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Viewing the status of the Elasticsearch log store - Logging | Observability | OpenShift Dedicated

You can view the status of the OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator and for a number of Elasticsearch components.

Viewing the status of the Elasticsearch log store

You can view the status of the Elasticsearch log store.

  • The Red Hat OpenShift Logging Operator and OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator are installed.

  1. Change to the openshift-logging project by running the following command:

    $ oc project openshift-logging
  2. To view the status:

    1. Get the name of the Elasticsearch log store instance by running the following command:

      $ oc get Elasticsearch
      Example output
      NAME            AGE
      elasticsearch   5h9m
    2. Get the Elasticsearch log store status by running the following command:

      $ oc get Elasticsearch <Elasticsearch-instance> -o yaml

      For example:

      $ oc get Elasticsearch elasticsearch -n openshift-logging -o yaml

      The output includes information similar to the following:

      Example output
      status: (1)
        cluster: (2)
          activePrimaryShards: 30
          activeShards: 60
          initializingShards: 0
          numDataNodes: 3
          numNodes: 3
          pendingTasks: 0
          relocatingShards: 0
          status: green
          unassignedShards: 0
        clusterHealth: ""
        conditions: [] (3)
        nodes: (4)
        - deploymentName: elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-1
          upgradeStatus: {}
        - deploymentName: elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-2
          upgradeStatus: {}
        - deploymentName: elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-3
          upgradeStatus: {}
        pods: (5)
            failed: []
            notReady: []
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-1-6d7fbf844f-sn422
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-2-dfbd988bc-qkzjz
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-3-c8f566f7c-t7zkt
            failed: []
            notReady: []
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-1-6d7fbf844f-sn422
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-2-dfbd988bc-qkzjz
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-3-c8f566f7c-t7zkt
            failed: []
            notReady: []
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-1-6d7fbf844f-sn422
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-2-dfbd988bc-qkzjz
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-3-c8f566f7c-t7zkt
        shardAllocationEnabled: all
      1 In the output, the cluster status fields appear in the status stanza.
      2 The status of the Elasticsearch log store:
      • The number of active primary shards.

      • The number of active shards.

      • The number of shards that are initializing.

      • The number of Elasticsearch log store data nodes.

      • The total number of Elasticsearch log store nodes.

      • The number of pending tasks.

      • The Elasticsearch log store status: green, red, yellow.

      • The number of unassigned shards.

      3 Any status conditions, if present. The Elasticsearch log store status indicates the reasons from the scheduler if a pod could not be placed. Any events related to the following conditions are shown:
      • Container Waiting for both the Elasticsearch log store and proxy containers.

      • Container Terminated for both the Elasticsearch log store and proxy containers.

      • Pod unschedulable. Also, a condition is shown for a number of issues; see Example condition messages.

      4 The Elasticsearch log store nodes in the cluster, with upgradeStatus.
      5 The Elasticsearch log store client, data, and master pods in the cluster, listed under failed, notReady, or ready state.

Example condition messages

The following are examples of some condition messages from the Status section of the Elasticsearch instance.

The following status message indicates that a node has exceeded the configured low watermark, and no shard will be allocated to this node.

  - conditions:
    - lastTransitionTime: 2019-03-15T15:57:22Z
      message: Disk storage usage for node is 27.5gb (36.74%). Shards will be not
        be allocated on this node.
      reason: Disk Watermark Low
      status: "True"
      type: NodeStorage
    deploymentName: example-elasticsearch-cdm-0-1
    upgradeStatus: {}

The following status message indicates that a node has exceeded the configured high watermark, and shards will be relocated to other nodes.

