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Advanced migration options | Migrating from OpenShift Container Platform 3 to 4 | OpenShift Container Platform 4.5

MTC custom resources

This section describes the custom resources (CRs) that are used by the Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC).

About MTC custom resources

The Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC) creates the following custom resources (CRs):

migration architecture diagram

20 MigCluster (configuration, MTC cluster): Cluster definition

20 MigStorage (configuration, MTC cluster): Storage definition

20 MigPlan (configuration, MTC cluster): Migration plan

The MigPlan CR describes the source and target clusters, replication repository, and namespaces being migrated. It is associated with 0, 1, or many MigMigration CRs.

Deleting a MigPlan CR deletes the associated MigMigration CRs.

20 BackupStorageLocation (configuration, MTC cluster): Location of Velero backup objects

20 VolumeSnapshotLocation (configuration, MTC cluster): Location of Velero volume snapshots

20 MigMigration (action, MTC cluster): Migration, created every time you stage or migrate data. Each MigMigration CR is associated with a MigPlan CR.

20 Backup (action, source cluster): When you run a migration plan, the MigMigration CR creates two Velero backup CRs on each source cluster:

  • Backup CR #1 for Kubernetes objects

  • Backup CR #2 for PV data

20 Restore (action, target cluster): When you run a migration plan, the MigMigration CR creates two Velero restore CRs on the target cluster:

  • Restore CR #1 (using Backup CR #2) for PV data

  • Restore CR #2 (using Backup CR #1) for Kubernetes objects

MTC custom resource manifests

Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC) uses the following custom resource (CR) manifests for migrating applications.


The DirectImageMigration CR copies images directly from the source cluster to the destination cluster.

kind: DirectImageMigration
  labels: "1.0"
  name: <direct_image_migration>
    name: <source_cluster>
    namespace: openshift-migration
    name: <destination_cluster>
    namespace: openshift-migration
  namespaces: (1)
    - <source_namespace_1>
    - <source_namespace_2>:<destination_namespace_3> (2)
1 One or more namespaces containing images to be migrated. By default, the destination namespace has the same name as the source namespace.
2 Source namespace mapped to a destination namespace with a different name.


The DirectImageStreamMigration CR copies image stream references directly from the source cluster to the destination cluster.

kind: DirectImageStreamMigration
  labels: "1.0"
  name: <direct_image_stream_migration>
    name: <source_cluster>
    namespace: openshift-migration
    name: <destination_cluster>
    namespace: openshift-migration
    name: <image_stream>
    namespace: <source_image_stream_namespace>
  destNamespace: <destination_image_stream_namespace>


The DirectVolumeMigration CR copies persistent volumes (PVs) directly from the source cluster to the destination cluster.

kind: DirectVolumeMigration
  name: <direct_volume_migration>
  namespace: openshift-migration
  createDestinationNamespaces: false (1)
  deleteProgressReportingCRs: false (2)
    name: <host_cluster> (3)
    namespace: openshift-migration
  - name: <pvc> (4)
    namespace: <pvc_namespace>
    name: <source_cluster>
    namespace: openshift-migration
1 Set to true to create namespaces for the PVs on the destination cluster.
2 Set to true to delete DirectVolumeMigrationProgress CRs after migration. The default is false so that DirectVolumeMigrationProgress CRs are retained for troubleshooting.
3 Update the cluster name if the destination cluster is not the host cluster.
4 Specify one or more PVCs to be migrated.


The DirectVolumeMigrationProgress CR shows the progress of the DirectVolumeMigration CR.

kind: DirectVolumeMigrationProgress
  labels: "1.0"
  name: <direct_volume_migration_progress>
    name: <source_cluster>
    namespace: openshift-migration
    name: <rsync_pod>
    namespace: openshift-migration


The MigAnalytic CR collects the number of images, Kubernetes resources, and the persistent volume (PV) capacity from an associated MigPlan CR.

You can configure the data that it collects.

kind: MigAnalytic
    migplan: <migplan>
  name: <miganalytic>
  namespace: openshift-migration
    migplan: <migplan>
  analyzeImageCount: true (1)
  analyzeK8SResources: true (2)
  analyzePVCapacity: true (3)
  listImages: false (4)
  listImagesLimit: 50 (5)
    name: <migplan>
    namespace: openshift-migration
1 Optional: Returns the number of images.
2 Optional: Returns the number, kind, and API version of the Kubernetes resources.
3 Optional: Returns the PV capacity.
4 Returns a list of image names. The default is false so that the output is not excessively long.
5 Optional: Specify the maximum number of image names to return if listImages is true.


