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Using AWS WAF and Amazon CloudFront to protect ROSA workloads | Tutorials | Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

AWS WAF is a web application firewall that lets you monitor the HTTP and HTTPS requests that are forwarded to your protected web application resources.

You can use an Amazon CloudFront to add a Web Application Firewall (WAF) to your Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) workloads. Using an external solution protects ROSA resources from experiencing denial of service due to handling the WAF.


  • A ROSA (HCP or Classic) cluster.

  • You have access to the OpenShift CLI (oc).

  • You have access to the AWS CLI (aws).

Environment setup

  • Prepare the environment variables:

    $ export (1)
    $ export AWS_PAGER=""
    $ export CLUSTER_NAME=$(oc get infrastructure cluster -o=jsonpath="{.status.infrastructureName}"  | sed 's/-[a-z0-9]\{5\}$//')
    $ export REGION=$(oc get infrastructure cluster -o=jsonpath="{}")
    $ export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text)
    $ export SCRATCH="/tmp/${CLUSTER}/cloudfront-waf"
    $ mkdir -p ${SCRATCH}
    $ echo "Cluster: ${CLUSTER}, Region: ${REGION}, AWS Account ID: ${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}"
    1 Replace with the custom domain you want to use for the IngressController.

    The "Cluster" output from the previous command might be the name of your cluster, the internal ID of your cluster, or the cluster’s domain prefix. If you prefer to use another identifier, you can manually set this value by running the following command:

    $ export CLUSTER=my-custom-value

Setting up the secondary ingress controller

It is necessary to configure a secondary ingress controller to segment your external WAF-protected traffic from your standard (and default) cluster ingress controller.

  • A publicly trusted SAN or wildcard certificate for your custom domain, such as CN=*

    Amazon CloudFront uses HTTPS to communicate with your cluster’s secondary ingress controller. As explained in the Amazon CloudFront documentation, you cannot use a self-signed certificate for HTTPS communication between CloudFront and your cluster. Amazon CloudFront verifies that the certificate was issued by a trusted certificate authority.

  1. Create a new TLS secret from a private key and a public certificate, where fullchain.pem is your full wildcard certificate chain (including any intermediaries) and privkey.pem is your wildcard certificate’s private key.

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress create secret tls waf-tls --cert=fullchain.pem --key=privkey.pem
  2. Create a new IngressController resource:

    Example waf-ingress-controller.yaml
    kind: IngressController
      name: cloudfront-waf
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
      domain: (1)
        name: waf-tls
          dnsManagementPolicy: Unmanaged
              type: NLB
            type: AWS
          scope: External
        type: LoadBalancerService
      routeSelector: (2)
         route: waf
    1 Replace with the custom domain you want to use for the IngressController.
    2 Filters the set of routes serviced by the Ingress Controller. In this tutorial, we will use the waf route selector, but if no value was to be provided, no filtering would occur.
  3. Apply the IngressController:

    $ oc apply -f waf-ingress-controller.yaml
  4. Verify that your IngressController has successfully created an external load balancer:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress get service/router-cloudfront-waf
    Example output
    NAME                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                                                                     PORT(S)                      AGE
    router-cloudfront-waf   LoadBalancer   80:30606/TCP,443:31065/TCP   2m19s

Configure the AWS WAF

The AWS WAF service is a web application firewall that lets you monitor, protect, and control the HTTP and HTTPS requests that are forwarded to your protected web application resources, like ROSA.

  1. Create a AWS WAF rules file to apply to our web ACL:

    $ cat << EOF > ${SCRATCH}/waf-rules.json
          "Name": "AWS-AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet",
          "Priority": 0,
          "Statement": {
            "ManagedRuleGroupStatement": {
              "VendorName": "AWS",
              "Name": "AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet"
          "OverrideAction": {
            "None": {}
          "VisibilityConfig": {
            "SampledRequestsEnabled": true,
            "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true,
            "MetricName": "AWS-AWSManagedRulesCommonRuleSet"
          "Name": "AWS-AWSManagedRulesSQLiRuleSet",
          "Priority": 1,
          "Statement": {
            "ManagedRuleGroupStatement": {
              "VendorName": "AWS",
              "Name": "AWSManagedRulesSQLiRuleSet"
          "OverrideAction": {
            "None": {}
          "VisibilityConfig": {
            "SampledRequestsEnabled": true,
            "CloudWatchMetricsEnabled": true,
            "MetricName": "AWS-AWSManagedRulesSQLiRuleSet"

    This will enable the Core (Common) and SQL AWS Managed Rule Sets.