  - conditions:
    - lastTransitionTime: 2019-03-15T16:04:45Z
      message: Disk storage usage for node is 27.5gb (36.74%). Shards will be relocated
        from this node.
      reason: Disk Watermark High
      status: "True"
      type: NodeStorage
    deploymentName: example-elasticsearch-cdm-0-1
    upgradeStatus: {}

The following status message indicates that the Elasticsearch log store node selector in the custom resource (CR) does not match any nodes in the cluster:

    - conditions:
      - lastTransitionTime: 2019-04-10T02:26:24Z
        message: '0/8 nodes are available: 8 node(s) didn''t match node selector.'
        reason: Unschedulable
        status: "True"
        type: Unschedulable

The following status message indicates that the Elasticsearch log store CR uses a non-existent persistent volume claim (PVC).

   - conditions:
     - last Transition Time:  2019-04-10T05:55:51Z
       message:               pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 5 times)
       reason:                Unschedulable
       status:                True
       type:                  Unschedulable

The following status message indicates that your Elasticsearch log store cluster does not have enough nodes to support the redundancy policy.

  clusterHealth: ""
  - lastTransitionTime: 2019-04-17T20:01:31Z
    message: Wrong RedundancyPolicy selected. Choose different RedundancyPolicy or
      add more nodes with data roles
    reason: Invalid Settings
    status: "True"
    type: InvalidRedundancy

This status message indicates your cluster has too many control plane nodes:

  clusterHealth: green
    - lastTransitionTime: '2019-04-17T20:12:34Z'
      message: >-
        Invalid master nodes count. Please ensure there are no more than 3 total
        nodes with master roles
      reason: Invalid Settings
      status: 'True'
      type: InvalidMasters

The following status message indicates that Elasticsearch storage does not support the change you tried to make.

For example:

  clusterHealth: green
    - lastTransitionTime: "2021-05-07T01:05:13Z"
      message: Changing the storage structure for a custom resource is not supported
      reason: StorageStructureChangeIgnored
      status: 'True'
      type: StorageStructureChangeIgnored

The reason and type fields specify the type of unsupported change:


Unsupported change to the storage class name.


Unsupported change the storage size.


Unsupported change between ephemeral and persistent storage structures.

If you try to configure the ClusterLogging CR to switch from ephemeral to persistent storage, the OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator creates a persistent volume claim (PVC) but does not create a persistent volume (PV). To clear the StorageStructureChangeIgnored status, you must revert the change to the ClusterLogging CR and delete the PVC.

Viewing the status of the log store components

You can view the status for a number of the log store components.

Elasticsearch indices

You can view the status of the Elasticsearch indices.

  1. Get the name of an Elasticsearch pod:

    $ oc get pods --selector component=elasticsearch -o name
    Example output
  2. Get the status of the indices:

    $ oc exec elasticsearch-cdm-4vjor49p-2-6d4d7db474-q2w7z -- indices
    Example output
    Defaulting container name to elasticsearch.
    Use 'oc describe pod/elasticsearch-cdm-4vjor49p-2-6d4d7db474-q2w7z -n openshift-logging' to see all of the containers in this pod.
    green  open   infra-000002                                                     S4QANnf1QP6NgCegfnrnbQ   3   1     119926            0        157             78
    green  open   audit-000001                                                     8_EQx77iQCSTzFOXtxRqFw   3   1          0            0          0              0
    green  open   .security                                                        iDjscH7aSUGhIdq0LheLBQ   1   1          5            0          0              0
    green  open   .kibana_-377444158_kubeadmin                                     yBywZ9GfSrKebz5gWBZbjw   3   1          1            0          0              0
    green  open   infra-000001                                                     z6Dpe__ORgiopEpW6Yl44A   3   1     871000            0        874            436
    green  open   app-000001                                                       hIrazQCeSISewG3c2VIvsQ   3   1       2453            0          3              1
    green  open   .kibana_1                                                        JCitcBMSQxKOvIq6iQW6wg   1   1          0            0          0              0
    green  open   .kibana_-1595131456_user1                                        gIYFIEGRRe-ka0W3okS-mQ   3   1          1            0          0              0
Log store pods

You can view the status of the pods that host the log store.