The MigCluster CR defines a host, local, or remote cluster.

kind: MigCluster
  labels: "1.0"
  name: <host_cluster> (1)
  namespace: openshift-migration
  isHostCluster: true (2)
# The 'azureResourceGroup' parameter is relevant only for Microsoft Azure.
  azureResourceGroup: <azure_resource_group> (3)
  caBundle: <ca_bundle_base64> (4)
  insecure: false (5)
  refresh: false (6)
# The 'restartRestic' parameter is relevant for a source cluster.
  restartRestic: true (7)
# The following parameters are relevant for a remote cluster.
  exposedRegistryPath: <registry_route> (8)
  url: <destination_cluster_url> (9)
    name: <source_secret> (10)
    namespace: openshift-config
1 Update the cluster name if the migration-controller pod is not running on this cluster.
2 The migration-controller pod runs on this cluster if true.
3 Microsoft Azure only: Specify the resource group.
4 Optional: If you created a certificate bundle for self-signed CA certificates and if the insecure parameter value is false, specify the base64-encoded certificate bundle.
5 Set to true to disable SSL verification.
6 Set to true to validate the cluster.
7 Set to true to restart the Restic pods on the source cluster after the Stage pods are created.
8 Remote cluster and direct image migration only: Specify the exposed secure registry path.
9 Remote cluster only: Specify the URL.
10 Remote cluster only: Specify the name of the Secret CR.


The MigHook CR defines a migration hook that runs custom code at a specified stage of the migration. You can create up to four migration hooks. Each hook runs during a different phase of the migration.

You can configure the hook name, runtime duration, a custom image, and the cluster where the hook will run.

The migration phases and namespaces of the hooks are configured in the MigPlan CR.

kind: MigHook
  generateName: <hook_name_prefix> (1)
  name: <mighook> (2)
  namespace: openshift-migration
  activeDeadlineSeconds: 1800 (3)
  custom: false (4)
  image: <hook_image> (5)
  playbook: <ansible_playbook_base64> (6)
  targetCluster: source (7)
1 Optional: A unique hash is appended to the value for this parameter so that each migration hook has a unique name. You do not need to specify the value of the name parameter.
2 Specify the migration hook name, unless you specify the value of the generateName parameter.
3 Optional: Specify the maximum number of seconds that a hook can run. The default is 1800.
4 The hook is a custom image if true. The custom image can include Ansible or it can be written in a different programming language.
5 Specify the custom image, for example, Required if custom is true.
6 Base64-encoded Ansible playbook. Required if custom is false.
7 Specify the cluster on which the hook will run. Valid values are source or destination.


The MigMigration CR runs a MigPlan CR.

You can configure a Migmigration CR to run a stage or incremental migration, to cancel a migration in progress, or to roll back a completed migration.

kind: MigMigration
  labels: "1.0"
  name: <migmigration>
  namespace: openshift-migration
  canceled: false (1)
  rollback: false (2)
  stage: false (3)
  quiescePods: true (4)
  keepAnnotations: true (5)
  verify: false (6)
    name: <migplan>
    namespace: openshift-migration
1 Set to true to cancel a migration in progress.
2 Set to true to roll back a completed migration.
3 Set to true to run a stage migration. Data is copied incrementally and the pods on the source cluster are not stopped.
4 Set to true to stop the application during migration. The pods on the source cluster are scaled to 0 after the Backup stage.
5 Set to true to retain the labels and annotations applied during the migration.
6 Set to true to check the status of the migrated pods on the destination cluster are checked and to return the names of pods that are not in a Running state.


The MigPlan CR defines the parameters of a migration plan.

You can configure destination namespaces, hook phases, and direct or indirect migration.

