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Advanced Installation - Installing | Installation and Configuration | OpenShift Enterprise 3.1


For production environments, a reference configuration implemented using Ansible playbooks is available as the advanced installation method for installing OpenShift hosts. Familiarity with Ansible is assumed, however you can use this configuration as a reference to create your own implementation using the configuration management tool of your choosing.

While RHEL Atomic Host is supported for running containerized OpenShift services, the advanced installation method utilizes Ansible, which is not available in RHEL Atomic Host, and must therefore be run from a RHEL 7 system. The host initiating the installation does not need to be intended for inclusion in the OpenShift cluster, but it can be.

Alternatively, you can use the quick installation method if you prefer an interactive installation experience.

Running Ansible playbooks with the --tags or --check options is not supported by Red Hat.

Before You Begin

Before installing OpenShift, you must first see the Prerequisites topic to prepare your hosts, which includes verifying system and environment requirements per component type and properly installing and configuring Docker. It also includes installing Ansible version 1.8.4 or later, as the advanced installation method is based on Ansible playbooks and as such requires directly invoking Ansible.

If you are interested in installing OpenShift using the containerized method (optional for RHEL but required for RHEL Atomic Host), see RPM vs Containerized to ensure that you understand the differences between these methods, then return to this topic to continue.

After following the instructions in the Prerequisites topic and deciding between the RPM and containerized methods, you can continue in this topic to Configuring Ansible.

Configuring Ansible

The /etc/ansible/hosts file is Ansible’s inventory file for the playbook to use during the installation. The inventory file describes the configuration for your OpenShift cluster. You must replace the default contents of the file with your desired configuration.

The following sections describe commonly-used variables to set in your inventory file during an advanced installation, followed by example inventory files you can use as a starting point for your installation. The examples describe various environment topographies, including using multiple masters for high availability. You can choose an example that matches your requirements, modify it to match your own environment, and use it as your inventory file when running the advanced installation.

Configuring Host Variables

To assign environment variables to hosts during the Ansible installation, indicate the desired variables in the /etc/ansible/hosts file after the host entry in the [masters] or [nodes] sections. For example:


The following table describes variables for use with the Ansible installer that can be assigned to individual host entries:

Table 1. Host Variables
Variable Purpose


This variable overrides the internal cluster host name for the system. Use this when the system’s default IP address does not resolve to the system host name.


This variable overrides the system’s public host name. Use this for cloud installations, or for hosts on networks using a network address translation (NAT).


This variable overrides the cluster internal IP address for the system. Use this when using an interface that is not configured with the default route.


This variable overrides the system’s public IP address. Use this for cloud installations, or for hosts on networks using a network address translation (NAT).


If set to true, containerized OpenShift services are run on target master and node hosts instead of installed using RPM packages. If set to false or unset, the default RPM method is used. RHEL Atomic Host requires the containerized method, and is automatically selected for you based on the detection of the /run/ostree-booted file. See RPM vs Containerized for more details. Containerized installations are supported starting in OSE 3.1.1.


This variable adds labels to nodes during installation. See Configuring Node Host Labels for more details.


This variable is used to configure kubeletArguments on nodes, such as arguments used in container and image garbage collection, and to specify resources per node. kubeletArguments are key value pairs that are passed directly to the Kubelet that match the Kubelet’s command line arguments. kubeletArguments are not migrated or validated and may become invalid if used. These values override other settings in node configuration which may cause invalid configurations. Example usage: {'image-gc-high-threshold': ['90'],'image-gc-low-threshold': ['80']}.


This variable configures additional Docker options within /etc/sysconfig/docker, such as options used in Managing Docker Container Logs. Example usage: "--log-driver json-file --log-opt max-size=1M --log-opt max-file=3".

Configuring Cluster Variables

To assign environment variables during the Ansible install that apply more globally to your OpenShift cluster overall, indicate the desired variables in the /etc/ansible/hosts file on separate, single lines within the [OSEv3:vars] section. For example:


openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider', 'filename': '/etc/origin/master/htpasswd'}]

The following table describes variables for use with the Ansible installer that can be assigned cluster-wide:

Table 2. Cluster Variables
Variable Purpose


This variable sets the SSH user for the installer to use and defaults to root. This user should allow SSH-based authentication without requiring a password. If using SSH key-based authentication, then the key should be managed by an SSH agent.