  2. Create an AWS WAF Web ACL using the rules we specified above:

    $ WAF_WACL=$(aws wafv2 create-web-acl \
      --name cloudfront-waf \
      --region ${REGION} \
      --default-action Allow={} \
      --scope CLOUDFRONT \
      --visibility-config SampledRequestsEnabled=true,CloudWatchMetricsEnabled=true,MetricName=${CLUSTER}-waf-metrics \
      --rules file://${SCRATCH}/waf-rules.json \
      --query 'Summary.Name' \
      --output text)

Configure Amazon CloudFront

  1. Retrieve the newly created custom ingress controller’s NLB hostname:

    $ NLB=$(oc -n openshift-ingress get service router-cloudfront-waf \
      -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')
  2. Import your certificate into Amazon Certificate Manager, where cert.pem is your wildcard certificate, fullchain.pem is your wildcard certificate’s chain and privkey.pem is your wildcard certificate’s private key.

    Regardless of what region your cluster is deployed, you must import this certificate to us-east-1 as Amazon CloudFront is a global AWS service.

    $ aws acm import-certificate --certificate file://cert.pem \
      --certificate-chain file://fullchain.pem \
      --private-key file://privkey.pem \
      --region us-east-1
  3. Log into the AWS console to create a CloudFront distribution.

  4. Configure the CloudFront distribution by using the following information:

    If an option is not specified in the table below, leave them the default (which may be blank).

    Option Value

    Origin domain

    Output from the previous command [1]


    rosa-waf-ingress [2]

    Viewer protocol policy

    Redirect HTTP to HTTPS

    Allowed HTTP methods


    Cache policy


    Origin request policy


    Web Application Firewall (WAF)

    Enable security protections

    Use existing WAF configuration


    Choose a web ACL


    Alternate domain name (CNAME)

    * [3]

    Custom SSL certificate

    Select the certificate you imported from the step above [4]

    1. Run echo ${NLB} to get the origin domain.

    2. If you have multiple clusters, ensure the origin name is unique.

    3. This should match the wildcard domain you used to create the custom ingress controller.

    4. This should match the alternate domain name entered above.

  5. Retrieve the Amazon CloudFront Distribution endpoint:

    $ aws cloudfront list-distributions --query "DistributionList.Items[?Origins.Items[?DomainName=='${NLB}']].DomainName" --output text
  6. Update the DNS of your custom wildcard domain with a CNAME to the Amazon CloudFront Distribution endpoint from the step above.

    * CNAME

Deploy a sample application

  1. Create a new project for your sample application by running the following command:

    $ oc new-project hello-world
  2. Deploy a hello world application:

    $ oc -n hello-world new-app
  3. Create a route for the application specifying your custom domain name:

    $ oc -n hello-world create route edge --service=hello-openshift hello-openshift-tls \
    --hostname hello-openshift.${DOMAIN}
  4. Label the route to admit it to your custom ingress controller:

    $ oc -n hello-world label route=waf

Test the WAF

  1. Test that the app is accessible behind Amazon CloudFront:

    $ curl "https://hello-openshift.${DOMAIN}"
    Example output
    Hello OpenShift!
  2. Test that the WAF denies a bad request:

    $ curl -X POST "https://hello-openshift.${DOMAIN}" \
      -F "user='<script><alert>Hello></alert></script>'"
    Example output
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
    <HTML><HEAD><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <TITLE>ERROR: The request could not be satisfied</TITLE>
    <H1>403 ERROR</H1>
    <H2>The request could not be satisfied.</H2>
    <HR noshade size="1px">
    Request blocked.
    We can't connect to the server for this app or website at this time. There might be too much traffic or a configuration error. Try again later, or contact the app or website owner.
    <BR clear="all">
    If you provide content to customers through CloudFront, you can find steps to troubleshoot and help prevent this error by reviewing the CloudFront documentation.
    <BR clear="all">
    <HR noshade size="1px">
    Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront)
    Request ID: nFk9q2yB8jddI6FZOTjdliexzx-FwZtr8xUQUNT75HThPlrALDxbag==

    The expected result is a 403 ERROR, which means the AWS WAF is protecting your application.