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Configuring the Cluster Observability Operator to monitor a service - Cluster Observability Operator | Observability | OKD 4.14

You can monitor metrics for a service by configuring monitoring stacks managed by the Cluster Observability Operator (COO).

To test monitoring a service, follow these steps:

  • Deploy a sample service that defines a service endpoint.

  • Create a ServiceMonitor object that specifies how the service is to be monitored by the COO.

  • Create a MonitoringStack object to discover the ServiceMonitor object.

Deploying a sample service for Cluster Observability Operator

This configuration deploys a sample service named prometheus-coo-example-app in the user-defined ns1-coo project. The service exposes the custom version metric.

  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin cluster role or as a user with administrative permissions for the namespace.

  1. Create a YAML file named prometheus-coo-example-app.yaml that contains the following configuration details for a namespace, deployment, and service:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Namespace
      name: ns1-coo
    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
        app: prometheus-coo-example-app
      name: prometheus-coo-example-app
      namespace: ns1-coo
      replicas: 1
          app: prometheus-coo-example-app
            app: prometheus-coo-example-app
          - image:
            imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
            name: prometheus-coo-example-app
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Service
        app: prometheus-coo-example-app
      name: prometheus-coo-example-app
      namespace: ns1-coo
      - port: 8080
        protocol: TCP
        targetPort: 8080
        name: web
        app: prometheus-coo-example-app
      type: ClusterIP
  2. Save the file.

  3. Apply the configuration to the cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f prometheus-coo-example-app.yaml
  4. Verify that the pod is running by running the following command and observing the output:

    $ oc -n ns1-coo get pod
    Example output
    NAME                                      READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    prometheus-coo-example-app-0927545cb7-anskj   1/1       Running   0          81m

Specifying how a service is monitored by Cluster Observability Operator

To use the metrics exposed by the sample service you created in the "Deploying a sample service for Cluster Observability Operator" section, you must configure monitoring components to scrape metrics from the /metrics endpoint.

You can create this configuration by using a ServiceMonitor object that specifies how the service is to be monitored, or a podMonitor object that specifies how a pod is to be monitored. The ServiceMonitor object requires a Service object. The podMonitor object does not, which enables the MonitoringStack object to scrape metrics directly from the metrics endpoint exposed by a pod.

This procedure shows how to create a ServiceMonitor object for a sample service named prometheus-coo-example-app in the ns1-coo namespace.

  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin cluster role or as a user with administrative permissions for the namespace.

  • You have installed the Cluster Observability Operator.

  • You have deployed the prometheus-coo-example-app sample service in the ns1-coo namespace.

    The prometheus-coo-example-app sample service does not support TLS authentication.

  1. Create a YAML file named example-coo-app-service-monitor.yaml that contains the following ServiceMonitor object configuration details:

    apiVersion: monitoring.rhobs/v1
    kind: ServiceMonitor
        k8s-app: prometheus-coo-example-monitor
      name: prometheus-coo-example-monitor
      namespace: ns1-coo
      - interval: 30s
        port: web
        scheme: http
          app: prometheus-coo-example-app

    This configuration defines a ServiceMonitor object that the MonitoringStack object will reference to scrape the metrics data exposed by the prometheus-coo-example-app sample service.

  2. Apply the configuration to the cluster by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f example-coo-app-service-monitor.yaml
  3. Verify that the ServiceMonitor resource is created by running the following command and observing the output:

    $ oc -n ns1-coo get servicemonitors.monitoring.rhobs
    Example output
    NAME                         AGE
    prometheus-coo-example-monitor   81m

Creating a MonitoringStack object for the Cluster Observability Operator

To scrape the metrics data exposed by the target prometheus-coo-example-app service, create a MonitoringStack object that references the ServiceMonitor object you created in the "Specifying how a service is monitored for Cluster Observability Operator" section. This MonitoringStack object can then discover the service and scrape the exposed metrics data from it.

  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin cluster role or as a user with administrative permissions for the namespace.

  • You have installed the Cluster Observability Operator.

  • You have deployed the prometheus-coo-example-app sample service in the ns1-coo namespace.

  • You have created a ServiceMonitor object named prometheus-coo-example-monitor in the ns1-coo namespace.

  1. Create a YAML file for the MonitoringStack object configuration. For this example, name the file example-coo-monitoring-stack.yaml.

  2. Add the following MonitoringStack object configuration details:

    Example MonitoringStack object
    apiVersion: monitoring.rhobs/v1alpha1
    kind: MonitoringStack
      name: example-coo-monitoring-stack
      namespace: ns1-coo
      logLevel: debug
      retention: 1d
          k8s-app: prometheus-coo-example-monitor
  3. Apply the MonitoringStack object by running the following command:

    $ oc apply -f example-coo-monitoring-stack.yaml
  4. Verify that the MonitoringStack object is available by running the following command and inspecting the output:

    $ oc -n ns1-coo get monitoringstack
    Example output
    NAME                         AGE
    example-coo-monitoring-stack   81m
  5. Run the following comand to retrieve information about the active targets from Prometheus and filter the output to list only targets labeled with app=prometheus-coo-example-app. This verifies which targets are discovered and actively monitored by Prometheus with this specific label.