By default, a destination namespace has the same name as the source namespace. If you configure a different destination namespace, you must ensure that the namespaces are not duplicated on the source or the destination clusters because the UID and GID ranges are copied during migration.

kind: MigPlan
  labels: "1.0"
  name: <migplan>
  namespace: openshift-migration
  closed: false (1)
    name: <source_cluster>
    namespace: openshift-migration
    name: <destination_cluster>
    namespace: openshift-migration
  hooks: (2)
    - executionNamespace: <namespace> (3)
      phase: <migration_phase> (4)
        name: <hook> (5)
        namespace: <hook_namespace> (6)
      serviceAccount: <service_account> (7)
  indirectImageMigration: true (8)
  indirectVolumeMigration: false (9)
    name: <migstorage>
    namespace: openshift-migration
    - <source_namespace_1> (10)
    - <source_namespace_2>
    - <source_namespace_3>:<destination_namespace_4> (11)
  refresh: false  (12)
1 The migration has completed if true. You cannot create another MigMigration CR for this MigPlan CR.
2 Optional: You can specify up to four migration hooks. Each hook must run during a different migration phase.
3 Optional: Specify the namespace in which the hook will run.
4 Optional: Specify the migration phase during which a hook runs. One hook can be assigned to one phase. Valid values are PreBackup, PostBackup, PreRestore, and PostRestore.
5 Optional: Specify the name of the MigHook CR.
6 Optional: Specify the namespace of MigHook CR.
7 Optional: Specify a service account with cluster-admin privileges.
8 Direct image migration is disabled if true. Images are copied from the source cluster to the replication repository and from the replication repository to the destination cluster.
9 Direct volume migration is disabled if true. PVs are copied from the source cluster to the replication repository and from the replication repository to the destination cluster.
10 Specify one or more source namespaces. If you specify only the source namespace, the destination namespace is the same.
11 Specify the destination namespace if it is different from the source namespace.
12 The MigPlan CR is validated if true.


The MigStorage CR describes the object storage for the replication repository.

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Storage, Multi-Cloud Object Gateway, and generic S3-compatible cloud storage are supported.

AWS and the snapshot copy method have additional parameters.

kind: MigStorage
  labels: "1.0"
  name: <migstorage>
  namespace: openshift-migration
  backupStorageProvider: <backup_storage_provider> (1)
  volumeSnapshotProvider: <snapshot_storage_provider> (2)
    awsBucketName: <bucket> (3)
    awsRegion: <region> (4)
      namespace: openshift-config
      name: <storage_secret> (5)
    awsKmsKeyId: <key_id> (6)
    awsPublicUrl: <public_url> (7)
    awsSignatureVersion: <signature_version> (8)
    awsRegion: <region> (9)
      namespace: openshift-config
      name: <storage_secret> (10)
  refresh: false (11)
1 Specify the storage provider.
2 Snapshot copy method only: Specify the storage provider.
3 AWS only: Specify the bucket name.
4 AWS only: Specify the bucket region, for example, us-east-1.
5 Specify the name of the Secret CR that you created for the storage.
6 AWS only: If you are using the AWS Key Management Service, specify the unique identifier of the key.
7 AWS only: If you granted public access to the AWS bucket, specify the bucket URL.
8 AWS only: Specify the AWS signature version for authenticating requests to the bucket, for example, 4.
9 Snapshot copy method only: Specify the geographical region of the clusters.
10 Snapshot copy method only: Specify the name of the Secret CR that you created for the storage.
11 Set to true to validate the cluster.

Migrating your applications with the MTC API

This section describes how to migrate your applications with the MTC API from the command line interface (CLI).

About migrating applications

You can migrate applications from a local cluster to a remote cluster, from a remote cluster to a local cluster, and between remote clusters.


Source cluster
  • Cluster from which the applications are migrated.

Destination cluster
  • Cluster to which the applications are migrated.

Replication repository
  • Object storage.

  • Requires network access to all clusters.

Indirect migration
  • Images, volumes, and Kubernetes objects are copied from the source cluster to the replication repository and then from the replication repository to the destination cluster.

Direct volume migration
  • Volumes are copied directly from the source cluster to the destination cluster.

  • Significantly faster than indirect migration.

Direct image migration
  • Images are copied directly from the source cluster to the destination cluster.

  • Significantly faster than indirect migration.

Host cluster
  • Cluster on which the migration-controller pod and the web console run.

  • Usually the same as the destination cluster and the local cluster but this is not a requirement.

  • Does not require an exposed secure registry route for direct image migration.

Remote cluster
  • Usually the same as the source cluster but this is not a requirement.

  • Requires an exposed secure registry route for direct image migration.

  • Requires a Secret CR containing the migration-controller service account token.

Mapping destination namespaces in the MigPlan custom resource (CR)

If you map destination namespaces in the MigPlan CR, you must ensure that the namespaces are not duplicated on the source or the destination clusters because the UID and GID ranges of the namespaces are copied during migration.

