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Configuring Role Variables - Deploying Red Hat CloudForms | Configuring Clusters | OKD 3.10


The following sections describe role variables that may be used in your Ansible inventory file, which is used to control the behavior of the ManageIQ installation when running the installer.

General Variables

Variable Required Default Description




Boolean, set to true to install the application.




The deployment variant of ManageIQ to install. Set miq-template for a containerized database or miq-template-ext-db for an external database.




Namespace (project) for the ManageIQ installation.



CloudForms Management Engine

Namespace (project) description.




Default management user name. Changing this value does not change the user name; only change this value if you have changed the name already and are running integration scripts (such as the script to add container providers).




Default management password. Changing this value does not change the password; only change this value if you have changed the password already and are running integration scripts (such as the script to add container providers).

Customizing Template Parameters

You can use the openshift_management_template_parameters Ansible role variable to specify any template parameters you want to override in the application or PV templates.

For example, if you wanted to reduce the memory requirement of the PostgreSQL pod, then you could set the following:

openshift_management_template_parameters={'POSTGRESQL_MEM_REQ': '1Gi'}

When the ManageIQ template is processed, 1Gi will be used for the value of the POSTGRESQL_MEM_REQ template parameter.

Not all template parameters are present in both template variants (containerized or external database). For example, while the podified database template has a POSTGRESQL_MEM_REQ parameter, no such parameter is present in the external db template, as there is no need for this information due to there being no databases that require pods.

Therefore, be very careful if you are overriding template parameters. Including parameters not defined in a template will cause errors. If you do receive an error during the Ensure the Management App is created task, run the uninstall scripts first before running the installer again.

Database Variables

Containerized (Podified) Database

Any POSTGRES_* or DATABASE_* template parameters in the _miq-template.yaml _ file may be customized through the openshift_management_template_parameters hash in your inventory file..

External Database

Any POSTGRES_* or DATABASE_* template parameters in the _miq-template-ext-db.yaml _ file may be customized through the openshift_management_template_parameters hash in your inventory file..

External PostgreSQL databases require you to provide database connection parameters. You must set the required connection keys in the openshift_management_template_parameters parameter in your inventory. The following keys are required:




  • DATABASE_PORT (Most PostgreSQL servers run on port 5432)


Ensure your external database is running PostgreSQL 9.5 or you may not be able to deploy the CloudForms application successfully.

Your inventory would contain a line similar to:

openshift_management_app_template=cfme-template-ext-db (1)
openshift_management_template_parameters={'DATABASE_USER': 'root', 'DATABASE_PASSWORD': 'mypassword', 'DATABASE_IP': '', 'DATABASE_PORT': '5432', 'DATABASE_NAME': 'cfme'}
1 Set openshift_management_app_template parameter to cfme-template-ext-db.

Storage Class Variables

Variable Required Default Description




Storage type to use. Options are nfs, nfs_external, preconfigured, or cloudprovider.




If you are using an external NFS server, such as a NetApp appliance, then you must set the host name here. Leave the value as false if you are not using external NFS. Additionally, external NFS requires that you create the NFS exports that will back the application PV and optionally the database PV.




If you are using external NFS, then you can set the base path to the exports location here. For local NFS, you can also change this value if you want to change the default path used for local NFS exports.




If you do not have an [nfs] group in your inventory, or want to simply manually define the local NFS host in your cluster, set this parameter to the host name of the preferred NFS server. The server must be a part of your OKD cluster.

NFS (Default)

The NFS storage class is best suited for proof-of-concept and test deployments. It is also the default storage class for deployments. No additional configuration is required for this choice.

This storage class configures NFS on a cluster host (by default, the first master in the inventory file) to back the required PVs. The application requires a PV, and the database (which may be hosted externally) may require a second. PV minimum required sizes are 5GiB for the ManageIQ application, and 15GiB for the PostgreSQL database (20GiB minimum available space on a volume or partition if used specifically for NFS purposes).

Customization is provided through the following role variables:

  • openshift_management_storage_nfs_base_dir

  • openshift_management_storage_nfs_local_hostname

NFS External

External NFS leans on pre-configured NFS servers to provide exports for the required PVs. For external NFS you must have an miq-app and optionally an miq-db (for containerized database) exports.

Configuration is provided through the following role variables:

  • openshift_management_storage_nfs_external_hostname

  • openshift_management_storage_nfs_base_dir

The openshift_management_storage_nfs_external_hostname parameter must be set to the host name or IP of your external NFS server.

If /exports is not the parent directory to your exports then you must set the base directory via the openshift_management_storage_nfs_base_dir parameter.

For example, if your server export is /exports/hosted/prod/cfme-app, then you must set openshift_management_storage_nfs_base_dir=/exports/hosted/prod.

Cloud Provider

If you are using OKD cloud provider integration for your storage class, ManageIQ can also use the cloud provider storage to back its required PVs. For this functionality to work, you must have configured the openshift_cloudprovider_kind variable (for AWS or GCE) and all associated parameters specific to your chosen cloud provider.

When the application is created using this storage class, the required PVs are automatically provisioned using the configured cloud provider storage integration.

There are no additional variables to configure the behavior of this storage class.

Preconfigured (Advanced)

The preconfigured storage class implies that you know exactly what you are doing and that all storage requirements have been taken care ahead of time. Typically this means that you have already created the correctly sized PVs. The installer will do nothing to modify any storage settings.

There are no additional variables to configure the behavior of this storage class.