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Working with nodes - Working with nodes | Nodes | Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

As an administrator, you can perform several tasks to make your clusters more efficient. You can use the oc adm command to cordon, uncordon, and drain a specific node.

Cordoning and draining are only allowed on worker nodes that are part of Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager machine pools.

Understanding how to evacuate pods on nodes

Evacuating pods allows you to migrate all or selected pods from a given node or nodes.

You can only evacuate pods backed by a replication controller. The replication controller creates new pods on other nodes and removes the existing pods from the specified node(s).

Bare pods, meaning those not backed by a replication controller, are unaffected by default. You can evacuate a subset of pods by specifying a pod-selector. pod selectors are based on labels, so all the pods with the specified label will be evacuated.

  1. Mark the nodes unschedulable before performing the pod evacuation.

    1. Mark the node as unschedulable:

      $ oc adm cordon <node1>
      Example output
      node/<node1> cordoned
    2. Check that the node status is Ready,SchedulingDisabled:

      $ oc get node <node1>
      Example output
      NAME        STATUS                     ROLES     AGE       VERSION
      <node1>     Ready,SchedulingDisabled   worker    1d        v1.31.3
  2. Evacuate the pods using one of the following methods:

    • Evacuate all or selected pods on one or more nodes:

      $ oc adm drain <node1> <node2> [--pod-selector=<pod_selector>]
    • Force the deletion of bare pods using the --force option. When set to true, deletion continues even if there are pods not managed by a replication controller, replica set, job, daemon set, or stateful set:

      $ oc adm drain <node1> <node2> --force=true
    • Set a period of time in seconds for each pod to terminate gracefully, use --grace-period. If negative, the default value specified in the pod will be used:

      $ oc adm drain <node1> <node2> --grace-period=-1
    • Ignore pods managed by daemon sets using the --ignore-daemonsets flag set to true:

      $ oc adm drain <node1> <node2> --ignore-daemonsets=true
    • Set the length of time to wait before giving up using the --timeout flag. A value of 0 sets an infinite length of time:

      $ oc adm drain <node1> <node2> --timeout=5s
    • Delete pods even if there are pods using emptyDir volumes by setting the --delete-emptydir-data flag to true. Local data is deleted when the node is drained:

      $ oc adm drain <node1> <node2> --delete-emptydir-data=true
    • List objects that will be migrated without actually performing the evacuation, using the --dry-run option set to true:

      $ oc adm drain <node1> <node2>  --dry-run=true

      Instead of specifying specific node names (for example, <node1> <node2>), you can use the --selector=<node_selector> option to evacuate pods on selected nodes.

  3. Mark the node as schedulable when done.

    $ oc adm uncordon <node1>