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Revision History | Installation and Configuration | OpenShift Container Platform 3.3

Wed Mar 07 2018

Affected Topic Description of Change

Aggregating Container Logs

Added to instructions to scale EFK pods when changes are made in the Understanding and Adjusting the Deployment section.

Fri Aug 25 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Setting up the Registry → Deploying a Registry on Existing Clusters

Removed Technology Preview notice from the Deploying the Registry as a DaemonSet section.

Tue Aug 08 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Router → Using the Default HAproxy Router

Added new section on how to manually redeploy the router certificates.

Configuring the SDN

Added information about configuring Neutron to the Using Flannel section.

Fri Jul 28 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Redeploying Certificates

Added the Redeploying a New etcd CA section.

Thu Jul 27 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Installing a Cluster → Disconnected Installation

Added the openshift/hello-openshift dependency to the Syncing Repositories section.

Configuring Authentication and User Agent

Added a note about whitelisting users.

Installing a Cluster → Advanced Installation

Updated ../install_config/install/advanced_install.htmlKnown Issues] to remove yum remove steps and instead link to Uninstalling OpenShift Container Platform.

Setting up the Registry → Securing and Exposing the Registry

Added steps to the Securing the Registry section on configuring your cluster to trust the certificate at the OS level.

Wed Jul 12 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Installing a Cluster → Host Preparation

Replaced the deprecated openshift_master_portal_net variable with openshift_portal_net.

Installing a Cluster → Advanced Installation

Replaced the deprecated openshift_master_portal_net variable with openshift_portal_net.

Tue Jun 13 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Installing a Cluster → Advanced Installation

Added a step to verify that the etcd package is installed, if you installed multiple etcd hosts.

Wed May 31 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Syncing Groups With LDAP

Added Nested Membership Sync Example.

Installing a Cluster → Installing a Stand-alone Deployment of OpenShift Container Registry

Updated to use OpenShift Container Registry name and add clarification on the distinction between Atomic Registry.

Thu May 25 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Configuring Authentication and User Agent

Noted that after making changes to an identity provider, you must restart the master service for the changes to take effect.

Mon May 15 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Upgrading a Cluster → Overview

Added clarification that nodes and masters are forward and backward compatible across one minor version.

Master and Node Configuration

Added information about openshift_master_audit_config to the Audit Configuration section.

Tue May 09 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Installing a Cluster → Advanced Installation

Updated the Configuring Schedulability on Masters section to note that masters are automatically marked unschedulable by default by the installer.

Updated the Configuring Node Host Labels section to better describe the special region=infra label and to suggest configuring dedicated infrastructure nodes.

Added a Configuring Deployment Type section.

Tue Apr 25 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Redeploying Certificates

Updated for new set of playbooks and options.

Wed Apr 12 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Setting up a Router → Using the Default HAproxy Router

Added graphics to the Using Router Shards section.

Setting up a Router → Deploying a Customized HAproxy Router

Expanded details in the Rebuilding Your Router section.

Installing a Cluster → Prerequisites

Specified the UDP for port 4789.

Installing → Advanced Installation

In the Known Issues multiple masters discussion, included the docker-common package in the removal process, following a failed setup play.

Configuring for OpenStack

Added openshift_cloudprovider_openstack_domain_id and openshift_cloudprovider_openstack_domain_name to the list of configurable parameters.

Mon Apr 03 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Advanced Installation

Added the debug_level parameter to the Configuring Cluster Variables section for setting the default verbosity of journald log messages.

Master and Node Configuration

Added a new section on configuring the verbosity of journald log messages.

Setting Up a Registry → Extended Registry Configuration

Updated the list of supported registry storage drivers in the Storage section.

Setting Up a Registry → Deploying a Registry on Existing Clusters

Added list of supported registry storage drivers to the Storage for the Registry section.

Redeploying Certificates

Added Registry and Router Certificates section with instructions on redeploying these certificates manually.

Mon Mar 27 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Downgrading OpenShift

Moved the procedure for restoring etcd to the Backup and Restore topic.

Setting up a Router → Configuring the HAproxy Router to Use the proxy Protocol

New topic on configuring the HAproxy router to use the proxy protocol.

Mon Mar 20 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Installing a Cluster → Prerequisites

Added Network Time Protocol (NTP) as a prerequisite.

Configuring Authentication and User Agent

Added information on using the htpasswd command to generate hashed passwords for HTPasswd authentication to the HTPasswd section.

Installing a Stand-alone Registry

Added openshift_master_default_subdomain to the openshift_master_default_subdomain file in the Advanced Installation for Stand-alone Registries section.

Tue Mar 14 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Installing a Cluster → Prerequisites

Renamed instances of openshift_node_set_node_ip to openshift_set_node_ip, the correct openshift-ansible variable name.

Installing a Cluster → Disconnected Installation

Added information about disconnected installation of the stand-alone registry.

Setting up the Registry → Deploying a Registry on Existing Clusters

Added footnotes to the example file in the Use Amazon S3 as a Storage Back-end section.

Setting up the Registry → Known Issues

Added note recommending moving off NFS for production in the Image Push Errors with Scaled Registry Using Shared NFS Volume section.

Upgrading a Cluster → Performing Manual In-place Cluster Upgrades

Removed a repetitive step within the Updating the Default Image Streams and Templates section.

Upgrading a Cluster → Operating System Updates and Upgrades

Added the procedure for upgrading the operating system.

Tue Mar 07 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Installing a Cluster → Advanced Installation

Updated Before You Begin section to raise minimal Ansible version to 2.2.0.

Provided guidance for preconfigured load balancers for OpenShift Container Platform with high availability.

Redeploying Certificates

Added the Checking Certificate Expirations section.

Thu Feb 16 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Installing a Cluster→ Disconnected Installation

Added the cluster image to the Syncing Images section.

Setting up the Registry → Deploying a Registry on Existing Clusters

Added additional URL instructions to the Deploying the Registry Console section.

Setting up the Registry → Securing and Exposing the Registry

Added a step for adding the public route host name in the --hostnames flag.

Setting up a Router → Using the Default HAproxy Router

Added the Filtering Routes to Specific Routers section.

Master and Node Configuration

Fixed the options for creating a configuration file in the Creating New Configuration Files section.

Configuring Persistent Storage → Volume Security

Added details about RunAsAny FSGroup and block device permissions.

Aggregating Container Logs

Fixed example in the Configuring Fluentd to Send Logs to an External Log Aggregator section.

Added a version variable and <tag> to code block example in Deploying the EFK Stack section to display the correct current version to use.

Mon Feb 06 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Setting up a Router → Using the Default HAproxy Router

Arranged the topic to create the Creating a Router section, and added a paragraph on router options on creation.

Persistent Storage Examples → Complete Example Using GlusterFS

Clarified that, if using a service, the endpoints name must match the service name.

Configuring Persistent Storage → Persistent Storage Using GlusterFS

Clarified that, if using a service, the endpoints name must match the service name.

Setting up the Registry → Deploying a Registry on Existing Clusters

Added Important box about shutting down Cockpit to the Non-Production Use section.

Installing a Cluster → Host Preparation

Added steps on using yum-config-manager to the host registration steps.

Setting up the Registry → Deploying a Registry on Existing Clusters

Arranged the Securing the Registry Console section to include information on the certificate.

Installing a Cluster → Advanced Install

Added the Configuring a Registry Location section.

Configuring Nuage SDN

Added the Configuring Nuage SDN file.

Tue Jan 31 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Installing a Cluster → Host Preparation

Added instructions for installing and using the atomic-openshift-excluder and atomic-openshift-docker-excluder scripts during cluster installations and upgrades.

Installing a Cluster → Quick Installation

Installing a Cluster → Advanced Installation

Upgrading a Cluster → Manual In-place Upgrades

Upgrading a Cluster → Automated In-place Upgrades

Mon Jan 30 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Setting up the Registry → Securing and Exposing the Registry

Removed references to the deprecated --api-version flag.

Configuring Custom Certificates

Clarified custom certificate configuration locations in the Configuring Custom Certificates section.

Wed Jan 25 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Working with HTTP Proxies

Added step to proxying Docker Pull for finding the registry service IP.

Setting up a Router → Using the F5 Router Plug-in

Removed references to the deprecated --credentials option.

Installing a Cluster → Prerequisites

Added information about required ports for Aggregated Logging.

Configuring Global Build Defaults and Overrides

Added notes to explain additional values in the /etc/origin/master/master-config.yaml file in the Manually Setting Global Build Defaults section.

Customizing the Web Console

Added information about setting extension properties.

Wed Jan 18 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Setting up the Registry → Securing and Exposing the Registry

Added note box about mounting secrets to service accounts.

Mon Jan 16 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Configuring Authentication and User Agent

Clarified the difference between /api and /oapi in the User Agent section.

Aggregating Container Logs

Added clarification regarding ConfigMaps and output of oc new-app.

Mon Jan 09 2017

Affected Topic Description of Change

Working with HTTP Proxies

Added clarifying details about HTTP proxies.

Tue Dec 20 2016

Affected Topic Description of Change

Working with HTTP Proxies

Removed section on configuring Maven with http proxies.

Installing a Cluster → Host Preparation

Updated the path to the latest epel-release package.

Tue Dec 13 2016

Affected Topic Description of Change

Configuring Persistent Storage → Persistent Storage Using GCE Persistent Disk

Added a new Multi-zone Configuration section.

Configuring Persistent Storage → Dynamically Provisioning Persistent Volumes

Added clarifying details about multi-zone persistent volume (PV) configuration.

Aggregating Container Logs

Added Configuring Fluentd to Send Logs to an External Log Aggregator section.

Added Note boxes explicitly stating that sending logs directly to an AWS Elasticsearch instance is not supported.

Added F-5 Load Balancer and X-Forwarded-For Enabled to the Troubleshooting Kibana section.

Customizing the Web Console

Added a new Customizing the About Page section.

Mon Dec 05 2016

Affected Topic Description of Change

Installing a Cluster → Prerequisites

Removed Git access as a prerequisite because it is a requirement for development, but not for installing a cluster.

Aggregating Container Logs

Added a NOTE indicating that, as of OpenShift Container Platform 3.3, Fluentd no longer reads historical log files when using the JSON file log driver.

Installing a Cluster → Host Preparation

Added the matches option to the subscription-manager list --available command.

Installing a Cluster → Disconnected Installation

Added the matches option to the subscription-manager list --available command.

Syncing Groups With LDAP

Removed references to filtering UIDAttribute values in configurations.

Mon Nov 21 2016

Affected Topic Description of Change

Aggregating Container Logs

Clarified points around NFS storage.

Setting up the Registry → Deploying a Registry on Existing Clusters

Removed inaccurate example showing how to attach an existing NFS volume to the registry.

Setting up the Registry → Extended Registry Configuration

Described the CloudFront middleware extension.

Mon Nov 14 2016

Affected Topic Description of Change

Aggregating Container Logs

Updated the admin-cert location in an example within the Performing Administrative Elasticsearch Operations section.

Installing a Cluster → Advanced Installation

Added steps to verify the web console.

Mon Nov 07 2016

Affected Topic Description of Change

Upgrading a Cluster → Operating System Updates and Upgrades

New topic on the impacts of operating system updates and upgrades and possible solutions.

Setting up the Registry → Securing and Exposing the Registry

Added clarification to the Exposing a Non-Secure Registry section.

Tue Nov 01 2016

Affected Topic Description of Change

Installing → Planning

Updated the Sizing Considerations section for clarity.

Thu Oct 27 2016

OpenShift Container Platform 3.3.1 release.

Affected Topic Description of Change

Upgrading a Cluster → Performing Automated In-place Cluster Upgrades

Minor updates for clarity, including converting some procedures into numbered steps for easier readability.

Mon Oct 17 2016

Affected Topic Description of Change

Configuring Pipeline Execution

Clarified Jenkins template names.

Loading the Default Image Streams and Templates

Updated information in the Offerings by Subscription Type section on which images are provided by which subscription s.

Installing a Cluster → Advanced Installation

Added more information to the openshift_master_portal_net parameter description in the Configuring Cluster Variables section.

Tue Oct 11 2016

Affected Topic Description of Change

Aggregating Container Logs

Fixed error in Deploying the EFK Stack section.

Configuring the SDN

Added clarifying details to the Migrating Between SDN Plug-ins section about when to clean up SDN-specific artifacts.

Configuring Persistent Storage → Persistent Storage Using Ceph Rados Block Device (RBD)

Updated the persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy setting to retain in the Persistent Volume Object Definition Using Ceph RBD example.

Installing → Advanced Installation

Replaced ansible_sudo with ansible_become.

Tue Oct 04 2016

Affected Topic Description of Change

Configuring the SDN

Added clarifying details to the Migrating Between SDN Plug-ins section about when to clean up SDN-specific artifacts.

Configuring the SDN

Added that oc get netnamespace can be run to check VNIDs.

Setting up the Registry → Known Issues

Added troubleshooting guidance on Image Pruning Failures.

Installing → Prerequisites

Added information about disabling dnsmasq.

Installing → Advanced Installation

Added example for a multi-master install with etcd on the same hosts.

Configuring Persistent Storage → Persistent Storage Using Ceph Rados Block Device (RBD)

Updated the persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy setting to retain in the Persistent Volume Object Definition Using Ceph RBD example.

Persistent Storage Examples → Binding Persistent Volumes by Labels

Updated the persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy setting to retain in the glusterfs-pv.yaml example, since recycle is not supported in this case.

Persistent Storage Examples → Complete Example Using GlusterFS

Updated the GlusterFS persistent storage example to use NGNIX instead of busybox.

Configuring Persistent Storage → Volume Security

Fixed formatting of the oc get project default -o yaml example output within the SCCs, Defaults, and Allowed Ranges section.

Configuring Persistent Storage → Volume Security

Removed no_root_squash from the NFS example, as it is not a recommended option.

Tue Sep 27 2016

OpenShift Container Platform 3.3 initial release.

Affected Topic Description of Change

Configuring the SDN

Added that oc get netnamespace can be run to check VNIDs.

Setting up the Registry → Securing and Exposing the Registry

Added two new sections on Exposing a Secure Registry and Exposing a Non-Secure Registry.

Customizing the Web Console

Added Configuring Navigation Menus section.

Setting up the Registry → Known Issues

Added troubleshooting guidance on Image Pruning Failures.

Master and Node Configuration

Added a Audit Configuration section.

Installing → Prerequisites

Added information about disabling dnsmasq.

Redeploying Certificates

New topic reviewing how to back up and redeploy cluster certificates using the ansible-playbook command.

Installing → Advanced Installation

Added example for a multi-master install with etcd on the same hosts.

Enabling Cluster Metrics

Added capacity planning guidance for OpenShift Container Platform metrics.

Installing → Prerequisites

Updated scale recommendations.

Installing → Advanced Installation

Updated the Multiple Masters Using HAproxy Inventory File example with guidance on applying updated node defaults.

Upgrading → Performing Manual Cluster Upgrades

Updated version numbers for image streams across the Updating the Default Image Streams and Templates section.

Persistent Storage Examples → Binding Persistent Volumes by Labels

Updated the persistentVolumeReclaimPolicy setting to retain in the glusterfs-pv.yaml example, since recycle is not supported in this case.

Persistent Storage Examples → Complete Example Using GlusterFS

Updated the GlusterFS persistent storage example to use NGNIX instead of busybox.

Configuring Pipeline Execution

Corrected instructions for enabling Jenkins auto-provision.

Configuring Routing

Changed "Native Container Routing" topic to "Configuring Routing" and added information about Configuring Route Timeouts.

Aggregating Container Logs

Added clarifying details to the Warning box in the Persistent Elasticsearch Storage section regarding the NFS workaround.

Upgrading → Performing Manual Cluster Upgrades

Added a new Update Your Configuration File section.

Setting up the Registry → Extended Registry Configuration

Emphasized the new mandatory middleware configuration entries.

Deploying a Docker Registry

Extended the registry configuration file example within the Deploying Updated Configuration section to include the blobrepositorycachettl option.

Storage Examples → Binding Persistent Volumes by Labels

New topic providing an end-to-end example for binding persistent volume claims (PVCs) to persistent volumes (PVs) by defining labels in the PV and matching selectors in the PVC.

Persistent Storage Examples → Selector-Label Volume Binding

New topic outlining how to bind persistent volumes claims (PVCs) to persistent volumes (PVs) via selector and label attributes.

Upgrading → Blue-Green Deployments

Added new topic.

Enabling Cluster Metrics

Added additional details to the Accessing Hawkular Metrics Directly section.

Installing → Deploying a Router

Added a new Protecting Against DDoS Attacks section.

Configuring Pipeline Execution

New section.

Installing → Prerequisites

Added that the deserialization cache size can be reduced using a setting in master-config.yaml.

Aggregating Container Logs

Added information about configuration from configmaps, Fluentd, and Curator.

Installing → Deploying a Docker Registry

Edited references to oc secrets add.

Configuring Persistent Storage → Volume Security

Fixed formatting of the oc get project default -o yaml example output within the SCCs, Defaults, and Allowed Ranges section.

Configuring Authentication

Updated OAuth grant strategies information.

Installing → Deploying a Docker Registry

Updated mandatory configuration options for the registry’s configuration file.

Configuring the SDN

Updated migration steps for SDN plug-ins.

Performing Manual Cluster Upgrades

Added a Warning box about excluding roles from reconciliation.

Configuring Authentication

Added OpenID and GitLab challenge options.

Enabling Cluster Metrics

Added a new Metrics Deployer Validations section.

Upgrading → Performing Manual Cluster Upgrades

Added recent image quota restrictions.