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Configuring an OpenID Connect identity provider - Configuring identity providers | Authentication and authorization | OKD 4.13

About identity providers in OKD

By default, only a kubeadmin user exists on your cluster. To specify an identity provider, you must create a custom resource (CR) that describes that identity provider and add it to the cluster.

OKD user names containing /, :, and % are not supported.

About OpenID Connect authentication

The Authentication Operator in OKD requires that the configured OpenID Connect identity provider implements the OpenID Connect Discovery specification.

You can configure a Keycloak server as an OpenID Connect identity provider for OKD.

ID Token and UserInfo decryptions are not supported.

By default, the openid scope is requested. If required, extra scopes can be specified in the extraScopes field.

Claims are read from the JWT id_token returned from the OpenID identity provider and, if specified, from the JSON returned by the UserInfo URL.

At least one claim must be configured to use as the user’s identity. The standard identity claim is sub.

You can also indicate which claims to use as the user’s preferred user name, display name, and email address. If multiple claims are specified, the first one with a non-empty value is used. The following table lists the standard claims:

Claim Description


Short for "subject identifier." The remote identity for the user at the issuer.


The preferred user name when provisioning a user. A shorthand name that the user wants to be referred to as, such as janedoe. Typically a value that corresponding to the user’s login or username in the authentication system, such as username or email.


Email address.


Display name.

See the OpenID claims documentation for more information.

Unless your OpenID Connect identity provider supports the resource owner password credentials (ROPC) grant flow, users must get a token from <namespace_route>/oauth/token/request to use with command-line tools.

Creating the secret

Identity providers use OKD Secret objects in the openshift-config namespace to contain the client secret, client certificates, and keys.

  • Create a Secret object containing a string by using the following command:

    $ oc create secret generic <secret_name> --from-literal=clientSecret=<secret> -n openshift-config

    You can alternatively apply the following YAML to create the secret:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: <secret_name>
      namespace: openshift-config
    type: Opaque
      clientSecret: <base64_encoded_client_secret>
  • You can define a Secret object containing the contents of a file, such as a certificate file, by using the following command:

    $ oc create secret generic <secret_name> --from-file=<path_to_file> -n openshift-config

Creating a config map

Identity providers use OKD configmap objects in the openshift-config namespace to contain the certificate authority bundle. These are primarily used to contain certificate bundles needed by the identity provider.

  • Define an OKD configmap object containing the certificate authority by using the following command. The certificate authority must be stored in the ca.crt key of the configmap object.

    $ oc create configmap ca-config-map --from-file=ca.crt=/path/to/ca -n openshift-config

    You can alternatively apply the following YAML to create the config map:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: configmap
      name: ca-config-map
      namespace: openshift-config
      ca.crt: |

Sample OpenID Connect CRs

The following custom resources (CRs) show the parameters and acceptable values for an OpenID Connect identity provider.

If you must specify a custom certificate bundle, extra scopes, extra authorization request parameters, or a userInfo URL, use the full OpenID Connect CR.

Standard OpenID Connect CR
kind: OAuth
  name: cluster
  - name: oidcidp (1)
    mappingMethod: claim (2)
    type: OpenID
      clientID: ... (3)
      clientSecret: (4)
        name: idp-secret
      claims: (5)
        - preferred_username
        - name
        - email
        - groups
      issuer: (6)
1 This provider name is prefixed to the value of the identity claim to form an identity name. It is also used to build the redirect URL.
2 Controls how mappings are established between this provider’s identities and User objects.
3 The client ID of a client registered with the OpenID provider. The client must be allowed to redirect to https://oauth-openshift.apps.<cluster_name>.<cluster_domain>/oauth2callback/<idp_provider_name>.
4 A reference to an OKD Secret object containing the client secret.
5 The list of claims to use as the identity. The first non-empty claim is used.
6 The Issuer Identifier described in the OpenID spec. Must use https without query or fragment component.
Full OpenID Connect CR
kind: OAuth
  name: cluster
  - name: oidcidp
    mappingMethod: claim
    type: OpenID
      clientID: ...
        name: idp-secret
      ca: (1)
        name: ca-config-map
      extraScopes: (2)
      - email
      - profile
      extraAuthorizeParameters: (3)
        include_granted_scopes: "true"
        preferredUsername: (4)
        - preferred_username
        - email
        name: (5)
        - nickname
        - given_name
        - name
        email: (6)
        - custom_email_claim
        - email
        groups: (7)
        - groups
1 Optional: Reference to an OKD config map containing the PEM-encoded certificate authority bundle to use in validating server certificates for the configured URL.
2 Optional: The list of scopes to request, in addition to the openid scope, during the authorization token request.
3 Optional: A map of extra parameters to add to the authorization token request.
4 The list of claims to use as the preferred user name when provisioning a user for this identity. The first non-empty claim is used.
5 The list of claims to use as the display name. The first non-empty claim is used.
6 The list of claims to use as the email address. The first non-empty claim is used.
7 The list of claims to use to synchronize groups from the OpenID Connect provider to OKD upon user login. The first non-empty claim is used.
Additional resources

Adding an identity provider to your cluster

After you install your cluster, add an identity provider to it so your users can authenticate.

  • Create an OKD cluster.

  • Create the custom resource (CR) for your identity providers.

  • You must be logged in as an administrator.

  1. Apply the defined CR:

    $ oc apply -f </path/to/CR>

    If a CR does not exist, oc apply creates a new CR and might trigger the following warning: Warning: oc apply should be used on resources created by either oc create --save-config or oc apply. In this case you can safely ignore this warning.

  2. Obtain a token from the OAuth server.

    As long as the kubeadmin user has been removed, the oc login command provides instructions on how to access a web page where you can retrieve the token.

    You can also access this page from the web console by navigating to (?) HelpCommand Line ToolsCopy Login Command.

  3. Log in to the cluster, passing in the token to authenticate.

    $ oc login --token=<token>

    If your OpenID Connect identity provider supports the resource owner password credentials (ROPC) grant flow, you can log in with a user name and password. You might need to take steps to enable the ROPC grant flow for your identity provider.

    After the OIDC identity provider is configured in OKD, you can log in by using the following command, which prompts for your user name and password:

    $ oc login -u <identity_provider_username> --server=<api_server_url_and_port>
  4. Confirm that the user logged in successfully, and display the user name.

    $ oc whoami

Configuring identity providers using the web console

Configure your identity provider (IDP) through the web console instead of the CLI.

  • You must be logged in to the web console as a cluster administrator.

  1. Navigate to AdministrationCluster Settings.

  2. Under the Configuration tab, click OAuth.

  3. Under the Identity Providers section, select your identity provider from the Add drop-down menu.

You can specify multiple IDPs through the web console without overwriting existing IDPs.