migration_controller: false
migration_ui: false
deprecated_cors_configuration: true (1)
You can install the Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC) on OpenShift Container Platform 3 and on OpenShift Container Platform 4.5 in a restricted network environment.
You must install the same MTC version on all clusters. |
By default, the MTC web console and the Migration Controller
pod run on the target cluster.
You can configure the Migration Controller
custom resource manifest to run the MTC web console and the Migration Controller
pod on a source cluster or on a remote cluster.
After you have installed MTC, you must configure an object storage to use as a replication repository.
You can install the MTC Operator on OpenShift Container Platform 4 by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.
You must be logged in as a user with cluster-admin
privileges on all clusters.
You must create an Operator catalog from a mirror image in a local registry.
In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators → OperatorHub.
Use the Filter by keyword field to find the Migration Toolkit for Containers Operator.
Select the Migration Toolkit for Containers Operator and click Install.
Click Install.
On the Installed Operators page, the Migration Toolkit for Containers Operator appears in the openshift-migration project with the status Succeeded.
Click Migration Toolkit for Containers Operator.
Under Provided APIs, locate the Migration Controller tile, and click Create Instance.
If you do not want to run the MTC web console and the Migration Controller
pod on the cluster, update the following parameters in the migration-controller
custom resource manifest:
migration_controller: false
migration_ui: false
deprecated_cors_configuration: true (1)
1 | This parameter is required only for OpenShift Container Platform 4.1. |
Click Create.
Click Workloads → Pods to verify that the MTC pods are running.
You can install the Migration Toolkit for Containers Operator manually on OpenShift Container Platform 3.7, 3.9, 3.10, or 3.11.
You must install the same MTC version on the OpenShift Container Platform 3 and 4 clusters. To ensure that you have the latest version on the OpenShift Container Platform 3 cluster, download the |
You must be logged in as a user with cluster-admin
privileges on all clusters.
You must have access to registry.redhat.io
You must have podman
The cluster on which you are installing MTC must be OpenShift Container Platform 3.7, 3.9, 3.10, or 3.11.
You must have a Linux workstation with network access in order to download files from registry.redhat.io
You must first install the MTC Operator on an OpenShift Container Platform 4 cluster from a local registry.
Log in to registry.redhat.io
with your Red Hat Customer Portal credentials:
$ sudo podman login registry.redhat.io
Download the operator.yml
$ sudo podman cp $(sudo podman create \
registry.redhat.io/rhmtc/openshift-migration-rhel7-operator:v1.4):/operator.yml ./
Download the controller-3.yml
$ sudo podman cp $(sudo podman create \
registry.redhat.io/rhmtc/openshift-migration-rhel7-operator:v1.4):/controller-3.yml ./
Obtain the Operator image mapping by running the following command on the OpenShift Container Platform 4 cluster:
$ grep openshift-migration-rhel7-operator ./mapping.txt | grep rhmtc
The output shows the mapping between the registry.redhat.io
image and your mirror registry image.
Update the image
values for the ansible
and operator
containers and the registry
value in the operator.yml
- name: ansible
image: <registry.apps.example.com>/rhmtc/openshift-migration-rhel7-operator@sha256:<468a6126f73b1ee12085ca53a312d1f96ef5a2ca03442bcb63724af5e2614e8a> (1)
- name: operator
image: <registry.apps.example.com>/rhmtc/openshift-migration-rhel7-operator@sha256:<468a6126f73b1ee12085ca53a312d1f96ef5a2ca03442bcb63724af5e2614e8a> (1)
- name: registry
value: <registry.apps.example.com> (2)
1 | Specify your mirror registry and the sha256 value of the Operator image. |
2 | Specify your mirror registry. |
Log in to your OpenShift Container Platform 3 cluster.
