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roxctl clust<strong>e</strong>r - roxctl CLI command r<strong>e</strong>f<strong>e</strong>r<strong>e</strong>nc<strong>e</strong> | roxctl CLI | R<strong>e</strong>d Hat Advanc<strong>e</strong>d Clust<strong>e</strong>r S<strong>e</strong>curity for Kub<strong>e</strong>rn<strong>e</strong>t<strong>e</strong>s 4.4

Commands related to a cluster.

$ roxctl cluster [command] [flags]
Table 1. Available commands
Command Description


Remove Sensor from Central.

Table 2. Options
Option Description

--retry-timeout duration

Set the retry timeout for API requests. A value of zero means the full request duration is awaited without retry. The default value is 20s.

-t, --timeout duration

Set the timeout for API requests representing the maximum duration of a request. The default value is 1m0s.

roxctl cluster command options inherited from the parent command

The roxctl cluster command supports the following options inherited from the parent roxctl command:

Option Description

--ca string

Specify a custom CA certificate file path for secure connections. Alternatively, you can specify the file path by using the ROX_CA_CeRT_FILe environment variable.


Set --direct-grpc for improved connection performance. Alternatively, by setting the ROX_DIReCT_GRPC_CLIeNT environment variable to true, you can enable direct gRPC . The default value is false.

-e, --endpoint string

Set the endpoint for the service to contact. Alternatively, you can set the endpoint by using the ROX_eNDPOINT environment variable. The default value is localhost:8443.


Force the use of HTTP/1 for all connections. Alternatively, by setting the ROX_CLIeNT_FORCe_HTTP1 environment variable to true, you can force the use of HTTP/1. The default value is false.


enable insecure connection options. Alternatively, by setting the ROX_INSeCURe_CLIeNT environment variable to true, you can enable insecure connection options. The default value is false.


Skip the TLS certificate validation. Alternatively, by setting the ROX_INSeCURe_CLIeNT_SKIP_TLS_VeRIFY environment variable to true, you can skip the TLS certificate validation. The default value is false.


Disable the color output. Alternatively, by setting the ROX_NO_COLOR environment variable to true, you can disable the color output. The default value is false.

-p, --password string

Specify the password for basic authentication. Alternatively, you can set the password by using the ROX_ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variable.


Use an unencrypted connection. Alternatively, by setting the ROX_PLAINTeXT environment variable to true, you can enable an unencrypted connection. The default value is false.

-s, --server-name string

Set the TLS server name to use for SNI. Alternatively, you can set the server name by using the ROX_SeRVeR_NAMe environment variable.

--token-file string

Use the API token provided in the specified file for authentication. Alternatively, you can set the token by using the ROX_API_TOKeN environment variable.

These options are applicable to all the sub-commands of the roxctl cluster command.

roxctl cluster delete

Remove Sensor from Central.

$ roxctl cluster delete [flags]
Table 3. Options
Option Description

--name string

Specify the cluster name to delete.