Setting up GitLab Webhook for Repository https://gitlab.com/owner/repo
👀 I have detected a controller url: https://pipelines-as-code-controller-openshift-pipelines.apps.example.com
? Do you want me to use it? Yes
? Please enter the secret to configure the webhook for payload validation (default: AeHdHTJVfAeH): AeHdHTJVfAeH
✓ Webhook has been created on repository owner/repo
🔑 Secret owner-repo has been updated with webhook secert in the repo-pipelines namespace.
Update the webhook.secret
key in the existing OpenShift Secret
Optional: For an existing Repository
CR, update the personal access token.
Update the personal access token using the tkn pac
CLI tool.
tkn pac
CLI$ tkn pac webhook update-token -n repo-pipelines
? Please enter your personal access token: ****************************************
🔑 Secret owner-repo has been updated with new personal access token in the repo-pipelines namespace.
Alternatively, update the personal access token by modifying the Repository
Find the name of the secret in the Repository
name: "gitlab-webhook-config"
Use the oc patch
command to update the values of the $NEW_TOKEN
in the $target_namespace
$ oc -n $target_namespace patch secret gitlab-webhook-config -p "{\"data\": {\"provider.token\": \"$(echo -n $NEW_TOKEN|base64 -w0)\"}}"
If your organization or project uses Bitbucket Cloud as the preferred platform, you can use Pipelines as Code for your repository with a webhook on Bitbucket Cloud.
Ensure that Pipelines as Code is installed on the cluster.
Create an app password on Bitbucket Cloud.
Check the following boxes to add appropriate permissions to the token:
Account: Email
, Read
Workspace membership: Read
, Write
Projects: Read
, Write
Issues: Read
, Write
Pull requests: Read
, Write
Configure the webhook and create a Repository
To configure a webhook and create a Repository
CR automatically using the tkn pac
CLI tool, use the following command:
$ tkn pac create repo
? Enter the Git repository url (default: https://bitbucket.org/workspace/repo):
? Please enter the namespace where the pipeline should run (default: repo-pipelines):
! Namespace repo-pipelines is not found
? Would you like me to create the namespace repo-pipelines? Yes
✓ Repository workspace-repo has been created in repo-pipelines namespace
✓ Setting up Bitbucket Webhook for Repository https://bitbucket.org/workspace/repo
? Please enter your bitbucket cloud username: <username>
ℹ ️You now need to create a Bitbucket Cloud app password, please checkout the docs at https://is.gd/fqMHiJ for the required permissions
? Please enter the Bitbucket Cloud app password: ************************************
👀 I have detected a controller url: https://pipelines-as-code-controller-openshift-pipelines.apps.example.com
? Do you want me to use it? Yes
✓ Webhook has been created on repository workspace/repo
🔑 Webhook Secret workspace-repo has been created in the repo-pipelines namespace.
🔑 Repository CR workspace-repo has been updated with webhook secret in the repo-pipelines namespace
ℹ Directory .tekton has been created.
✓ A basic template has been created in /home/Go/src/bitbucket/repo/.tekton/pipelinerun.yaml, feel free to customize it.
To configure a webhook and create a Repository
CR manually, perform the following steps:
On your OpenShift cluster, extract the public URL of the Pipelines as Code controller.
$ echo https://$(oc get route -n openshift-pipelines pipelines-as-code-controller -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')
On Bitbucket Cloud, perform the following steps:
Use the left navigation pane of your Bitbucket Cloud repository to go to Repository settings –> Webhooks and click Add webhook.
Set a Title. For example, "Pipelines as Code".
Set the URL to the Pipelines as Code controller public URL.
Select these events: Repository: Push, Pull Request: Created, Pull Request: Updated, and Pull Request: Comment created.
Click Save.
On your OpenShift cluster, create a Secret
object with the app password in the target namespace.
$ oc -n target-namespace create secret generic bitbucket-cloud-token \
--from-literal provider.token="<BITBUCKET_APP_PASSWORD>"
Create a Repository
CRapiVersion: "pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/v1alpha1"
kind: Repository
name: my-repo
namespace: target-namespace
url: "https://bitbucket.com/workspace/repo"
branch: "main"
name: "bitbucket-cloud-token" (2)
key: "provider.token" # Set this if you have a different key in your secret
1 | You can only reference a user by the ACCOUNT_ID in an owner file. |
2 | Pipelines as Code assumes that the secret referred in the git_provider.secret spec and the Repository CR is in the same namespace. |
Optional: For an existing Repository
CR, add multiple Bitbucket Cloud Webhook secrets or provide a substitute for a deleted secret.
