$ export ROX_ENDPOINT=<host:port> (1)
You have configured the ROX_ENDPOINT
environment variable using the following command:
$ export ROX_ENDPOINT=<host:port> (1)
1 | The host and port information that you want to store in the ROX_ENDPOINT environment variable. |
The following procedure describes how to use the roxctl central whoami
command to retrieve information about your authentication status and user profile in Central. The example output illustrates the data you can expect to see, including user roles, access permissions, and various administrative functions. This step allows you to review your access and roles within Central.
Run the following command to get information about your current authentication status and user information in Central:
$ roxctl central whoami
User name:
APIToken creator, Admin, Analyst, Continuous Integration, Network Graph Viewer, None, Sensor Creator, Vulnerability Management Approver, Vulnerability Management Requester, Vulnerability Manager, Vulnerability Report Creator
rw Access
rw Administration
rw Alert
rw CVE
rw Cluster
rw Compliance
rw Deployment
rw DeploymentExtension
rw Detection
rw Image
rw Integration
rw K8sRole
rw K8sRoleBinding
rw K8sSubject
rw Namespace
rw NetworkGraph
rw NetworkPolicy
rw Node
rw Secret
rw serviceAccount
rw VulnerabilityManagementApprovals
rw VulnerabilityManagementRequests
rw WatchedImage
rw WorkflowAdministration
Review the output to ensure that the authentication and user details are as expected.
For authentication, you can use an API token, your administrator password, or the roxctl central login
Follow these guidelines for the effective use of API tokens:
Use an API token in a production environment with continuous integration (CI). Each token is assigned specific access permissions, providing control over the actions it can perform. In addition, API tokens do not require interactive processes, such as browser-based logins, making them ideal for automated processes. These tokens have a time-to-live (TTL) value of 1 year, providing a longer validity period for seamless integration and operational efficiency.
Use your administrator password only for testing purposes. Do not use it in the production environment.
Use the roxctl central login
command only for interactive, local uses.
In the RHACS portal, go to Platform Configuration → Integrations.
Scroll to the Authentication Tokens category, and then click API Token.
Click Generate Token.
Enter a name for the token and select a role that provides the required level of access (for example, Continuous Integration or Sensor Creator).
Click Generate.
Copy the generated token and securely store it. You will not be able to view it again. |
After you have generated the authentication token, export it as the ROX_API_TOKEN
variable by entering the following command:
$ export ROX_API_TOKEN=<api_token>
(Optional): You can also save the token in a file and use it with the --token-file
option by entering the following command:
$ roxctl central debug dump --token-file <token_file>
Note the following guidelines:
You cannot use both the -password
) and the --token-file
options simultaneously.
If you have already set the ROX_API_TOKEN
variable, and specify the --token-file
option, the roxctl
CLI uses the specified token file for authentication.
If you have already set the ROX_API_TOKEN
variable, and specify the --password
option, the roxctl
CLI uses the specified password for authentication.
You can configure an authentication provider in Central and initiate the login process with the roxctl
variable, initiate the login process with the roxctl central login
command, select the authentication provider in a browser window, and retrieve the token information from the roxctl
CLI as described in the following procedure.
You selected an authentication provider of your choice, such as OpenID Connect (OIDC) with fragment or query mode.
Run the following command to set the ROX_ENDPOINT
variable to Central hostname and port:
export ROX_ENDPOINT=<central_hostname:port>
Run the following command to initiate the login process to Central:
$ roxctl central login
Within the roxctl
CLI, a URL is printed as output and you are redirected to a browser window where you can select the authentication provider you want to use.
Log in with your authentication provider.
After you have successfully logged in, the browser window indicates that authentication was successful and you can close the browser window.
The roxctl
CLI displays your token information including details such as the access token, the expiration time of the access token, the refresh token if one has been issued, and notification that these values are stored locally.
Please complete the authorization flow in the browser with an auth provider of your choice.
If no browser window opens, please click on the following URL:
INFO: Received the following after the authorization flow from Central:
INFO: Access token: <redacted> (1)
INFO: Access token expiration: 2023-04-19 13:58:43 +0000 UTC (2)
INFO: Refresh token: <redacted> (3)
INFO: Storing these values under $HOME/.roxctl/login… (4)
1 | The access token. |
2 | The expiration time of the access token. |
3 | The refresh token. |
4 | The directory where values of the access token, the access token expiration time, and the refresh token are stored locally. |
Ensure that you set the environment to determine the directory where the configuration is stored. By default, the configuration is stored in the
Export the ROX_API_TOKEN
by running the following command:
$ export ROX_API_TOKEN=<api_token>
by running the following command:
$ export ROX_ENDPOINT=<address>:<port_number>
You can use the --help
option to get more information about the commands.
In Red Hat Advanced Cluster Security Cloud service (RHACS Cloud service), when using roxctl
commands that require the Central address, use the Central instance address as displayed in the Instance Details section of the Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console. For example, use acs-ABCD12345.acs.rhcloud.com
instead of acs-data-ABCD12345.acs.rhcloud.com