$ oc get machinehealthcheck -n openshift-machine-api
You can perform minor version and patch updates on an OKD cluster by using the OpenShift CLI (oc
Have access to the cluster as a user with admin
See Using RBAC to define and apply permissions.
Have a recent etcd backup in case your update fails and you must restore your cluster to a previous state.
Have a recent Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume snapshot in case you need to restore persistent volumes due to a pod failure.
Your Fedora7 workers are replaced with Fedora8 or FCOS workers. Red Hat does not support in-place Fedora7 to Fedora8 updates for Fedora workers; those hosts must be replaced with a clean operating system install.
You have updated all Operators previously installed through Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) to a version that is compatible with your target release. Updating the Operators ensures they have a valid update path when the default OperatorHub catalogs switch from the current minor version to the next during a cluster update. See Updating installed Operators for more information on how to check compatibility and, if necessary, update the installed Operators.
Ensure that all machine config pools (MCPs) are running and not paused. Nodes associated with a paused MCP are skipped during the update process. You can pause the MCPs if you are performing a canary rollout update strategy.
If your cluster uses manually maintained credentials, update the cloud provider resources for the new release. For more information, including how to determine if this is a requirement for your cluster, see Preparing to update a cluster with manually maintained credentials.
Ensure that you address all Upgradeable=False
conditions so the cluster allows an update to the next minor version. An alert displays at the top of the cluster Settings page when you have one or more cluster Operators that cannot be updated. You can still update to the next available patch update for the minor release you are currently on.
If you run an Operator or you have configured any application with the pod disruption budget, you might experience an interruption during the update process. If minAvailable
is set to 1 in PodDisruptionBudget
, the nodes are drained to apply pending machine configs which might block the eviction process. If several nodes are rebooted, all the pods might run on only one node, and the PodDisruptionBudget
field can prevent the node drain.
During the update process, nodes in the cluster might become temporarily unavailable. In the case of worker nodes, the machine health check might identify such nodes as unhealthy and reboot them. To avoid rebooting such nodes, pause all the MachineHealthCheck
resources before updating the cluster.
Install the OpenShift CLI (oc
To list all the available MachineHealthCheck
resources that you want to pause, run the following command:
$ oc get machinehealthcheck -n openshift-machine-api
To pause the machine health checks, add the cluster.x-k8s.io/paused=""
annotation to the MachineHealthCheck
resource. Run the following command:
$ oc -n openshift-machine-api annotate mhc <mhc-name> cluster.x-k8s.io/paused=""
The annotated MachineHealthCheck
resource resembles the following YAML file:
apiVersion: machine.openshift.io/v1beta1
kind: MachineHealthCheck
name: example
namespace: openshift-machine-api
cluster.x-k8s.io/paused: ""
role: worker
- type: "Ready"
status: "Unknown"
timeout: "300s"
- type: "Ready"
status: "False"
timeout: "300s"
maxUnhealthy: "40%"
currentHealthy: 5
expectedMachines: 5
Resume the machine health checks after updating the cluster. To resume the check, remove the pause annotation from the
You can update, or upgrade, a single-node OKD cluster by using either the console or CLI.
However, note the following limitations:
The prerequisite to pause the MachineHealthCheck
resources is not required because there is no other node to perform the health check.
Restoring a single-node OKD cluster using an etcd backup is not officially supported. However, it is good practice to perform the etcd backup in case your update fails. If your control plane is healthy, you might be able to restore your cluster to a previous state by using the backup.
Updating a single-node OKD cluster requires downtime and can include an automatic reboot. The amount of downtime depends on the update payload, as described in the following scenarios:
If the update payload contains an operating system update, which requires a reboot, the downtime is significant and impacts cluster management and user workloads.
If the update contains machine configuration changes that do not require a reboot, the downtime is less, and the impact on the cluster management and user workloads is lessened. In this case, the node draining step is skipped with single-node OKD because there is no other node in the cluster to reschedule the workloads to.
If the update payload does not contain an operating system update or machine configuration changes, a short API outage occurs and resolves quickly.
There are conditions, such as bugs in an updated package, that can cause the single node to not restart after a reboot. In this case, the update does not rollback automatically. |
For information on which machine configuration changes require a reboot, see the note in About the Machine Config Operator.
You can use the OpenShift CLI (oc
) to review and request cluster updates.
You can find information about available OKD advisories and updates in the errata section of the Customer Portal.
Install the OpenShift CLI (oc
) that matches the version for your updated version.
Log in to the cluster as user with cluster-admin
Pause all MachineHealthCheck
View the available updates and note the version number of the update that you want to apply:
$ oc adm upgrade
cluster version is 4.13.0-0.okd-2023-10-28-065448
Upstream: https://amd64.origin.releases.ci.openshift.org/graph
Channel: stable-4
Recommended updates:
4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-06-084517 registry.ci.openshift.org/origin/release@sha256:c4a6b6850701202f629c0e451de784b02f0de079650a1b9ccbf610448ebc9227
4.14.0-0.okd-2023-11-14-101924 registry.ci.openshift.org/origin/release@sha256:72d40c51e7c4d1b9c31e9b0d276d045f1b2b93def5ecee49186df856d40bcb5c
4.14.0-0.okd-2023-11-12-042703 registry.ci.openshift.org/origin/release@sha256:2242d1df4e4cbcc0cd27191ab9ad5f55ac4f0c60c3cda2a186181a2435e3bd00
4.14.0-0.okd-2023-10-28-073550 registry.ci.openshift.org/origin/release@sha256:7a6200e347a1b857e47f2ab0735eb1303af7d796a847d79ef9706f217cd12f5c
Apply an update:
To update to the latest version:
$ oc adm upgrade --to-latest=true (1)
To update to a specific version:
$ oc adm upgrade --to=<version> (1)
1 | <version> is the update version that you obtained from the output of the
oc adm upgrade command. |
When using |
Review the status of the cluster Version Operator:
$ oc adm upgrade
info: An upgrade is in progress. Working towards 4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-06-084517: 117 of 864 done (13% complete), waiting on etcd, kube-apiserver
Upstream: https://amd64.origin.releases.ci.openshift.org/graph
Channel: stable-4
No updates available. You may still upgrade to a specific release image with --to-image or wait for new updates to be available.
After the update completes, you can confirm that the cluster version has updated to the new version:
$ oc adm upgrade
cluster version is 4.14.0-0.okd-2024-01-06-084517
Upstream: https://amd64.origin.releases.ci.openshift.org/graph
Channel: stable-4
No updates available. You may still upgrade to a specific release image with --to-image or wait for new updates to be available.
If you are updating your cluster to the next minor version, such as version X.y to X.(y+1), it is recommended to confirm that your nodes are updated before deploying workloads that rely on a new feature:
$ oc get nodes
ip-10-0-168-251.ec2.internal Ready master 82m v1.31.3
ip-10-0-170-223.ec2.internal Ready master 82m v1.31.3
ip-10-0-179-95.ec2.internal Ready worker 70m v1.31.3
ip-10-0-182-134.ec2.internal Ready worker 70m v1.31.3
ip-10-0-211-16.ec2.internal Ready master 82m v1.31.3
ip-10-0-250-100.ec2.internal Ready worker 69m v1.31.3
When updating your cluster, the oc adm upgrade
command returns a list of the next available versions. You can use the oc adm upgrade recommend
command to narrow down your suggestions and recommend a new target release before you launch your update.
The oc adm upgrade recommend
command is read-only and cannot alter the state of your cluster.
The For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope. |
Your cluster does not need to be a Technology Preview-enabled cluster in order for you to use the |
environment variable to true
by running the following command:
Run one of the following commands:
To list the recommended versions for your update, run the oc adm upgrade recommend
$ oc adm upgrade recommend
Upstream is unset, so the cluster will use an appropriate default.
Channel: stable-4.13 (available channels: candidate-4.12, candidate-4.13, eus-4.12, eus-4.14, fast-4.12, fast-4.13, stable-4.12, stable-4.13)
Updates to 4.13:
Version: 4.13.50
Image: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:6afb11e1cac46fd26476ca134072937115256b9c6360f7a1cd1812992c065f02
Reason: AdminAckRequired
Message: Kubernetes 1.26 and therefore OpenShift 4.13 remove several APIs which require admin consideration. Please see the knowledge article https://access.redhat.com/articles/6958394 for details and instructions.
Version: 4.13.49
Image: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:ab6f574665395d809511db9dc57764358278538eaae248c6d199208b3c30ab7d
Reason: AdminAckRequired
Message: Kubernetes 1.26 and therefore OpenShift 4.13 remove several APIs which require admin consideration. Please see the knowledge article https://access.redhat.com/articles/6958394 for details and instructions.