Two source namespaces mapped to the same destination namespace
    - namespace_2
    - namespace_1:namespace_2

If you want the source namespace to be mapped to a namespace of the same name, you do not need to create a mapping. By default, a source namespace and a target namespace have the same name.

Incorrect namespace mapping
    - namespace_1:namespace_1
Correct namespace reference
    - namespace_1

Stage migration, migration cancellation, and migration rollback

You can create and associate multiple MigMigration custom resources (CRs) with the same MigPlan CR for the following use cases:

  • To perform a stage migration, which copies all available data without stopping the application pods. Running a stage migration reduces the cutover time.

  • To cancel a migration in progress.

  • To roll back a completed migration.

Creating a registry route for direct image migration

For direct image migration, you must create a route to the exposed internal registry on all remote clusters.

  • The internal registry must be exposed to external traffic on all remote clusters.

    The OpenShift Container Platform 4 registry is exposed by default.

    The OpenShift Container Platform 3 registry must be exposed manually.

  • To create a route to an OpenShift Container Platform 3 registry, run the following command:

    $ oc create route passthrough --service=docker-registry --port=5000 -n default
  • To create a route to an OpenShift Container Platform 4 registry, run the following command:

    $ oc create route passthrough --service=image-registry --port=5000 -n openshift-image-registry

Migration prerequisites

  • You must be logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges on all clusters.

Direct image migration
  • You must ensure that the secure internal registry of the source cluster is exposed.

  • You must create a route to the exposed registry.

Direct volume migration
  • If your clusters use proxies, you must configure an Stunnel TCP proxy.

Internal images
  • If your application uses internal images from the openshift namespace, you must ensure that the required versions of the images are present on the target cluster.

    You can manually update an image stream tag in order to use a deprecated OpenShift Container Platform 3 image on an OpenShift Container Platform 4.5 cluster.

  • The source cluster must be upgraded to the latest MTC z-stream release.

  • The MTC version must be the same on all clusters.

  • The clusters have unrestricted network access to each other and to the replication repository.

  • If you copy the persistent volumes with move, the clusters must have unrestricted network access to the remote volumes.

  • You must enable the following ports on an OpenShift Container Platform 3 cluster:

    • 8443 (API server)

    • 443 (routes)

    • 53 (DNS)

  • You must enable the following ports on an OpenShift Container Platform 4 cluster:

    • 6443 (API server)

    • 443 (routes)

    • 53 (DNS)

  • You must enable port 443 on the replication repository if you are using TLS.

Persistent volumes (PVs)
  • The PVs must be valid.

  • The PVs must be bound to persistent volume claims.

  • If you use snapshots to copy the PVs, the following additional prerequisites apply:

    • The cloud provider must support snapshots.

    • The PVs must have the same cloud provider.

    • The PVs must be located in the same geographic region.

    • The PVs must have the same storage class.

Configuring an Stunnel proxy for direct volume migration

If you are performing direct volume migration from a source cluster behind a proxy, you must configure an Stunnel proxy in the MigrationController custom resource (CR). Stunnel creates a transparent tunnel between the source and target clusters for the TCP connection without changing the certificates.

Direct volume migration supports only one proxy. The source cluster cannot access the route of the target cluster if the target cluster is also behind a proxy.

  • You must be logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges on all clusters.

  1. Log in to the cluster on which the MigrationController pod runs.

  2. Get the MigrationController CR manifest:

    $ oc get migrationcontroller <migration_controller> -n openshift-migration
  3. Add the stunnel_tcp_proxy parameter:

    kind: MigrationController
      name: <migration-controller>
      namespace: openshift-migration
      stunnel_tcp_proxy: <stunnel_proxy> (1)
    1 Specify the Stunnel proxy: http://<user>:<password>@<ip_address>:<port>.
  4. Save the manifest as migration-controller.yaml.

  5. Apply the updated manifest:

    $ oc replace -f migration-controller.yaml -n openshift-migration

Migrating your applications from the command line

You can migrate your applications from the command line with the Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC) API.