  1. Get the name of a pod:

    $ oc get pods --selector component=elasticsearch -o name
    Example output
  2. Get the status of a pod:

    $ oc describe pod elasticsearch-cdm-1godmszn-1-6f8495-vp4lw

    The output includes the following status information:

    Example output
    Status:             Running
        Container ID:   cri-o://b7d44e0a9ea486e27f47763f5bb4c39dfd2
        State:          Running
          Started:      Mon, 08 Jun 2020 10:17:56 -0400
        Ready:          True
        Restart Count:  0
        Readiness:  exec [/usr/share/elasticsearch/probe/] delay=10s timeout=30s period=5s #success=1 #failure=3
        Container ID:  cri-o://3f77032abaddbb1652c116278652908dc01860320b8a4e741d06894b2f8f9aa1
        State:          Running
          Started:      Mon, 08 Jun 2020 10:18:38 -0400
        Ready:          True
        Restart Count:  0
      Type              Status
      Initialized       True
      Ready             True
      ContainersReady   True
      PodScheduled      True
    Events:          <none>
Log storage pod deployment configuration

You can view the status of the log store deployment configuration.

  1. Get the name of a deployment configuration:

    $ oc get deployment --selector component=elasticsearch -o name
    Example output
  2. Get the deployment configuration status:

    $ oc describe deployment elasticsearch-cdm-1gon-1

    The output includes the following status information:

    Example output
        Readiness:  exec [/usr/share/elasticsearch/probe/] delay=10s timeout=30s period=5s #success=1 #failure=3
      Type           Status   Reason
      ----           ------   ------
      Progressing    Unknown  DeploymentPaused
      Available      True     MinimumReplicasAvailable
    Events:          <none>
Log store replica set

You can view the status of the log store replica set.

  1. Get the name of a replica set:

    $ oc get replicaSet --selector component=elasticsearch -o name
  2. Get the status of the replica set:

    $ oc describe replicaSet elasticsearch-cdm-1gon-1-6f8495

    The output includes the following status information:

    Example output
        Readiness:  exec [/usr/share/elasticsearch/probe/] delay=10s timeout=30s period=5s #success=1 #failure=3
    Events:          <none>

Elasticsearch cluster status

A dashboard in the Observe section of the OpenShift Cluster Manager displays the status of the Elasticsearch cluster.

To get the status of the OpenShift Elasticsearch cluster, visit the dashboard in the Observe section of the OpenShift Cluster Manager at <cluster_url>/monitoring/dashboards/grafana-dashboard-cluster-logging.

Elasticsearch status fields

Shows whether the Elasticsearch cluster is in a managed or unmanaged state. For example:

eo_elasticsearch_cr_cluster_management_state{state="managed"} 1
eo_elasticsearch_cr_cluster_management_state{state="unmanaged"} 0

Shows the number of times the Elasticsearch nodes have restarted for certificate restarts, rolling restarts, or scheduled restarts. For example:

eo_elasticsearch_cr_restart_total{reason="cert_restart"} 1
eo_elasticsearch_cr_restart_total{reason="rolling_restart"} 1
eo_elasticsearch_cr_restart_total{reason="scheduled_restart"} 3

Shows the total number of Elasticsearch index namespaces. For example:

Total number of Namespaces.
es_index_namespaces_total 5

Shows the number of records for each namespace. For example:

es_index_document_count{namespace="namespace_1"} 25
es_index_document_count{namespace="namespace_2"} 10
es_index_document_count{namespace="namespace_3"} 5
The "Secret Elasticsearch fields are either missing or empty" message

If Elasticsearch is missing the admin-cert, admin-key, logging-es.crt, or logging-es.key files, the dashboard shows a status message similar to the following example:

message": "Secret \"elasticsearch\" fields are either missing or empty: [admin-cert, admin-key, logging-es.crt, logging-es.key]",
"reason": "Missing Required Secrets",