If ansible_ssh_user is not root, this variable must be set to true and the user must be configured for passwordless sudo.


If set to true, containerized OpenShift services are run on all target master and node hosts in the cluster instead of installed using RPM packages. If set to false or unset, the default RPM method is used. RHEL Atomic Host requires the containerized method, and is automatically selected for you based on the detection of the /run/ostree-booted file. See RPM vs Containerized for more details. Containerized installations are supported starting in OSE 3.1.1.


This variable overrides the host name for the cluster, which defaults to the host name of the master.


This variable overrides the public host name for the cluster, which defaults to the host name of the master. If you use an external load balancer, specify the address of the external load balancer.

For example:

---- ----


Optional. This variable defines the HA method when deploying multiple masters. Can be either native or pacemaker. See Multiple Masters for more information.


These variables are only required when using the pacemaker HA method.

For openshift_master_cluster_vip, the virtual IP (VIP) is assigned to the active master automatically, so the IP must be available in the cluster network. This IP should be in the same network and able to communicate with any other master, etcd, and node hosts' IP. See Multiple Masters for more information.




This variable enables rolling restarts of HA masters (i.e., masters are taken down one at a time) when running the upgrade playbook directly. It defaults to services, which allows rolling restarts of services on the masters. It can instead be set to system, which enables rolling, full system restarts and also works for single master clusters.


This variable configures which OpenShift SDN plug-in to use for the pod network, which defaults to redhat/openshift-ovs-subnet for the standard SDN plug-in. Set the variable to redhat/openshift-ovs-multitenant to use the multitenant plug-in.


This variable overrides the identity provider, which defaults to Deny All.


These variables are used to configure custom certificates which are deployed as part of the installation. See Configuring Custom Certificates for more information.



These variables override defaults for session options in the OAuth configuration. See Configuring Session Options for more information.





This variable configures the subnet in which services will be created within the OpenShift Enterprise SDN. This network block should be private and must not conflict with any existing network blocks in your infrastructure to which pods, nodes, or the master may require access to, or the installation will fail. Defaults to, and cannot be re-configured after deployment. If changing from the default, avoid, which the docker0 network bridge uses by default, or modify the docker0 network.


Default node selector for automatically deploying router pods. See Configuring Node Host Labels for details.


Default node selector for automatically deploying registry pods. See Configuring Node Host Labels for details.


This variable overrides the default subdomain to use for exposed routes.


This variable overrides the node selector that projects will use by default when placing pods.


This variable overrides the SDN cluster network CIDR block. This is the network from which pod IPs are assigned. This network block should be a private block and must not conflict with existing network blocks in your infrastructure to which pods, nodes, or the master may require access. Defaults to and cannot be arbitrarily re-configured after deployment, although certain changes to it can be made in the SDN master configuration.


This variable specifies the size of the per host subnet allocated for pod IPs by OpenShift SDN. Defaults to 8 which means that a subnet of size /24 is allocated to each host; for example, given the default cluster network, this will allocate,,, and so on. This cannot be re-configured after deployment.

Configuring Node Host Labels

You can assign labels to node hosts during the Ansible install by configuring the /etc/ansible/hosts file. Labels are useful for determining the placement of pods onto nodes using the scheduler. Other than region=infra (discussed below), the actual label names and values are arbitrary and can be assigned however you see fit per your cluster’s requirements.

To assign labels to a node host during an Ansible install, use the openshift_node_labels variable with the desired labels added to the desired node host entry in the [nodes] section. In the following example, labels are set for a region called primary and a zone called east:

[nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'east'}"

The openshift_router_selector and openshift_registry_selector Ansible settings are set to region=infra by default:

# default selectors for router and registry services
# openshift_router_selector='region=infra'
# openshift_registry_selector='region=infra'

The default router and registry will be automatically deployed if nodes exist that match the selector settings above. For example:

[nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region':'infra','zone':'default'}"

Marking Masters as Unschedulable Nodes

Any hosts you designate as masters during the installation process should also be configured as nodes by adding them to the [nodes] section so that the masters are configured as part of the OpenShift SDN.