Updates to 4.12:
4.12.64 no known issues
4.12.63 no known issues
And 43 older 4.12 updates you can see with '--show-outdated-releases' or '--version VERSION'.
To determine whether a specific version is recommended for your update, run the oc adm upgrade recommend --version
$ oc adm upgrade recommend --version 4.12.51
Upstream is unset, so the cluster will use an appropriate default.
Channel: stable-4.13 (available channels: candidate-4.12, candidate-4.13, eus-4.12, eus-4.14, fast-4.12, fast-4.13, stable-4.12, stable-4.13)
Update to 4.12.51 Recommended=False:
Image: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-release@sha256:158ced797e49f6caf7862acccef58484be63b642fdd2f66e6416295fa7958ab0
Release URL: https://access.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2024:1052
Reason: MultipleReasons
Message: An unintended reversion to the default kubelet nodeStatusReportFrequency can cause significant load on the control plane. https://issues.redhat.com/browse/MCO-1094
After rebooting into kernel-4.18.0-372.88.1.el8_6 or later, kernel nodes experience high load average and io_wait times. The nodes might fail to start or stop pods and probes may fail. Workload and host processes may become unresponsive and workload may be disrupted. https://issues.redhat.com/browse/COS-2705
When updating your cluster, the oc adm upgrade
command returns returns limited information about the status of your update. You can use the oc adm upgrade status
command to decouple status information from the oc adm upgrade
command and return specific information regarding a cluster update, including the status of the control plane and worker node updates.
The oc adm upgrade status
command is read-only and does not alter any state in your cluster.
The For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope. |
The oc adm upgrade status
command can be used for clusters from version 4.12 up to the latest supported release.
Your cluster does not need to be a Technology Preview-enabled cluster in order for you to use the |
environment variable to true
by running the following command:
Run the oc adm upgrade status
$ oc adm upgrade status
= Control Plane =
Assessment: Progressing
Target Version: 4.17.1 (from 4.17.0)
Updating: machine-config
Completion: 97% (32 operators updated, 1 updating, 0 waiting)
Duration: 54m (Est. Time Remaining: <10m)
Operator Status: 32 Healthy, 1 Unavailable
Control Plane Nodes
ip-10-0-53-40.us-east-2.compute.internal Progressing Draining 4.17.0 +10m
ip-10-0-30-217.us-east-2.compute.internal Outdated Pending 4.17.0 ?
ip-10-0-92-180.us-east-2.compute.internal Outdated Pending 4.17.0 ?
= Worker Upgrade =
worker Progressing 0% (0/2) 1 Available, 1 Progressing, 1 Draining
infra Progressing 50% (1/2) 1 Available, 1 Progressing, 1 Draining
Worker Pool Nodes: Worker
ip-10-0-4-159.us-east-2.compute.internal Progressing Draining 4.17.0 +10m
ip-10-0-99-40.us-east-2.compute.internal Outdated Pending 4.17.0 ?
Worker Pool Nodes: infra
ip-10-0-4-159-infra.us-east-2.compute.internal Progressing Draining 4.17.0 +10m
ip-10-0-20-162.us-east-2.compute.internal Completed Updated 4.17.1 -
= Update Health =
54m4s Info None Update is proceeding well
You can update along a recommended conditional update path using the web console or the OpenShift CLI (oc
When a conditional update is not recommended for your cluster, you can update along a conditional update path using the OpenShift CLI (oc
) 4.10 or later.
To view the description of the update when it is not recommended because a risk might apply, run the following command:
$ oc adm upgrade --include-not-recommended
If the cluster administrator evaluates the potential known risks and decides it is acceptable for the current cluster, then the administrator can waive the safety guards and proceed the update by running the following command:
$ oc adm upgrade --allow-not-recommended --to <version> (1)
1 | <version> is the update version that you obtained from the output of the previous command, which is supported but also has known issues or risks. |
Changing the update server is optional. If you have an OpenShift Update Service (OSUS) installed and configured locally, you must set the URL for the server as the upstream
to use the local server during updates. The default value for upstream
is https://api.openshift.com/api/upgrades_info/v1/graph
Change the upstream
parameter value in the cluster version:
$ oc patch clusterversion/version --patch '{"spec":{"upstream":"<update-server-url>"}}' --type=merge
The <update-server-url>
variable specifies the URL for the update server.
clusterversion.config.openshift.io/version patched