    $ oc -n ns1-coo exec -c prometheus prometheus-example-coo-monitoring-stack-0 -- curl -s 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/targets' | jq '.data.activeTargets[].discoveredLabels | select(.__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_label_app=="prometheus-coo-example-app")'
    Example output
      "__address__": "",
      "__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_kind": "pod",
      "__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_address_target_name": "prometheus-coo-example-app-5d8cd498c7-9j2gj",
      "__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_node_name": "ci-ln-8tt8vxb-72292-6cxjr-worker-a-wdfnz",
      "__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name": "web",
      "__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_protocol": "TCP",
      "__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_ready": "true",
      "__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_annotation_endpoints_kubernetes_io_last_change_trigger_time": "2024-11-05T11:24:09Z",
      "__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_annotationpresent_endpoints_kubernetes_io_last_change_trigger_time": "true",
      "__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_label_app": "prometheus-coo-example-app",
      "__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_labelpresent_app": "true",
      "__meta_kubernetes_endpoints_name": "prometheus-coo-example-app",
      "__meta_kubernetes_namespace": "ns1-coo",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_k8s_ovn_org_pod_networks": "{\"default\":{\"ip_addresses\":[\"\"],\"mac_address\":\"0a:58:0a:81:02:19\",\"gateway_ips\":[\"\"],\"routes\":[{\"dest\":\"\",\"nextHop\":\"\"},{\"dest\":\"\",\"nextHop\":\"\"},{\"dest\":\"\",\"nextHop\":\"\"}],\"ip_address\":\"\",\"gateway_ip\":\"\",\"role\":\"primary\"}}",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_k8s_v1_cni_cncf_io_network_status": "[{\n    \"name\": \"ovn-kubernetes\",\n    \"interface\": \"eth0\",\n    \"ips\": [\n        \"\"\n    ],\n    \"mac\": \"0a:58:0a:81:02:19\",\n    \"default\": true,\n    \"dns\": {}\n}]",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_openshift_io_scc": "restricted-v2",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_seccomp_security_alpha_kubernetes_io_pod": "runtime/default",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent_k8s_ovn_org_pod_networks": "true",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent_k8s_v1_cni_cncf_io_network_status": "true",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent_openshift_io_scc": "true",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent_seccomp_security_alpha_kubernetes_io_pod": "true",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_kind": "ReplicaSet",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_name": "prometheus-coo-example-app-5d8cd498c7",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_host_ip": "",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_ip": "",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app": "prometheus-coo-example-app",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_label_pod_template_hash": "5d8cd498c7",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_labelpresent_app": "true",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_labelpresent_pod_template_hash": "true",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_name": "prometheus-coo-example-app-5d8cd498c7-9j2gj",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name": "ci-ln-8tt8vxb-72292-6cxjr-worker-a-wdfnz",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_phase": "Running",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_ready": "true",
      "__meta_kubernetes_pod_uid": "054c11b6-9a76-4827-a860-47f3a4596871",
      "__meta_kubernetes_service_label_app": "prometheus-coo-example-app",
      "__meta_kubernetes_service_labelpresent_app": "true",
      "__meta_kubernetes_service_name": "prometheus-coo-example-app",
      "__metrics_path__": "/metrics",
      "__scheme__": "http",
      "__scrape_interval__": "30s",
      "__scrape_timeout__": "10s",
      "job": "serviceMonitor/ns1-coo/prometheus-coo-example-monitor/0"

    The above example uses jq command-line JSON processor to format the output for convenience.

Validating the monitoring stack

To validate that the monitoring stack is working correctly, access the example service and then view the gathered metrics.

  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin cluster role or as a user with administrative permissions for the namespace.

  • You have installed the Cluster Observability Operator.

  • You have deployed the prometheus-coo-example-app sample service in the ns1-coo namespace.

  • You have created a ServiceMonitor object named prometheus-coo-example-monitor in the ns1-coo namespace.

  • You have created a MonitoringStack object named example-coo-monitoring-stack in the ns1-coo namespace.

  1. Create a route to expose the example prometheus-coo-example-app service. From your terminal, run the command:

    $ oc expose svc prometheus-coo-example-app
  2. Access the route from your browser, or command line, to generate metrics.

  3. Execute a query on the Prometheus pod to return the total HTTP requests metric:

    $ oc -n ns1-coo exec -c prometheus prometheus-example-coo-monitoring-stack-0 -- curl -s 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/query?query=http_requests_total'
    Example output (formatted using jq for convenience)
      "status": "success",
      "data": {
        "resultType": "vector",
        "result": [
            "metric": {
              "__name__": "http_requests_total",
              "code": "200",
              "endpoint": "web",
              "instance": "",
              "job": "prometheus-coo-example-app",
              "method": "get",
              "namespace": "ns1-coo",
              "pod": "prometheus-coo-example-app-5d8cd498c7-9j2gj",
              "service": "prometheus-coo-example-app"
            "value": [
            "metric": {
              "__name__": "http_requests_total",
              "code": "404",
              "endpoint": "web",
              "instance": "",
              "job": "prometheus-coo-example-app",
              "method": "get",
              "namespace": "ns1-coo",
              "pod": "prometheus-coo-example-app-5d8cd498c7-9j2gj",
              "service": "prometheus-coo-example-app"
            "value": [