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<strong>logging</strong> 5.5 Release Notes - <strong>logging</strong> 5.5 | <strong>logging</strong> | OKD 4.10

The {logging-title} is provided as an installable component, with a distinct release cycle from the core OKD. The Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy outlines release compatibility.

logging 5.5.16

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the LokiStack gateway cached authorized requests very broadly. As a result, this caused wrong authorization results. With this update, LokiStack gateway caches on a more fine-grained basis which resolves this issue. (LOG-4434)

logging 5.5.14

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the Vector collector occasionally panicked with the following error message in its log: thread 'vector-worker' panicked at 'all branches are disabled and there is no else branch', src/kubernetes/ With this update, the error has been resolved. (LOG-4279)

logging 5.5.11

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, a time range could not be selected in the OKD web console by clicking and dragging over the logs histogram. With this update, clicking and dragging can be used to successfully select a time range. (LOG-4102)

  • Before this update, clicking on the Show Resources link in the OKD web console did not produce any effect. With this update, the issue is resolved by fixing the functionality of the Show Resources link to toggle the display of resources for each log entry. (LOG-4117)

logging 5.5.10

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the logging view plugin of the OpenShift Web Console showed only an error text when the LokiStack was not reachable. After this update the plugin shows a proper error message with details on how to fix the unreachable LokiStack. (LOG-2874)

logging 5.5.9

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, a problem with the Fluentd collector caused it to not capture OAuth login events stored in /var/log/auth-server/audit.log. This led to incomplete collection of login events from the OAuth service. With this update, the Fluentd collector now resolves this issue by capturing all login events from the OAuth service, including those stored in /var/log/auth-server/audit.log, as expected.(LOG-3730)

  • Before this update, when structured parsing was enabled and messages were forwarded to multiple destinations, they were not deep copied. This resulted in some of the received logs including the structured message, while others did not. With this update, the configuration generation has been modified to deep copy messages before JSON parsing. As a result, all received logs now have structured messages included, even when they are forwarded to multiple destinations.(LOG-3767)

logging 5.5.8

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the priority field was missing from systemd logs due to an error in how the collector set level fields. With this update, these fields are set correctly, resolving the issue. (LOG-3630)

logging 5.5.7

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the LokiStack Gateway Labels Enforcer generated parsing errors for valid LogQL queries when using combined label filters with boolean expressions. With this update, the LokiStack LogQL implementation supports label filters with boolean expression and resolves the issue. (LOG-3534)

  • Before this update, the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource (CR) did not pass TLS credentials for syslog output to Fluentd, resulting in errors during forwarding. With this update, credentials pass correctly to Fluentd, resolving the issue. (LOG-3533)

logging 5.5.6

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the Pod Security admission controller added the label podSecurityLabelSync = true to the openshift-logging namespace. This resulted in our specified security labels being overwritten, and as a result Collector pods would not start. With this update, the label podSecurityLabelSync = false preserves security labels. Collector pods deploy as expected. (LOG-3340)

  • Before this update, the Operator installed the console view plugin, even when it was not enabled on the cluster. This caused the Operator to crash. With this update, if an account for a cluster does not have the console view enabled, the Operator functions normally and does not install the console view. (LOG-3407)

  • Before this update, a prior fix to support a regression where the status of the Elasticsearch deployment was not being updated caused the Operator to crash unless the Red Hat Elasticsearch Operator was deployed. With this update, that fix has been reverted so the Operator is now stable but re-introduces the previous issue related to the reported status. (LOG-3428)

  • Before this update, the Loki Operator only deployed one replica of the LokiStack gateway regardless of the chosen stack size. With this update, the number of replicas is correctly configured according to the selected size. (LOG-3478)

  • Before this update, records written to Elasticsearch would fail if multiple label keys had the same prefix and some keys included dots. With this update, underscores replace dots in label keys, resolving the issue. (LOG-3341)

  • Before this update, the logging view plugin contained an incompatible feature for certain versions of OKD. With this update, the correct release stream of the plugin resolves the issue. (LOG-3467)

  • Before this update, the reconciliation of the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource would incorrectly report a degraded status of one or more pipelines causing the collector pods to restart every 8-10 seconds. With this update, reconciliation of the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource processes correctly, resolving the issue. (LOG-3469)

  • Before this change the spec for the outputDefaults field of the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource would apply the settings to every declared Elasticsearch output type. This change corrects the behavior to match the enhancement specification where the setting specifically applies to the default managed Elasticsearch store. (LOG-3342)

  • Before this update, the OpenShift CLI (oc) must-gather script did not complete because the OpenShift CLI (oc) needs a folder with write permission to build its cache. With this update, the OpenShift CLI (oc) has write permissions to a folder, and the must-gather script completes successfully. (LOG-3472)

