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Developing Go functions - Functions development reference guide | Functions | Red Hat OpenShift Serverless 1.34

OpenShift Serverless Functions with Go is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

After you have created a Go function project, you can modify the template files provided to add business logic to your function. This includes configuring function invocation and the returned headers and status codes.


Go function template structure

When you create a Go function using the Knative (kn) CLI, the project directory looks like a typical Go project. The only exception is the additional func.yaml configuration file, which is used for specifying the image.

Go functions have few restrictions. The only requirements are that your project must be defined in a function module, and must export the function Handle().

Both http and event trigger functions have the same template structure:

Template structure
├── func.yaml (1)
├── go.mod (2)
├── go.sum
├── handle.go
└── handle_test.go
1 The func.yaml configuration file is used to determine the image name and registry.
2 You can add any required dependencies to the go.mod file, which can include additional local Go files. When the project is built for deployment, these dependencies are included in the resulting runtime container image.
Example of adding dependencies
$ go get

About invoking Go functions

When using the Knative (kn) CLI to create a function project, you can generate a project that responds to CloudEvents, or one that responds to simple HTTP requests. Go functions are invoked by using different methods, depending on whether they are triggered by an HTTP request or a CloudEvent.

Functions triggered by an HTTP request

When an incoming HTTP request is received, functions are invoked with a standard Go Context as the first parameter, followed by the http.ResponseWriter and http.Request parameters. You can use standard Go techniques to access the request, and set a corresponding HTTP response for your function.

Example HTTP response
func Handle(ctx context.Context, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
  // Read body
  body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(req.Body)
  defer req.Body.Close()
  if err != nil {
	http.Error(res, err.Error(), 500)
  // Process body and function logic
  // ...

Functions triggered by a cloud event

When an incoming cloud event is received, the event is invoked by the CloudEvents Go SDK. The invocation uses the Event type as a parameter.

You can leverage the Go Context as an optional parameter in the function contract, as shown in the list of supported function signatures:

Supported function signatures
Handle() error
Handle(context.Context) error
Handle(cloudevents.Event) error
Handle(context.Context, cloudevents.Event)
Handle(context.Context, cloudevents.Event) error
Handle(cloudevents.Event) *cloudevents.Event
Handle(cloudevents.Event) (*cloudevents.Event, error)
Handle(context.Context, cloudevents.Event) *cloudevents.Event
Handle(context.Context, cloudevents.Event) (*cloudevents.Event, error)

CloudEvent trigger example

A cloud event is received which contains a JSON string in the data property:

  "customerId": "0123456",
  "productId": "6543210"

To access this data, a structure must be defined which maps properties in the cloud event data, and retrieves the data from the incoming event. The following example uses the Purchase structure:

type Purchase struct {
  CustomerId string `json:"customerId"`
  ProductId  string `json:"productId"`
func Handle(ctx context.Context, event cloudevents.Event) (err error) {

  purchase := &Purchase{}
  if err = event.DataAs(purchase); err != nil {
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "failed to parse incoming CloudEvent %s\n", err)
  // ...

Alternatively, a Go encoding/json package could be used to access the cloud event directly as JSON in the form of a bytes array:

func Handle(ctx context.Context, event cloudevents.Event) {
  bytes, err := json.Marshal(event)
  // ...

Go function return values

Functions triggered by HTTP requests can set the response directly. You can configure the function to do this by using the Go http.ResponseWriter.

Example HTTP response
func Handle(ctx context.Context, res http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
  // Set response
  res.Header().Add("Content-Type", "text/plain")
  res.Header().Add("Content-Length", "3")
  _, err := fmt.Fprintf(res, "OK\n")
  if err != nil {
	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error or response write: %v", err)

Functions triggered by a cloud event might return nothing, error, or CloudEvent in order to push events into the Knative Eventing system. In this case, you must set a unique ID, proper Source, and a Type for the cloud event. The data can be populated from a defined structure, or from a map.

Example CloudEvent response
func Handle(ctx context.Context, event cloudevents.Event) (resp *cloudevents.Event, err error) {
  // ...
  response := cloudevents.NewEvent()
  // Set the data from Purchase type
  response.SetData(cloudevents.ApplicationJSON, Purchase{
	CustomerId: custId,
	ProductId:  prodId,
  // OR set the data directly from map
  response.SetData(cloudevents.ApplicationJSON, map[string]string{"customerId": custId, "productId": prodId})
  // Validate the response
  resp = &response
  if err = resp.Validate(); err != nil {
	fmt.Printf("invalid event created. %v", err)

Testing Go functions

Go functions can be tested locally on your computer. In the default project that is created when you create a function using kn func create, there is a handle_test.go file, which contains some basic tests. These tests can be extended as needed.

  • The OpenShift Serverless Operator and Knative Serving are installed on the cluster.

  • You have installed the Knative (kn) CLI.

  • You have created a function by using kn func create.

  1. Navigate to the test folder for your function.

  2. Run the tests:

    $ go test

Next steps