Create the Migration Toolkit for Containers Operator object:
$ oc create -f operator.yml
namespace/openshift-migration created
rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/system:deployers created
serviceaccount/migration-operator created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/migrationcontrollers.migration.openshift.io created
role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/migration-operator created
rolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/migration-operator created
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/migration-operator created
deployment.apps/migration-operator created
Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "./operator.yml":
rolebindings.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "system:image-builders" already exists (1)
Error from server (AlreadyExists): error when creating "./operator.yml":
rolebindings.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "system:image-pullers" already exists
1 | You can ignore Error from server (AlreadyExists) messages. They are caused by the Migration Toolkit for Containers Operator creating resources for earlier versions of OpenShift Container Platform 3 that are provided in later releases. |
Create the MigrationController
$ oc create -f controller-3.yml
Verify that the MTC pods are running:
$ oc get pods -n openshift-migration
You must configure an object storage to use as a replication repository. The Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC) copies data from the source cluster to the replication repository, and then from the replication repository to the target cluster. Multi-Cloud Object Gateway (MCG) is the only supported option for a restricted network environment.
MTC supports the file system and snapshot data copy methods for migrating data from the source cluster to the target cluster. You can select a method that is suited for your environment and is supported by your storage provider.
All clusters must have uninterrupted network access to the replication repository.
If you use a proxy server with an internally hosted replication repository, you must ensure that the proxy allows access to the replication repository.
You can install the OpenShift Container Storage Operator and configure a Multi-Cloud Object Gateway (MCG) storage bucket as a replication repository for the Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC).
You can install the OpenShift Container Storage Operator from OperatorHub.
See Disconnected environment in Red Hat OpenShift Container Storage: Planning your deployment for more information.
In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators → OperatorHub.
Use Filter by keyword (in this case, OCS) to find the OpenShift Container Storage Operator.
Select the OpenShift Container Storage Operator and click Install.
Select an Update Channel, Installation Mode, and Approval Strategy.
Click Install.
On the Installed Operators page, the OpenShift Container Storage Operator appears in the openshift-storage project with the status Succeeded.
You can create the Multi-Cloud Object Gateway (MCG) storage bucket’s custom resources (CRs).
Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster:
$ oc login
Create the NooBaa
CR configuration file, noobaa.yml
, with the following content:
apiVersion: noobaa.io/v1alpha1
kind: NooBaa
name: <noobaa>
namespace: openshift-storage
cpu: 0.5 (1)
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 0.5 (1)
memory: 1Gi
1 | For a very small cluster, you can change the value to 0.1 . |
Create the NooBaa
$ oc create -f noobaa.yml
Create the BackingStore
CR configuration file, bs.yml
, with the following content:
apiVersion: noobaa.io/v1alpha1
kind: BackingStore
- noobaa.io/finalizer
app: noobaa
name: <mcg_backing_store>
namespace: openshift-storage
numVolumes: 3 (1)
storage: <volume_size> (2)
storageClass: <storage_class> (3)
type: pv-pool
1 | Specify the number of volumes in the persistent volume pool. |
2 | Specify the size of the volumes, for example, 50Gi . |
3 | Specify the storage class, for example, gp2 . |
Create the BackingStore
$ oc create -f bs.yml
Create the BucketClass
CR configuration file, bc.yml
, with the following content:
apiVersion: noobaa.io/v1alpha1
kind: BucketClass
app: noobaa
name: <mcg_bucket_class>
namespace: openshift-storage
- backingStores:
- <mcg_backing_store>
placement: Spread
Create the BucketClass
$ oc create -f bc.yml
Create the ObjectBucketClaim
CR configuration file, obc.yml
, with the following content:
apiVersion: objectbucket.io/v1alpha1
kind: ObjectBucketClaim
name: <bucket>
namespace: openshift-storage
bucketName: <bucket> (1)
storageClassName: <storage_class>
bucketclass: <mcg_bucket_class>
1 | Record the bucket name for adding the replication repository to the MTC web console. |
Create the ObjectBucketClaim
$ oc create -f obc.yml
Watch the resource creation process to verify that the ObjectBucketClaim
status is Bound
$ watch -n 30 'oc get -n openshift-storage objectbucketclaim migstorage -o yaml'
This process can take five to ten minutes.
Obtain and record the following values, which are required when you add the replication repository to the MTC web console:
S3 endpoint:
$ oc get route -n openshift-storage s3
S3 provider access key:
$ oc get secret -n openshift-storage migstorage \
-o go-template='{{ .data.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID }}' | base64 --decode
S3 provider secret access key:
$ oc get secret -n openshift-storage migstorage \
-o go-template='{{ .data.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY }}' | base64 --decode