$ oc patch ingresscontroller -n openshift-ingress-operator default --type=json -p '[{ "op": "add", "path": "/spec/routeAdmission", "value": {wildcardPolicy: "WildcardsAllowed"}}]'
With hosted control planes and OKD Virtualization, you can create OKD clusters with worker nodes that are hosted by KubeVirt virtual machines. Hosted control planes on OKD Virtualization provides several benefits:
Enhances resource usage by packing hosted control planes and hosted clusters in the same underlying bare metal infrastructure
Separates hosted control planes and hosted clusters to provide strong isolation
Reduces cluster provision time by eliminating the bare metal node bootstrapping process
Manages many releases under the same base OKD cluster
The hosted control planes feature is enabled by default.
You can use the hosted control plane command line interface, hcp
, to create an OKD hosted cluster. The hosted cluster is automatically imported as a managed cluster. If you want to disable this automatic import feature, see "Disabling the automatic import of hosted clusters into multicluster engine Operator".
As you prepare to deploy hosted control planes on OKD Virtualization, consider the following information:
Run the management cluster on bare metal.
Each hosted cluster must have a cluster-wide unique name.
Do not use clusters
as a hosted cluster name.
A hosted cluster cannot be created in the namespace of a multicluster engine Operator managed cluster.
When you configure storage for hosted control planes, consider the recommended etcd practices. To ensure that you meet the latency requirements, dedicate a fast storage device to all hosted control plane etcd instances that run on each control-plane node. You can use LVM storage to configure a local storage class for hosted etcd pods. For more information, see "Recommended etcd practices" and "Persistent storage using Logical Volume Manager storage".
You must meet the following prerequisites to create an OKD cluster on OKD Virtualization:
You have administrator access to an OKD cluster, version 4.14 or later, specified in the KUBECONFIG
environment variable.
The OKD management cluster has wildcard DNS routes enabled, as shown in the following DNS:
$ oc patch ingresscontroller -n openshift-ingress-operator default --type=json -p '[{ "op": "add", "path": "/spec/routeAdmission", "value": {wildcardPolicy: "WildcardsAllowed"}}]'
The OKD management cluster has OKD Virtualization, version 4.14 or later, installed on it. For more information, see "Installing OpenShift Virtualization using the web console".
The OKD management cluster is on-premise bare metal.
The OKD management cluster is configured with OVNKubernetes as the default pod network CNI.
The OKD management cluster has a default storage class. For more information, see "Postinstallation storage configuration". The following example shows how to set a default storage class:
$ oc patch storageclass ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd -p '{"metadata": {"annotations":{"storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class":"true"}}}'
You have a valid pull secret file for the quay.io/openshift-release-dev
repository. For more information, see "Install OpenShift on any x86_64 platform with user-provisioned infrastructure".
You have installed the hosted control plane command line interface.
You have configured a load balancer. For more information, see "Configuring MetalLB".
For optimal network performance, you are using a network maximum transmission unit (MTU) of 9000 or greater on the OKD cluster that hosts the KubeVirt virtual machines. If you use a lower MTU setting, network latency and the throughput of the hosted pods are affected. Enable multiqueue on node pools only when the MTU is 9000 or greater.
The multicluster engine Operator has at least one managed OKD cluster. The local-cluster
is automatically imported. For more information about the local-cluster
, see "Advanced configuration" in the multicluster engine Operator documentation. You can check the status of your hub cluster by running the following command:
$ oc get managedclusters local-cluster
On the OKD cluster that hosts the OKD Virtualization virtual machines, you are using a ReadWriteMany
(RWX) storage class so that live migration can be enabled.
Ensure that you meet the firewall and port requirements so that ports can communicate between the management cluster, the control plane, and hosted clusters:
The kube-apiserver
service runs on port 6443 by default and requires ingress access for communication between the control plane components.
If you use the NodePort
publishing strategy, ensure that the node port that is assigned to the kube-apiserver
service is exposed.
If you use MetalLB load balancing, allow ingress access to the IP range that is used for load balancer IP addresses.
If you use the NodePort
publishing strategy, use a firewall rule for the ignition-server
and Oauth-server
The konnectivity
agent, which establishes a reverse tunnel to allow bi-directional communication on the hosted cluster, requires egress access to the cluster API server address on port 6443. With that egress access, the agent can reach the kube-apiserver
If the cluster API server address is an internal IP address, allow access from the workload subnets to the IP address on port 6443.
