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Setting Quotas | Cluster Administration | Azure Red Hat OpenShift 3


Azure Red Hat OpenShift 3.11 will be retired 30 June 2022. Support for creation of new Azure Red Hat OpenShift 3.11 clusters continues through 30 November 2020. Following retirement, remaining Azure Red Hat OpenShift 3.11 clusters will be shut down to prevent security vulnerabilities.

Follow this guide to create an Azure Red Hat OpenShift 4 cluster. If you have specific questions, please contact us


A resource quota, defined by a ResourceQuota object, provides constraints that limit aggregate resource consumption per project. It can limit the quantity of objects that can be created in a project by type, as well as the total amount of compute resources and storage that may be consumed by resources in that project.

Resources Managed by Quota

The following describes the set of compute resources and object types that may be managed by a quota.

A pod is in a terminal state if status.phase in (Failed, Succeeded) is true.

Table 1. Compute Resources Managed by Quota
Resource Name Description


The sum of CPU requests across all pods in a non-terminal state cannot exceed this value. cpu and requests.cpu are the same value and can be used interchangeably.


The sum of memory requests across all pods in a non-terminal state cannot exceed this value. memory and requests.memory are the same value and can be used interchangeably.


The sum of local ephemeral storage requests across all pods in a non-terminal state cannot exceed this value. ephemeral-storage and requests.ephemeral-storage are the same value and can be used interchangeably. This resource is available only if you enabled the ephemeral storage technology preview. This feature is disabled by default.


The sum of CPU requests across all pods in a non-terminal state cannot exceed this value. cpu and requests.cpu are the same value and can be used interchangeably.


The sum of memory requests across all pods in a non-terminal state cannot exceed this value. memory and requests.memory are the same value and can be used interchangeably.


The sum of ephemeral storage requests across all pods in a non-terminal state cannot exceed this value. ephemeral-storage and requests.ephemeral-storage are the same value and can be used interchangeably. This resource is available only if you enabled the ephemeral storage technology preview. This feature is disabled by default.


The sum of CPU limits across all pods in a non-terminal state cannot exceed this value.


The sum of memory limits across all pods in a non-terminal state cannot exceed this value.


The sum of ephemeral storage limits across all pods in a non-terminal state cannot exceed this value. This resource is available only if you enabled the ephemeral storage technology preview. This feature is disabled by default.

Table 2. Storage Resources Managed by Quota
Resource Name Description

The sum of storage requests across all persistent volume claims in any state cannot exceed this value.


The total number of persistent volume claims that can exist in the project.


The sum of storage requests across all persistent volume claims in any state that have a matching storage class, cannot exceed this value.


The total number of persistent volume claims with a matching storage class that can exist in the project.

Table 3. Object Counts Managed by Quota
Resource Name Description


The total number of pods in a non-terminal state that can exist in the project.


The total number of replication controllers that can exist in the project.


The total number of resource quotas that can exist in the project.


The total number of services that can exist in the project.


The total number of secrets that can exist in the project.


The total number of ConfigMap objects that can exist in the project.


The total number of persistent volume claims that can exist in the project.

The total number of image streams that can exist in the project.

You can configure an object count quota for these standard namespaced resource types using the count/<resource>.<group> syntax while creating a quota.

$ oc create quota <name> --hard=count/<resource>.<group>=<quota> (1)
1 <resource> is the name of the resource, and <group> is the API group, if applicable. Use the kubectl api-resources command for a list of resources and their associated API groups.

Setting Resource Quota for Extended Resources

Overcommitment of resources is not allowed for extended resources, so you must specify requests and limits for the same extended resource in a quota. Currently, only quota items with the prefix requests. are allowed for extended resources. The following is an example scenario of how to set resource quota for the GPU resource

  1. Determine how many GPUs are available on a node in your cluster. For example:

    # oc describe node | egrep 'Capacity|Allocatable|gpu'
    Capacity:  2
    Allocatable:  2  0           0

    In this example, 2 GPUs are available.

