Kubernetes resources do not have fields for triggering, unlike deployment and build configurations, which include as part of their API definition a set of fields for controlling triggers. Instead, you can use annotations in OpenShift Container Platform to request triggering.
The annotation is defined as follows:
Key: image.openshift.io/triggers
"from": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag", (1)
"name": "example:latest", (2)
"namespace": "myapp" (3)
"fieldPath": "spec.template.spec.containers[?(@.name==\"web\")].image", (4)
"paused": false (5)
1 |
Required: kind is the resource to trigger from must be ImageStreamTag . |
2 |
Required: name must be the name of an image stream tag. |
3 |
Optional: namespace defaults to the namespace of the object. |
4 |
Required: fieldPath is the JSON path to change. This field is limited and accepts only a JSON path expression that precisely matches a container by ID or index. For pods, the JSON path is "spec.containers[?(@.name='web')].image". |
5 |
Optional: paused is whether or not the trigger is paused, and the default value is false . Set paused to true to temporarily disable this trigger. |
When one of the core Kubernetes resources contains both a pod template and this annotation, OpenShift Container Platform attempts to update the object by using the image currently associated with the image stream tag that is referenced by trigger. The update is performed against the fieldPath
Examples of core Kubernetes resources that can contain both a pod template and annotation include: