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Setting up Openshift Pipelines in the web console to view Software Supply Chain Security elements | Securing OpenShift Pipelines | Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines 1.14

Use the Developer or Administrator perspective to create or modify a pipeline and view key Software Supply Chain Security elements within a project.

Set up OpenShift Pipelines to view:

  • Project vulnerabilities: Visual representation of identified vulnerabilities within a project.

  • Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs): Download or view detailed listing of PipelineRun components.

Additionally, PipelineRuns that meet Tekton Chains requirement displays signed badges next to their names. This badge indicates that the pipeline run execution results are cryptographically signed and stored securely, for example within an OCI image.

Figure 1. The signed badge

The PipelineRun displays the signed badge next to its name only if you have configured Tekton Chains. For information on configuring Tekton Chains, see Using Tekton Chains for OpenShift Pipelines supply chain security.

Setting up OpenShift Pipelines to view project vulnerabilities

The PipelineRun details page provides a visual representation of identified vulnerabilities, categorized by the severity (critical, high, medium, and low). This streamlined view facilitates prioritization and remediation efforts.

vulnerabilities details
Figure 2. Viewing vulnerabilities on the PipelineRun details page

You can also review the vulnerabilities in the Vulnerabilities column in the pipeline run list view page.

vulnerabilities list
Figure 3. Viewing vulnerabilities on the PipelineRun list view

Visual representation of identified vulnerabilities is available starting from the OpenShift Container Platform version 4.15 release.

  1. In the Developer or Administrator perspective, switch to the relevant project where you want a visual representation of vulnerabilities.

  2. Update your existing vulnerability scan task to ensure that it stores the output in the .json file and then extracts the vulnerability summary in the following format:

    # The format to extract vulnerability summary (adjust the jq command for different JSON structures).
    jq -rce \
          critical: (.result.summary.CRITICAL),
          high: (.result.summary.IMPORTANT),
          medium: (.result.summary.MODERATE),
          low: (.result.summary.LOW)
          }}' scan_output.json | tee $(results.SCAN_OUTPUT.path)

    You might need to adjust the jq command for different JSON structures.

    1. (Optional) If you do not have a vulnerability scan task, create one in the following format:

      Example vulnerability scan task using Roxctl

      kind: Task
        name: vulnerability-scan  (1)
          task.output.location: results  (2)
          task.results.format: application/json
          task.results.key: SCAN_OUTPUT  (3)
          - description: Image to be scanned
            name: image
            type: string
          - description: CVE result format  (4)
            name: SCAN_OUTPUT
          - name: roxctl
            image: ''  (5)
              - name: ROX_CENTRAL_ENDPOINT
                    key: rox_central_endpoint    (6)
                    name: roxsecrets
              - name: ROX_API_TOKEN
                    key: rox_api_token   (7)
                    name: roxsecrets
            name: roxctl-scan
            script: | (8)
              curl -k -L -H "Authorization: Bearer $ROX_API_TOKEN" https://$ROX_CENTRAL_ENDPOINT/api/cli/download/roxctl-linux --output ./roxctl
              chmod +x ./roxctl
              ./roxctl image scan --insecure-skip-tls-verify -e $ROX_CENTRAL_ENDPOINT --image $(params.image) --output json  > roxctl_output.json
              jq -rce \
              critical: (.result.summary.CRITICAL),
              high: (.result.summary.IMPORTANT),
              medium: (.result.summary.MODERATE),
              low: (.result.summary.LOW)
              }}" roxctl_output.json | tee $(results.SCAN_OUTPUT.path)
      1 The name of your task.
      2 The location for storing the task outputs.
      3 The naming convention of the scan task result. A valid naming convention must end with the SCAN_OUTPUT string. For example, SCAN_OUTPUT, MY_CUSTOM_SCAN_OUTPUT, or ACS_SCAN_OUTPUT.
      4 The description of the result.
      5 The location of the container image to run the scan tool.
      6 The rox_central_endpoint key obtained from Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (ACS).
      7 The rox_api_token obtained from ACS.
      8 The shell script performs the vulnerability scanning and sets the scan output in the Task run results.

    This is an example configuration. Modify the values according to your specific scanning tool to set results in the expected format.

  3. Update an appropriate Pipeline to add vulnerabilities specifications in the following format:

        - description: The common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVE) result
          name: SCAN_OUTPUT
          value: $(tasks.vulnerability-scan.results.SCAN_OUTPUT)
  • Navigate to the PipelineRun details page and review the Vulnerabilities row for a visual representation of identified vulnerabilities.

