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Running Builds | Work with Builds | builds for Red Hat OpenShift 1.0

After installing Builds, you can create a buildah or source-to-image build for use. You can also delete custom resources that are not required for a build.

Creating a buildah build

You can create a buildah build and push the created image to the target registry.

  • You have installed the Builds for Red Hat OpenShift Operator on the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  • You have created a ShipwrightBuild resource.

  • You have installed the oc CLI.

  • Optional: You have installed the shp CLI.

  1. Create a Build resource and apply it to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster by using one of the CLIs:

    Example: Using oc CLI
    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: Build
      name: buildah-golang-build
      source: (1)
        contextDir: docker-build
      strategy: (2)
        name: buildah
        kind: ClusterBuildStrategy
      paramValues: (3)
      - name: dockerfile
        value: Dockerfile
      output: (4)
        image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/buildah-example/sample-go-app
    1 The location where the source code is placed.
    2 The build strategy that you use to build the container.
    3 The parameter defined in the build strategy. To set the value of the dockerfile strategy parameter, specify the Dockerfile location required to build the output image.
    4 The location where the built image is pushed. In this procedural example, the built image is pushed to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster internal registry. buildah-example is the name of the current project. Ensure that the specified project exists to allow the image push.
    Example: Using shp CLI
    $ shp build create buildah-golang-build \
    --source-url="" --source-context-dir="docker-build" \(1)
    --strategy-name="buildah" \(2)
    --dockerfile="Dockerfile" \(3)
    --output-image="image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/buildah-example/go-app" (4)
    1 The location where the source code is placed.
    2 The build strategy that you use to build the container.
    3 The parameter defined in the build strategy. To set the value of the dockerfile strategy parameter, specify the Dockerfile location required to build the output image.
    4 The location where the built image is pushed. In this procedural example, the built image is pushed to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster internal registry. buildah-example is the name of the current project. Ensure that the specified project exists to allow the image push.
  2. Check if the Build resource is created by using one of the CLIs:

    Example: Using oc CLI
    $ oc get buildah-golang-build
    Example: Using shp CLI
    $ shp build list
  3. Create a BuildRun resource and apply it to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster by using one of the CLIs:

    Example: Using oc CLI
    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: BuildRun
      name: buildah-golang-buildrun
        name: buildah-golang-build (1)
    1 The field denotes the respective build to run, which is expected to be available in the same namespace.
    Example: Using shp CLI
    $ shp build run buildah-golang-build --follow (1)
    1 Optional: By using the --follow flag, you can view the build logs in the output result.
  4. Check if the BuildRun resource is created by using one of the CLIs:

    Example: Using oc CLI
    $ oc get buildrun buildah-golang-buildrun
    Example: Using shp CLI
    $ shp buildrun list

    The BuildRun resource creates a TaskRun resource, which then creates the pods to execute build strategy steps.

  1. After all the containers complete their tasks, verify the following:

    • Check whether the pod shows the STATUS field as Completed:

      $ oc get pods -w
      Example output
      NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      buildah-golang-buildrun-dtrg2-pod   2/2     Running   0          4s
      buildah-golang-buildrun-dtrg2-pod   1/2     NotReady  0          7s
      buildah-golang-buildrun-dtrg2-pod   0/2     Completed 0          55s
    • Check whether the respective TaskRun resource shows the SUCCEEDED field as True:

      $ oc get tr
      Example output
      NAME                           SUCCEEDED  REASON     STARTTIME   COMPLETIONTIME
      buildah-golang-buildrun-dtrg2  True       Succeeded  11m         8m51s
    • Check whether the respective BuildRun resource shows the SUCCEEDED field as True:

      $ oc get br
      Example output
      NAME                     SUCCEEDED   REASON       STARTTIME     COMPLETIONTIME
      buildah-golang-buildrun  True        Succeeded    13m           11m

      During verification, if a build run fails, you can check the status.failureDetails field in your BuildRun resource to identify the exact point where the failure happened in the pod or container.

      The pod might switch to a NotReady state because one of the containers has completed its task. This is an expected behavior.

  2. Validate whether the image has been pushed to the registry that is specified in the build.spec.output.image field. You can try to pull the image by running the following command from a node that can access the internal registry:

    $ podman pull image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/<project>/<image> (1)
    1 The project name and image name used when creating the Build resource. For example, you can use buildah-example as the project name and sample-go-app as the image name.

Creating a source-to-image build

You can create a source-to-image build and push the created image to a custom Quay repository.

  • You have installed the Builds for Red Hat OpenShift Operator on the OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

  • You have created a ShipwrightBuild resource.

  • You have installed the oc CLI.

  • Optional: You have installed the shp CLI.

