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Backing up and restoring projects and applications | Cluster Administration | Azure Red Hat OpenShift 3


Azure Red Hat OpenShift 3.11 will be retired 30 June 2022. Support for creation of new Azure Red Hat OpenShift 3.11 clusters continues through 30 November 2020. Following retirement, remaining Azure Red Hat OpenShift 3.11 clusters will be shut down to prevent security vulnerabilities.

Follow this guide to create an Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 cluster. If you have specific questions, please contact us

You can manually back up and restore data for your applications and projects.

Backup and restore is not guaranteed. You are responsible for backing up your own data.

Backing up application data

In many cases, you can back up application data by using the oc rsync command, assuming rsync is installed within the container image. The Red Hat rhel7 base image contains rsync. Therefore, all images that are based on rhel7 contain it as well. See Troubleshooting and Debugging CLI Operations - rsync.

This is a generic backup of application data and does not take into account application-specific backup procedures, for example, special export and import procedures for database systems.

Other means of backup might exist depending on the type of the persistent volume you use, for example, Cinder, NFS, or Gluster.

The paths to back up are also application specific. You can determine what path to back up by looking at the mountPath for volumes in the deploymentconfig.

You can perform this type of application data backup only while the application pod is running.


Example of backing up a Jenkins deployment’s application data
  1. Get the application data mountPath from the deploymentconfig:

    $ oc get dc/jenkins -o jsonpath='{ .spec.template.spec.containers[?("jenkins")].volumeMounts[?("jenkins-data")].mountPath }'
  2. Get the name of the pod that is currently running:

    $ oc get pod --selector=deploymentconfig=jenkins -o jsonpath='{ }'
  3. Use the oc rsync command to copy application data:

    $ oc rsync jenkins-1-37nux:/var/lib/jenkins /tmp/jenkins-backup/

Backing up a project

Creating a backup of all relevant data involves exporting all important information, then restoring into a new project.

Because the oc get all command returns only certain project resources, you must separately back up other resources, including PVCs and Secrets, as shown in the following steps.


  1. List the project data to back up:

    $ oc get all
    Example Output
    NAME         TYPE      FROM      LATEST
    bc/ruby-ex   Source    Git       1
    NAME               TYPE      FROM          STATUS     STARTED         DURATION
    builds/ruby-ex-1   Source    Git@c457001   Complete   2 minutes ago   35s
    NAME                 DOCKER REPO                                     TAGS      UPDATED
    is/guestbook         latest    2 minutes ago
    is/hello-openshift   latest    2 minutes ago
    is/ruby-22-centos7   latest    2 minutes ago
    is/ruby-ex            latest    2 minutes ago
    dc/guestbook         1          1         1         config,image(guestbook:latest)
    dc/hello-openshift   1          1         1         config,image(hello-openshift:latest)
    dc/ruby-ex           1          1         1         config,image(ruby-ex:latest)
    NAME                   DESIRED   CURRENT   READY     AGE
    rc/guestbook-1         1         1         1         2m
    rc/hello-openshift-1   1         1         1         2m
    rc/ruby-ex-1           1         1         1         2m
    NAME                  CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)             AGE
    svc/guestbook    <none>        3000/TCP            2m
    svc/hello-openshift    <none>        8080/TCP,8888/TCP   2m
    svc/ruby-ex    <none>        8080/TCP            2m
    NAME                         READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    po/guestbook-1-c010g         1/1       Running     0          2m
    po/hello-openshift-1-4zw2q   1/1       Running     0          2m
    po/ruby-ex-1-build           0/1       Completed   0          2m
    po/ruby-ex-1-rxc74           1/1       Running     0          2m
  2. Export the project objects to a project.yaml file.

    $ oc get -o yaml --export all > project.yaml
  3. Export other objects in your project, such as role bindings, secrets, service accounts, and persistent volume claims.

    You can export all namespaced objects in your project using the following command:

    $ for object in $(oc api-resources --namespaced=true -o name)
      oc get -o yaml --export $object > $object.yaml

    Note that some resources cannot be exported, and a MethodNotAllowed error is displayed.

  4. Some exported objects can rely on specific metadata or references to unique IDs in the project. This is a limitation on the usability of the recreated objects.

    When using imagestreams, the image parameter of a deploymentconfig can point to a specific sha checksum of an image in the internal registry that would not exist in a restored environment. For instance, running the sample "ruby-ex" as oc new-app centos/ruby-22-centos7~ creates an imagestream ruby-ex using the internal registry to host the image:

    $ oc get dc ruby-ex -o jsonpath="{.spec.template.spec.containers[].image}"

    If importing the deploymentconfig as it is exported with oc get --export it fails if the image does not exist.

Restoring application data

You can restore application data by using the oc rsync command, assuming rsync is installed within the container image. The Red Hat rhel7 base image contains rsync. Therefore, all images that are based on rhel7 contain it as well. See Troubleshooting and Debugging CLI Operations - rsync.

This is a generic restoration of application data and does not take into account application-specific backup procedures, for example, special export and import procedures for database systems.

Other means of restoration might exist depending on the type of the persistent volume you use, for example, Cinder, NFS, or Gluster.


Example of restoring a Jenkins deployment’s application data
  1. Verify the backup:

    $ ls -la /tmp/jenkins-backup/
    total 8
    drwxrwxr-x.  3 user     user   20 Sep  6 11:14 .
    drwxrwxrwt. 17 root     root 4096 Sep  6 11:16 ..
    drwxrwsrwx. 12 user     user 4096 Sep  6 11:14 jenkins
  2. Use the oc rsync tool to copy the data into the running pod:

    $ oc rsync /tmp/jenkins-backup/jenkins jenkins-1-37nux:/var/lib

    Depending on the application, you may be required to restart the application.

  3. Optionally, restart the application with new data:

    $ oc delete pod jenkins-1-37nux

    Alternatively, you can scale down the deployment to 0, and then up again:

    $ oc scale --replicas=0 dc/jenkins
    $ oc scale --replicas=1 dc/jenkins

Restoring a project

To restore a project, create the new project, then restore any exported files by running oc create -f <file_name>.


  1. Create the project:

    $ oc new-project <project_name> (1)
    1 This <project_name> value must match the name of the project that was backed up.
  2. Import the project objects:

    $ oc create -f project.yaml
  3. Import any other resources that you exported when backing up the project, such as role bindings, secrets, service accounts, and persistent volume claims:

    $ oc create -f <object>.yaml

    Some resources might fail to import if they require another object to exist. If this occurs, review the error message to identify which resources must be imported first.

Some resources, such as pods and default service accounts, can fail to be created.