However, in order to ensure that your masters are not burdened with running pods, you can make them unschedulable by adding the openshift_scheduleable=false option any node that is also a master. For example:

[nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region':'infra','zone':'default'}" openshift_schedulable=false

Configuring Session Options

Session options in the OAuth configuration are configurable in the inventory file. By default, Ansible populates a sessionSecretsFile with generated authentication and encryption secrets so that sessions generated by one master can be decoded by the others. The default location is /etc/origin/master/session-secrets.yaml, and this file will only be re-created if deleted on all masters.

You can set the session name and maximum number of seconds with openshift_master_session_name and openshift_master_session_max_seconds:


If provided, openshift_master_session_auth_secrets and openshift_master_encryption_secrets must be equal length.

For openshift_master_session_auth_secrets, used to authenticate sessions using HMAC, it is recommended to use secrets with 32 or 64 bytes:


For openshift_master_encryption_secrets, used to encrypt sessions, secrets must be 16, 24, or 32 characters long, to select AES-128, AES-192, or AES-256:


Configuring Custom Certificates

Custom serving certificates for the public host names of the OpenShift API and web console can be deployed during an advanced installation and are configurable in the inventory file.

Custom certificates should only be configured for the host name associated with the publicMasterURL which can be set using openshift_master_cluster_public_hostname. Using a custom serving certificate for the host name associated with the masterURL (openshift_master_cluster_hostname) will result in TLS errors as infrastructure components will attempt to contact the master API using the internal masterURL host.

Certificate and key file paths can be configured using the openshift_master_named_certificates cluster variable:

openshift_master_named_certificates=[{"certfile": "/path/to/custom1.crt", "keyfile": "/path/to/custom1.key"}]

File paths must be local to the system where Ansible will be run. Certificates are copied to master hosts and are deployed within the /etc/origin/master/named_certificates/ directory.

Ansible detects a certificate’s Common Name and Subject Alternative Names. Detected names can be overridden by providing the "names" key when setting openshift_master_named_certificates:

openshift_master_named_certificates=[{"certfile": "/path/to/custom1.crt", "keyfile": "/path/to/custom1.key", "names": [""]}]

Certificates configured using openshift_master_named_certificates are cached on masters, meaning that each additional Ansible run with a different set of certificates results in all previously deployed certificates remaining in place on master hosts and within the master configuration file.

If you would like openshift_master_named_certificates to be overwritten with the provided value (or no value), specify the openshift_master_overwrite_named_certificates cluster variable:


For a more complete example, consider the following cluster variables in an inventory file:


To overwrite the certificates on a subsequent Ansible run, you could set the following:

openshift_master_named_certificates=[{"certfile": "/root/", "keyfile": "/root/"}, "names": [""]}]

Single Master Examples

You can configure an environment with a single master and multiple nodes, and either a single embedded etcd or multiple external etcd hosts.

Moving from a single master cluster to multiple masters after installation is not supported.

Single Master and Multiple Nodes

The following table describes an example environment for a single master (with embedded etcd) and two nodes:

Host Name Infrastructure Component to Install

Master and node


You can see these example hosts present in the [masters] and [nodes] sections of the following example inventory file:

Example 1. Single Master and Multiple Nodes Inventory File
# Create an OSEv3 group that contains the masters and nodes groups

# Set variables common for all OSEv3 hosts
# SSH user, this user should allow ssh based auth without requiring a password

# If ansible_ssh_user is not root, ansible_sudo must be set to true


# uncomment the following to enable htpasswd authentication; defaults to DenyAllPasswordIdentityProvider
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider', 'filename': '/etc/origin/master/htpasswd'}]

# host group for masters

# host group for nodes, includes region info
[nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'east'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'west'}"

To use this example, modify the file to match your environment and specifications, and save it as /etc/ansible/hosts.

Single Master, Multiple etcd, and Multiple Nodes

The following table describes an example environment for a single master, three etcd hosts, and two nodes:

Host Name Infrastructure Component to Install

Master and node



When specifying multiple etcd hosts, external etcd is installed and configured. Clustering of OpenShift’s embedded etcd is not supported.

You can see these example hosts present in the [masters], [nodes], and [etcd] sections of the following example inventory file:

Example 2. Single Master, Multiple etcd, and Multiple Nodes Inventory File
# Create an OSEv3 group that contains the masters, nodes, and etcd groups

# Set variables common for all OSEv3 hosts

# uncomment the following to enable htpasswd authentication; defaults to DenyAllPasswordIdentityProvider
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider', 'filename': '/etc/origin/master/htpasswd'}]

# host group for masters

# host group for etcd

# host group for nodes, includes region info
[nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'east'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'west'}"

To use this example, modify the file to match your environment and specifications, and save it as /etc/ansible/hosts.