If the address is an external IP address, allow egress on port 6443 to that external IP address from the nodes.
If you change the default port of 6443, adjust the rules to reflect that change.
Ensure that you open any ports that are required by the workloads that run in the clusters.
Use firewall rules, security groups, or other access controls to restrict access to only required sources. Avoid exposing ports publicly unless necessary.
For production deployments, use a load balancer to simplify access through a single IP address.
While the management cluster for hosted cluster virtual machines (VMs) is undergoing updates or maintenance, the hosted cluster VMs can be automatically live migrated to prevent disrupting hosted cluster workloads. As a result, the management cluster can be updated without affecting the availability and operation of the KubeVirt platform hosted clusters.
The live migration of KubeVirt VMs is enabled by default provided that the VMs use |
You can verify that the VMs in a node pool are capable of live migration by checking the KubeVirtNodesLiveMigratable
condition in the status
section of a NodePool
In the following example, the VMs cannot be live migrated because RWX storage is not used.
- lastTransitionTime: "2024-10-08T15:38:19Z"
message: |
3 of 3 machines are not live migratable
Machine user-np-ngst4-gw2hz: DisksNotLiveMigratable: user-np-ngst4-gw2hz is not a live migratable machine: cannot migrate VMI: PVC user-np-ngst4-gw2hz-rhcos is not shared, live migration requires that all PVCs must be shared (using ReadWriteMany access mode)
Machine user-np-ngst4-npq7x: DisksNotLiveMigratable: user-np-ngst4-npq7x is not a live migratable machine: cannot migrate VMI: PVC user-np-ngst4-npq7x-rhcos is not shared, live migration requires that all PVCs must be shared (using ReadWriteMany access mode)
Machine user-np-ngst4-q5nkb: DisksNotLiveMigratable: user-np-ngst4-q5nkb is not a live migratable machine: cannot migrate VMI: PVC user-np-ngst4-q5nkb-rhcos is not shared, live migration requires that all PVCs must be shared (using ReadWriteMany access mode)
observedGeneration: 1
reason: DisksNotLiveMigratable
status: "False"
type: KubeVirtNodesLiveMigratable
In the next example, the VMs meet the requirements to be live migrated.
- lastTransitionTime: "2024-10-08T15:38:19Z"
message: "All is well"
observedGeneration: 1
reason: AsExpected
status: "True"
type: KubeVirtNodesLiveMigratable
While live migration can protect VMs from disruption in normal circumstances, events such as infrastructure node failure can result in a hard restart of any VMs that are hosted on the failed node. For live migration to be successful, the source node that a VM is hosted on must be working correctly.
When the VMs in a node pool cannot be live migrated, workload disruption might occur on the hosted cluster during maintenance on the management cluster. By default, the hosted control planes controllers try to drain the workloads that are hosted on KubeVirt VMs that cannot be live migrated before the VMs are stopped. Draining the hosted cluster nodes before stopping the VMs allows pod disruption budgets to protect workload availability within the hosted cluster.
With OKD 4.14 and later, you can create a cluster with KubeVirt, to include creating with an external infrastructure.
To create a hosted cluster, you can use the hosted control plane command-line interface, hcp
Create a hosted cluster with the KubeVirt platform by entering the following command:
$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
--name <hosted_cluster_name> \(1)
--node-pool-replicas <node_pool_replica_count> \(2)
--pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \(3)
--memory <value_for_memory> \(4)
--cores <value_for_cpu> \(5)
--etcd-storage-class=<etcd_storage_class> (6)
1 | Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example . |
2 | Specify the node pool replica count, for example, 3 . You must specify the replica count as 0 or greater to create the same number of replicas. Otherwise, no node pools are created. |
3 | Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret . |
4 | Specify a value for memory, for example, 6Gi . |
5 | Specify a value for CPU, for example, 2 . |
6 | Specify the etcd storage class name, for example, lvm-storageclass . |
You can use the |
A default node pool is created for the cluster with two virtual machine worker replicas according to the --node-pool-replicas
After a few moments, verify that the hosted control plane pods are running by entering the following command:
$ oc -n clusters-<hosted-cluster-name> get pods
capi-provider-5cc7b74f47-n5gkr 1/1 Running 0 3m
catalog-operator-5f799567b7-fd6jw 2/2 Running 0 69s
certified-operators-catalog-784b9899f9-mrp6p 1/1 Running 0 66s
cluster-api-6bbc867966-l4dwl 1/1 Running 0 66s
redhat-operators-catalog-9d5fd4d44-z8qqk 1/1 Running 0 66s
A hosted cluster that has worker nodes that are backed by KubeVirt virtual machines typically takes 10-15 minutes to be fully provisioned.
To check the status of the hosted cluster, see the corresponding HostedCluster
resource by entering the following command:
$ oc get --namespace clusters hostedclusters
See the following example output, which illustrates a fully provisioned HostedCluster
NAMESPACE NAME VERSION KUBECONFIG PROGRESS AVAILABLE PROGRESSING MESSAGE clusters example <4.x.0> example-admin-kubeconfig Completed True False The hosted control plane is available
Replace <4.x.0>
with the supported OKD version that you want to use.
By default, the HyperShift Operator hosts both the control plane pods of the hosted cluster and the KubeVirt worker VMs within the same cluster. With the external infrastructure feature, you can place the worker node VMs on a separate cluster from the control plane pods.
The management cluster is the OKD cluster that runs the HyperShift Operator and hosts the control plane pods for a hosted cluster.
The infrastructure cluster is the OKD cluster that runs the KubeVirt worker VMs for a hosted cluster.
By default, the management cluster also acts as the infrastructure cluster that hosts VMs. However, for external infrastructure, the management and infrastructure clusters are different.
You must have a namespace on the external infrastructure cluster for the KubeVirt nodes to be hosted in.
You must have a kubeconfig
file for the external infrastructure cluster.
You can create a hosted cluster by using the hcp
command line interface.
To place the KubeVirt worker VMs on the infrastructure cluster, use the --infra-kubeconfig-file
and --infra-namespace
arguments, as shown in the following example:
$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
--name <hosted-cluster-name> \ (1)
--node-pool-replicas <worker-count> \ (2)
--pull-secret <path-to-pull-secret> \ (3)
--memory <value-for-memory> \ (4)
--cores <value-for-cpu> \ (5)
--infra-namespace=<hosted-cluster-namespace>-<hosted-cluster-name> \ (6)
--infra-kubeconfig-file=<path-to-external-infra-kubeconfig> (7)
1 | Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example . |
2 | Specify the worker count, for example, 2 . |
3 | Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret . |
4 | Specify a value for memory, for example, 6Gi . |
5 | Specify a value for CPU, for example, 2 . |
6 | Specify the infrastructure namespace, for example, clusters-example . |
7 | Specify the path to your kubeconfig file for the infrastructure cluster, for example, /user/name/external-infra-kubeconfig . |
After you enter that command, the control plane pods are hosted on the management cluster that the HyperShift Operator runs on, and the KubeVirt VMs are hosted on a separate infrastructure cluster.
To create a hosted cluster with the KubeVirt platform by using the console, complete the following steps.
Open the OKD web console and log in by entering your administrator credentials.
In the console header, ensure that All Clusters is selected.
Click Infrastructure > Clusters.
Click Create cluster > Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization > Hosted.
On the Create cluster page, follow the prompts to enter details about the cluster and node pools.
Review your entries and click Create.
The Hosted cluster view is displayed.
Monitor the deployment of the hosted cluster in the Hosted cluster view. If you do not see information about the hosted cluster, ensure that All Clusters is selected, and click the cluster name.
Wait until the control plane components are ready. This process can take a few minutes.
To view the node pool status, scroll to the NodePool section. The process to install the nodes takes about 10 minutes. You can also click Nodes to confirm whether the nodes joined the hosted cluster.
To create credentials that you can reuse when you create a hosted cluster with the console, see Creating a credential for an on-premises environment.
To access the hosted cluster, see Accessing the hosted cluster.
Every OKD cluster includes a default application Ingress Controller, which must have an wildcard DNS record associated with it. By default, hosted clusters that are created by using the HyperShift KubeVirt provider automatically become a subdomain of the OKD cluster that the KubeVirt virtual machines run on.
For example, your OKD cluster might have the following default ingress DNS entry:
As a result, a KubeVirt hosted cluster that is named guest
and that runs on that underlying OKD cluster has the following default ingress:
For the default ingress DNS to work properly, the cluster that hosts the KubeVirt virtual machines must allow wildcard DNS routes.
You can configure this behavior by entering the following command:
$ oc patch ingresscontroller -n openshift-ingress-operator default --type=json -p '[{ "op": "add", "path": "/spec/routeAdmission", "value": {wildcardPolicy: "WildcardsAllowed"}}]'
When you use the default hosted cluster ingress, connectivity is limited to HTTPS traffic over port 443. Plain HTTP traffic over port 80 is rejected. This limitation applies to only the default ingress behavior. |
If you do not want to use the default ingress and DNS behavior, you can configure a KubeVirt hosted cluster with a unique base domain at creation time. This option requires manual configuration steps during creation and involves three main steps: cluster creation, load balancer creation, and wildcard DNS configuration.
To create a hosted cluster that specifies a base domain, complete the following steps.
Enter the following command:
$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
--name <hosted_cluster_name> \ (1)
--node-pool-replicas <worker_count> \ (2)
--pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ (3)
--memory <value_for_memory> \ (4)
--cores <value_for_cpu> \ (5)
--base-domain <basedomain> (6)
1 | Specify the name of your hosted cluster. |
2 | Specify the worker count, for example, 2 . |
3 | Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret . |
4 | Specify a value for memory, for example, 6Gi . |
5 | Specify a value for CPU, for example, 2 . |
6 | Specify the base domain, for example, hypershift.lab . |
As a result, the hosted cluster has an ingress wildcard that is configured for the cluster name and the base domain, for example, .apps.example.hypershift.lab
. The hosted cluster remains in Partial
status because after you create a hosted cluster with unique base domain, you must configure the required DNS records and load balancer.
View the status of your hosted cluster by entering the following command:
$ oc get --namespace clusters hostedclusters
example example-admin-kubeconfig Partial True False The hosted control plane is available
Access the cluster by entering the following commands:
$ hcp create kubeconfig --name <hosted_cluster_name> > <hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig
$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig get co
console <4.x.0> False False False 30m RouteHealthAvailable: failed to GET route (https://console-openshift-console.apps.example.hypershift.lab): Get "https://console-openshift-console.apps.example.hypershift.lab": dial tcp: lookup console-openshift-console.apps.example.hypershift.lab on no such host
ingress <4.x.0> True False True 28m The "default" ingress controller reports Degraded=True: DegradedConditions: One or more other status conditions indicate a degraded state: CanaryChecksSucceeding=False (CanaryChecksRepetitiveFailures: Canary route checks for the default ingress controller are failing)
Replace <4.x.0>
with the supported OKD version that you want to use.
To fix the errors in the output, complete the steps in "Setting up the load balancer" and "Setting up a wildcard DNS".
If your hosted cluster is on bare metal, you might need MetalLB to set up load balancer services. For more information, see "Configuring MetalLB". |
Set up the load balancer service that routes ingress traffic to the KubeVirt VMs and assigns a wildcard DNS entry to the load balancer IP address.
A NodePort
service that exposes the hosted cluster ingress already exists. You can export the node ports and create the load balancer service that targets those ports.
Get the HTTP node port by entering the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig get services -n openshift-ingress router-nodeport-default -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="http")].nodePort}'
Note the HTTP node port value to use in the next step.
Get the HTTPS node port by entering the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig get services -n openshift-ingress router-nodeport-default -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="https")].nodePort}'
Note the HTTPS node port value to use in the next step.
Create the load balancer service by entering the following command:
oc apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: service
app: <hosted_cluster_name>
name: <hosted_cluster_name>-apps
namespace: clusters-<hosted_cluster_name>
- name: https-443
port: 443
protocol: TCP
targetPort: <https_node_port> (1)
- name: http-80
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: <http-node-port> (2)
kubevirt.io: virt-launcher
type: LoadBalancer
1 | Specify the HTTPS node port value that you noted in the previous step. |
2 | Specify the HTTP node port value that you noted in the previous step. |
Set up a wildcard DNS record or CNAME that references the external IP of the load balancer service.
Get the external IP address by entering the following command:
$ oc -n clusters-<hosted_cluster_name> get service <hosted-cluster-name>-apps -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'
Configure a wildcard DNS entry that references the external IP address. View the following example DNS entry:
The DNS entry must be able to route inside and outside of the cluster.
dig +short test.apps.example.hypershift.lab
Check that hosted cluster status has moved from Partial
to Completed
by entering the following command:
$ oc get --namespace clusters hostedclusters
example <4.x.0> example-admin-kubeconfig Completed True False The hosted control plane is available
Replace <4.x.0>
with the supported OKD version that you want to use.
You must install the MetalLB Operator before you configure MetalLB.
Complete the following steps to configure MetalLB on your hosted cluster:
Create a MetalLB
resource by saving the following sample YAML content in the configure-metallb.yaml
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: MetalLB
name: metallb
namespace: metallb-system
Apply the YAML content by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f configure-metallb.yaml
metallb.metallb.io/metallb created
Create a IPAddressPool
resource by saving the following sample YAML content in the create-ip-address-pool.yaml
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: IPAddressPool
name: metallb
namespace: metallb-system
- (1)
1 | Create an address pool with an available range of IP addresses within the node network. Replace the IP address range with an unused pool of available IP addresses in your network. |
Apply the YAML content by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f create-ip-address-pool.yaml
ipaddresspool.metallb.io/metallb created
Create a L2Advertisement
resource by saving the following sample YAML content in the l2advertisement.yaml
apiVersion: metallb.io/v1beta1
kind: L2Advertisement
name: l2advertisement
namespace: metallb-system
- metallb
Apply the YAML content by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f l2advertisement.yaml
l2advertisement.metallb.io/metallb created
For more information about MetalLB, see Installing the MetalLB Operator.
If you need to configure additional networks for node pools, request a guaranteed CPU access for Virtual Machines (VMs), or manage scheduling of KubeVirt VMs, see the following procedures.
By default, nodes generated by a node pool are attached to the pod network. You can attach additional networks to the nodes by using Multus and NetworkAttachmentDefinitions.
To add multiple networks to nodes, use the --additional-network
argument by running the following command:
$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
--name <hosted_cluster_name> \ (1)
--node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ (2)
--pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ (3)
--memory <memory> \ (4)
--cores <cpu> \ (5)
--additional-network name:<namespace/name> \ (6)
–-additional-network name:<namespace/name>
1 | Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example . |
2 | Specify your worker node count, for example, 2 . |
3 | Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret . |
4 | Specify the memory value, for example, 8Gi . |
5 | Specify the CPU value, for example, 2 . |
6 | Set the value of the –additional-network argument to name:<namespace/name> . Replace <namespace/name> with a namespace and name of your NetworkAttachmentDefinitions. |
You can add your additional network as a default network for the nodes by disabling the default pod network.
To add an additional network as default to your nodes, run the following command:
$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
--name <hosted_cluster_name> \ (1)
--node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ (2)
--pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ (3)
--memory <memory> \ (4)
--cores <cpu> \ (5)
--attach-default-network false \ (6)
--additional-network name:<namespace>/<network_name> (7)
1 | Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example . |
2 | Specify your worker node count, for example, 2 . |
3 | Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret . |
4 | Specify the memory value, for example, 8Gi . |
5 | Specify the CPU value, for example, 2 . |
6 | The --attach-default-network false argument disables the default pod network. |
7 | Specify the additional network that you want to add to your nodes, for example, name:my-namespace/my-network . |
By default, KubeVirt VMs might share its CPUs with other workloads on a node. This might impact performance of a VM. To avoid the performance impact, you can request a guaranteed CPU access for VMs.
To request guaranteed CPU resources, set the --qos-class
argument to Guaranteed
by running the following command:
$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
--name <hosted_cluster_name> \ (1)
--node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ (2)
--pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ (3)
--memory <memory> \ (4)
--cores <cpu> \ (5)
--qos-class Guaranteed (6)
1 | Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example . |
2 | Specify your worker node count, for example, 2 . |
3 | Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret . |
4 | Specify the memory value, for example, 8Gi . |
5 | Specify the CPU value, for example, 2 . |
6 | The --qos-class Guaranteed argument guarantees that the specified number of CPU resources are assigned to VMs. |
By default, KubeVirt VMs created by a node pool are scheduled to any available nodes. You can schedule KubeVirt VMs on a specific set of nodes that has enough capacity to run the VM.
