Name |
Description |
Default |
Properties |
The metadata.label key name where Argo CD injects the app name as a tracking label. |
applicationSet controller configuration options.
<image> - The container image for the ApplicationSet controller. This overrides the ARGOCD_APPLICATIONSET_IMAGE environment variable.
<version> - The tag to use with the ApplicationSet container image.
<resources> - The container compute resources.
<logLevel> - The log level used by the Argo CD Application Controller component. Valid options are debug , info , error , and warn .
<logFormat> - The log format used by the Argo CD Application Controller component. Valid options are text or json .
<parallelismLimit> - The kubectl parallelism limit to set for the controller (--kubectl-parallelism-limit flag).
Add a configuration management plugin. |
Argo CD Application Controller options. |
<processors.operation> - The number of operation processors.
<processors.status> - The number of status processors.
<resources> - The container compute resources.
<logLevel> - The log level used by the Argo CD Application Controller component. Valid options are debug , info , error , and warn .
<appSync> - AppSync is used to control the sync frequency of Argo CD applications.
<sharding.enabled> - Enable sharding on the Argo CD Application Controller component. This property is used to manage a large number of clusters to relieve memory pressure on the controller component.
<sharding.replicas> - The number of replicas that will be used to support sharding of the Argo CD Application Controller.
<env> - Environment to set for the application controller workloads.
Disables the built-in admin user. |
Use a Google Analytics tracking ID. |
Enable hashed usernames sent to google analytics. |
High availablity options. |
<enabled> - Toggle high availability support globally for Argo CD.
<redisProxyImage> - The Redis HAProxy container image. This overrides the ARGOCD_REDIS_HA_PROXY_IMAGE environment variable.
<redisProxyVersion> - The tag to use for the Redis HAProxy container image.
URL for getting chat help (this is typically your Slack channel for support). |
The text that appears in a text box for getting chat help. |
Chat now!
The container image for all Argo CD components. This overrides the ARGOCD_IMAGE environment variable. |
Ingress configuration options. |
Initial Git repositories to configure Argo CD to use upon creation of the cluster. |
Notifications controller configuration options. |
<enabled> - The toggle to start the notifications-controller.
<image> - The container image for all Argo CD components. This overrides the ARGOCD_IMAGE environment variable.
<version> - The tag to use with the Notifications container image.
<resources> - The container compute resources.
<logLevel> - The log level used by the Argo CD Application Controller component. Valid options are debug , info , error , and warn .
Git repository credential templates to configure Argo CD to use upon creation of the cluster. |
Initial SSH Known Hosts for Argo CD to use upon creation of the cluster. |
The build options and parameters to use with kustomize build . |
The OIDC configuration as an alternative to Dex. |
Add the nodeSelector and the tolerations . |
Prometheus configuration options. |
<enabled> - Toggle Prometheus support globally for Argo CD.
<host> - The hostname to use for Ingress or Route resources.
<ingress> - Toggles Ingress for Prometheus.
<route> - Route configuration options.
<size> - The replica count for the Prometheus StatefulSet .
rbac configuration options. |
<defaultPolicy> - The policy.default property in the argocd-rbac-cm config map. The name of the default role which Argo CD falls back to when authorizing API requests.
<policy> - The policy.csv property in the argocd-rbac-cm config map. CSV data containing user-defined rbac policies and role definitions.
<scopes> - The scopes property in the argocd-rbac-cm config map. Controls which OIDC scopes to examine during rbac enforcement, in addition to sub scope.
Redis configuration options. |
<autotls> - Use the provider to create the Redis server’s TLS certificate. Only the openshift value is currently acceptable.
<disableTLSVerification> - Defines whether the Redis server should be accessed using strict TLS validation.
<image> - The container image for Redis. This overrides the ARGOCD_REDIS_IMAGE environment variable.
<resources> - The container compute resources.
<version> - The tag to use with the Redis container image.
Customize resource behavior. |
Completely ignore entire classes of resource group. |
The configuration to configure which resource group/kinds are applied. |
Argo CD Server configuration options. |
<autoscale> - Server autoscale configuration options.
<extraCommandArgs> - List of arguments added to the existing arguments set by the Operator.
<grpc> - gRPC configuration options.
<host> - The hostname used for Ingress or Route resources.
<ingress> - Ingress configuration for the Argo CD server component.
<insecure> - Toggles the insecure flag for Argo CD server.
<resources> - The container compute resources.
<replicas> - The number of replicas for the Argo CD server. Must be greater than or equal to 0 . If autoscale is enabled, replicas is ignored.
<route> - Route configuration options.
<service.type> - The ServiceType used for the service resource.
<logLevel> - The log level to be used by the Argo CD Server component. Valid options are debug , info , error , and warn .
<logFormat> - The log format used by the Argo CD Application Controller component. Valid options are text or json .
<env> - Environment to set for the server workloads.
Single Sign-on options. |
<image> - The container image for Keycloak. This overrides the ARGOCD_KEYCLOAK_IMAGE environment variable.
<keycloak> - Configuration options for Keycloak SSO provider.
<dex> - Configuration options for Dex SSO provider.
<provider> - The name of the provider used to configure Single Sign-on. For now the supported options are Dex and Keycloak.
<resources> - The container compute resources.
<verifytls> - Defines whether to enforce strict TLS checking when communicating with Keycloak service.
<version> - The tag to use with the Keycloak container image.
Enable application status badge. |
TLS configuration options. |
<ca.configMapName> - The name of the ConfigMap which contains the CA certificate.
<ca.secretName> - The name of the secret which contains the CA certificate and key.
<initialCerts> - Initial set of certificates in the argocd-tls-certs-cm config map for connecting Git repositories via HTTPS.
Enable anonymous user access. |
The tag to use with the container image for all Argo CD components. |
Latest Argo CD version |
Add a UI banner message. |