Multiple Masters Examples

You can configure an environment with multiple masters, multiple etcd hosts, and multiple nodes. Configuring multiple masters for high availability (HA) ensures that the cluster has no single point of failure.

Moving from a single master cluster to multiple masters after installation is not supported.

When configuring multiple masters, the advanced installation supports two high availability (HA) methods:

Table 3. HA Master Methods


Leverages the native HA master capabilities built into OpenShift and can be combined with any load balancing solution. If a host is defined in the [lb] section of the inventory file, Ansible installs and configures HAProxy automatically as the load balancing solution. If no host is defined, it is assumed you have pre-configured a load balancing solution of your choice to balance the master API (port 8443) on all master hosts.


Configures Pacemaker as the load balancer for multiple masters. Requires a High Availability Add-on for Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription, which is provided separately from the OpenShift Enterprise subscription.

For more on these methods and the high availability master architecture, see Kubernetes Infrastructure.

To configure multiple masters, choose one of the above HA methods, and refer to the relevant example section that follows.

Multiple Masters Using Native HA

The following describes an example environment for three masters, one HAProxy load balancer, three etcd hosts, and two nodes using the native HA method:

Host Name Infrastructure Component to Install

Master (clustered using native HA) and node

HAProxy to load balance API master endpoints



When specifying multiple etcd hosts, external etcd is installed and configured. Clustering of OpenShift’s embedded etcd is not supported.

You can see these example hosts present in the [masters], [etcd], [lb], and [nodes] sections of the following example inventory file:

Example 3. Multiple Masters Using HAProxy Inventory File
# Create an OSEv3 group that contains the master, nodes, etcd, and lb groups.
# The lb group lets Ansible configure HAProxy as the load balancing solution.
# Comment lb out if your load balancer is pre-configured.

# Set variables common for all OSEv3 hosts

# Uncomment the following to enable htpasswd authentication; defaults to
# DenyAllPasswordIdentityProvider.
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider', 'filename': '/etc/origin/master/htpasswd'}]

# Native high availbility cluster method with optional load balancer.
# If no lb group is defined installer assumes that a load balancer has
# been preconfigured. For installation the value of
# openshift_master_cluster_hostname must resolve to the load balancer
# or to one or all of the masters defined in the inventory if no load
# balancer is present.

# override the default controller lease ttl

# enable ntp on masters to ensure proper failover

# host group for masters

# host group for etcd

# Specify load balancer host

# host group for nodes, includes region info
master[1:3] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'east'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'west'}"

To use this example, modify the file to match your environment and specifications, and save it as /etc/ansible/hosts.

Note the following when using the native HA method:

  • The advanced installation method does not currently support multiple HAProxy load balancers in an active-passive setup. See the Load Balancer Administration documentation for post-installation amendments, or use the pacemaker method if you require this capability.

  • In a HAProxy setup, controller manager servers run as standalone processes. They elect their active leader with a lease stored in etcd. The lease expires after 30 seconds by default. If a failure happens on an active controller server, it will take up to this number of seconds to elect another leader. The interval can be configured with the osm_controller_lease_ttl variable.

Multiple Masters Using Pacemaker

The following describes an example environment for three masters, three etcd hosts, and two nodes using the pacemaker HA method:

Host Name Infrastructure Component to Install

Master (clustered using Pacemaker) and node



When specifying multiple etcd hosts, external etcd is installed and configured. Clustering of OpenShift’s embedded etcd is not supported.

You can see these example hosts present in the [masters], [nodes], and [etcd] sections of the following example inventory file:

Example 4. Multiple Masters Using Pacemaker Inventory File
# Create an OSEv3 group that contains the masters, nodes, and etcd groups

# Set variables common for all OSEv3 hosts

# Uncomment the following to enable htpasswd authentication; defaults to
# DenyAllPasswordIdentityProvider.
#openshift_master_identity_providers=[{'name': 'htpasswd_auth', 'login': 'true', 'challenge': 'true', 'kind': 'HTPasswdPasswordIdentityProvider', 'filename': '/etc/origin/master/htpasswd'}]

# Pacemaker high availability cluster method.
# Pacemaker HA environment must be able to self provision the
# configured VIP. For installation openshift_master_cluster_hostname
# must resolve to the configured VIP.