  1. Create a MigCluster CR manifest for the host cluster:

    $ cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
    kind: MigCluster
      name: <host_cluster>
      namespace: openshift-migration
      isHostCluster: true
  2. Create a Secret CR manifest for each remote cluster:

    $ cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: <cluster_secret>
      namespace: openshift-config
    type: Opaque
      saToken: <sa_token> (1)
    1 Specify the base64-encoded migration-controller service account (SA) token of the remote cluster. You can obtain the token by running the following command:
    $ oc sa get-token migration-controller -n openshift-migration | base64 -w 0
  3. Create a MigCluster CR manifest for each remote cluster:

    $ cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
    kind: MigCluster
      name: <remote_cluster> (1)
      namespace: openshift-migration
      exposedRegistryPath: <exposed_registry_route> (2)
      insecure: false (3)
      isHostCluster: false
        name: <remote_cluster_secret> (4)
        namespace: openshift-config
      url: <remote_cluster_url> (5)
    1 Specify the Cluster CR of the remote cluster.
    2 Optional: For direct image migration, specify the exposed registry route.
    3 SSL verification is enabled if false. CA certificates are not required or checked if true.
    4 Specify the Secret CR of the remote cluster.
    5 Specify the URL of the remote cluster.
  4. Verify that all clusters are in a Ready state:

    $ oc describe cluster <cluster>
  5. Create a Secret CR manifest for the replication repository:

    $ cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      namespace: openshift-config
      name: <migstorage_creds>
    type: Opaque
      aws-access-key-id: <key_id_base64> (1)
      aws-secret-access-key: <secret_key_base64> (2)
    1 Specify the key ID in base64 format.
    2 Specify the secret key in base64 format.

    AWS credentials are base64-encoded by default. For other storage providers, you must encode your credentials by running the following command with each key:

    $ echo -n "<key>" | base64 -w 0 (1)
    1 Specify the key ID or the secret key. Both keys must be base64-encoded.
  6. Create a MigStorage CR manifest for the replication repository:

    $ cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
    kind: MigStorage
      name: <migstorage>
      namespace: openshift-migration
        awsBucketName: <bucket> (1)
          name: <storage_secret> (2)
          namespace: openshift-config
      backupStorageProvider: <storage_provider> (3)
          name: <storage_secret> (4)
          namespace: openshift-config
      volumeSnapshotProvider: <storage_provider> (5)
    1 Specify the bucket name.
    2 Specify the Secrets CR of the object storage. You must ensure that the credentials stored in the Secrets CR of the object storage are correct.
    3 Specify the storage provider.
    4 Optional: If you are copying data by using snapshots, specify the Secrets CR of the object storage. You must ensure that the credentials stored in the Secrets CR of the object storage are correct.
    5 Optional: If you are copying data by using snapshots, specify the storage provider.
  7. Verify that the MigStorage CR is in a Ready state:

    $ oc describe migstorage <migstorage>
  8. Create a MigPlan CR manifest:

    $ cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
    kind: MigPlan
      name: <migplan>
      namespace: openshift-migration
        name: <host_cluster>
        namespace: openshift-migration
      indirectImageMigration: true (1)
      indirectVolumeMigration: true (2)
        name: <migstorage> (3)
        namespace: openshift-migration
        - <application_namespace> (4)
        name: <remote_cluster> (5)
        namespace: openshift-migration
    1 Direct image migration is enabled if false.
    2 Direct volume migration is enabled if false.
    3 Specify the name of the MigStorage CR instance.
    4 Specify one or more source namespaces. By default, the destination namespace has the same name.
    5 Specify a destination namespace if it is different from the source namespace.
    6 Specify the name of the source cluster MigCluster instance.
  9. Verify that the MigPlan instance is in a Ready state:

    $ oc describe migplan <migplan> -n openshift-migration
  10. Create a MigMigration CR manifest to start the migration defined in the MigPlan instance:

    $ cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
    kind: MigMigration
      name: <migmigration>
      namespace: openshift-migration
        name: <migplan> (1)
        namespace: openshift-migration
      quiescePods: true (2)
      stage: false (3)
      rollback: false (4)
    1 Specify the MigPlan CR name.
    2 The pods on the source cluster are stopped before migration if true.
    3 A stage migration, which copies most of the data without stopping the application, is performed if true.
    4 A completed migration is rolled back if true.
  11. Verify the migration by watching the MigMigration CR progress:

    $ oc watch migmigration <migmigration> -n openshift-migration

    The output resembles the following:

    Example output
    Name:         c8b034c0-6567-11eb-9a4f-0bc004db0fbc
    Namespace:    openshift-migration
    Annotations: e99f9083-6567-11eb-8420-0a580a81020c
    API Version:
    Kind:         MigMigration
      Mig Plan Ref:
        Name:       migplan
        Namespace:  openshift-migration
      Stage:        false
        Category:              Advisory
        Last Transition Time:  2021-02-02T15:04:09Z
        Message:               Step: 19/47
        Reason:                InitialBackupCreated
        Status:                True
        Type:                  Running
        Category:              Required
        Last Transition Time:  2021-02-02T15:03:19Z
        Message:               The migration is ready.
        Status:                True
        Type:                  Ready
        Category:              Required
        Durable:               true
        Last Transition Time:  2021-02-02T15:04:05Z
        Message:               The migration registries are healthy.
        Status:                True
        Type:                  RegistriesHealthy
      Itinerary:               Final
      Observed Digest:         7fae9d21f15979c71ddc7dd075cb97061895caac5b936d92fae967019ab616d5
      Phase:                   InitialBackupCreated
        Completed:  2021-02-02T15:04:07Z
        Message:    Completed
        Name:       Prepare
        Started:    2021-02-02T15:03:18Z
        Message:    Waiting for initial Velero backup to complete.
        Name:       Backup
        Phase:      InitialBackupCreated
          Backup openshift-migration/c8b034c0-6567-11eb-9a4f-0bc004db0fbc-wpc44: 0 out of estimated total of 0 objects backed up (5s)
        Started:        2021-02-02T15:04:07Z
        Message:        Not started
        Name:           StageBackup
        Message:        Not started
        Name:           StageRestore
        Message:        Not started
        Name:           DirectImage
        Message:        Not started
        Name:           DirectVolume
        Message:        Not started
        Name:           Restore
        Message:        Not started
        Name:           Cleanup
      Start Timestamp:  2021-02-02T15:03:18Z
      Type    Reason   Age                 From                     Message
      ----    ------   ----                ----                     -------
      Normal  Running  57s                 migmigration_controller  Step: 2/47
      Normal  Running  57s                 migmigration_controller  Step: 3/47
      Normal  Running  57s (x3 over 57s)   migmigration_controller  Step: 4/47
      Normal  Running  54s                 migmigration_controller  Step: 5/47
      Normal  Running  54s                 migmigration_controller  Step: 6/47
      Normal  Running  52s (x2 over 53s)   migmigration_controller  Step: 7/47
      Normal  Running  51s (x2 over 51s)   migmigration_controller  Step: 8/47
      Normal  Ready    50s (x12 over 57s)  migmigration_controller  The migration is ready.
      Normal  Running  50s                 migmigration_controller  Step: 9/47
      Normal  Running  50s                 migmigration_controller  Step: 10/47

Migration hooks

You can use migration hooks to run custom code at certain points during a migration.

About migration hooks

You can add up to four migration hooks to a single migration plan, with each hook running at a different phase of the migration. Migration hooks perform tasks such as customizing application quiescence, manually migrating unsupported data types, and updating applications after migration.

A migration hook runs on a source or a target cluster at one of the following migration steps:

  • PreBackup: Before resources are backed up on the source cluster.

  • PostBackup: After resources are backed up on the source cluster.

  • PreRestore: Before resources are restored on the target cluster.

  • PostRestore: After resources are restored on the target cluster.

You can create a hook by creating an Ansible playbook that runs with the default Ansible image or with a custom hook container.

Ansible playbook

The Ansible playbook is mounted on a hook container as a config map. The hook container runs as a job, using the cluster, service account, and namespace specified in the MigPlan custom resource. The job continues to run until it reaches the default limit of 6 retries or a successful completion. This continues even if the initial pod is evicted or killed.

The default Ansible runtime image is This image is based on the Ansible Runner image and includes python-openshift for Ansible Kubernetes resources and an updated oc binary.

Custom hook container

You can use a custom hook container instead of the default Ansible image.

Writing an Ansible playbook for a migration hook

You can write an Ansible playbook to use as a migration hook. The hook is added to a migration plan by using the MTC web console or by specifying values for the spec.hooks parameters in the MigPlan custom resource (CR) manifest.

The Ansible playbook is mounted onto a hook container as a config map. The hook container runs as a job, using the cluster, service account, and namespace specified in the MigPlan CR. The hook container uses a specified service account token so that the tasks do not require authentication before they run in the cluster.

Ansible modules

You can use the Ansible shell module to run oc commands.

Example shell module
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
  - name: get pod name
    shell: oc get po --all-namespaces

You can use kubernetes.core modules, such as k8s_info, to interact with Kubernetes resources.