  • Before this update, the Loki Operator webhook server caused TLS errors. With this update, the Loki Operator webhook PKI is managed by the Operator Lifecycle Manager’s dynamic webhook management resolving the issue. (LOG-3511)

logging 5.5.5

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, Kibana had a fixed 24h OAuth cookie expiration time, which resulted in 401 errors in Kibana whenever the accessTokenInactivityTimeout field was set to a value lower than 24h. With this update, Kibana’s OAuth cookie expiration time synchronizes to the accessTokenInactivityTimeout, with a default value of 24h. (LOG-3305)

  • Before this update, Vector parsed the message field when JSON parsing was enabled without also defining structuredTypeKey or structuredTypeName values. With this update, a value is required for either structuredTypeKey or structuredTypeName when writing structured logs to Elasticsearch. (LOG-3284)

  • Before this update, the FluentdQueueLengthIncreasing alert could fail to fire when there was a cardinality issue with the set of labels returned from this alert expression. This update reduces labels to only include those required for the alert. (LOG-3226)

  • Before this update, Loki did not have support to reach an external storage in a disconnected cluster. With this update, proxy environment variables and proxy trusted CA bundles are included in the container image to support these connections. (LOG-2860)

  • Before this update, OKD web console users could not choose the ConfigMap object that includes the CA certificate for Loki, causing pods to operate without the CA. With this update, web console users can select the config map, resolving the issue. (LOG-3310)

  • Before this update, the CA key was used as volume name for mounting the CA into Loki, causing error states when the CA Key included non-conforming characters (such as dots). With this update, the volume name is standardized to an internal string which resolves the issue. (LOG-3332)

logging 5.5.4

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, an error in the query parser of the logging view plugin caused parts of the logs query to disappear if the query contained curly brackets {}. This made the queries invalid, leading to errors being returned for valid queries. With this update, the parser correctly handles these queries. (LOG-3042)

  • Before this update, the Operator could enter a loop of removing and recreating the collector daemonset while the Elasticsearch or Kibana deployments changed their status. With this update, a fix in the status handling of the Operator resolves the issue. (LOG-3049)

  • Before this update, no alerts were implemented to support the collector implementation of Vector. This change adds Vector alerts and deploys separate alerts, depending upon the chosen collector implementation. (LOG-3127)

  • Before this update, the secret creation component of the Elasticsearch Operator modified internal secrets constantly. With this update, the existing secret is properly handled. (LOG-3138)

  • Before this update, a prior refactoring of the logging must-gather scripts removed the expected location for the artifacts. This update reverts that change to write artifacts to the /must-gather folder. (LOG-3213)

  • Before this update, on certain clusters, the Prometheus exporter would bind on IPv4 instead of IPv6. After this update, Fluentd detects the IP version and binds to for IPv4 or [::] for IPv6. (LOG-3162)

logging 5.5.3

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, log entries that had structured messages included the original message field, which made the entry larger. This update removes the message field for structured logs to reduce the increased size. (LOG-2759)

  • Before this update, the collector configuration excluded logs from collector, default-log-store, and visualization pods, but was unable to exclude logs archived in a .gz file. With this update, archived logs stored as .gz files of collector, default-log-store, and visualization pods are also excluded. (LOG-2844)

  • Before this update, when requests to an unavailable pod were sent through the gateway, no alert would warn of the disruption. With this update, individual alerts will generate if the gateway has issues completing a write or read request. (LOG-2884)

  • Before this update, pod metadata could be altered by fluent plugins because the values passed through the pipeline by reference. This update ensures each log message receives a copy of the pod metadata so each message processes independently. (LOG-3046)

  • Before this update, selecting unknown severity in the OpenShift Console Logs view excluded logs with a level=unknown value. With this update, logs without level and with level=unknown values are visible when filtering by unknown severity. (LOG-3062)

  • Before this update, log records sent to Elasticsearch had an extra field named write-index that contained the name of the index to which the logs needed to be sent. This field is not a part of the data model. After this update, this field is no longer sent. (LOG-3075)

  • With the introduction of the new built-in Pod Security Admission Controller, Pods not configured in accordance with the enforced security standards defined globally or on the namespace level cannot run. With this update, the Operator and collectors allow privileged execution and run without security audit warnings or errors. (LOG-3077)

  • Before this update, the Operator removed any custom outputs defined in the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource when using LokiStack as the default log storage. With this update, the Operator merges custom outputs with the default outputs when processing the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource. (LOG-3095)

logging 5.5.2

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, alerting rules for the Fluentd collector did not adhere to the OKD monitoring style guidelines. This update modifies those alerts to include the namespace label, resolving the issue. (LOG-1823)

  • Before this update, the index management rollover script failed to generate a new index name whenever there was more than one hyphen character in the name of the index. With this update, index names generate correctly. (LOG-2644)

  • Before this update, the Kibana route was setting a caCertificate value without a certificate present. With this update, no caCertificate value is set. (LOG-2661)