Add a webhook using the tkn pac
CLI tool.
tkn pac
CLI$ tkn pac webhook add -n repo-pipelines
✓ Setting up Bitbucket Webhook for Repository https://bitbucket.org/workspace/repo
? Please enter your bitbucket cloud username: <username>
👀 I have detected a controller url: https://pipelines-as-code-controller-openshift-pipelines.apps.example.com
? Do you want me to use it? Yes
✓ Webhook has been created on repository workspace/repo
🔑 Secret workspace-repo has been updated with webhook secret in the repo-pipelines namespace.
Use the |
Update the webhook.secret
key in the existing OpenShift Secret
Optional: For an existing Repository
CR, update the personal access token.
Update the personal access token using the tkn pac
CLI tool.
tkn pac
CLI$ tkn pac webhook update-token -n repo-pipelines
? Please enter your personal access token: ****************************************
🔑 Secret owner-repo has been updated with new personal access token in the repo-pipelines namespace.
Use the |
Alternatively, update the personal access token by modifying the Repository
Find the name of the secret in the Repository
name: "bitbucket-cloud-token"
key: "provider.token"
Use the oc patch
command to update the values of the $password
in the $target_namespace
$ oc -n $target_namespace patch secret bitbucket-cloud-token -p "{\"data\": {\"provider.token\": \"$(echo -n $NEW_TOKEN|base64 -w0)\"}}"
If your organization or project uses Bitbucket Server as the preferred platform, you can use Pipelines as Code for your repository with a webhook on Bitbucket Server.
Ensure that Pipelines as Code is installed on the cluster.
Generate a personal access token as the manager of the project on Bitbucket Server, and save a copy of it in an alternate location.
On your OpenShift cluster, extract the public URL of the Pipelines as Code controller.
$ echo https://$(oc get route -n openshift-pipelines pipelines-as-code-controller -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}')
On Bitbucket Server, perform the following steps:
Use the left navigation pane of your Bitbucket Data Center repository to go to Repository settings –> Webhooks and click Add webhook.
Set a Title. For example, "Pipelines as Code".
Set the URL to the Pipelines as Code controller public URL.
Add a webhook secret and save a copy of it in an alternate location. If you have openssl
installed on your local machine, generate a random secret using the following command:
$ openssl rand -hex 20
Select the following events:
Repository: Push
Repository: Modified
Pull Request: Opened
Pull Request: Source branch updated
Pull Request: Comment added
Click Save.
On your OpenShift cluster, create a Secret
object with the app password in the target namespace.
$ oc -n target-namespace create secret generic bitbucket-server-webhook-config \
--from-literal provider.token="<PERSONAL_TOKEN>" \
--from-literal webhook.secret="<WEBHOOK_SECRET>"
Create a Repository
CRapiVersion: "pipelinesascode.tekton.dev/v1alpha1"
kind: Repository
name: my-repo
namespace: target-namespace
url: "https://bitbucket.com/workspace/repo"
url: "https://bitbucket.server.api.url/rest" (1)
secret: (3)
name: "bitbucket-server-webhook-config"
key: "provider.token" # Set this if you have a different key in your secret
name: "bitbucket-server-webhook-config"
key: "webhook.secret" # Set this if you have a different key for your secret
1 | Ensure that you have the right Bitbucket Server API URL without the /api/v1.0 suffix. Usually, the default install has a /rest suffix. |
2 | Specify the username of the BitBucket Server. |
3 | Pipelines as Code assumes that the secret referred in the git_provider.secret spec and the Repository CR is in the same namespace. |
The |
To configure Pipelines as Code with a Git repository that is accessible with a privately signed or custom certificate, you can expose the certificate to Pipelines as Code.
If you have installed Pipelines as Code using the Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines Operator, you can add your custom certificate to the cluster using the proxy
object. The Operator exposes the certificate in all Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines components and workloads, including Pipelines as Code.
Pipelines as Code supports private repositories by creating or updating a secret in the target namespace with the user token. The git-clone
task from Tekton Hub uses the user token to clone private repositories.
Whenever Pipelines as Code creates a new pipeline run in the target namespace, it creates or updates a secret with the pac-gitauth-<REPOSITORY_OWNER>-<REPOSITORY_NAME>-<RANDOM_STRING>
You must reference the secret with the basic-auth
workspace in your pipeline run and pipeline definitions, which is then passed on to the git-clone
- name: basic-auth
secretName: "{{ git_auth_secret }}"
In the pipeline, you can reference the basic-auth
workspace for the git-clone
task to reuse:
- name basic-auth
- name: repo_url
- name: revision
- name: basic-auth
workspace: basic-auth
- name: git-clone-from-catalog
name: git-clone (1)
- name: url
value: $(params.repo_url)
- name: revision
value: $(params.revision)
1 | The git-clone task picks up the basic-auth workspace and uses it to clone the private repository. |
You can modify this configuration by setting the secret-auto-create
parameter to either a false
or true
value, as required, in the TektonConfig
custom resource, in the pipelinesAsCode.settings