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Checking policy compliance | roxctl <strong>cli</strong> | Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes 4.2

You can use the roxctl cli to check deployment YAML files and images for policy compliance.


  • You have configured the ROX_ENDPOINT environment variable using the following command:

    $ export ROX_ENDPOINT=<host:port> (1)
    1 The host and port information that you want to store in the ROX_ENDPOINT environment variable.

Configuring output format

When you check policy compliance by using the roxctl deployment check or roxctl image check commands, you can specify the output format by using the -o option to the command and specifying the format as json, table, csv, or junit. This option determines how the output of a command is displayed in the terminal.

For example, the following command checks a deployment and then displays the result in csv format:

$ roxctl deployment check --file =<yaml_filename> -o csv

When you do not specify the -o option for the output format, the following default behavior is used:

  • The format for the deployment check and the image check commands is table.

  • The default output format for the image scan command is json. This is the old JSON format output for compatibility with older versions of the cli. To get the output in the new JSON format, specify the option with format, as -o json. Use the old JSON format output when gathering data for troubleshooting purposes.

Different options are available to configure the output. The following table lists the options and the format in which they are available.

Option Description Formats


Use this option to display the JSON output in a compact format.



Use this option to specify custom headers.

table and csv


Use this option to omit the header row from the output.

table and csv


Use this option to specify GJSON paths to select specific items from the output. For example, to get the Policy name and Severity for a deployment check, use the following command:

$ roxctl deployment check --file=<yaml_filename> \
  -o table --headers POLICY-NAME,SEVERITY \

table and csv


Use this options to merge table cells that have the same value.



Use this option to include the header row as a comment in the output.



Use this option to specify the name of the JUnit test suite.


Checking deployment YAML files

  • Run the following command to check the build-time and deploy-time violations of your security policies in YAML deployment files:

    $ roxctl deployment check --file=<yaml_filename>

    The format is defined in the API reference. To cause Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (RHACS) to re-pull image metadata and image scan results from the associated registry and scanner, add the --force option.

    To check specific image scan results, you must have a token with both read and write permissions for the Image resource. The default Continuous Integration system role already has the required permissions.

    This command validates the following items:

    • Configuration options in a YAML file, such as resource limits or privilege options

    • Aspects of the images used in a YAML file, such as components or vulnerabilities

Checking images

  • Run the following command to check the build-time violations of your security policies in images:

    $ roxctl image check --image=<image_name>

    The format is defined in the API reference. To cause Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (RHACS) to re-pull image metadata and image scan results from the associated registry and scanner, add the --force option.

    To check specific image scan results, you must have a token with both read and write permissions for the Image resource. The default Continuous Integration system role already has the required permissions.

Checking image scan results

You can also check the scan results for specific images.

  • Run the following command to return the components and vulnerabilities found in the image in JSON format:

    $ roxctl image scan --image <image_name>

    The format is defined in the API reference. To cause Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security for Kubernetes (RHACS) to re-pull image metadata and image scan results from the associated registry and scanner, add the --force option.

    To check specific image scan results, you must have a token with both read and write permissions for the Image resource. The default Continuous Integration system role already has the required permissions.