  • Before this update, a change in the collector dependencies caused it to issue a warning message for unused parameters. With this update, removing unused configuration parameters resolves the issue. (LOG-2859)

  • Before this update, pods created for deployments that Loki Operator created were mistakenly scheduled on nodes with non-Linux operating systems, if such nodes were available in the cluster the Operator was running in. With this update, the Operator attaches an additional node-selector to the pod definitions which only allows scheduling the pods on Linux-based nodes. (LOG-2895)

  • Before this update, the OpenShift Console Logs view did not filter logs by severity due to a LogQL parser issue in the LokiStack gateway. With this update, a parser fix resolves the issue and the OpenShift Console Logs view can filter by severity. (LOG-2908)

  • Before this update, a refactoring of the Fluentd collector plugins removed the timestamp field for events. This update restores the timestamp field, sourced from the event’s received time. (LOG-2923)

  • Before this update, absence of a level field in audit logs caused an error in vector logs. With this update, the addition of a level field in the audit log record resolves the issue. (LOG-2961)

  • Before this update, if you deleted the Kibana Custom Resource, the OKD web console continued displaying a link to Kibana. With this update, removing the Kibana Custom Resource also removes that link. (LOG-3053)

  • Before this update, each rollover job created empty indices when the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource had JSON parsing defined. With this update, new indices are not empty. (LOG-3063)

  • Before this update, when the user deleted the LokiStack after an update to Loki Operator 5.5 resources originally created by Loki Operator 5.4 remained. With this update, the resources' owner-references point to the 5.5 LokiStack. (LOG-2945)

  • Before this update, a user was not able to view the application logs of namespaces they have access to. With this update, the Loki Operator automatically creates a cluster role and cluster role binding allowing users to read application logs. (LOG-2918)

  • Before this update, users with cluster-admin privileges were not able to properly view infrastructure and audit logs using the logging console. With this update, the authorization check has been extended to also recognize users in cluster-admin and dedicated-admin groups as admins. (LOG-2970)

logging 5.5.1


  • This enhancement adds an Aggregated Logs tab to the Pod Details page of the OKD web console when the logging Console Plug-in is in use. This enhancement is only available on OKD 4.10 and later. (LOG-2647)

  • This enhancement adds Google Cloud logging as an output option for log forwarding. (LOG-1482)

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the Operator did not ensure that the pod was ready, which caused the cluster to reach an inoperable state during a cluster restart. With this update, the Operator marks new pods as ready before continuing to a new pod during a restart, which resolves the issue. (LOG-2745)

  • Before this update, Fluentd would sometimes not recognize that the Kubernetes platform rotated the log file and would no longer read log messages. This update corrects that by setting the configuration parameter suggested by the upstream development team. (LOG-2995)

  • Before this update, the addition of multi-line error detection caused internal routing to change and forward records to the wrong destination. With this update, the internal routing is correct. (LOG-2801)

  • Before this update, changing the OKD web console’s refresh interval created an error when the Query field was empty. With this update, changing the interval is not an available option when the Query field is empty. (LOG-2917)

logging 5.5.0


  • With this update, you can forward structured logs from different containers within the same pod to different indices. To use this feature, you must configure the pipeline with multi-container support and annotate the pods. (LOG-1296)

JSON formatting of logs varies by application. Because creating too many indices impacts performance, limit your use of this feature to creating indices for logs that have incompatible JSON formats. Use queries to separate logs from different namespaces, or applications with compatible JSON formats.

  • With this update, you can filter logs with Elasticsearch outputs by using the Kubernetes common labels,,,, and Non-Elasticsearch output types can use all labels included in kubernetes.labels. (LOG-2388)

  • With this update, clusters with AWS Security Token Service (STS) enabled may use STS authentication to forward logs to Amazon CloudWatch. (LOG-1976)

  • With this update, the 'LokiOperator' Operator and Vector collector move from Technical Preview to General Availability. Full feature parity with prior releases are pending, and some APIs remain Technical Previews. See the logging with the LokiStack section for details.

Bug fixes

  • Before this update, clusters configured to forward logs to Amazon CloudWatch wrote rejected log files to temporary storage, causing cluster instability over time. With this update, chunk backup for all storage options has been disabled, resolving the issue. (LOG-2746)

  • Before this update, the Operator was using versions of some APIs that are deprecated and planned for removal in future versions of OKD. This update moves dependencies to the supported API versions. (LOG-2656)

  • Before this update, multiple ClusterLogForwarder pipelines configured for multiline error detection caused the collector to go into a crashloopbackoff error state. This update fixes the issue where multiple configuration sections had the same unique ID. (LOG-2241)

  • Before this update, the collector could not save non UTF-8 symbols to the Elasticsearch storage logs. With this update the collector encodes non UTF-8 symbols, resolving the issue. (LOG-2203)

  • Before this update, non-latin characters displayed incorrectly in Kibana. With this update, Kibana displays all valid UTF-8 symbols correctly. (LOG-2784)