  1. Create a Build resource and apply it to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster by using one of the CLIs:

    Example: Using oc CLI
    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: Build
      name: s2i-nodejs-build
      source: (1)
        contextDir: source-build/
      strategy: (2)
        name: source-to-image
        kind: ClusterBuildStrategy
      paramValues: (3)
      - name: builder-image
        image:<repo>/s2i-nodejs-example (4)
        pushSecret: registry-credential (5)
    1 The location where the source code is placed.
    2 The build strategy that you use to build the container.
    3 The parameter defined in the build strategy. To set the value of the builder-image strategy parameter, specify the builder image location required to build the output image.
    4 The location where the built image is pushed. You can push the built image to a custom repository. Replace repo with a valid organization or your Quay user name.
    5 The secret name that stores the credentials for pushing container images. To generate a secret of the type docker-registry for authentication, see "Authentication to container registries".
    Example: Using shp CLI
    $ shp build create s2i-nodejs-build \
    --source-url="" --source-context-dir="source-build" \(1)
    --strategy-name="source-to-image" \(2)
    --builder-image="" \(3)
    --output-image="<repo>/s2i-nodejs-example" \(4)
    --output-credentials-secret="registry-credential" (5)
    1 The location where the source code is placed.
    2 The build strategy that you use to build the container.
    3 The parameter defined in the build strategy. To set the value of the builder-image strategy parameter, specify the builder image location required to build the output image.
    4 The location where the built image is pushed. You can push the built image to a custom repository. Replace repo with a valid organization or your Quay user name.
    5 The secret name that stores the credentials for pushing container images. To generate a secret of the type docker-registry for authentication, see "Authentication to container registries".
  2. Check if the Build resource is created by using one of the CLIs:

    Example: Using oc CLI
    $ oc get s2i-nodejs-build
    Example: Using shp CLI
    $ shp build list
  3. Create a BuildRun resource and apply it to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster by using one of the CLIs:

    Example: Using oc CLI
    $ oc apply -f - <<EOF
    kind: BuildRun
      name: s2i-nodejs-buildrun
        name: s2i-nodejs-build (1)
    1 The field denotes the respective build to run, which is expected to be available in the same namespace.
    Example: Using shp CLI
    $ shp build run s2i-nodejs-build --follow (1)
    1 Optional: By using the --follow flag, you can view the build logs in the output result.
  4. Check if the BuildRun resource is created by using one of the CLIs:

    Example: Using oc CLI
    $ oc get buildrun s2i-nodejs-buildrun
    Example: Using shp CLI
    $ shp buildrun list

    The BuildRun resource creates a TaskRun resource, which then creates the pods to execute build strategy steps.

  1. After all the containers complete their tasks, verify the following:

    • Check whether the pod shows the STATUS field as Completed:

      $ oc get pods -w
      Example output
      NAME                                READY   STATUS     RESTARTS   AGE
      s2i-nodejs-buildrun-phxxm-pod       2/2     Running    0          10s
      s2i-nodejs-buildrun-phxxm-pod       1/2     NotReady   0          14s
      s2i-nodejs-buildrun-phxxm-pod       0/2     Completed  0          2m
    • Check whether the respective TaskRun resource shows the SUCCEEDED field as True:

      $ oc get tr
      Example output
      NAME                           SUCCEEDED  REASON     STARTTIME   COMPLETIONTIME
      s2i-nodejs-buildrun-phxxm      True       Succeeded  2m39s        13s
    • Check whether the respective BuildRun resource shows the SUCCEEDED field as True:

      $ oc get br
      Example output
      NAME                     SUCCEEDED   REASON       STARTTIME     COMPLETIONTIME
      s2i-nodejs-buildrun      True        Succeeded    2m41s           15s

      During verification, if a build run fails, you can check the status.failureDetails field in your BuildRun resource to identify the exact point where the failure happened in the pod or container.

      The pod might switch to a NotReady state because one of the containers has completed its task. This is an expected behavior.

  2. Validate whether the image has been pushed to the registry that is specified in the build.spec.output.image field. You can try to pull the image by running the following command after logging in to the registry:

    $ podman pull<repo>/<image> (1)
    1 The repository name and image name used when creating the Build resource. For example, you can use s2i-nodejs-example as the image name.

Viewing logs

You can view the logs of a build run to identify any runtime errors and to resolve them.

  • You have installed the oc CLI.

  • Optional: You have installed the shp CLI.

  • View logs of a build run by using one of the CLIs:

    Using oc CLI
    $ oc logs <buildrun_resource_name>
    Using shp CLI
    $ shp buildrun logs <buildrun_resource_name>

Deleting a resource

You can delete a Build, BuildRun, or BuildStrategy resource if it is not required in your project.

  • You have installed the oc CLI.

  • Optional: You have installed the shp CLI.

  • Delete a Build resource by using one of the CLIs:

    Using oc CLI
    $ oc delete <build_resource_name>
    Using shp CLI
    $ shp build delete <build_resource_name>
  • Delete a BuildRun resource by using one of the CLIs:

    Using oc CLI
    $ oc delete buildrun <buildrun_resource_name>
    Using shp CLI
    $ shp buildrun delete <buildrun_resource_name>
  • Delete a BuildStrategy resource by running the following command:

    Using oc CLI
    $ oc delete buildstrategies <buildstartegy_resource_name>