# override the default controller lease ttl

# host group for masters

# host group for etcd

# host group for nodes, includes region info
master[1:3] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'east'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'west'}"

To use this example, modify the file to match your environment and specifications, and save it as /etc/ansible/hosts.

Note the following when using this configuration:

  • Installing multiple masters with Pacemaker requires that you configure a fencing device after running the installer.

  • When specifying multiple masters, the installer handles creating and starting the HA cluster. If during that process the pcs status command indicates that an HA cluster already exists, the installer skips HA cluster configuration.

Running the Advanced Installation

After you have configured Ansible by defining an inventory file in /etc/ansible/hosts, you can run the advanced installation using the following playbook:

# ansible-playbook /usr/share/ansible/openshift-ansible/playbooks/byo/config.yml

If for any reason the installation fails, before re-running the installer, see Known Issues to check for any specific instructions or workarounds.

The installer caches playbook configuration values for 10 minutes, by default. If you change any system, network, or inventory configuration, and then re-run the installer within that 10 minute period, the new values are not used, and the previous values are used instead. You can delete the contents of the cache, which is defined by the fact_caching_connection value in the /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg file.

Due to a known issue, after running the installation, if NFS volumes are provisioned for any component, the following directories might be created whether their components are being deployed to NFS volumes or not:

  • /exports/logging-es

  • /exports/logging-es-ops/

  • /exports/metrics/

  • /exports/prometheus

  • /exports/prometheus-alertbuffer/

  • /exports/prometheus-alertmanager/

You can delete these directories after installation, as needed.

Configuring Fencing

If you installed OpenShift using a configuration for multiple masters with Pacemaker as a load balancer, you must configure a fencing device. See Fencing: Configuring STONITH in the High Availability Add-on for Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation for instructions, then continue to Verifying the Installation.

Verifying the Installation

After the installation completes:

  1. Verify that the master is started and nodes are registered and reporting in Ready status. On the master host, run the following as root:

    # oc get nodes
    NAME                      LABELS                                                                     STATUS,region=infra,zone=default        Ready,SchedulingDisabled,region=primary,zone=east          Ready,region=primary,zone=west          Ready
  2. To verify that the web console is installed correctly, use the master host name and the console port number to access the console with a web browser.

    For example, for a master host with a hostname of and using the default port of 8443, the web console would be found at:
  3. Now that the install has been verified, run the following command on each master and node host to add the atomic-openshift packages back to the list of yum excludes on the host:

    # atomic-openshift-excluder exclude

Multiple etcd Hosts

If you installed multiple etcd hosts:

  1. On a etcd host, verify the etcd cluster health, substituting for the FQDNs of your etcd hosts in the following:

    # etcdctl -C \,, \
        --ca-file=/etc/origin/master/master.etcd-ca.crt \
        --cert-file=/etc/origin/master/master.etcd-client.crt \
        --key-file=/etc/origin/master/master.etcd-client.key cluster-health
  2. Also verify the member list is correct:

    # etcdctl -C \,, \
        --ca-file=/etc/origin/master/master.etcd-ca.crt \
        --cert-file=/etc/origin/master/master.etcd-client.crt \
        --key-file=/etc/origin/master/master.etcd-client.key member list

Multiple Masters Using Pacemaker

If you installed multiple masters using Pacemaker as a load balancer:

  1. On a master host, determine which host is currently running as the active master:

    # pcs status
  2. After determining the active master, put the specified host into standby mode:

    # pcs cluster standby <host1_name>
  3. Verify the master is now running on another host:

    # pcs status
  4. After verifying the master is running on another node, re-enable the host on standby for normal operation by running:

    # pcs cluster unstandby <host1_name>

Red Hat recommends that you also verify your installation by consulting the High Availability Add-on for Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation.

Multiple Masters Using HAProxy

If you installed multiple masters using HAProxy as a load balancer, browse to the following URL according to your [lb] section definition and check HAProxy’s status:


You can verify your installation by consulting the HAProxy Configuration documentation.