  2. Set a quota in the namespace nvidia. In this example, the quota is 1:

    # cat gpu-quota.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ResourceQuota
      name: gpu-quota
      namespace: nvidia
      hard: 1
  3. Create the quota:

    # oc create -f gpu-quota.yaml
    resourcequota/gpu-quota created
  4. Verify that the namespace has the correct quota set:

    # oc describe quota gpu-quota -n nvidia
    Name:                    gpu-quota
    Namespace:               nvidia
    Resource                 Used  Hard
    --------                 ----  ----  0     1
  5. Run a pod that asks for a single GPU:

    # oc create pod gpu-pod.yaml
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
      generateName: gpu-pod-
      namespace: nvidia
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
      - name: rhel7-gpu-pod
        image: rhel7
          - name: NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
            value: all
            value: "compute,utility"
          - name: NVIDIA_REQUIRE_CUDA
            value: "cuda>=5.0"
        command: ["sleep"]
        args: ["infinity"]
  6. Verify that the pod is running:

    # oc get pods
    NAME              READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
    gpu-pod-s46h7     1/1       Running     0          1m
  7. Verify that the quota Used counter is correct:

    # oc describe quota gpu-quota -n nvidia
    Name:                    gpu-quota
    Namespace:               nvidia
    Resource                 Used  Hard
    --------                 ----  ----  1     1
  8. Attempt to create a second GPU pod in the nvidia namespace. This is technically available on the node because it has 2 GPUs:

    # oc create -f gpu-pod.yaml
    Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating "gpu-pod.yaml": pods "gpu-pod-f7z2w" is forbidden: exceeded quota: gpu-quota, requested:, used:, limited:

    This Forbidden error message is expected because you have a quota of 1 GPU and this pod tried to allocate a second GPU, which exceeds its quota.

Quota Scopes

Each quota can have an associated set of scopes. A quota will only measure usage for a resource if it matches the intersection of enumerated scopes.

Adding a scope to a quota restricts the set of resources to which that quota can apply. Specifying a resource outside of the allowed set results in a validation error.

Scope Description


Match pods where spec.activeDeadlineSeconds >= 0.


Match pods where spec.activeDeadlineSeconds is nil.


Match pods that have best effort quality of service for either cpu or memory.


Match pods that do not have best effort quality of service for cpu and memory.

A BestEffort scope restricts a quota to limiting the following resources:

  • pods

A Terminating, NotTerminating, and NotBestEffort scope restricts a quota to tracking the following resources:

  • pods

  • memory

  • requests.memory

  • limits.memory

  • cpu

  • requests.cpu

  • limits.cpu

  • ephemeral-storage

  • requests.ephemeral-storage

  • limits.ephemeral-storage

Ephemeral storage requests and limits apply only if you enabled the ephemeral storage technology preview. This feature is disabled by default.

Quota Enforcement

After a resource quota for a project is first created, the project restricts the ability to create any new resources that may violate a quota constraint until it has calculated updated usage statistics.

After a quota is created and usage statistics are updated, the project accepts the creation of new content. When you create or modify resources, your quota usage is incremented immediately upon the request to create or modify the resource.

When you delete a resource, your quota use is decremented during the next full recalculation of quota statistics for the project. A configurable amount of time determines how long it takes to reduce quota usage statistics to their current observed system value.

If project modifications exceed a quota usage limit, the server denies the action, and an appropriate error message is returned to the user explaining the quota constraint violated, and what their currently observed usage stats are in the system.

Requests Versus Limits

When allocating compute resources, each container may specify a request and a limit value each for CPU, memory, and ephemeral storage. Quotas can restrict any of these values.

If the quota has a value specified for requests.cpu or requests.memory, then it requires that every incoming container make an explicit request for those resources. If the quota has a value specified for limits.cpu or limits.memory, then it requires that every incoming container specify an explicit limit for those resources.