Example k8s_facts module
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
  - name: Get pod
      kind: pods
      api: v1
      namespace: openshift-migration
      name: "{{ lookup( 'env', 'HOSTNAME') }}"
    register: pods

  - name: Print pod name
      msg: "{{ pods.resources[0] }}"

You can use the fail module to produce a non-zero exit status in cases where a non-zero exit status would not normally be produced, ensuring that the success or failure of a hook is detected. Hooks run as jobs and the success or failure status of a hook is based on the exit status of the job container.

Example fail module
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
  - name: Set a boolean
      do_fail: true

  - name: "fail"
      msg: "Cause a failure"
    when: do_fail

Environment variables

The MigPlan CR name and migration namespaces are passed as environment variables to the hook container. These variables are accessed by using the lookup plug-in.

Example environment variables
- hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false
  - set_fact:
      namespaces: "{{ (lookup( 'env', 'migration_namespaces')).split(',') }}"

  - debug:
      msg: "{{ item }}"
    with_items: "{{ namespaces }}"

  - debug:
      msg: "{{ lookup( 'env', 'migplan_name') }}"

Increasing limits for large migrations

You can increase the limits on migration objects and container resources for large migrations with the Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC).

You must test these changes before you perform a migration in a production environment.

  1. Edit the MigrationController custom resource (CR) manifest:

    $ oc edit migrationcontroller -n openshift-migration
  2. Update the following parameters:

    mig_controller_limits_cpu: "1" (1)
    mig_controller_limits_memory: "10Gi" (2)
    mig_controller_requests_cpu: "100m" (3)
    mig_controller_requests_memory: "350Mi" (4)
    mig_pv_limit: 100 (5)
    mig_pod_limit: 100 (6)
    mig_namespace_limit: 10 (7)
    1 Specifies the number of CPUs available to the MigrationController CR.
    2 Specifies the amount of memory available to the MigrationController CR.
    3 Specifies the number of CPU units available for MigrationController CR requests. 100m represents 0.1 CPU units (100 * 1e-3).
    4 Specifies the amount of memory available for MigrationController CR requests.
    5 Specifies the number of persistent volumes that can be migrated.
    6 Specifies the number of pods that can be migrated.
    7 Specifies the number of namespaces that can be migrated.
  3. Create a migration plan that uses the updated parameters to verify the changes.

    If your migration plan exceeds the MigrationController CR limits, the MTC console displays a warning message when you save the migration plan.

Excluding resources from a migration plan

You can exclude resources, for example, image streams, persistent volumes (PVs), or subscriptions, from a Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC) migration plan in order to reduce the resource load for migration or to migrate images or PVs with a different tool.

By default, the MTC excludes service catalog resources and Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) resources from migration. These resources are parts of the service catalog API group and the OLM API group, neither of which is supported for migration at this time.

  1. Edit the MigrationController custom resource manifest:

    $ oc edit migrationcontroller <migration_controller> -n openshift-migration
  2. Update the spec section by adding a parameter to exclude specific resources or by adding a resource to the excluded_resources parameter if it does not have its own exclusion parameter:

    kind: MigrationController
      name: migration-controller
      namespace: openshift-migration
      disable_image_migration: true (1)
      disable_pv_migration: true (2)
      excluded_resources: (3)
      - imagetags
      - templateinstances
      - clusterserviceversions
      - packagemanifests
      - subscriptions
      - servicebrokers
      - servicebindings
      - serviceclasses
      - serviceinstances
      - serviceplans
      - operatorgroups
      - events
    1 Add disable_image_migration: true to exclude image streams from the migration. Do not edit the excluded_resources parameter. imagestreams is added to excluded_resources when the MigrationController pod restarts.
    2 Add disable_pv_migration: true to exclude PVs from the migration plan. Do not edit the excluded_resources parameter. persistentvolumes and persistentvolumeclaims are added to excluded_resources when the MigrationController pod restarts. Disabling PV migration also disables PV discovery when you create the migration plan.
    3 You can add OpenShift Container Platform resources to the excluded_resources list. Do not delete the default excluded resources. These resources are problematic to migrate and must be excluded.
  3. Wait two minutes for the MigrationController pod to restart so that the changes are applied.

  4. Verify that the resource is excluded:

    $ oc get deployment -n openshift-migration migration-controller -o yaml | grep EXCLUDED_RESOURCES -A1

    The output contains the excluded resources:

    Example output
        - name: EXCLUDED_RESOURCES