Adding Nodes to an Existing Cluster

After your cluster is installed, you can install additional nodes (including masters) and add them to your cluster by running the scaleup.yml playbook. This playbook queries the master, generates and distributes new certificates for the new nodes, then runs the configuration playbooks on the new nodes only.

This process is similar to re-running the installer in the quick installation method to add nodes, however you have more configuration options available when using the advanced method and running the playbooks directly.

You must have an existing inventory file (for example, /etc/ansible/hosts) that is representative of your current cluster configuration in order to run the scaleup.yml playbook. If you previously used the atomic-openshift-installer command to run your installation, you can check ~/.config/openshift/.ansible/hosts for the last inventory file that the installer generated and use or modify that as needed as your inventory file. You must then specify the file location with -i when calling ansible-playbook later.

To add nodes to an existing cluster:

  1. Ensure you have the latest playbooks by updating the atomic-openshift-utils package:

    # yum update atomic-openshift-utils
  2. Edit your /etc/ansible/hosts file and add new_nodes to the [OSEv3:children] section:

  3. Then, create a [new_nodes] section much like the existing [nodes] section, specifying host information for any new nodes you want to add. For example:

    master[1:3] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'east'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'west'}"
    [new_nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'west'}"

    See Configuring Host Variables for more options.

  4. Now run the scaleup.yml playbook. If your inventory file is located somewhere other than the default /etc/ansible/hosts, specify the location with the -i option:

    For additional nodes:

    # ansible-playbook [-i /path/to/file] \

    For additional masters:

    # ansible-playbook [-i /path/to/file] \
  5. After the playbook completes successfully, verify the installation.

  6. Finally, move any hosts you had defined in the [new_nodes] section up into the [nodes] section (but leave the [new_nodes] section definition itself in place) so that subsequent runs using this inventory file are aware of the nodes but do not handle them as new nodes. For example:

    master[1:3] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra', 'zone': 'default'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'east'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'west'}" openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'west'}"

Uninstalling OpenShift Enterprise

You can uninstall OpenShift Enterprise hosts in your cluster by running the uninstall.yml playbook. This playbook deletes OpenShift Enterprise content installed by Ansible, including:

  • Configuration

  • Containers

  • Default templates and image streams

  • Images

  • RPM packages

The playbook will delete content for any hosts defined in the inventory file that you specify when running the playbook. If you want to uninstall OpenShift Enterprise across all hosts in your cluster, run the playbook using the inventory file you used when installing OpenShift Enterprise initially or ran most recently:

# ansible-playbook [-i /path/to/file] \

Uninstalling Nodes

You can also uninstall node components from specific hosts using the uninstall.yml playbook while leaving the remaining hosts and cluster alone:

This method should only be used when attempting to uninstall specific node hosts and not for specific masters or etcd hosts, which would require further configuration changes within the cluster.

  1. First follow the steps in Deleting Nodes to remove the node object from the cluster, then continue with the remaining steps in this procedure.

  2. Create a different inventory file that only references those hosts. For example, to only delete content from one node:

    nodes (1)
    [nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'primary', 'zone': 'west'}" (2)
    1 Only include the sections that pertain to the hosts you are interested in uninstalling.
    2 Only include hosts that you want to uninstall.
  3. Specify that new inventory file using the -i option when running the uninstall.yml playbook:

    # ansible-playbook -i /path/to/new/file \

When the playbook completes, all OpenShift Enterprise content should be removed from any specified hosts.

Known Issues

The following are known issues for specified installation configurations.

Multiple Masters

  • On failover, it is possible for the controller manager to overcorrect, which causes the system to run more pods than what was intended. However, this is a transient event and the system does correct itself over time. See for details.

  • On failure of the Ansible installer, you must start from a clean operating system installation. If you are using virtual machines, start from a fresh image. If you are use bare metal machines:

    1. Run the following on a master host with Pacemaker:

      # pcs cluster destroy --all
    2. Then, run the following on all node hosts:

      # yum -y remove openshift openshift-* etcd docker
      # rm -rf /etc/origin /var/lib/openshift /etc/etcd \
          /var/lib/etcd /etc/sysconfig/atomic-openshift* /etc/sysconfig/docker* \
          /root/.kube/config /etc/ansible/facts.d /usr/share/openshift

What’s Next?

Now that you have a working OpenShift instance, you can: