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Viewing the status of the log store - Troubleshooting cluster logging | Logging | OpenShift Container Platform 4.5

You can view the status of the Elasticsearch Operator and for a number of Elasticsearch components.

Viewing the status of the log store

You can view the status of your log store.

  • Cluster logging and Elasticsearch must be installed.

  1. Change to the openshift-logging project.

    $ oc project openshift-logging
  2. To view the status:

    1. Get the name of the log store instance:

      $ oc get Elasticsearch
      Example output
      NAME            AGE
      elasticsearch   5h9m
    2. Get the log store status:

      $ oc get Elasticsearch <Elasticsearch-instance> -o yaml

      For example:

      $ oc get Elasticsearch elasticsearch -n openshift-logging -o yaml

      The output includes information similar to the following:

      Example output
      status: (1)
        cluster: (2)
          activePrimaryShards: 30
          activeShards: 60
          initializingShards: 0
          numDataNodes: 3
          numNodes: 3
          pendingTasks: 0
          relocatingShards: 0
          status: green
          unassignedShards: 0
        clusterHealth: ""
        conditions: [] (3)
        nodes: (4)
        - deploymentName: elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-1
          upgradeStatus: {}
        - deploymentName: elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-2
          upgradeStatus: {}
        - deploymentName: elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-3
          upgradeStatus: {}
        pods: (5)
            failed: []
            notReady: []
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-1-6d7fbf844f-sn422
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-2-dfbd988bc-qkzjz
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-3-c8f566f7c-t7zkt
            failed: []
            notReady: []
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-1-6d7fbf844f-sn422
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-2-dfbd988bc-qkzjz
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-3-c8f566f7c-t7zkt
            failed: []
            notReady: []
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-1-6d7fbf844f-sn422
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-2-dfbd988bc-qkzjz
            - elasticsearch-cdm-zjf34ved-3-c8f566f7c-t7zkt
        shardAllocationEnabled: all
      1 In the output, the cluster status fields appear in the status stanza.
      2 The status of the log store:
      • The number of active primary shards.

      • The number of active shards.

      • The number of shards that are initializing.

      • The number of log store data nodes.

      • The total number of log store nodes.

      • The number of pending tasks.

      • The log store status: green, red, yellow.

      • The number of unassigned shards.

      3 Any status conditions, if present. The log store status indicates the reasons from the scheduler if a pod could not be placed. Any events related to the following conditions are shown:
      • Container Waiting for both the log store and proxy containers.

      • Container Terminated for both the log store and proxy containers.

      • pod unschedulable. Also, a condition is shown for a number of issues, see Example condition messages.

      4 The log store nodes in the cluster, with upgradeStatus.
      5 The log store client, data, and master pods in the cluster, listed under 'failed`, notReady or ready state.

Example condition messages

The following are examples of some condition messages from the Status section of the Elasticsearch instance.

This status message indicates a node has exceeded the configured low watermark and no shard will be allocated to this node.

  - conditions:
    - lastTransitionTime: 2019-03-15T15:57:22Z
      message: Disk storage usage for node is 27.5gb (36.74%). Shards will be not
        be allocated on this node.
      reason: Disk Watermark Low
      status: "True"
      type: NodeStorage
    deploymentName: example-elasticsearch-cdm-0-1
    upgradeStatus: {}

This status message indicates a node has exceeded the configured high watermark and shards will be relocated to other nodes.

  - conditions:
    - lastTransitionTime: 2019-03-15T16:04:45Z
      message: Disk storage usage for node is 27.5gb (36.74%). Shards will be relocated
        from this node.
      reason: Disk Watermark High
      status: "True"
      type: NodeStorage
    deploymentName: example-elasticsearch-cdm-0-1
    upgradeStatus: {}

This status message indicates the log store node selector in the CR does not match any nodes in the cluster:

    - conditions:
      - lastTransitionTime: 2019-04-10T02:26:24Z
        message: '0/8 nodes are available: 8 node(s) didn''t match node selector.'
        reason: Unschedulable
        status: "True"
        type: Unschedulable

This status message indicates that the log store CR uses a non-existent PVC.

   - conditions:
     - last Transition Time:  2019-04-10T05:55:51Z
       message:               pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims (repeated 5 times)
       reason:                Unschedulable
       status:                True
       type:                  Unschedulable

This status message indicates that your log store cluster does not have enough nodes to support your log store redundancy policy.

  clusterHealth: ""
  - lastTransitionTime: 2019-04-17T20:01:31Z
    message: Wrong RedundancyPolicy selected. Choose different RedundancyPolicy or
      add more nodes with data roles
    reason: Invalid Settings
    status: "True"
    type: InvalidRedundancy

This status message indicates your cluster has too many master nodes:

  clusterHealth: green
    - lastTransitionTime: '2019-04-17T20:12:34Z'
      message: >-
        Invalid master nodes count. Please ensure there are no more than 3 total
        nodes with master roles
      reason: Invalid Settings
      status: 'True'
      type: InvalidMasters

Viewing the status of the log store components

You can view the status for a number of the log store components.

Elasticsearch indices

You can view the status of the Elasticsearch indices.

  1. Get the name of an Elasticsearch pod:

    $ oc get pods --selector component=elasticsearch -o name
    Example output
  2. Get the status of the indices:

    $ oc exec elasticsearch-cdm-4vjor49p-2-6d4d7db474-q2w7z -- indices
    Example output
    Defaulting container name to elasticsearch.
    Use 'oc describe pod/elasticsearch-cdm-4vjor49p-2-6d4d7db474-q2w7z -n openshift-logging' to see all of the containers in this pod.
    green  open   infra-000002                                                     S4QANnf1QP6NgCegfnrnbQ   3   1     119926            0        157             78
    green  open   audit-000001                                                     8_EQx77iQCSTzFOXtxRqFw   3   1          0            0          0              0
    green  open   .security                                                        iDjscH7aSUGhIdq0LheLBQ   1   1          5            0          0              0
    green  open   .kibana_-377444158_kubeadmin                                     yBywZ9GfSrKebz5gWBZbjw   3   1          1            0          0              0
    green  open   infra-000001                                                     z6Dpe__ORgiopEpW6Yl44A   3   1     871000            0        874            436
    green  open   app-000001                                                       hIrazQCeSISewG3c2VIvsQ   3   1       2453            0          3              1
    green  open   .kibana_1                                                        JCitcBMSQxKOvIq6iQW6wg   1   1          0            0          0              0
    green  open   .kibana_-1595131456_user1                                        gIYFIEGRRe-ka0W3okS-mQ   3   1          1            0          0              0
Log store pods

You can view the status of the pods that host the log store.

  1. Get the name of a pod:

    $ oc get pods --selector component=elasticsearch -o name
    Example output
  2. Get the status of a pod:

    $ oc describe pod elasticsearch-cdm-1godmszn-1-6f8495-vp4lw

    The output includes the following status information:

    Example output
    Status:             Running
        Container ID:   cri-o://b7d44e0a9ea486e27f47763f5bb4c39dfd2
        State:          Running
          Started:      Mon, 08 Jun 2020 10:17:56 -0400
        Ready:          True
        Restart Count:  0
        Readiness:  exec [/usr/share/elasticsearch/probe/] delay=10s timeout=30s period=5s #success=1 #failure=3
        Container ID:  cri-o://3f77032abaddbb1652c116278652908dc01860320b8a4e741d06894b2f8f9aa1
        State:          Running
          Started:      Mon, 08 Jun 2020 10:18:38 -0400
        Ready:          True
        Restart Count:  0
      Type              Status
      Initialized       True
      Ready             True
      ContainersReady   True
      podScheduled      True
    Events:          <none>
Log storage pod deployment configuration

You can view the status of the log store deployment configuration.

  1. Get the name of a deployment configuration:

    $ oc get deployment --selector component=elasticsearch -o name
    Example output
  2. Get the deployment configuration status:

    $ oc describe deployment elasticsearch-cdm-1gon-1

    The output includes the following status information:

    Example output
        Readiness:  exec [/usr/share/elasticsearch/probe/] delay=10s timeout=30s period=5s #success=1 #failure=3
      Type           Status   Reason
      ----           ------   ------
      Progressing    Unknown  DeploymentPaused
      Available      True     MinimumReplicasAvailable
    Events:          <none>
Log store replica set

You can view the status of the log store replica set.

  1. Get the name of a replica set:

    $ oc get replicaSet --selector component=elasticsearch -o name
  2. Get the status of the replica set:

    $ oc describe replicaSet elasticsearch-cdm-1gon-1-6f8495

    The output includes the following status information:

    Example output
        Readiness:  exec [/usr/share/elasticsearch/probe/] delay=10s timeout=30s period=5s #success=1 #failure=3
    Events:          <none>