$ cat > Dockerfile << EOF
FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi:latest AS builder
ADD --chown=107:107 <vm_image>.qcow2 /disk/ (1)
RUN chmod 0440 /disk/*
FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /disk/* /disk/
You can build a virtual machine image into a container disk and store it in your container registry. You can then import the container disk into persistent storage for a virtual machine or attach it directly to the virtual machine for ephemeral storage.
A container disk is a virtual machine image that is stored as a container image in a container image registry. You can use container disks to deliver the same disk images to multiple virtual machines and to create large numbers of virtual machine clones.
A container disk can either be imported into a persistent volume claim (PVC) by using a DataVolume that is attached to a virtual machine, or attached directly to a virtual machine as an ephemeral containerDisk
Use the Containerized Data Importer (CDI) to import the container disk into a PVC by using a DataVolume. You can then attach the DataVolume to a virtual machine for persistent storage.
volumeA containerDisk
volume is ephemeral. It is discarded when the virtual machine is stopped, restarted, or deleted. When a virtual machine with a containerDisk
volume starts, the container image is pulled from the registry and hosted on the node that is hosting the virtual machine.
Use containerDisk
volumes for read-only filesystems such as CD-ROMs or for disposable virtual machines.
Using |
You must build a container disk with a virtual machine image and push it to a container registry before it can used with a virtual machine. You can then either import the container disk into a PVC using a DataVolume and attach it to a virtual machine, or you can attach the container disk directly to a virtual machine as an ephemeral containerDisk
Install podman
if it is not already installed.
The virtual machine image must be either QCOW2 or RAW format.
Create a Dockerfile to build the virtual machine image into a container image. The virtual machine image must be owned by QEMU, which has a UID of 107
, and placed in the /disk/
directory inside the container. Permissions for the /disk/
directory must then be set to 0440
The following example uses the Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI) to handle these configuration changes in the first stage, and uses the minimal scratch
image in the second stage to store the result:
$ cat > Dockerfile << EOF
FROM registry.access.redhat.com/ubi8/ubi:latest AS builder
ADD --chown=107:107 <vm_image>.qcow2 /disk/ (1)
RUN chmod 0440 /disk/*
FROM scratch
COPY --from=builder /disk/* /disk/
1 | Where <vm_image> is the virtual machine image in either QCOW2 or RAW format. To use a remote virtual machine image, replace <vm_image>.qcow2 with the complete url for the remote image. |
Build and tag the container:
$ podman build -t <registry>/<container_disk_name>:latest .
Push the container image to the registry:
$ podman push <registry>/<container_disk_name>:latest
If your container registry does not have TLS you must add it as an insecure registry before you can import container disks into persistent storage.
You can disable TLS (transport layer security) for a container registry by adding the registry to the cdi-insecure-registries
Log in to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin
Add the registry to the cdi-insecure-registries
configmap in the cdi
$ oc patch configmap cdi-insecure-registries -n cdi \
--type merge -p '{"data":{"mykey": "<insecure-registry-host>:5000"}}' (1)
1 | Replace <insecure-registry-host> with the registry hostname. |
Import the container disk into persistent storage for a virtual machine.
Create a virtual machine that uses a containerDisk volume for ephemeral storage.