  • Alternatively, you can navigate to the PipelineRun list view page, and review the Vulnerabilities column.

Setting up OpenShift Pipelines to download or view SBOMs

The PipelineRun details page provides an option to download or view Software Bill of Materials (SBOMs), enhancing transparency and control within your supply chain. SBOMs lists all the software libraries that a component uses. Those libraries can enable specific functionality or facilitate development.

You can use an SBOM to better understand the composition of your software, identify vulnerabilities, and assess the potential impact of any security issues that might arise.

Figure 4. Options to download or view SBOMs
  1. In the Developer or Administrator perspective, switch to the relevant project where you want a visual representation of SBOMs.

  2. Add a task in the following format to view or download the SBOM information:

    Example SBOM task
    kind: Task
      name: sbom-task (1)
        task.output.location: results  (2)
        task.results.format: application/text
        task.results.key: LINK_TO_SBOM  (3)
        task.results.type: external-link  (4)
        - description: Contains the SBOM link  (5)
          name: LINK_TO_SBOM
        - name: print-sbom-results
          image:  (6)
          script: | (7)
            syft version
            syft<username>/quarkus-demo:v2 --output cyclonedx-json=sbom-image.json
            echo 'BEGIN SBOM'
            cat sbom-image.json
            echo 'END SBOM'
            echo '<namespace>/node-express/node-express:build-8e536-1692702836' | tee $(results.LINK_TO_SBOM.path) (8)
    1 The name of your task.
    2 The location for storing the task outputs.
    3 The SBOM task result name. Do not change the name of the SBOM result task.
    4 (Optional) Set to open the SBOM in a new tab.
    5 The description of the result.
    6 The image that generates the SBOM.
    7 The script that generates the SBOM image.
    8 The SBOM image along with the path name.
  3. Update the Pipeline to reference the newly created SBOM task.

        - name: sbom-task
            name: sbom-task (1)
        - name: IMAGE_URL  (2)
          description: url
          value: <oci_image_registry_url> (3)
    1 The same name as created in Step 2.
    2 The name of the result.
    3 The OCI image repository URL which contains the .sbom images.
  4. Rerun the affected OpenShift Pipeline.

Viewing an SBOM in the web UI

  • You have set up OpenShift Pipelines to download or view SBOMs.

  1. Navigate to the Activity → PipelineRuns tab.

  2. For the project whose SBOM you want to view, select its most recent pipeline run.

  3. On the PipelineRun details page, select View SBOM.

    1. You can use your web browser to immediately search the SBOM for terms that indicate vulnerabilities in your software supply chain. For example, try searching for log4j.

    2. You can select Download to download the SBOM, or Expand to view it full-screen.

Downloading an SBOM in the cli

  • You have installed the Cosign cli tool.

  • You have set up OpenShift Pipelines to download or view SBOMs.

  1. Open terminal, log in to Developer or Administrator perspective, and then switch to the relevant project.

  2. From the OpenShift web console, copy the download sbom command and run it on your terminal.

    Example cosign command
    $ cosign download sbom<workspace>/user-workload@sha256
    1. (Optional) To view the full SBOM in a searchable format, run the following command to redirect the output:

      Example cosign command
      $ cosign download sbom<workspace>/user-workload@sha256 > sbom.txt

Reading the SBOM

In the SBOM, as the following sample excerpt shows, you can see four characteristics of each library that a project uses:

  • Its author or publisher

  • Its name

  • Its version

  • Its licenses

This information helps you verify that individual libraries are safely-sourced, updated, and compliant.

Example SBOM
    "bomFormat": "CycloneDX",
    "specVersion": "1.4",
    "serialNumber": "urn:uuid:89146fc4-342f-496b-9cc9-07a6a1554220",
    "version": 1,
    "metadata": {
    "components": [
            "bom-ref": "pkg:pypi/flask@2.1.0?package-id=d6ad7ed5aac04a8",
            "type": "library",
            "author": "Armin Ronacher <>",
            "name": "Flask",
            "version": "2.1.0",
            "licenses": [
                    "license": {
                        "id": "BSD-3-Clause"
            "cpe": "cpe:2.3:a:armin-ronacher:python-Flask:2.1.0:*:*:*:*:*:*:*",
            "purl": "pkg:pypi/Flask@2.1.0",
            "properties": [
                    "name": "syft:package:foundBy",
                    "value": "python-package-cataloger"