To schedule KubeVirt VMs within a node pool on a specific set of nodes, use the --vm-node-selector
argument by running the following command:
$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \
--name <hosted_cluster_name> \ (1)
--node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ (2)
--pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ (3)
--memory <memory> \ (4)
--cores <cpu> \ (5)
--vm-node-selector <label_key>=<label_value>,<label_key>=<label_value> (6)
1 | Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance, example . |
2 | Specify your worker node count, for example, 2 . |
3 | Specify the path to your pull secret, for example, /user/name/pullsecret . |
4 | Specify the memory value, for example, 8Gi . |
5 | Specify the CPU value, for example, 2 . |
6 | The --vm-node-selector flag defines a specific set of nodes that contains the key-value pairs. Replace <label_key> and <label_value> with the key and value of your labels respectively. |
You can manually scale a node pool by using the oc scale
Run the following command:
$ oc scale nodepool/$NODEPOOL_NAME --namespace clusters --replicas=$NODEPOOL_REPLICAS
After a few moments, enter the following command to see the status of the node pool:
$ oc --kubeconfig $CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig get nodes
example-9jvnf Ready worker 97s v1.27.4+18eadca
example-n6prw Ready worker 116m v1.27.4+18eadca
example-nc6g4 Ready worker 117m v1.27.4+18eadca
example-thp29 Ready worker 4m17s v1.27.4+18eadca
example-twxns Ready worker 88s v1.27.4+18eadca
You can create node pools for a hosted cluster by specifying a name, number of replicas, and any additional information, such as memory and CPU requirements.
To create a node pool, enter the following information. In this example, the node pool has more CPUs assigned to the VMs:
export NODEPOOL_NAME=${CLUSTER_NAME}-extra-cpu
export WORKER_COUNT="2"
export MEM="6Gi"
export CPU="4"
export DISK="16"
$ hcp create nodepool kubevirt \
--cluster-name $CLUSTER_NAME \
--node-count $WORKER_COUNT \
--memory $MEM \
--cores $CPU \
--root-volume-size $DISK
Check the status of the node pool by listing nodepool
resources in the clusters
$ oc get nodepools --namespace clusters
example example 5 5 False False <4.x.0>
example-extra-cpu example 2 False False True True Minimum availability requires 2 replicas, current 0 available
Replace <4.x.0>
with the supported OKD version that you want to use.
After some time, you can check the status of the node pool by entering the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig $CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig get nodes
example-9jvnf Ready worker 97s v1.27.4+18eadca
example-n6prw Ready worker 116m v1.27.4+18eadca
example-nc6g4 Ready worker 117m v1.27.4+18eadca
example-thp29 Ready worker 4m17s v1.27.4+18eadca
example-twxns Ready worker 88s v1.27.4+18eadca
example-extra-cpu-zh9l5 Ready worker 2m6s v1.27.4+18eadca
example-extra-cpu-zr8mj Ready worker 102s v1.27.4+18eadca
Verify that the node pool is in the status that you expect by entering this command:
$ oc get nodepools --namespace clusters
example example 5 5 False False <4.x.0>
example-extra-cpu example 2 2 False False <4.x.0>
Replace <4.x.0>
with the supported OKD version that you want to use.
To scale down the data plane to zero, see Scaling down the data plane to zero.
To verify that your hosted cluster was successfully created, complete the following steps.
Verify that the HostedCluster
resource transitioned to the completed
state by entering the following command:
$ oc get --namespace clusters hostedclusters <hosted_cluster_name>
clusters example 4.12.2 example-admin-kubeconfig Completed True False The hosted control plane is available
Verify that all the cluster operators in the hosted cluster are online by entering the following commands:
$ hcp create kubeconfig --name <hosted_cluster_name> > <hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig
$ oc get co --kubeconfig=<hosted_cluster_name>-kubeconfig
console 4.12.2 True False False 2m38s
csi-snapshot-controller 4.12.2 True False False 4m3s
dns 4.12.2 True False False 2m52s
image-registry 4.12.2 True False False 2m8s
ingress 4.12.2 True False False 22m
kube-apiserver 4.12.2 True False False 23m
kube-controller-manager 4.12.2 True False False 23m
kube-scheduler 4.12.2 True False False 23m
kube-storage-version-migrator 4.12.2 True False False 4m52s
monitoring 4.12.2 True False False 69s
network 4.12.2 True False False 4m3s
node-tuning 4.12.2 True False False 2m22s
openshift-apiserver 4.12.2 True False False 23m
openshift-controller-manager 4.12.2 True False False 23m
openshift-samples 4.12.2 True False False 2m15s
operator-lifecycle-manager 4.12.2 True False False 22m
operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog 4.12.2 True False False 23m
operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver 4.12.2 True False False 23m
service-ca 4.12.2 True False False 4m41s
storage 4.12.2 True False False 4m43s