Sample Resource Quota Definitions

apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: core-object-counts
    configmaps: "10" (1)
    persistentvolumeclaims: "4" (2)
    replicationcontrollers: "20" (3)
    secrets: "10" (4)
    services: "10" (5)
1 The total number of ConfigMap objects that can exist in the project.
2 The total number of persistent volume claims (PVCs) that can exist in the project.
3 The total number of replication controllers that can exist in the project.
4 The total number of secrets that can exist in the project.
5 The total number of services that can exist in the project.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: openshift-object-counts
  hard: "10" (1)
1 The total number of image streams that can exist in the project.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: compute-resources
    pods: "4" (1)
    requests.cpu: "1" (2)
    requests.memory: 1Gi (3)
    requests.ephemeral-storage: 2Gi (4)
    limits.cpu: "2" (5)
    limits.memory: 2Gi (6)
    limits.ephemeral-storage: 4Gi (7)
1 The total number of pods in a non-terminal state that can exist in the project.
2 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of CPU requests cannot exceed 1 core.
3 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of memory requests cannot exceed 1Gi.
4 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of ephemeral storage requests cannot exceed 2Gi.
5 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of CPU limits cannot exceed 2 cores.
6 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of memory limits cannot exceed 2Gi.
7 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of ephemeral storage limits cannot exceed 4Gi.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: besteffort
    pods: "1" (1)
  - BestEffort (2)
1 The total number of pods in a non-terminal state with BestEffort quality of service that can exist in the project.
2 Restricts the quota to only matching pods that have BestEffort quality of service for either memory or CPU.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: compute-resources-long-running
    pods: "4" (1)
    limits.cpu: "4" (2)
    limits.memory: "2Gi" (3)
    limits.ephemeral-storage: "4Gi" (4)
  - NotTerminating (5)
1 The total number of pods in a non-terminal state.
2 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of CPU limits cannot exceed this value.
3 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of memory limits cannot exceed this value.
4 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of ephemeral storage limits cannot exceed this value.
5 Restricts the quota to only matching pods where spec.activeDeadlineSeconds is set to nil. Build pods will fall under NotTerminating unless the RestartNever policy is applied.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: compute-resources-time-bound
    pods: "2" (1)
    limits.cpu: "1" (2)
    limits.memory: "1Gi" (3)
    limits.ephemeral-storage: "1Gi" (4)
  - Terminating (5)
1 The total number of pods in a non-terminal state.
2 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of CPU limits cannot exceed this value.
3 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of memory limits cannot exceed this value.
4 Across all pods in a non-terminal state, the sum of ephemeral storage limits cannot exceed this value.
5 Restricts the quota to only matching pods where spec.activeDeadlineSeconds >=0. For example, this quota would charge for build or deployer pods, but not long running pods like a web server or database.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ResourceQuota
  name: storage-consumption
    persistentvolumeclaims: "10" (1) "50Gi" (2) "10Gi" (3) "20Gi" (4) "5" (5) "0" (6) "0" (7)
1 The total number of persistent volume claims in a project
2 Across all persistent volume claims in a project, the sum of storage requested cannot exceed this value.
3 Across all persistent volume claims in a project, the sum of storage requested in the gold storage class cannot exceed this value.
4 Across all persistent volume claims in a project, the sum of storage requested in the silver storage class cannot exceed this value.
5 Across all persistent volume claims in a project, the total number of claims in the silver storage class cannot exceed this value.
6 Across all persistent volume claims in a project, the sum of storage requested in the bronze storage class cannot exceed this value. When this is set to 0, it means bronze storage class cannot request storage.
7 Across all persistent volume claims in a project, the sum of storage requested in the bronze storage class cannot exceed this value. When this is set to 0, it means bronze storage class cannot create claims.

Creating a Quota

To create a quota, first define the quota in a file, such as the examples in Sample Resource Quota Definitions. Then, create using that file to apply it to a project:

$ oc create -f <resource_quota_definition> [-n <project_name>]

For example:

$ oc create -f core-object-counts.yaml -n demoproject

Creating Object Count Quotas

You can create an object count quota for all Azure Red Hat OpenShift standard namespaced resource types, such as BuildConfig, and DeploymentConfig. An object quota count places a defined quota on all standard namespaced resource types.

When using a resource quota, an object is charged against the quota if it exists in server storage. These types of quotas are useful to protect against exhaustion of storage resources.

To configure an object count quota for a resource, run the following command:

$ oc create quota <name> --hard=count/<resource>.<group>=<quota>,count/<resource>.<group>=<quota>

For example:

$ oc create quota test --hard=count/deployments.extensions=2,count/replicasets.extensions=4,count/pods=3,count/secrets=4
resourcequota "test" created

$ oc describe quota test
Name:                         test
Namespace:                    quota
Resource                      Used  Hard
--------                      ----  ----
count/deployments.extensions  0     2
count/pods                    0     3
count/replicasets.extensions  0     4
count/secrets                 0     4

This example limits the listed resources to the hard limit in each project in the cluster.

Viewing a Quota

You can view usage statistics related to any hard limits defined in a project’s quota by navigating in the web console to the project’s Quota page.

You can also use the CLI to view quota details:

  1. First, get the list of quotas defined in the project. For example, for a project called demoproject:

    $ oc get quota -n demoproject
    NAME                AGE
    besteffort          11m
    compute-resources   2m
    core-object-counts  29m
  2. Then, describe the quota you are interested in, for example the core-object-counts quota:

    $ oc describe quota core-object-counts -n demoproject
    Name:			core-object-counts
    Namespace:		demoproject
    Resource		Used	Hard
    --------		----	----
    configmaps		3	10
    persistentvolumeclaims	0	4
    replicationcontrollers	3	20
    secrets			9	10
    services		2	10

Known Issues

  • Invalid objects can cause quota resources for a project to become exhausted. Quota is incremented in admission prior to validation of the resource. As a result, quota can be incremented even if the pod is not ultimately persisted. This will be resolved in a future release. (BZ1485375)