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Creating a private cluster on ROSA with HCP | Install ROSA with HCP clusters | Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

For Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) with hosted control planes (HCP) workloads that do not require public internet access, you can create a private cluster.

Creating a private ROSA with HCP cluster using the ROSA CLI

You can create a private cluster with multiple availability zones (Multi-AZ) on ROSA with HCP using the ROSA command line interface (CLI), rosa.

  • You have available AWS service quotas.

  • You have enabled the ROSA service in the AWS Console.

  • You have installed and configured the latest version of the ROSA CLI on your installation host.


Creating a cluster with hosted control planes can take around 10 minutes.

  1. Create a VPC with at least one private subnet. Ensure that your machine’s classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) matches your virtual private cloud’s CIDR. For more information, see Requirements for using your own VPC and VPC Validation.

    If you use a firewall, you must configure it so that ROSA can access the sites that required to function.

    For more information, see the "AWS PrivateLink firewall prerequisites" section.

  2. Create the account-wide IAM roles by running the following command:

    $ rosa create account-roles --hosted-cp
  3. Create the OIDC configuration by running the following command:

    $ rosa create oidc-config --mode=auto --yes

    Save the OIDC configuration ID because you need it to create the Operator roles.

    Example output
    I: Setting up managed OIDC configuration
    I: To create Operator Roles for this OIDC Configuration, run the following command and remember to replace <user-defined> with a prefix of your choice:
    	rosa create operator-roles --prefix <user-defined> --oidc-config-id 28s4avcdt2l318r1jbk3ifmimkurk384
    If you are going to create a Hosted Control Plane cluster please include '--hosted-cp'
    I: Creating OIDC provider using 'arn:aws:iam::46545644412:user/user'
    I: Created OIDC provider with ARN 'arn:aws:iam::46545644412:oidc-provider/'
  4. Create the Operator roles by running the following command:

    $ rosa create operator-roles --hosted-cp --prefix <operator_roles_prefix> --oidc-config-id <oidc_config_id> --installer-role-arn arn:aws:iam::$<account_roles_prefix>:role/$<account_roles_prefix>-HCP-ROSA-Installer-Role
  5. Create a private ROSA with HCP cluster by running the following command:

    $ rosa create cluster --private --cluster-name=<cluster-name> --sts --mode=auto --hosted-cp --operator-roles-prefix <operator_role_prefix> --oidc-config-id <oidc_config_id> [--machine-cidr=<VPC CIDR>/16] --subnet-ids=<private-subnet-id1>[,<private-subnet-id2>,<private-subnet-id3>]
  6. Enter the following command to check the status of your cluster. During cluster creation, the State field from the output will transition from pending to installing, and finally, to ready.

    $ rosa describe cluster --cluster=<cluster_name>

    If installation fails or the State field does not change to ready after 10 minutes, see the "Troubleshooting Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS installations" documentation in the Additional resources section.

  7. Enter the following command to follow the OpenShift installer logs to track the progress of your cluster:

    $ rosa logs install --cluster=<cluster_name> --watch

Additional principals on your ROSA with HCP cluster

You can allow AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) roles as additional principals to connect to your cluster’s private API server endpoint.

You can access your ROSA with HCP cluster’s API Server endpoint from either the public internet or the interface endpoint that was created within the VPC private subnets. By default, you can privately access your ROSA with HCP API Server by using the -kube-system-kube-controller-manager Operator role. To be able to access ROSA with HCP API server from another account directly without using the primary account where cluster is installed, you must include cross-account IAM roles as additional principals. This feature allows you to simplify your network architecture and reduce data transfer costs by avoiding peering or attaching cross-account VPCs to cluster’s VPC.

Overview of AWS cross account access

In this diagram, the cluster creating account is designated as Account A. This account designates that another account, Account B, should have access to the API server.

After you have configured additional allowed principals, you must create the interface VPC endpoint in the VPC from where you want to access the cross-account ROSA with HCP API server. Then, create a private hosted zone in Route53 to route calls made to cross-account ROSA with HCP API server to pass through the created VPC endpoint.

Adding additional principals while creating your ROSA with HCP cluster

Use the --additional-allowed-principals argument to permit access through other roles.

  1. Add the --additional-allowed-principals argument to the rosa create cluster command, similar to the following:

    $ rosa create cluster [...] --additional-allowed-principals <arn_string>

    You can use arn:aws:iam::account_id:role/role_name to approve a specific role.

  2. When the cluster creation command runs, you receive a summary of your cluster with the --additional-allowed-principals specified:

    Example output
    Name:                       mycluster
    Domain Prefix:              mycluster
    Display Name:               mycluster
    ID:                         <cluster-id>
    External ID:                <cluster-id>
    Control Plane:              ROSA Service Hosted
    OpenShift Version:          4.15.17
    Channel Group:              stable
    DNS:                        Not ready
    AWS Account:                <aws_id>
    AWS Billing Account:        <aws_id>
    API URL:
    Console URL:
    Region:                     us-east-2
     - Control Plane:           MultiAZ
     - Data Plane:              SingleAZ
     - Compute (desired):       2
     - Compute (current):       0
     - Type:                    OVNKubernetes
     - Service CIDR:  
     - Machine CIDR:  
     - Pod CIDR:      
     - Host Prefix:             /23
     - Subnets:                 subnet-453e99d40, subnet-666847ce827
    EC2 Metadata Http Tokens:   optional
    Role (STS) ARN:             arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/mycluster-HCP-ROSA-Installer-Role
    Support Role ARN:           arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/mycluster-HCP-ROSA-Support-Role
    Instance IAM Roles:
     - Worker:                  arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/mycluster-HCP-ROSA-Worker-Role
    Operator IAM Roles:
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/mycluster-kube-system-control-plane-operator
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/mycluster-openshift-cloud-network-config-controller-cloud-creden
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/mycluster-openshift-image-registry-installer-cloud-credentials
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/mycluster-openshift-ingress-operator-cloud-credentials
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/mycluster-openshift-cluster-csi-drivers-ebs-cloud-credentials
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/mycluster-kube-system-kms-provider
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/mycluster-kube-system-kube-controller-manager
     - arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/mycluster-kube-system-capa-controller-manager
    Managed Policies:           Yes
    State:                      waiting (Waiting for user action)
    Private:                    No
    Delete Protection:          Disabled
    Created:                    Jun 25 2024 13:36:37 UTC
    User Workload Monitoring:   Enabled
    Details Page:     
    OIDC Endpoint URL: (Managed)
    Audit Log Forwarding:       Disabled
    External Authentication:    Disabled
    Additional Principals:      arn:aws:iam::<aws_id>:role/additional-user-role

Adding additional principals to your existing ROSA with HCP cluster

You can add additional principals to your cluster by using the command line interface (CLI).

  • Run the following command to edit your cluster and add an additional principal who can access this cluster’s endpoint:

    $ rosa edit cluster -c <cluster_name> --additional-allowed-principals <arn_string>

    You can use arn:aws:iam::account_id:role/role_name to approve a specific role.